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7.Guinness World Records has long been recording some of the most amazing and astonishing travel and tourism facts.Here we are sharing some of the most unbelievable record-breaking accounts,all fully fact-checked and Guinness-approved.
Largest Ice Structure----The Ice Hotel in Sweden
Each year,the ice hotel in Jukkasjarvi,Sweden,is rebuilt from blocks of frozen ice from the nearby River Torne.Covering an area of 5,500square metres,the hotel is unsurprisingly open seasonally,from December to March,when it melts away.In2015,the hotel celebrated its 25th anniversary,complete with an ice bar,an ice church and ice bedrooms-one even featured a London Tube carriage made entirely of ice.
Tallest Waterfall-Angel Falls,Venezuela
The largest waterfall by vertical(垂直的)area may be Victoria Falls,which sit on the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia,but it's South America that's home to the world's tallest.
Angel Falls,located in Bolivar,Venezuela,has an impressive,uninterrupted drop of 807metres.
It was actually named after the American pilot,Jimmie Angel,who first recorded it in his logbook on November 16,1933.
Largest Area of Glowing Sea-Indian Ocean,near Somalia
Bioluminescence(生物体发光)is the production and emission of light by a living thing and can be used to explain the surprising phenomenon(现象)of"glowing oceans."
It was in 1995that scientists detected glowing sea in the Indian Ocean-just off the coast of Somalia-via satellite,The water was more than 250kilometres long,and it was all thanks to the bacteria called phytoplankton.
Most Expensive Hotel Room-The Royal Penthouse Suite at Geneva's Hotel President Wilsom
This particular suite is just the ticket,costing as much as US$83,000(£53,760)per night.
But the high price will gain you access to 12bedrooms and 12marble bathrooms across 18,000square feet.
25.Where is the tallest waterfall situated?B
A.Between Zimbabwe and Zambia
B.In South America
C.In northern Europe
D.In South Africa
26.What can we learn about the largest area of glowing sea?C
A.It was first recorded in 1933
B.It was named after an American pilot
C.It was first detected by satellite
D.It is the only sea that is glowing
27.What can you experience if you go to the Royal Penthouse Suite at Geneva's Hotel President Wilson?B
A.The most beautiful natural scenery
B.The most expensive and luxurious suite
C.The largest and most powerful waterfall
D.The largest rooms
28.Where might we find this text?B
A.In a cultural book
B.In a travel magazine
C.In a fashion magazine    
D.In an instruction book.

分析 本文主要介绍了几个世界之最:最大的冰结构----瑞典的冰旅馆、最高的瀑布----天使瀑布、印度洋最大发光的海域、最昂贵的酒店----皇家阁楼套房,以及在此可以享受的服务.

解答 25.B 细节理解题.根据文章The largest waterfall by vertical(垂直的)area may be Victoria Falls,which sit on the border between Zimbabwe and Zambia,but it's South America that's home to the world's tallest.可知,世界上最高的瀑布在南美.故选B.
26.C细节理解题.根据文章It was in 1995that scientists detected glowing sea in the Indian Ocean-just off the coast of Somalia-via satellite,The water was more than 250kilometres long,and it was all thanks to the bacteria called phytoplankton.1995年,科学家们发现发光的海在印度海岸Ocean-just Somalia-via卫星,水长250多公里,这都是由于浮游植物.故选C.
27.B 细节理解题.根据文章最后的介绍This particular suite is just the ticket,costing as much as US$83,000(£53,760)per night.But the high price will gain you access to 12bedrooms and 12marble bathrooms across 18,000square feet.可知,这里有最昂贵、奢华的套房.故选B.
28.B 推理判断题.本文主要介绍了几个世界之最以及在此可以享受的服务.所以最可能出现在旅游杂志上.故选B.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Mrs.Packletide intended to shoot a tiger.Not that the desire to kill had suddenly come to her,or that she felt she would leave India safer with one wild beast less.It was because Loona Bimberton had recently taken a plane to the forest and killed a tiger,and the newspapers showed photographs of Loona Bimberton with a tiger-skin on.In a world supposed to be moved by hunger and by love,Mrs.Packletide's movements were largely governed by dislike of Loona Bimberton.
     Circumstances proved favorable.Mrs.Packletide had offered a thousand rupees (印度卢比) for the opportunity of shooting a tiger without risk or effort,and it happened that an old tiger was frequently coming to a neighboring village at night.He was so old that he couldn't kill animals in the wild and just satisfied his appetite to the smaller household animals.The villagers were eager to earn the thousand rupees; children were posted night and day in the jungle to watch the tiger,and the cheap goats were left about to keep him from going elsewhere.The one great fear was that he should die of old age before the day of Mrs.Packletide's shoot.
    The great night arrived.A platform had been built in a tree,on which sat Mrs.Packletide and her paid companion,Miss Mebbin.A goat with a loud bleat (咩咩叫) was tied down at the correct distance.With an accurate gun,they waited for the coming of the tiger.
"I suppose we are in some danger?"said Miss Mebbin.
    She was not actually nervous about the wild beast,but she was unwilling to perform a bit more service than she had been paid for.
"It's a very old tiger.It couldn't spring up here even if it wanted to."said Mrs.Packletide.
    Their conversation was cut short by the appearance of the old tiger.He saw the goat,and lay on the earth for a short rest before attacking.
      The gun fired very loudly,and the great yellow beast jumped to one side and then rolled over in the stillness of death.In a moment a crowd of excited villagers appeared on the scene,and their shouting carried the glad news to the village.
    It was Miss Mebbin who found that the goat was dying from a bullet-wound,while no wound could be found on the tiger.Evidently the wrong animal had been hit,and the tiger had died of heart-failure,caused by the sudden loud noise of the gun.Mrs.Packletide was annoyed at the discovery; but anyway,she owned a dead tiger,and the villagers,anxious for their thous and rupees,gladly accepted the fiction that she had shot the tiger.And Miss Mebbin was a paid companion.Therefore Mrs.Packletide faced the cameras with a light heart,and her pictures appeared on the newspapers of England and America.As for Loona Bimberton,she refused to look at a newspaper for weeks,and was in a depressed emotion for quite some time.
    Mrs.Packletide's tiger-skin was inspected and admired by the neighbors,and Mrs.Packletide went to the Costume Ball in the character of Diana (狩猎女神).
"How amused everyone would be if they knew what really happened,"said Miss Mebbin a few days after the ball.
"What do you mean?"asked Mrs.Packletide quickly.
"How you shot the goat and frightened the tiger to death,"said Miss Mebbin,with her unpleasant laugh.
"No one would believe it,"said Mrs.Packletide,her face changing color rapidly.
"Loona Bimberton would,"said Miss Mebbin.
    Mrs.Packletide's face settled on greenish white."You surely wouldn't give me away?"she asked.
"I've seen a weekend cottage near Dorking,"said Miss Mebbin,"six hundred and eighty.Quite a bargain,only I don't happen to have the money."
    Miss Mebbin possessed the pretty weekend cottage.Mrs.Packletide lost interest in animal-hunting.
"The extra expenses are so heavy,"she said to inquiring friends.
62.Mrs.Packletide planned to shoot a tiger because sheD.
A.would leave India safer                  
B.hated the wild animal
C.admired her good friend                  
D.disliked a certain person
63.What did Mrs.Packletide want the villagers to arrange for her?D
A.A platform in a tree.
B.A paid companion.
C.An accurate gun.
D.A safe shooting.
64.What was the result of Mrs.Packletide's shooting?C
A.The old tiger was shot to death.
B.Neither the tiger nor the goat was shot.
C.The old tiger missed being shot.
D.Both the goat and the tiger were shot.
65.What is the message conveyed in the story?D
A.Life is hard for one to predict.
B.Everything comes for a reason.
C.It's unwise to keep bad company.
D.False pride costs more than expected.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18."Angie,I know you like to sing,"her father,a worker,told Angela Brown,"but you must have something to fall back on (依靠)."
Brown took her father's advice.She got a degree in secretarial science before enering Oakwood College,in Huntsville,Alabama.However,her aim was to become a singer at religious meetings.So after graduation she headed for Indiana University to study with the famus soprano (女高音歌手) Virginia Zeani.
Once,when Brown was troubled by self-doubt,Zeani said to her,"If you want to be the next Aretha Franklin,you need no more lessons,"Brown remembers her saying."But if you want to be the best Verdian soprano this world has ever seen,you must work."
Work she did.Three times she competed in the Metropolitan Opera National Council Auditions (试演).Three times she failed to make the final round in New York.Then,in 1997at age 33,the age limit for sopranos to audition,she gave it one more try.She signed up at the last minute and didn't even practice,thinking,"All they could do was to tell me no,and that didn't hurt my feelings anymore."She had the strength she needed to fall back on if she failed.
She won.But making it in New York was just the beginning.It took her three more years to become an understudy (替角) at the Met.But waiting in the wings was fine with her.Finally,her time came.When the featured singer fell ill,Brown earned the chance to sing the lead role in Aida.And The New York Times described her performance as a great success.Angela Brown,who had prepared for 20years,was an"overnight"successful singer at age 40.
56.The underlined words"Aretha Franklin"in Paragraph 3probably refer to"".C
A.one of Virginia Zeani's students
B.an unsuccessful singer
C.another famous singer
D.an understudy at the Met
57.We can learn from the fourth paragraph that Angela Brown.A
A.was about to give up if she failed again in 1997
B.failed to make the final round because of her old age
C.failed many auditions because she hadn't practiced hard
D.cared much about the results of the audition in 1997
58.Which of the following sayings can best express the message of the passage?C
A.No pains,no gains.
B.The early bird catches the worm.
C.Never too old to learn,never too late to turn
D.Nothing is impossible to a willing heart.
59.Which of the following words can best describe Angela Brown's father?D
A.Helpful and confident.
B.Understanding and practical.
C.Humorous and open-minded.
D.Strict and strong-willed.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Jolly Joe always arrived at my neighborhood at exactly half past noon.The clang(叮当声) of the bell on his red and black truck was then the sweetest sound in the world.Brightly colored stickers advertising his amazing kinds of treats could be found on all sides of his truck.The whole neighborhood would magically come to life.
Holding a nickel(五分镍币),I'd run to the back of the vehicle,where children were already gathering.Jolly Joe.would jump out of his truck,the sun shining on his chair.He was an older man,short and round,with a pleasant face and a welcoming smile.
I don't know how,but he knew us all,by name,as well as which treats we preferred:My favorite was the Buried treasure.By eating all the ice cream,you'd discover the treasure inside:a lion,a dog or even a funny clown一printed onto a plastic stick..
When it was finally my turn,he'd put his arm deep inside one of the boxes,and pause(停顿)for a moment,a moment,a puzzled look crossing his face.Then,suddenly,he'd pull it out:the Buried Treasure!I couldn't wait to enjoy the cool,sweet ice cream.
As quickly as he arrived,it was time for Jolly Joe to go,leaving behind laughing,excited children with sticky hands and faces.Soon the sound of his clanging bell would slowly disappear in the distance.
I always hated to see Jolly Joe go,because I knew the rest of the day would be as hot and boring as before.But I took some comfort in knowing that the next day he'd come round the corner at half past noon and once again spread his magic.

21.Jo11y Joe was liked mostly byA.
22.Why did the author like the Buried Treasure best?C.
A.It gave great pleasure to his pet.
B.It was the cheapest of all the treats.
C.It contained something very interesting.
D.It was the most delicious of all the treats.
23.Which of the following can best describe Jolly Joe?D.
A.Dishonest and tricky.
B.Wealthy and kind.
C.Brave and hard-working.
D.Happy and humorous.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

2.Every greatachievement   (成就) was a dream before it became a reality.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

4.Natisha Luke lost her hearing when she was born.Luke likes dancing and singing,and (41)C as a cashier (收银员) for a large company.She's also the new"Miss Deaf Utah".The 19-year-old girl  (42)B in Utah,and not only won the crown but also was (43)C"Miss Photogenic (最上镜小姐)".Luke was pretty(44)Aabout all the experiences she had.
Next month she'll be competing to be named"Miss Deaf America"."I want to take part in it(45)D it will open many doors for me,and it'll be a great(46)B,"she says."It will also help me get closer to my(47)B,which is to enter a nursing school."She has always had (48)D for kids and wanted to help the sick.She hasn't let deafness stop her from(49)D her dreams.
Luke studied at the Desert Hills Ward Church for years,and it (50)B influenced her decisions and her(51)A of life.It helped her (52)B many difficulties that she had to face due to her hearing (53)D.What's more,as a spokesperson (代言人) for the (54)C,Luke believes she can more effectively (有效地)(55)her message of hope with others.She believes in the positive nature of life."I focus on my ability(56)C than my disability.I look forward to showing other deaf girls how to be positive,and just love(57)D for who they are,"she says."I hope I can (58)C others to think positively.(59)Cmy example of positive thinking,I know I can(60)A and change lives."What a great girl!

52.A.give upB.deal withC.care aboutD.look for


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.A study of 27,000men showed those skipping (不吃) breakfast were at a greater risk of heart problems.The British Heart Foundation said breakfast helped people resist (抵制) sugary snacks before lunch.
The men,aged 45-82,were studied for 16years.During that time there were more than 1,500heart attacks or cases of deadly heart failure.However,people who skipped breakfast were 27% more likely to have heart problems than those who started the day with a meal.The researchers took into consideration other lifestyle risk factors (因素) such as smoking and exercise.
Researcher Dr Leah Cahill told the BBC:"The take-home message is to eat in the morning when you wake up,preferably within an hour.The results show that something is better than nothing,but it's always better to have something healthy and balanced."
She said the timing of the meal seemed to be key and waiting until lunch rather than"having breakfast"may be straining (损伤) the body over time.This could be increasing the risk of high blood pressure and fatness which could in turn damage the heart."Don't skip breakfast,"Dr Cahill suggested.
Victoria Taylor,an expert with the British Heart Foundation,said:"These researchers only looked at men aged over 45,so we would need to see further research to prove that breakfast has the same effect on the heart health of other groups of people.What we do know is that a healthy breakfast can make that mid-morning biscuit less templing,as well as giving you another opportunity to widen the variety of foods in your diet.Cereals (谷类食品) with low fat milk are a good way to start the day.Try a banana or dried fruit on top and you'll be on your way to a fine day before you've even left the house."

52.What does the text mainly deal with?D
A.The effects of snacks on the health of the heart.
B.An interview by the BBC on people's lifestyles.
C.What a healthy and balanced diet should contain.
D.The relationship between breakfast and a healthy heart.
53.Dr Leah Cahill's suggestion is that we shouldD.
A.fix the time for each meal we eat in a day
B.make sure our breakfast is always balanced
C.eat our breakfast immediately after getting up
D.have breakfast within an hour after waking up
54.The underlined word"tempting"in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to"A".
A.attractive         B.valuable           C.obvious           D.familiar
55.According to Victoria Taylor,D.
A.men over 45are more likely to get heart diseases
B.fresh fruits like bananas are necessary for a healthy breakfast
C.it's healthy to eat some biscuit between breakfast and lunch
D.the researchers should have covered other age groups in their study.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

注意:1.每处错误及其修改均仅限一词    2.只允许修改10处,多者(从第十一处起)不计分
I came to North America when I was 14 year old.Immediately upon my arrive,I was put into an English class learn to speak English.In Korea,we lived close to a US base.Therefore,as a child,I grew up thinking there was only two types of people,black soldiers or white soldiers,and that they all spoke English.So you can imagine my determination to speak the English.When I settled in Los Angeles and went to school,I work really hard.I would talk with his friends outside of class,and study hardly in class.I noticed my English improved so faster!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.I don't quite understand your point.Could you please be more explicit about it?

