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Years ago, a critical event occurred in my life that would change it forever. I met Kurt Kampmeir of Success Motivation Incorporation for breakfast. While we were , Kurt asked me, " John, what is your for personal growth?

Never at a loss for words, I tried to find things in my life that might for growth. I told him about the many activities in which I was . And I went into a about how hard I worked and the gains I was making. I must have talked for ten minutes. Kurt patiently, but then he smiled and said, "You don’t have a personal plan for growth, do you?"

"No, I .

"You know," Kurt said simply, "growth is not a(n) process."

And that’s when it me. I wasn’t doing anything to make myself better. And at that moment, I made the : I will develop and follow a personal growth plan for my .

That night, I talked to my wife about my with Kurt and what I had learned. I her the workbook and tapes Kurt was selling. We that Kurt wasn’t just trying to make a sale. He was offering a for us to change our lives and achieve our dreams.

Several important things happened that day. First, we decided to the resources. But more importantly, we made a commitment to together as a couple. From that day on, we learned together, traveled together, and sacrificed together. It was a decision. While too many couples grow apart, we were growing together.

1.A. working B. preparing C. thinking D. eating

2.A. suggestion B. demand C. plan D. request

3.A. appeal B. look C. call D. qualify

4.A. involved B. trapped C. lost D. bathed

5.A. lecture B. speech C. discussion D. debate

6.A. calculated B. listened C. drank D. explained

7.A. eagerly B. gradually C. gratefully D. finally

8.A. admitted B. interrupted C. apologized D. complained

9.A. automatic B. slow C. independent D. changing

10.A. confused B. informed C. pleased D. hit

11.A. on loan B. on purpose C. on sale D. on balance

12.A. comment B. announcement C. decision D. arrangement

13.A. life B. progress C. performance D. investment

14.A. contract B. conversation C. negotiation D. argument

15.A. lent B. sold C. showed D. offered

16.A. recalled B. defined C. recognized D. declared

17.A. tool B. method C. way D. rule

18.A. provide B. buy C. give D. deliver

19.A. grow B. survive C. move D. gather

20.A. difficult B. random C. firm D. wise


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年贵州都匀一中高一下第一次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

London will host a major exhibition(展览) of 15th-century Chinese artwork, including paintings, sculptures (雕塑)and porcelain, which are all from Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).

The exhibition will be open from Sept 18 to Jan 5. On display will be 108 cultural relics from 10 museums in China, as well as collections from the British Museum and museums in Japan, the United States and Europe. The exhibition will be in five parts to give an overview of the society.

"This was a time when the political and social system of the dynasty became stable(稳定), and the country also experienced huge changes. China was in frequent contact with the rest of the world at that time, and its artists and scholars also influenced other cultures," said Yao Yu, the director of this activity. During this time, Beijing became the capital of China, and Zheng He (1371-1433) set sail and reached the shores of eastern Africa.

Jessica from the British Museum, said "reading" an artwork may differ in different cultures. "When a Chinese audience sees a painting you see figures and stories. But we see beautiful views. " However, she added that the British public had a basic knowledge of the dynasty and many British people probably knew more about the later period of the Ming Dynasty after the Portuguese and Spanish came to China to trade. Their houses and dining tables have Chinese blue and white vases but they don’t know much about the earlier period, which in China was a more culturally important period.

"We’d like to take away people from the idea that China became international after the Europeans arrived. China in the early Ming Dynasty was very international. "

1.What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Artworks from China. B. Museums in London.

C. An important exhibition. D. Ming Dynasty in China.

2.What does the underlined word mean in Paragraph 4?

A. Read aloud.

B. Learn something by heart.

C. Look at and appreciate something.

D. Write down something.

3.Which of the following is NOT true about the Ming Dynasty?

A. It was a time when the political system of the dynasty was stable.

B. Beijing became the capital of China during that time.

C. Zheng He sailed to the shores of eastern Africa.

D. Ming Dynasty started from 1368 and came to an end in 1433.

4.What can we know from Jessica?

A. British people have a good knowledge of the Ming Dynasty.

B. British citizens know more about the later period of the Ming Dynasty than the earlier ones.

C. British and Spanish came to trade in Ming Dynasty.

D. The later period of the Ming Dynasty is a more culturally important period in China.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(新课标卷3卷精编版) 题型:信息匹配


Everyone knows that fish is good for health. 1. But it seems that many people don’t cook fish at home. Americans eat only about fifteen pounds of fish per person per year, but we eat twice as much fish in restaurants as at home. Buying, storing, and cooking fish isn’t difficult. 2. This text is about how to buy and cook fish in an easy way.

3. Fresh fish should smell sweet: you should feel that you’re standing at the ocean’s edge. Any fishy or strong smell means the fish isn’t fresh. 4. When you have bought a fish and arrive home, you’d better store the fish in the refrigerator if you don’t cook it immediately, but fresh fish should be stored in your fridge for only a day or two. Frozen fish isn’t as tasty as the fresh one.

There are many common methods used to cook fish. 5. First, clean it and season it with your choice

of spices(调料). Put the whole fish on a plate and steam it in a steam pot for 8 to 10 minutes if it weighs about one

pound. (A larger one will take more time.) Then, it’s ready to serve.

A. Do not buy it.

B. The easiest is to steam it.

C. This is how you can do it.

D. It just requires a little knowledge.

E. The fish will go bad within hours.

F. When buying fish, you should first smell it.

G. The fats in fish are thought to help prevent heart disease.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(新课标卷1卷精编版) 题型:完形填空


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

A Heroic Driver

Larry works with Transport Drivers, Inc. One morning in 2009, Larry was along 165 north after delivering to one of his . Suddenly, he saw a car with its bright lights on. he got closer, he found vehicle upside down on the road. One more look and he noticed shooting out from under the vehicle. Larry pulled over, set the brake and the fire extinguisher (灭火器). Two good bursts from the extinguisher and the fire was put out.

The man who had his bright lights on and told Larry he had an emergency call. They heard a woman’s voice coming from the wrecked (毁坏的) vehicle. the vehicle, they saw that a woman was trying to get out of the broken window. They told her to stay until the emergency personnel arrived, she thought the car was going to . Larry told her that he had already put out the fire and she should not move she injured her neck.

Once fire and emergency people arrived, Larry and the other man and let them go to work. Then, Larry asked the if he was needed or to go. They let him and the other man go.

One thing is —Larry went above and beyond the call of duty by getting so close to the burning vehicle! His most likely saved the woman’s life.

1.A. walking B. touring C.traveling D.rushing

2.A. passengers B. colleagues C. employers D. customers

3.A. Since B. Although C. As D. If

4.A. each B. another C. that D. his

5.A. flames B. smoke C. water D. steam

6.A. used B. disabled C. removed D. abandoned

7.A. got hold of B. prepared C. took charge of D. controlled

8.A. came down B. came through C. came in D. came over

9.A. returned B. received C. made D. confirmed

10.A. then B. again C. finally D. even

11.A. Starting B. Parking C. Passing D. Approaching

12.A. quiet B. still C. away D. calm

13.A. for B. so C. and D. but

14.A. explode B. slip away C. fall apart D. crash

15.A. as if B. unless C. in case D. after

16.A. stepped forward B. backed off C. moved on D. set out

17.A. woman B. police C. man D. driver

18.A. forbidden B. ready C. asked D. free

19.A.for certain B. for consideration C. reported D.checked

20.A.patience B. skills C. efforts D.promise


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(江苏卷精编版) 题型:任务型阅读




An Extension of the Human Brain

Other people can help us compensate for our mental and emotional deficiencies (欠缺),much as a wooden leg can compensate for a physical deficiency. To be exact, other people can extend our intelligence and help us understand and adjust our emotions. When another person helps us in such ways, he or she is participating in what I’ve called a "social prosthetic (义肢的)system." Such systems do not need to operate face-to-face, and it’s clear to me that the Internet is expanding the range of my own social prosthetic systems. It’s already a big bank of many minds. Even in its current state, the Internet has extended my memory and judgment.

Regarding memory: Once I look up something on the Internet, I don’t need to keep all the details for future use—I know where to find that information again and can quickly and easily do so. More generally, the Internet functions as if it were my memory. This function of the Internet is particularly striking when I’m writing; I’m no longer comfortable writing if I’m not connected to the Internet. It’s become natural to check facts as I write, taking a minute or two to dip into PubMed, Wikipedia, or other websites.

Regarding judgment: The Internet has made me smarter in matters small and large. For example, when I’m writing a textbook, it has become second nature to check a dozen definitions of a key term, which helps me dig into the core and understand its meaning. But more than that, I now regularly compare my views with those of many others. If I have a "new idea," I now quickly look to see whether somebody else has already thought of it, or something similar—and I then compare what I think with what others have thought. This certainly makes my own views clearer. Moreover, I can find out whether my reactions to an event are reasonable enough by reading about those of others on the Internet.

These effects of the Internet have become even more striking since I’ve begun using a smartphone. I now regularly pull out my phone to check a fact, watch a video, read weibo. Such activities fill the spaces that used to be dead time (such as waiting for somebody to arrive for a lunch meeting).

But that’s the upside (好处). The downside is that in those dead periods I often would let my thoughts flow and sometimes would have an unexpected insight or idea. Those opportunities are now fewer and farther between.

An Extension of the Human Brain

A prosthetic nature

●The 1. can help make up for our mental and emotional deficiencies as a wooden leg can compensate for a bodily deficiency.

●It 2. in our daily events, extending our intelligence, comprehending our feelings, and expanding the range of social activities.

Wonderful aspects: memory and judgment

●On the Internet, we could quickly and easily locate the details, and check facts, without 3. them in mind.

●The Internet makes us smarter over 4. kinds of things. It provides a dozen definitions of a key term for us to find the 5. of the matter.

●The Internet enables us to exchange ideas with many others to 6. our claims, and to 7. our actions.

The 8. sides of smartphones

●Smartphones make it easier and more 9. to check reality, watch video clips, read weibo.

●Smartphones 10. the possibility for new and insightful minds, and steal away our dead time.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(江苏卷精编版) 题型:单项填空

His comprehensive surveys have provided the most _________ statements of how, and on what basis, data are collected.

A. explicit B. ambiguous

C. original D. arbitrary


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(江苏卷精编版) 题型:单项填空

—Can you tell us your _________ for happiness and a long life?

—Living every day to the full, definitely.

A. recipe B. record C. range D. receipt


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(浙江卷精编版) 题型:单项填空

When the time came to make the final decision for a course, I decided to apply for the one that _________my interest.

A. limited B. reserved

C. reflected D. spoiled


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年全国普通高等学校招生统一考试英语(四川卷精编版) 题型:阅读理解


In the depths of the French Guianese rainforest, there still remain unusual groups of indigenous(土著的) people. Surprisingly, these people live largely by their own laws and their own social customs. And yet, people in this area are in fact French citizens because it has been a colony(殖民地) of the French Republic since 1946. In theory, they should live by the French law is often ignored or unknown, thus making them into an interesting area of “lawlessness” in the world.

The lives of these people have finally been recorded thanks to the effects of a Frenchman form Paris called Gin. Gin spent five months in early 2015 exploring the most remote corners of this area, which sits on the edge of the Amazon rainforest, with half its population of only 250,000 living in its capital, Cayenne.

“I have a special love for the French Guianese people. I have worked there on and off for almost ten years,” says Gin. “I’ve been able to keep firm friendships with them. Thus I have been allowed to gain access to their living environment. I don’t see it as a lawless land. But rather I see it as an area of freedom.”

“I wanted to show the audience a photographic record touching upon the uncivilized life,” continues Gin. “I prefer to work in black and white, which allows me to show different specific worlds more clearly.”

His black-and-white pictures present a world almost lost in time. These pictures show people seemingly pushed into a world that they were unprepared for. These local citizens now have to balance their traditional self-supporting hunting lifestyle with the lifestyle offered by the modern French Republic, which brings with it not only necessary state welfare, but also alcoholism, betrayal and even suicide.

1.Why does the author feel surprised about the indigenous people in French Guiana?

A. They seldom follow the French law.

B. They often ignore the Guianese law.

C. They are separated from the modern world.

D. They are both Guianese and French citizens.

2.Gin introduced the special world of the indigenous Guianese as _________.

A. a tour guide B. a geographer

C. a flm director D. a photographer

3.What is Gin’s attitude towards the lives of the indigenous Guianese?

A. Cautious. B. Doubtful.

C. Uninterested. D. Appreciative.

4.What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to?

A. The modern French lifestyle. B. The self-supporting hunting.

C. The uncivilized hunting. D. The French Republic.

