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I have been writing for more than 50 years.I still consider myself to it, because I have written only one book. , I have written thousands of letters, more than a hundred e-books and millions of words on the Internet for hundreds of websites.

Though I don’t like foreign languages, I have also been and have learned seven of them. I was to study French, German and Latin for six years at school and Russian for four years at university, yet none of these was as as writing a book of excellent . And I am only talking about here, not plot, although that is obviously too.

Rules change in languages. The strict rules of the 19th century were largely over the following 100 years. However, some rules and that is how it should be too. Rules in writing are very important. And writing is a thing and it involves languages, plots, reader’s preferences, etc. So, who should writing and book competitions? And what rules should they ? Readers buy more books than writers and language experts put together. And writers write for readers, some of might be other writers or teachers. Similarly there has to be a storyline or plot that is of , but who should be the judge of that?

There is an author, John Locke, who sold a million books in five months, yet he was for his style and content by experts, surely he must have been doing something . Currently, most writing competitions are judged by writers and this seems to me. I suggest that if there are five judges, three should be readers, one should be a writer and one should be an English teacher.

1.A. clear B. familiar C. successful D. new

2.A. Thus B. Otherwise C. However D. Therefore

3.A. learned B. left C. met D. formed

4.A. directed B. guided C. taught D. given

5.A. forced B. reminded C. invited D. begged

6.A. quick B. helpful C. simple D. hard

7.A. quality B. price C. service D. meaning

8.A. duty B. language C. writers D. reasons

9.A. difficult B. impossible C. important D. meaningless

10.A. put away B. found out C. carried out D. broken down

11.A. work B. remain C. return D. appear

12.A. challenging B. useless C. hopeful D. boring

13.A. choose B. operate C. judge D. organize

14.A. cover B. follow C. notice D. support

15.A. that B. them C. whom D. these

16.A. interest B. thought C. benefit D. problem

17.A. forgotten B. thanked C. criticized D. praised

18.A. if B. but C. so D. although

19.A. perfect B. wrong C. impolite D. right

20.A. confusing B. normal C. useful D. early

























4. 教;D.given给。结合语境,作者说自己不喜欢外语,但是却被----并且学习了好几种。从这里可以推测,作者是被教了几门外语。故选C


6. B.helpful有帮助的;C.simple简单的;D.hard困难的。结合语境,这里是说学这些语言都没有写一本高质量的好书难,故选D



9. 困难的;B.impossible不可能的;C.important重要的;D.meaningless无意义的。结合句意:我在这里只谈谈语言,不谈情节,尽管那也很明显是重要的。故选C

10. away 拿走;B.found out发现;C.carried out实行;D.broken down坏掉。结合语境,语言的规则千变万化,19世纪的严格的(语法)规则已经在接下来的100年内大幅度损坏了。故选D


12. 挑战性的;B.useless没有用的;C.hopeful有希望的;D.boring糟糕的。结合语境:写作是一件有挑战性的事情,它包括语言、情节、读者的偏好等。故选A

13. 评判;D.organize组织。根据这一段最后一句who should be the judge of that?谁应该是这个的评委?可以推断该空应选C。

14. the rules遵循这些原则。故选B

15. 谁的;D.these这些。这里的代词代指的是前面的readers,这句话的意思是,作者们为读者写书,这些读者中的一些人可能是其他的作者或者老师。故选D

16. B.thought想;C.benefit好处;D.problem问题。结合语境,相似的,必须的有故事线或者情节是有趣的。故选A







科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖北利川文斗乡长顺初级中学高一上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The report came to the British on May 21, 1941. The German battleship (战列舰) Bismarck, the most powerful warship in the world, was moving out into the Atlantic Ocean. Her task: to destroy the ships carrying supplies (补给) from the United States to war-torn England.

The British had feared such a task. No warship they had could match the Bismarck in speed or in firepower. The Bismarck had eight 15-inch guns and 81 smaller guns. She could move at 30 nautical miles (海里) an hour. She was believed to be unsinkable.

However, the British had to sink her. They sent out a task force headed by their best battleship Hood to hunt down the Bismarck. On May 24, the Hood found the Bismarck.

It was a meeting that the German commander Luetjens did not want to see. His orders were to destroy the British ships that were carrying supplies, but to stay away from a fight with British warships.

The battle didn’t last long. The Bismarck’s first torpedo (鱼雷) hit the Hood, which went down taking all but three of her 1,419 men with her.

But in the fight, the Bismarck was a bit damaged. Her commander decided to run for repairs to France, which had at that time been taken by the Germans. The British force followed her. However, because of the Bismarck’s speed and the heavy fog, they lost sight of her.

For two days, every British ship in the Atlantic tried to find the Bismarck, but with no success. Finally, she was sighted by a plane from Ireland. Trying to slow the Bismarck down so that their ships could catch up with her, the British fired at her from the air. The Bismarck was hit.

On the morning of May 27, the last battle was fought. Four British ships fired on the Bismarck, and she was finally sunk.

1.The Bismarck sailed (航行) into the Atlantic Ocean ________.

A. to sink the Hood

B. to gain control of France

C. to cut off American supplies to Britain

D. to stop British warships reaching Germany

2.Many people believed that the Bismarck could not be defeated because she ________.

A. was fast and powerful

B. had more men on board

C. was under Luetjens’ command

D. had bigger guns than other ships

3.We learn from the text that on 24 May ________.

A. the British won the battle against the Bismarck

B. the Bismarck won the battle against the British

C. the British gunfire damaged the Bismarck seriously

D. the Bismarck succeeded in keeping away from the British

4.Luetjens tried to sail to France in order to ________.

A. have the ship repaired B. join the other Germans

C. get help from the French D. get away from the British

5.Which of the following is the immediate cause of the sinking of the Bismarck?

A. The British air strikes.

B. The damage done by the Hood.

C. Gunfire from the British warships.

D. Luetjens’ decision to run for France.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广东南澳县南澳中学高二上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

你听说过波兰首都华沙(Warsaw)一词的由来吗? 这里有一个美丽的传说。

Long long ago,there was a young man.His name was Wars.He lived in a little house near the River Vistula.He went there fishing every day for a living.

One day he saw a beautiful girl in the river.The girl's name was Sawa.From then on,the young man and the beautiful girl met every day.They fell in love with each other.When Wars asked Sawa to marry him.Sawa was very sad.She told him that she was mermaid (美人鱼) and she couldn't marry man.But she said she would give him something when they met again.

The next day,Wars went to the river and met Sawa. Sawa was waiting for him with a sword in her

right hand and a shield(盾)in her left hand.She told Wars that they wouldn't meet again.She gave the

sword and the shield to him.She said he would be successful with the sword and the shield and become a great hero.Then she went away.

Wars missed Sawa very much.He always remembered his first love.What the mermaid had told him came true.Wars became a great hero.He got the land by the River Vistula.There he set up a city. He called it Warsaw.

1.Wars was a ___________when he met Sawa for the first time

A. hero B. fisherman C. mermaid D. soldier

2.Sawa couldn't marry Wars because _______________

A. Sawa was a mermaid B. Sawa didn't love Wars

C. Wars was very poor D. Wars didn't love Sawa

3.Sawa told Wars_____________

A. they would marry later

B. they would leave together

C. he would become a hero

D. he would get much money

4.The name of Poland's capital came from _________________

A. the name of a house

B. the name of a river

C. the name of a mountain

D. the names of Wars and Sawa

5.From this passage, we know that _____________

A. Wars lived in a big house near the River Vistula before he met Sawa

B. Sawa was kind but not pretty

C. Sawa gave Wars nothing but a sword

D. Wars named the city Warsaw to remember his first love


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃嘉峪关第一中学高一上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


1. 对英语有很大的兴趣,曾在学校英语演讲比赛中获得一等奖;

2. 性格开朗,易与他人相处;


注意:1. 词数100-120;2. 开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数;3. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃嘉峪关第一中学高一上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

“Come on! All of us are cutting math. Who wants to take that quiz? We’re going to take a walk and get lunch instead. Let’s go!” says the coolest kid in your class. Do you do what you know is right and go to math class, take the quiz? Or do you give in and go with them?

People who are at your age, like your classmates, are called peers(同龄人). When they try to influence you how to act, to get you to do something, it’s called peer pressure(压力). It’s something everyone has to deal with—even adults.

Peers influence your life, even if you don’t realize it, just by spending time with you. You learn from them, and they learn from you. It’s only human nature to listen to and learn from other people in your age group.

Peers can have a positive influence on each other. Maybe another student in your science class taught you an easy way to remember the planets in the solar system. Or you got others excited about your new favorite book, and now everyone is reading it. Sometimes peers influence each other in negative(消极的) ways. For example, a few kids in school might try to get you to cut class with them.

It’s difficult to say “no” to peer pressure, but you can do it. Paying attention to your own feelings and beliefs about what is right and wrong can help you know the right thing to do.

It can really help to have at least one other peer, or friend, who is willing to say “no” too. If you continue to face peer pressure and you’re finding it difficult to handle, talk to someone you trust, a parent, or a teacher. They can help you feel much better and prepare you for the next time you face peer pressure.

1.With his words in the first paragraph, the kid is ________.

A. planning some interesting activities after school

B. talking about a dinner party

C. asking other kids to take a quiz with him

D. encouraging other kids to cut a class

2.According to the author, _________.

A. peer pressure does kids more harm than good

B. math is the most difficult subject for most kids

C. kids today are under greater pressure than before

D. peer pressure exists among people of all age groups

3.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A. Peer pressure. B. Your time.

C. Your life. D. Human nature.

4.It’s suggested in the last paragraph that the readers _______.

A. make more close friends while at school

B. learn to refuse their friends in a polite way

C. get support from someone else if it’s necessary

D. build closer relations with their parents and teachers


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年甘肃嘉峪关第一中学高二上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Lying on his sickbed in hospital, all 86-year-old Lin Ruiming can do is stare out at a tiny part of sky through the small window. The old man used to ride his motorbike through the busy streets of downtown Beijing. All the while he could only dream of touring the world.

He has been suffering from terminal lymphoma (晚期淋巴瘤) since February. As a last gift, his granddaughter,Lin Yifan,asked China’s Internet population to give her grandfather a shot at globetrotting (环球游). Last week, Lin Ruiming’s image travelled the world, from Sydney Harbor, Australia, to the River Thames in London, UK, and even to a volcano in Auckland, New Zealand.

Lin Yifan, 29, had promised to paint a portrait (画像) of her grandfather, but had almost forgotten her word until the old man got ill. “I had put off the painting for many years because I believed I would have plenty of time to do it,” she said. She spent one evening last week working on a portrait, based on a photo taken on her grandfather’s birthday last year. She posted the portrait on Sina Weibo, and called for Web users to take photos with the portrait in different locations and send them to her on May 11.Over the following five days she received about 20,000 photos, most of which were sent by people she had never met.

She says that her grandfather, while too weak to view all the photos, has said that he is happy. “Thanks to all these helpers, I have become a celebrity (名人) around the world,” the old man joked.

1.The underlined “image” that “travelled the world” actually refers to _______.

A. a photo the girl had taken of the old man B. the old man himself

C. a painted picture mailed from the post office D.a portrait of the old man

2.Lin Yifan put off painting the portrait mainly because _______.

A. her grandfather was seriously ill

B. she believed she could do it anytime

C. she was too busy with her work

D. her grandfather wanted to travel himself

3.Which is the kind of photo Lin Yifan asked Web users to take and send to her?

4.Now the old man _______.

A. is unable to view any pictures

B. has friends all over the world

C. is pleased with the girl’s effort

D.has viewed all the pictures


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广东兴宁第一中学高三上期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Agatha Christie (1890-1976) was born Agatha May Clarissa Miller in Devon, England in 1890, the youngest of three children in a conservative, well-to-do family. Taught at home by a governess and tutors, as a child Agatha Christie never attended school. She became skillful at creating games to keep herself occupied at a very young age. A bashful child, unable to adequately express her feelings, she first turned to music as a means of expression and, later in life, to writing.

In 1914, at the age of 24, she married Archie Christie, a World War I fighter pilot. While he was off at war, she worked as a nurse. It was while working in a hospital during the war that Christie first came up with the idea of writing a detective novel. Although it was completed in a year, it wasn’t published until 1920, five years later.

“The mysterious Affair at Styles” gave the world the unique Hercule Poirot, a retired Belgian police officer who was to become one of the most enduring characters in all of fiction. With his waxed moustache and his “little grey cell,” he was “meticulous (careful to do things correctly), a tidy little man, always neat, orderly and a bit absurd.”

Christie wrote more than 30 novels featuring Poirot. Among the most popular were” The Murder of Roger Ackroyd”(1926), “Murder on the Orient Expredd”(1934), and “Death on the Nile” (1937).

Another of Christie’s most well-known and beloved characters was introduced in “Murder at the Vicarage” in 1930. Miss Jane Marple, an elderly single in the old- fashioned English village of St. Mary Mead, solved all manner of mysteries with intense concentration and instinct.

Christies ultimately (finally)became the acknowledged Queen of the Golden Age. In all, she wrote over 66 novel, numerous short stories and screenplays, and a series of romantic novels using the pen name Mary Westmacott. Several of her works were made into successful feature films, the most notable being Murder on the Orient Express (1974). In short, she is the single most popular mystery writer of all time. In 1971 she was awarded the high honor of becoming a Dame of the British Empire.

1.Which of the following is the correct order in which the events happened?

a. Agatha became a Dame of The British Empire.

b. Agatha worked as a nurse

c. The Mysterious Affair at Styles was published.

d. Murder on the Vicarage Express was published

e. Murder on the Orient Express was filmed

f. Archie Christie went to the front as a fighter pilot.

A. f-b-d-c-e-a B. f-b-c-d-a-e

C. f-d-b-c-a-e D. f-d-c-b-e-a

2.What does the underlined word “bashful” probably mean?

A. Shy B. Conservative C. Stupid D. Sensitive

3.Mary Westmacott is_________________.

A. Agatha’s governess

B. the name of Agatha’s novel

C. another name for Agatha

D. the heroine of Agatha’s novel

4.Which of the following is NOT true about Hercule Poirot?

A. He was once a policeman

B. He paid much attention to details

C. He sometimes seems rather foolish

D. He solved mysterious with a sixth sense

5.In Agatha Christie’s life, What were the most popular novels that she wrote?

A; biography B. detective novel

C. romantic fiction D. science fiction


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广东南澳南澳中学高三上期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Last summer I was a volunteer at a shelter for the homeless, a place for homeless people to sleep at night. I wasn’t working that summer and was ____ only two classes in summer school, so I had some free time.

Three nights a week, I ____ in the kitchen of the shelter along with four other volunteers. We planned and ____ for 45 people hot meals with vegetables, chicken, fish and fruit. The homeless people____ this good food because many of them usually didn’t eat well.

I ____ this volunteer work, making ____ with the four volunteers in the kitchen. One was a very nice elderly housewife, one a movie actor, another a young teacher, and the other a college student, like me.

I talked to a lot of the homeless people at the shelter. Their life stories ____ me with sympathy. Some of them had ____ with alcohol or drugs while others only had bad ____. One woman worked for almost 30 years for a small company, and then she lost her job. She wanted to look for a ____ job, but couldn't find one, for she was too ____. She could do nothing but sell her furniture—sofas, chairs, and tables so that she could pay for her food. The woman ____ on job hunting, but she ____ couldn't find one. She had no money for her ____ and had to sleep in her car. Then she had to sell her car. Alone, ____, and homeless, she finally came to the shelter.

1.A.studying B.planning C.holding D.taking

2.A.helped B.raised C.appeared D.washed

3.A.ordered B.bought C.cooked D.accomplished

4.A.appealed B.required C.collected D.requested

5.A.wanted B.had C.owned D.enjoyed

6.A.decisions B.wishes C.friends D.amateurs(业余爱好者)

7.A.struck B.filled C.deposited(存放) D.provided

8.A.habits B.hardships C.difficulties D.problems

9.A.luck B.pain C.experience D.loss

10.A.challenging B.delicate(精致的) C.skilled D.new

11.A.old B.poor C.sick D.dishonest

12.A.went B.moved C.came D.worked

13.A.partly B.still C.almost D.extremely

14.A.block B.cottage C.building D.flat

15.A.afraid B.unbearable C.dull D.awkward


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广东佛山黄岐高级中学高一下第一次质检英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.What an _______ (非凡的) thing to happen!

2.Mr. William was chosen to ____________ (代表) the company at the conference.

3.The first living ____________(生物) sent into space was a dog named Laika.

4.The dream of my _____ (青春) was to be a scientist.

5.Look! The excellent dancer is dancing ____________(优雅地) on the stage.

6.If you go to New York, you can enjoy the beauty of the S____________ of Liberty by yourself.

7.While traveling, we often find many r____________ paintings on the walls of temples.

8.Mr. Cooper went there with the p____________ of exploring the new land.

9.An a____________ is a person who designs buildings.

10.I’m e_______ sorry to have troubled you.

