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  Compassion is a desire within us to help others. With effort, we can translate compassion into actions. An experience last weekend showed me this is true. I work part-time in a supermarket across from a building for the elderly. These old people are our main customers, and it's not hard to lose patience over their slowness. But last Sunday, one aged gentleman appeared to teach me a valuable lesson. This untidy man walked up to my register(收款机)with a box of biscuits. He said he was out of cash(现金), had just moved into his room, and had nothing in his cupboards. He asked if we could let him have the food on trust. He promised to repay me the next day.

  I couldn't help staring at him. I wondered what kind of person he had been ten or twenty years before, and what he would be like if luck had gone his way. I had a hurt in my heart for this kind of human soul, all alone in the world. I told him that I was sorry, but store rules didn't allow me to do so. I felt stupid and unkind saying this, but I valued my job.

  Just then, another man, standing behind the first, spoke up. If anything, he looked more pitiable.“Charge it to me,”as all he said.

  What I had been feeling was pity. Pity is soft and safe and easy. Compassion, on the other hand, is caring in action. I thanked the second man but told him that was not allowed either. Then I reached into my pocket and paid for the biscuits myself. I reached into my pocket because these two men had reached into my heart and taught me compassion.

(1)The aged gentleman who wanted to buy the biscuits ______.

[  ]

A.promised to obey the store rules

B.forgot to take any money with him

C.hoped to have the food first and pay later

D.could not afford anything more expensive

(2)Which of the following best describes the old gentleman?

[  ]

A.kind and lucky.

B.poor and lonely.

C.friendly and helpful.

D.hurt and disappointed.

(3)The writer acted upon the store rules because ______.

[  ]

A.he wanted to keep his present job

B.he felt no pity for the old gentleman

C.he considered the old man dishonest

D.he expected someone else to pay for the old man

(4)What does the writer learn from his experience?

[  ]

A.Wealth is more important than anything else.

B.Helping others is easier said than done.

C.Experience is better gained through practice.

D.Obeying the rules means more than compassion.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

日常生活中我们经常可以看见一些乞丐在街上或地下人行通道乞讨。最近, 一些大城市如北京、上海等地通过法规禁止乞丐在地下人行通道行乞留宿。你们班就此事进行了讨论。请你根据以下讨论结果用英语写一篇短文。





3.参考词汇:地下人行道 subway     同情心 compassion。

In everyday life we often see some beggars begging in the streets or subways. Recently some big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai have passed the law to ban beggars from subways. We have had a discussion about it...           _____    

______________________________________________________________ _




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

One night, a young school teacher had a dream.In his dream, an angel appeared and said to him, "You will be given a child who will grow up to become a world 26 .How will you prepare him so that he will realize his 27 , grow in confidence, be open-minded, and strong in character? In short, what kind of 28 will you provide so that he can become one of the truly 29 leaders?"

The young teacher 30 in a cold sweat.It had never 31 to him before --- any one of his present or future students could be the person 32 in his dream.Was he preparing them to 33 to any position which they want? He thought, "How might my 34 change if I knew that one of my students was this person?" He 35 began to develop a plan in his mind.

His teaching 36Every young person who walked through his 37 became, for him, a future world leader.He saw each one, not as they were, but as they could be.He 38 the best from his students, yet tempered (使缓和) it with compassion (同情).He taught each one 39 the future of the world depended on his instruction.

After many years, a man he taught rose to a 40 of world prominence (著名).Of all the various teachers in his life, he was the 41

Children are 42 messages we send to a time and place we will never see.Believe that one child's 43 may depend upon influence only you can provide, and something remarkable will 44 For no young person will ever be 45 to you again.And you will never be the same.

26.A.businessman B.teacher C.leader D.doctor

27.A.intelligence B.wealth C.memory D.name

28.A.food       B.education C.stage D.power

29.A.polite B.rich C.brave D.great

30.A.nodded B.stopped C.awoke D.stood

31.A.shown B.turned C.given D.occurred

32.A.described B.reported C.saved D.born

33.A.lead       B.rise C.point D.stick

34.A.appearance    B.teaching C.accent D.driving

35.A.possibly B.immediate C.regular D.gradually

36.A.stayed      B.changed C.formed D.paused

37.A.classroom    B.village C.company D.dream

38.A.accepted     B.took C.expected D.kept

39.A.unless      B.because C.only if D.as if

40.A.type B.position C.cause D.case

41.A.best B.smartest C.strongest D.busiest

42.A.strange B.short C.living D.flying

43.A.nationality B.habit C.grade D.future

44.A.break B.happen C.end D.return

45.A.ordinary B.similar C.important D.familiar


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

When Teresa,a widow with four young children,saw a notice from her church for all members to gather to deliver presents and food to a 36 family,she took $10 out of her savings jar and bought some ingredients to make three dozen 37 .She got to the church parking lot just in time to join the convoy(护送队)going to the home that was to 38 the people’s help.

The route was 39 ,and she was astonished when the cars pulled up in front of her house.When the pastor saw her,he said,“ We 40 expected you to join us , Teresa.We know it’s been a great 41 since your husband died,and we all wanted to 42  you.”

Although she was  43 being the object of charity,Teresa didn’t want to 44 anyone so she 45 said,“ Well,at least I can share these cookies with our   46 .”

This parable teaches us that no one is too 47  to help others and that true charity is rooted in love and compassion. 48  of spirit is worse than economic distress.Teresa’s story 49 us that very few of us give as much as we could and should.

My friend Larry Rosen,president of the YMCA of Metropolitan Los Angeles 50 me to the concept of “ sacrificial giving”— 51  in a large quantity up to a

point where one must 52 something that is desired.

You can start out easy.Take whatever 53 you are thinking of giving to charity,then  54 it.If that’s too much, increase it by 50 percent instead.The 55 is to stretch yourself.It will mean a lot to those you help,but it will mean as much to your heart.

36.A.wealthy       B.big          C.needy         D.noble

37.A.cookies       B.cakes         C .buns         D.rolls

38.A.offer         B.receive        C.expect        D.refuse

39.A.pleasant      B.lengthy         C.rough         D.familiar

40.A.just          B.never         C.even          D.seldom

41.A.failure        B.comfort        C.struggle        D.success

42.A.satisfy        B.invite          C.support       D.remember

43.A.unnatural       B.uncomfortable  C.unhappy       D.unfortunate

44.A.trouble            B.embarrass     C.bother             D.annoy

45.A.humbly        B.openly        C.cheerfully      D.clearly

46.A.children       B.friends         C.relatives       D.neighbors

47.A.weak        B.generous         C.poor           D.patient

48.A.Power         B.Poverty        C.Importance     D.Source

49.A.ensures       B.informs        C.reminds      D.proves

50.A.introduced      B.presented      C.led          D.directed

51.A.taking        B.giving         C.going       D.asking

52.A.reject        B.win          C.obtain       D.quit

53.A.weight        B.size         C.load         D.amount

54.A.calculate      B.double        C.record       D.analyze

55.A.idea         B.way         C.advice       D.guidance


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Do Americans have morals? That’s a good question. Moral values in America are like those in any  1 .

One of the most 2 moral values for Americans is honesty. The well-known 3 about George Washington and the cherry tree teaches this value 4 .Little George cut down his father’s favorite cherry tree 5 trying out his new hatchet. When his father asked him about it, George said, “I cannot tell a lie. I did it with my hatchet.” Instead of 6 ,George received praise. Sometimes American honesty-being open and direct-can  7 people. But Americans still believe that “honesty is the best policy.”

Another  8 Americans respect is perseverance(毅力).Remember Aesop’s fable about the turtle and the rabbit that had a  9 ?The rabbit thought he could 10 easily, so he took a nap. But the turtle finally won because he did not  11 .

Compassion(同情)may be the queen of American virtues. The story of “The Good Samaritan” from the Bible  12 a man who showed compassion. On his way to a  13 city, a Samaritan man found a poor traveler lying on the road. The kind Samaritan,  14 just passing by, stopped to help this person in need. Compassion can even turn into a positive 15 .In autumn 1992, people in Iowa sent truckloads of water to help Floridians  16 by a hurricane. The next summer, during the Midwest flooding, Florida  17 the favor.

In no way can this brief description  18 all the moral values honored by Americans. Courage, responsibility,  19 , gratitude and many others could be discussed. But no matter how long or how short the list, moral values are  20 .

1.A.continent   B.character  C.content   D.culture

2.A.lovely    B.basic    C.particular  D.scientific


3.A.novel     B.joke     C.legend    D.music

4.A.politely   B.clearly   C.easily    D.slightly

5.A.while     B.for     C.whereas   D.as

6.A.agreement   B.punishment  C.achievement D.argument

7.A.puzzle    B.injure    C.interrupt  D.offend

8.A.person    B.action    C.virtue    D.system

9.A.quarrel    B.race     C.fight    D.trip

10.A.win     B.fail     C.defeat    D.beat

11.A.slow down  B.come up   C.give up   D.fall off

12.A.describes  B.praises   C.tells    D.mentions

13.A.lonely    B.alone    C.certain   D.deserted

14.A.inspite of  B.on account of        C.as a result of D.instead of

15.A.row     B.circle    C.movement   D.action

16.A.hurt     B.destroyed  C.ruined    D.hit

17.A.offered   B.returned   C.honored   D.reminded

18.A.cover    B.respect   C.shape    D.reflect

19.A.strength   B.silence   C.loyalty   D.reality

20.A.invaluable  B.honorable  C.unbelievable D.invisible



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

 Lulu is a brave pet in our house.

  As you know, there are a lot of forest fires during the summer season. Many forests are badly _36_ by fire each year. Not far from our house, a forest caught fire during this summer. We were in a heatwave(热浪) which had been _37_ for three days.

  Lulu rushed towards the forest where flames sent out a terrible _38_. I no longer had any hope that Lulu would come _39_ to the house. In fact, I was waiting for the firemen to announce his _40_ in the forest, when suddenly, a fireman burst into my house and _41_ me that my dog Lulu had _42_ to save four kittens(小猫) who were trapped by the flames. According to the fireman, Lulu seized the kittens, one by one moving them to a _43_ place. I immediately accompanied the fireman to the forest to _44_ the rescued kittens. When we arrived at the _45_of the incident, we found Lulu was not _46_. Then we heard the _47_ of a dog came from the forest barking furiously(猛烈地). I _48_ it was my dog Lulu. The fireman followed the tracks(踪迹) of the dog until we found him barking _49_ by the side of an injured fireman who was lying on the ground and desperately(绝望地) _50_ rescue. Thanks to Lulu, four kittens and a fireman were saved.

  That day, I was very _51_ of Lulu for his two heroic _52_ toward the kittens and the fireman. Lulu showed much compassion(同情) for both animals _53_ him and for a human being who was trying to _54_ the fire with his colleagues.

  This true story of genuine(真诚的) love and compassion shows us that pets are loving, _55_ and compassionate. We should love and protect them. One day they could do us a good turn.

36. A. damaged     B. injured       C. wounded     D. hurt

37. A. taking on    B. coming on     C. going on     D. keeping on

38. A. heat         B. energy         C. fever          D. burn

39. A. by          B. round         C. up           D. back

40. A. return      B. honor         C. death        D. action

41. A. warned     B. informed     C. communicated   D. gave

42. A. tired         B. wanted        C. managed        D. failed

43. A. safe        B. cool          C. lonely        D. beautiful

44. A. pick out    B. pick up       C. bring on       D. bring up

45. A. scene       B. position       C. situation      D. view

46. A. here       B. out           C. in          D. there

47. A. voice      B. noise         C. accent       D. sound

48. A. acknowledged B. recognized   C. heard           D. listened

49. A. heavily      B. strongly      C. loudly         D. happily

50. A. waiting for   B. waiting on    C. asking for      D. looking for

51. A. surprised     B. satisfied       C. shamed       D. proud

52. A. things        B. actions        C. do              D. reaction

53. A. as        B. like          C. for           D. to

54. A. put off    B. put away        C. put up          D. put out

55. A. careful    B. careless       C. caring        D. carefree

