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1.The film belongs ________ a type of Chinese story called Wuxia.

2.He came up ________ a good idea.

3.Father impressed _________ me the value of hard work.

4._______ the time he was 14, Mozart had composed many pieces for the harpsichord, piano and violin as well as for orchestras.

5.________ total, these astronauts have spent more than 26,000 days in space.

6.When he was orbiting in the capsule, he took photographs _____ planet earth.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖北省黄冈市高三3月份质量检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五

Your smart phone may have hurt you before you realize it. Don't be addicted to it. Put your phone away, OK?

1.Cyber Sickness

Also called “digital motion sickness”, symptoms that range from headaches to woozy feelings can occur when you quickly scroll on your smart phone or watch action packed video on your screen. 1.. Your sense of balance is different from other senses in that it has lots of inputs. When those inputs don’t agree, that’s when you feel dizziness and sickness.

2. Text Claw

It is the unofficial term for soreness and muscle contraction felt in the finger, wrist and forearm after heavy smart phone use. 2.. So if you’re always on your phone, it makes sense to feel discomfort in your hands and forearms.

3. Eye Strain

Do you stare at a screen for hours on end? If you’re reading this, you very well might. 3.. Staring at your digital devices for a long time can lead to dry eyes, headaches and tiredness, which can decrease your productivity. Experts suggest taking screen breaks every 20 minutes.

4. Text Neck

Similar to the claw, text neck---discomfort in the neck and spine happens when you spend a long time looking down at your smart phone. 4.. Being mindful of how far your neck bends when you’re on your phone---- and bending it back to an upright position can help reduce the risk of text neck.

5. Pedestrian safety

Pedestrian deaths are on the rise because too many smart phone users engage in distracted walking. While focused on the cyber world, many of us can lose reality of the physical one. Elemental pedestrian safety knowledge is compromised by technology, and the risks are scary. 5..

A. We should taking breaks for a while.

B. The sensation results from a mismatch between sensory inputs.

C. Remember that pedestrian safety is more important than smart phone.

D. The habit may lead to people requiring medical spine care at a younger age.

E. To avoid injury or worse, put your phone away until you’ve reached a safe spot.

F. Any specific motor activity can cause pain in the tendons (筋) and muscles when done repeatedly.

G. Any activity that requires active use of your eyes---driving and reading included---can cause eye tiredness.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江苏省扬州市高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Much time _____ siting at a desk, office clerks are generally troubled by various health problems.

A. being spent B. having spent

C. spending D. spent


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年浙江三市高一下九次联考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

China’s new buzzword, tuhao, may be in next year’s Oxford English Dictionary.

“If its influence continues, it is very likely to appear on our updated list of words, ” said Julie Kleeman, project manager with the editing team.

In Chinese, tu means uncouth(粗野的) and hao means rich. It has traditionally been referred to rich people who throw their weight around in China’s rural areas. In recent years, people borrowed the term to describe those who spend money in an unreasonable manner. The word gained acceptance in September with the launch(上市) of Apple’s new gold-colored iPhone, an item loved by China’s rich people. The color became known as “tuhao gold”. The word is now often used by the online community to refer to people who have the cash but lack the class to go with it.

Kleeman also mentioned two other Chinese words—dama and hukou—which may also be taken in the dictionary. Hukou means household registration(登记) in Chinese and has been widely used.

Dama, meaning middle-aged women, was first used in the Western media by the Wall Street Journal in May when thousands of Chinese women were buying up record number of gold. They were the driving force in the global gold market between April and June when the gold prices had gone down.

“We have nearly 120 Chinese-linked words now in Oxford English Dictionary, ” she said. Some of them are: Guanxi, literally meaning “connection”, is the system of social networks and influential relationships which promote business and other dealings. Taikonaut is a mix of taikong, meaning outer space, and astronaut.

The new words will be first uploaded on the official website before the dictionaries arrive. The online version is also renewed every three months. “It at least broke our old rules. It used to take 10 years to include a new word but now we keep the pace with the era, ” according to John Simpson.

1.What does “Tuhao” mean now?

A. The rich who like iPhone made of gold.

B. The people who have power in the countryside.

C. The people who spend money reasonably.

D. The rich who find no class to belong to.

2.Why is the word “Dama” popular now?

A. They bought gold in the global market.

B. They are wealthy middle-aged women.

C. They brought the gold prices down.

D. They worked on the Wall Street.

3.According to John, the Oxford English Dictionary__________.

A. updates its new version every three months

B. takes 10 years to include a new word now

C. speeds up its acceptance of new words

D. has its online version to collect new words


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年黑龙江双鸭山一中高一4月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

TV Affects dreams

We have dreams almost every night. Do you ever notice the colors of your dreams? Do you dream in black and white or do you dream in yellow, red and green?

New research suggests that the type of television you watched as a child has a great effect on the color of your dreams.

While almost all people under 25 dream in color, thousands of people over 55, all of whom were brought up with black and white TV sets, often dream in monochrome(黑白画面)。

“It suggests there could be a critical period in our childhood when watching films has a big impact on the way dreams are formed”, said Eva Murzyn, a psychology student at Dundee University in Britain who carried out the study.

Research from 1915 through the 1950s suggested that the vast majority of dreams are in black and white. But the tide(潮流) turned in the sixties, and later results suggested that up to 83 percent of dreams contain some color.

Since this period also marked the transition(过渡) between black-and-white film and TV and Technicolor(印染法彩色),an obvious explanation was that the media had been painting people’s dreams. However, there weren’t any firm conclusions.

But now Miss Murzyn believes she has proven the link. She made a survey of more than 60 people, half of whom were over 55 and half of whom were under 25.

She asked the volunteers to answer a questionnaire on the color of their dreams and their childhood exposure to film and TV.

She then analyzed her own data. Only 4.4 percent of the under-25s’ dreams were black and white. The over-55s who had had access to color TV and film during their childhood also reported a very low proportion of just 7.3 percent.

But the over-55s who only had access to black-and –white media reported dreaming in black and white about a quarter of the time.

Even though they would have spent only a few hours a day watching TV or films, their attention and emotion would have been heightened during this time, leaving a deeper imprint on their mind, Miss Murzyn told the New Scientist.

“The crucial time is between three and ten when we all begin to have the ability to dream”, she said.

1.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. The relationship between dream color and types of television and films people watch.

B. The relationship between dreams and types of television and films that people watch.

C. The relationship between people’s dreams and colors that they see in their life.

D. The relationship between dream color and the age of the people.

2.From the text, we can see that ___________.

A. all people who are below 25 dream in color

B. watching TV or films probably affects dream color

C. people over 55 always dream in monochrome

D. people begin to dream when they are 10 years old

3. Which is WRONG according to the passage?

A. Miss Murzyn thought she has proved the connection between dream color and TV and films.

B. The 1960s was a time which marked a transition in dream color.

C. The period between 3 and 10 is an important time in forming dreams.

D. Eva Murzyn is a professor at Dundee University in Britain.

4.In which magazine can you find the article?

A. Aging Healthily B. Psychology Analysis

C. New Scientist D. TV And Film Reviews


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年黑龙江友谊红兴隆管理局第一中学高一下开学考英语卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Ways to create calm in your daily life

Most of us need some space for calm in our lives. A few simple minutes can create much needed moments of calm. __1.___You can use these skills to create calm in your busy schedule.

Go walking. Walking is perfect and you can do it well anywhere. Simply walking and taking in the view is stress reducing. __2.__ It makes room for new ideas to take root.

Appreciate nature. When we think of nature we think of getting out into the open, and that’s great if you can. ___3._ Actually, nature is everywhere. Find a park or a small patch(小块地)of green, or just stick your head out of the window! You have many ways to appreciate nature.

Listening to music. Many people listen to music to calm themselves down. Music actually lifts us out of ourselves. Discover what music works for you. ___4.___

Do some activities .Certain activities like yoga and tai chi need quiet focus . __5.__They are good for the body, mind and spirit. Classes are a good place to begin, but once you learn the skills, you can practice anywhere: home, school or even on the road.

Try out some of these ways and you’ll soon be practicing “moments of calm.”

A. Notice the animals around you.

B. But what if you are in the city?

C. They are perfect for active calming.

D. It’s a time to get stressful thoughts out of your head.

E. Music is a way to express the way that they are feeling.

F. With enjoyable music even work can be “music to your ears”.

G. You don’t have to find a mountain to sit on, or empty your mind of all thoughts for hours.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年新疆兵团农二师华山中学高二下学期一次考英语卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Mary: Paul, do you like 1. (play) computer games?

Paul: Yes, I do. It’s my hobby. My mother is worried about me sometimes 2. I’ve always been playing computer games 3. I was little. I love them. I’d like 4. (create) computer games one day.

Mary: What do you think is 5. (good) game?

Paul: My favorite games are two. The first game is a role playing game. You can be any characters you like such as a farmer, a knight and a hunter. You can discover things, fight battles, solve lots of puzzles and find out lots of secrets. That’s 6. I like.

Mary: Is the setting now 7. the future or the ancient?

Paul: The setting is a fantasy world. That’s one of the nice things about computer 8. (game) — you can escape the real world. The second game is a city building game. You can be a mayor of the city and you have to build up your city over hundreds of years and develop 9. . It’s almost like playing dolls houses, but much more 10. (advance). It’s always fun.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖南邵东第三中学高一3月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错





注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

One day King Arthur saw a happy beggar (乞丐) and wondered why the beggar was so happy, because that the king didn’t feel happy though she could have whatever he wants. From this we can see that one’s happiness doesn’t depend whether he is rich nor poor. Happy is just a state of mind. As long as one thinks he’s satisfied, he is happy.

There are many different opinion about happiness. To some, happiness is being surround by their family members and friends. To others, happiness means achieving success in something, such as meet a goal. To those who have been injured, happiness can simple mean a day without suffering, or just being alive.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届内蒙古赤峰市宁城县高三下学期第三次统一模拟英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

“The first and best of victories for a man is to conquer himself; to be conquered by himself is, of all things, the most shameful,” says Plato. Self-control is at the root of all the advantages. Let a man give in to his impulses (冲动) and feelings, and from that moment he gives up his moral freedom.

A single angry word has lost many friends. When Socrates found in himself any temper or anger, he would check it by speaking low in order to control himself. If you are conscious of being angry, keep your mouth shut so that you can hold back rising anger. Many a person has dropped dead in great anger. Fits of anger bring fits of disease. “Whoever the gods would destroy, they first make them mad.” “Keep cool,” says Webster, “anger is not argument.” “Be calm in arguing,” says George Herbert, “for fierceness (狂怒) makes error a fault.”

To be angry with a weak man is to prove that you are not strong yourself. “Anger,” says Pythagoras, “begins with foolishness and ends with regret.” You must measure the strength of a man by the power of the feelings he conquers, not by the power of those which conquer him.

Self-control is man’s last and greatest victory.

If a man lacks self-control he seems to lack everything. Without it he can have no patience, no power to govern himself; he can have no self-confidence, for he will always be controlled by his strongest feeling. If he lacks self-control, the very backbone and nerve of character are lacking too.

1.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Self- control is important for a man.

B. We should learn to be strong.

C. A man who keeps cool won’t lose any game.

D. The great heroes in history knew how to control themselves.

2.What does the underlined sentence in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. If you are mad, the gods will fail you.

B. If you lose your temper first, gods will fail you first.

C. If you can’t control yourself, you will be crazy.

D. If the gods want to fail you, they will make you mad first.

3.Which of the following is NOT true, according to passage?

A. The first and best of victories for a man is to conquer himself.

B. You will make a small mistake serious if you don’t keep cool.

C. You must measure a man’s strength by the power of the feelings which conquer him.

D. Anger begins with foolishness and ends with regret.

4.Which of the following can’t help you avoid anger, according to the passage?

A. Being calm in arguing.

B. Checking your temper or anger by speaking low.

C. Keeping your mouth shut.

D. Trying to make the other angry first.

