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One Christmas Eve, my husband made his way home from work.  36 , he worked the entire day but let his stuff go  37  so that they could be with their families.
He drove down the street and made the  38  towards our home. On one side of the road, an old man stood, drenched to the bone (被雨淋得湿透了), with his hand  39 . The rain had been  40  heavily that day. My husband stopped, and asked him where he was  41 . He wanted to go about five miles past our home, but my husband still told him to  42 . My husband chatted with him, drove  43  our house and took him home for his Christmas Eve.  44  turned out that this poor man was what we now  45  as a “slow learner” and the only job he could get to  46  him and his elderly mother was at the bakery near where my husband worked. He worked from 5 a.m. until 1 o’clock in the  47 . Not only that, but that poor man had been standing there trying to get a ride on Christmas Eve for about 5 hours  48  my husband picked him up.  49  else would give him a ride because they didn’t want to get their seats  50 .
Over the years my husband  51  to give him a ride home whenever he saw him trying to get a ride. When he passed  52 , my husband went to his funeral.  53  my husband didn’t know his family, they knew of him. Even his twin sister who  54  in the state of Washington knew who my husband was and everyone thanked him for his  55  toward one who had so little.
An act of kindness can make another person’s day, or even their life.
A.As well
B.As usual
C.If possible
D.If so
A.get out
B.get off
C.get down
D.get in
A.round up
B.refer to
C.conclude with
D.name after
D.No one


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

What is intelligence (智力) anyway? When I was in the army I   21  an intelligence test that all soldiers took, and, against   22  of 100, scored 160.                             
I had an auto-repair man once, who, on these intelligence tests, could not   23  have scored more than 80.   24 , when anything went wrong with my car I hurried to him—and he always   25  it.
Well, then suppose my auto-repair man   26  questions for some intelligence test. By every one of them I'd prove myself a   27 . In a world where I have to work with my   28 , I'd do poorly.
Consider my auto-repair man   29 . He had a habit of telling   30 . One time he said, “Doc, a deaf-and-dumb(聋哑) man   31   some nails. Having entered a store, he put two fingers together on the counter and made   32  movements with the other hand. The clerk brought him a hammer. He   33  his head and pointed to the two fingers he was hammering. The clerk   34  him some nails. He picked out the right size and left. Well, Doc, the   35 man who came in was blind. He wanted scissors (剪刀).   36  do you suppose he asked for them?” I lifted my right hand and made scissoring movements with my first two fingers. He burst out laughing and said, “Why, you fool, he used his   37  and asked for them. I've been   38  that on all my customers today, but I knew   39  I'd catch you.” “Why is that?” I asked. “Because you are so goddamned educated, Doc. I knew you couldn't be very   40  .”
And I have an uneasy feeling he had something there.
A.an averageB.a totalC.an examD.a number
A.alwaysB. possiblyC.certainlyD.frequently
A.againB.as usualC.tooD.as well
A.for sureB.at onceC.in factD.right now


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Thanksgiving Day is a special holiday in the United States and Canada.Families and friends gather to eat and give thanks for their blessing.
Thanksgiving Day is really a harvest festival.This is why it is celebrated in late fall,after the crops are in. But one of the first thanksgivings in America had nothing to do with a good harvest.On December 4,1619,the Pilgrims from England landed near what is now Charles City,Virginia.They knelt down and thanked God for their safe journey across the Atlantic.
The first New England Thanksgiving did celebrate a rich harvest.The Pilgrims landed at what is now Plymouth,Massachusetts,in 1620.They had a difficult time and the first winter was cruel.Many of the Pilgrims died. But the next year,they had a good harvest.So Governor Bradford declared a three­day feast (盛宴).The Pilgrims invited Indian friends to join them for their special feast. Everyone brought food.
In time,other colonies (殖民地) began to celebrate a day of thanksgiving. But it took years before there was a national Thanksgiving Day. During the Civil War,Sarah Josepha Hale persuaded Abraham Lincoln to do something about it. He proclaimed (宣布) the last Thursday of November 1863 as a day of thanksgiving. Today, Americans celebrate this happy harvest festival on the fourth Thursday in November.Canadians celebrate Thanksgiving Day in much the same way as their American neighbours.But the Canadian Thanks­giving Day falls on the second Monday in October.
小题1:Thanksgiving Day is celebrated         .
A.in springB.in summer
C.in autumnD.in winter
小题2:The first to celebrate thanksgiving were         .
A.some people from England
B.the American Indians
C.Sarah Josepha Hale
D.Governor Bradford
小题3:We can infer from the passage that New England must be         .
A.in the U.S.A.
B.in Great Britain
C.in Canada
D.on some island off the Atlantic
小题4:Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Thanksgiving Day used to be a holiday to celebrate a good harvest.
B.Abraham Lincoln was not the first to decide on thanksgiving celebrations.
C.Thanksgiving Day is celebrated to express the American and Indian people’s thanks to God.
D.There’s little difference between the American way and the Canadian way to celebrate Thanksgiving Day.
小题5:The passage mainly tells us         .
A.how Thanksgiving Day is celebrated in the U.S.A.
B.how Thanksgiving Day came into being and the different ways it is celebrated
C.that Thanksgiving Day is in fact a harvest holiday
D.how the way to celebrate Thanksgiving Day changed with the time and places


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Experts say that it is not easy to get used to life in a new culture. “Culture shock” is the term specialists use when talking about the feelings that people have in a new environment. “There are three stages of culture shock,” say the specialists. In the first stage, the newcomers like their new environment. Then, when the fresh experience dies, they begin to hate the city, the country, the people, and everything else. In the last stage, the newcomers begin to adjust to their surroundings and, as a result, enjoy their life more.
  There are some obvious factors in culture shock. The weather may be unpleasant. The customs may be different. The public service systems---the telephone, post office, or transportation---may be difficult to work out. The simplest things seem to be big problems. The language may be difficult.
  Who feels culture shock? Everyone does in this way or that. But culture shock surprises most people. Very often the people having the worst culture shock are those who never had any difficulties in their home countries and were successful in their community. Coming to a new country, these people find they do not have the same established positions. They find themselves without a role, almost without an identity.
  They have to build a new self-image.
  Culture shock gives rises to a feeling of disorientation (迷惘). This feeling may be homesickness. When homesick, people feel like staying inside all the time. They want to protect themselves from the strange environment, and create and escape inside their room for a sense of security. This escape does solve the problem of culture shock for the short term, but it does nothing to make the person familiar with the culture. Getting to know the new environment and gaining experience are the long-term solutions to the problem of culture shock. 
小题1: When people move to a new country, they _________.
A.will get used to their new surroundings with difficulty
B.have well prepared for the new surroundings
C.will get used to the culture of the country quickly
D.will never be familiar with culture of the country
小题2:According to the passage, factors that give rise to culture shock include all of the following except __________.
A.language communicationB.weather conditions and customs
C.public service systemsD.homesickness
小题3:When people are homesick, they tend to ________.
A.find some people to talk toB.go outside to have a walk
C.visit their friends far awayD.stay indoors all the time
小题4:The writer tells us that the best way to overcome culture shock is to _______.
A.protect ourselves from unfamiliar environmentB.develop a strange sense of self-protection
C.get familiar with new cultureD.return to our own country


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There are a lot of differences in life in the US that you can only learn by living here. However, we will try to introduce you to some of the more important cultural differences.
Personal Space
When two people are talking to each other, they tend to stand a distance apart. Each person has an invisible boundary (界限) around their body into which other people may not come.
Interestingly,the average personal distance varies from culture to culture. Americans tend to require more personal space than in other cultures. So if you try to get too close to an American during your conversation, he or she will feel that you are “in their face” and will try to back away.
Try to avoid physical contact while you are speaking, since this may also lead to discomfort.
Restaurants do not include a service charge in the bill, so you should tip the waiter 15% of the total bill. If service is slow or particular bad, some Americans will tip only 10%. If service is particularly good, it is appropriate to tip 20%. If service is so bad that you will never eat in the restaurant again, leave two cents. It tells the waiter that you haven’t forgotten to leave a tip. Tipping is only appropriate in restaurants which offer table service. You do not tip the cashier in a fast food restaurant.
To wave goodbye or hello to someone, raise your hand and wave it from side to side, not front to back. Wave the whole hand, not just the fingers. Waving the hand front to back or the fingers up and down means “no”, “stop”, or “go away’. Holding your hand up with the palm facing forward but no movement means “stop”.
If you want to point at an object, extend the index finger and use it to point at the object. It is not polite to point at people.
Although showing your fist with the thumb up or your open hand with the tips of the thumb and index finger together forming an “O” means “OK”, these are stereotypes (老套). Americans understand these gestures, but they are mainly used by actors in movies, not in real life.
小题1: If an American to whom you are speaking backs away a little, you’d better __________.
A.not try to close the gapB.stop talking with him or her
C.back away tooD.ask him or her what happened
小题2:Which of the following statements is TRUE when you eat out in the US?
A.The tip always ranges from 10% to 20% of the total bill.
B.You needn’t leave a tip if you will never eat in the restaurant.
C.It’s unnecessary to tip the waiter in a restaurant.
D.Tipping is not necessary in fast food restaurants.
小题3:Which of the following gestures is not used in Americans’ daily life?
A               B.             C.               D.
小题4:We can learn from the passage that in the US ___________________.
A.it’s natural to touch each other in a conversation.
B.it’s polite to leave a tip though the service is bad.
C.there is only one gesture meaning “stop”.
D.Americans use the same gesture to point at people and objects.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Australian Flag Designs by Readers of the Sun-Herald
We received dozens of responses after inviting readers to send in their designs for a new flag. The designs we received include:
James Anthony, Drummoyne
James reduces the Union Jack down in size and changes its shape to become a reminder of the British tradition rather than canceling it altogether. At the same time he suggests enlarging the stars of the Southern Cross. His design attempts to use the best of both worlds in a newly designed flag.
As he says, “the British part of the Australian Flag is too big and the Australian bits are too small. When you make the stars bigger the Australian flag can look impressive.”
Joe Bollen, Turranmurra
Joe’s flag has the main elements of a risen sun, white horizon(地平线), red earth at the base and the Southern Cross. He intends to make the risen sun a special Australian symbol on the flag. He believes it represents life. The Southern Cross shows that we live in the Southern Hemisphere. (半球)
Maria Ieraci, Sydney
Maria deleted the Union Jack but otherwise kept the flag as is with the Southern Cross and Federation Star. She says, ‘There is only one correct way to change the Australian flag” and that is “to drop the Union Jack ---- when Australia becomes a Republic”, which she hopes will be before 2010.
Ron Bennett, Sydney
Ron recommends using the Aboriginal colors but replacing their image of the sun with the map of Australia. He says, “Australia is unique being an island continent with an instantly recognizable outline at that” and “this will leave no doubt as to which country the flag belongs.”
小题1:Which of the four designs can remind you of the past of the country?
小题2:The Southern Cross in some of the designs represents _________.
A.the spirit of the nationB.the position of the country
C.the tradition of BritainD.the expectations of the people
小题3:What does the Union Jack refer to?
A.the British flagB.A former British ruler
C.group of starsD.A former symbol of Australia
小题4:Which of the following shows the correct matches of the designs and their designers?
A.by Maria by Ron by Joe by James
B.by Joeby Mariaby James by Ron
C. by Ron by James by Maria by Joe
D.by Jamesby Joe by Ron by Maria


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

In November, 2010, the CPI ( consumer price index) went up by 5.1 percent year-on-year(同比). The price grew by 4.9 percent in cities and 5.6 percent in rural areas. The food price went up by 11.7 percent while the non-food price increased by 1.9 percent.
Grouped by commodity(商品) categories, in November, of the eight categories of commodities, six of them experienced prices rise and two witnessed prices decline. Of which, prices for food went up by 11.7 percent; prices for tobacco, liquor and articles rose by 1.6 percent; price for clothing went down by 0.7 percent; prices for household facilities, articles and maintenance services went up by 0.7 percent; health care and personal articles rose by 4.0 percent; transportation and communication went down by 0.7 percent; recreation, education, culture articles and services grew by 0.6 percent, and housing went up by 5.8 percent.
In November this year, the month-on-month(环比)change of consumer price was up by 1.1 percent. Of which, price in cities went up by 1.0 percent and that in rural areas went up by 1.3 percent.
The food price rose by 2.0 percent and the non-food price increased by 0.6 percent. The price of consumer goods grew by 1.5 percent, and the price of services went down by 0.2 percent.
Grouped by commodity categories, in November, prices for food rose by 2.0 percent month-on-month, of which the price for fresh vegetables decreased by 1.9 percent; prices for tobacco, liquor and articles increased by 0.2 percent, price for clothing went up by 1.6 percent, prices for household facilities, articles and maintenance services increased by 0.4 percent, health care and personal articles grew by 0.7 percent; transportation and communication maintained the same level, recreation, education, culture articles and services dropped by 1.0 percent, and housing went up by 1.8 percent.
小题1: We can infer from the text that the price of _______ has been rising faster than the other three.
小题2:According to the passage, a coat worth ¥500 in October may cost you ______ in November.
小题3:What’s the best title for this passage ?
A.The Food Price Went Up by 11.7 Percent in November
B.The Reasons for the Price Increase of Various Commodities in November
C.The Price Grew by 4.9 Percent in Cities and 5.6 Percent in Rurall Areas in November
D.China Inflation(通货膨胀)Went Up by 5.1 Percent in November


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Making a film takes a long time and is very hard work. Writing the story for the film may take many weeks. Shooting (拍摄) the film often takes at least six months. Actors and camera men work from very early in the morning until late at night. Each scene has to be acted and re-acted, filmed and re-filmed, until it is just fine. Sometimes the same scene has to be acted many times.
The film studio is like a large factory, and the indoor stages are very big indeed. Scenery of all kinds is made in the studio. Churches, houses, and forests are all built of wood and cardboard. Several hundred people work together to make one film. Some of these people are the actors and actresses. The director of the film, however, is the most important person in a film studio. He decides how the scenes should be filmed and how the actors should act.
Most people go to see a film because they know the film stars are in it. Sometimes the film may be very poor. It is best to choose a film made by a good director. Some famous directors make their films very real; people feel that they themselves are among the people in the films.
小题1: Making a film is ________ .
A.very simpleB.quite funny
C.quite interestingD.not very easy
小题2: The director of a film ________ .
A.says how only one scene should be filmed
B.tells the actors and actresses how they should not act
C.is the most important person in a film studio
D.all the above
小题3: Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Writing the story for the film is a part of making a film.
B.The indoor stages in the film studio are very big.
C.All of the people in film making are actors and actresses.
D.Shooting the film often takes many months.
小题4:The best title for the passage is "________ ".
A.Writing the StoryB.Actors and Actresses
C.A DirectorD.Making a Film


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

If there is something that appears most frequently on Chinese dining tables, it is doufu—beancurd. Beancurd looks like soft cakes and it’s made from dried soybeans. Beancurd used to be considered a favourite of the poor because of its low cost. Beans have high yields (产量) every year with their short growing period and suitability for various soil both dry and wet.
Historical records show beancurd was invented by Liu An, Prince of Huainan and uncle of Emperor Wu of Han Dynasty(206BC—220AD). He had a dream of finding the pill for longevity (长寿). He traveled all over the country and found soybeans, which looked much the same as gold in terms of colour. He collected soybeans, put them in the water and crushed them into pulp (浆). It got solidified (凝固) and became known as doufu. Although it’s not able to keep longevity, it’s really good for one’s health with high protein and low fat.
With a long history, beancurd is rooted deep in Chinese culture. People eat more meat and fish than beancurd. But they are encouraged to have beancurd every once in a while for it’s really good for health. Most Chinese people still keep beancurd as one of their favourite dishes.
小题1: Why was beancurd considered to be liked by the poor?
A.It’s cheap.B.It’s easy to cook.
C.It’s easy to make.D.It’s good for health.
小题2: Where can beans grow well?
A.Only in wet soil.B.In dry soil.
C.In soft soil.D.In any soil.
小题3: Why did Liu An travel all over the country?       
A.He had a dream.
B.He wanted to find something that could make people live longer.
C.He wanted to invent beancurd.
D.He wanted to find gold.

