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1.To build an incredible and successful relationship is something like erecting a building.First of all,you should start with the idea of building such a relationship,and then you can put a solid foundation stone for that idea.Putting a strong foundation stone is very important and it keeps your building steady.Every part of that building is totally depending upon that solid foundation.
So,here are the three rules to establish a successful relationship:
The first rule is just having fun.Once relationship is established then the things become stable.Once it gets stable then you start feeling stifled (压抑的) and fun is no longer there in your relationship.But remember this thing is very dangerous for relationship.You can plan something great like a weekend road trip.Even you can also plan some of your favorite activities at least twice a month.Enjoy laughing with each other and try to find different ways to keep this laughter alive.
The second rule is giving respect to each other equally.In relationship it is important that both the partners should deserve equal treatment.If anyone of the partners dominates to the other then such relationship is surely not going to survive for a long time.Such relationships are called unbalanced relationship and it is going to give lots of pain.So,try to give respect to each other equally.
The third rule is always to be open and honest with each other.Another good and important part of any relationship is being honest and open-minded with your partner.Whenever the problem arises in your relations,honesty is very crucial.Even being open-minded with each other is a foundation to your good relationship.Honesty is a most valuable thing. _______________,then problems can be very easily sorted out.
You need put lots of efforts to build a successful relationship.This effort is required from both the partners.And the reward which you are going to get will be fantastic.If the three rules mentioned above are maintained very well then there will be a strong chance of long term and wonderful relationship.

56.What is the best title for this passage?(no more than 8words)How to Build a Successful Relationship./Ways to Build a Successful Relationship
57.Why should one put a solid foundation stone for that idea?(no more than 7words)
Because it keeps the building (relationship) steady
58.Complete the last sentence in the fourth paragraph with proper words.(no more than 9words)If you are open and honest with each other
59.How is the reward that you will win after you have managed to establish a successful relationship?(no more than 2words)Fantastic./Wonderful./Great
60.What are the two most important parts of a successful relationship?(no more than 8words)Getting respect,being honest and open-minded.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了建立一个成功的关系的三个规则,首先彼此之间一定要非常愉快的,其次是尊重彼此平等的关系是很重要的,最后是一定要有一个是诚实和开放的态度.

解答 56.How to Build a Successful Relationship./Ways to Build a Successful Relationship.根据文章第二段"So,here are the three rules to establish a successful relationship",可知全文在讲述三条如何建立成功的关系的方法;故填How to Build a Successful Relationship./Ways to Build a Successful Relationship.
57.Because it keeps the building (relationship) steady.根据第一段"Putting a strong foundation stone is very important and it keeps your building steady"可知打好一个坚实的基础可以使得建筑物和人们之间的关系更加稳定;故填Because it keeps the building (relationship) steady.
58.If you are open and honest with each other.根据文章第五段"The third rule is always to be open and honest with each other."可知"人与人之间的坦诚与彼此诚实"是建立良好关系的第三条原则;故填If you are open and honest with each other.
59.Fantastic./Wonderful./Great.根据最后一段"If the three rules mentioned above are maintained very well then there will be a strong chance of long term and wonderful relationship."可知建立良好的关系后,得到的回报是"Fantastic/Wonderful"的关系.
60.Getting respect,being honest and open-minded.根据文章第四段"The second rule is giving respect to each other equally.In relationship it is important that both the partners should deserve equal treatment."以及第五段"The third rule is always to be open and honest with each other."可知建立良好关系的三个重要因素是:彼此尊敬;彼此坦诚;彼此诚实.故答案为"Getting respect,being honest and open-minded."

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断,除此之外,做此类题时要注意总结归纳,用简洁的语言表述.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届黑龙江省大庆市高三第三次教学质量检测(三模)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

When I was fourteen I found Rocky.That spring day,I was catching fish with my grandfather when I____the faint(微弱的)crying and found the trembling wolf cub(幼兽).As I bent down,he moved____toward me.Little Rocky gained ____after I fed a few drops of warm milk to him.Soon he was____and warm.My grandfather finally agreed to let me ____him.

That summer Rocky and I became____partners.We hunted the grasshoppers.And in the fall,we went to the nearest meadows(草地)____field mice.The winter months were the happiest I could____.Often we would make a fire in the bushes.Rocky would____his head between his front paws,with his eye on me____I told him stories.

All the pleasure made me forget my Grandpa’s repeated____,and one night I left Rocky unchained.The following morning I was told Rocky had____a rooster.My grandpa decided to return Rocky to nature,but it was ____ for me to lose him.

For the next two years I was very busy,but I would____wonder if Rocky remembered me.Easter came early that year and during the holidays I went to____my cousins.On my way home,it began to snow heavily.I had to____for the night in the forest and hoped that by morning the storm would have____.The next day I realized the storm was even____.Unfortunately I found two wolves waiting to attack me.Then I heard a____to my side and turned my head. It was Rocky,and he had driven off the others.I cried and hugged him____.

1.A. felt B. made C. performed D. heard

2.A. strongly B. quickly C. weakly D. happily

3.A. strength B. time C. trust D. support

4.A. tired B. full C. hungry D. nervous

5.A. watch B. keep C. observe D. notice

6.A. hunting B. fishing C. driving D. riding

7.A. in charge of B. in case of C. in search of D. in control of

8.A. choose B. see C. wish D. remember

9.A. lie B. lay C. scratch D. shake

10.A. before B. after C. because D. as

11.A. stories B. warnings C. sayings D. promises

12.A. kicked B. treasured C. beaten D. killed

13.A. hard B. easy C. nice D. useful

14.A. yet B. already C. still D. never

15.A. carry B. visit C. move D. adopt

16.A. spend B. waste C. stand D. camp

17.A. continued B. remained C. stopped D. frozen

18.A. more B. worse C. stricter D. sharper

19.A. noise B. cry C. shout D. sob

20.A. officially B. regularly C. disappointedly D. tightly


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.I walked out of the restaurant,______ I'd never come here again.(  )
A.determiningB.determinedC.to determineD.determine


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.We ___ for a picnic with you last weekend,but we were too busy with our reports.(  )
A.might goB.had goneC.should goD.could have gone


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3._______ I missed the days when we would quarrel with each other rather than clicking on screens!(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.The rise of the Internet has been one of the most transformative developments in human history,comparable in impact to the invention of the printing press and the telegraph.Over two billion people worldwide now have access to vastly more information than ever before,and can communicate with each other instantly,often using Web-connected mobile devices they carry everywhere.But the Internet's tremendous impact has only just begun.
"Mass adoption of the Internet is driving one of the most exciting social,cultural,and political transformations in history,and unlike earlier periods of change,this time the effects are fully global,"Schmidt and Cohen write in their new book The New Digital Age.
Perhaps the most profound changes will come when the five billion people worldwide who currently lack Internet access get online.The authors do an excellent job of examining the implications of the Internet revolution for individuals,governments,and institutions like the news media.But if the book has one major shortcoming,it's that authors don't spend enough time applying a critical eye to the role of Internet businesses in these sweeping changes.
In their book,the authors provide the most authoritative volume to date that describes-and more importantly predicts-how the Internet will shape our lives in the coming decades.They paint a picture of a world in which individuals,companies,institutions,and governments must deal with two realities,one physical,and one virtual.
At the core of the book is the idea that"technology is neutral,but people aren't."By using this concept as a starting point,the authors aim to move beyond the now familiar optimist vs.pessimist dichotomy (对立观点) that has characterized many recent debates about whether the rise of the Internet will ultimately be good or bad for society.In an interview with TIME earlier this week,Cohen said although he and his co-author are optimistic about many aspects of the Internet,they're also realistic about the risks and dangers that lie ahead when the next five billion people come online,particularly with respect to personal privacy and state surveillance(监视).

28.In what way is the rise of the Internet similar to the invention of the printing press and the telegraph?D
A.It transforms human history.
B.It revolutionizes people's thinking.
C.It is adopted by all human beings.
D.It makes daily communication easy.
29.In what respect is the book The New Digital Age considered inadequate?A
A.It lacks an objective evaluation of the role of Internet businesses
B.It fails to look into the social implications of the Internet.
C.It fails to recognize the impact of the Internet technology.
D.It does not address the technical aspects of Internet communication.
30.What will the future be like when everybody gets online?C
A.People don't have to travel to see the world.
B.People will have equal access to information.
C.People will be living in two different realities.
D.People don't have to communicate face to face.
31.What does the passage say about the authors of The New Digital Age?B
A.They leave many questions unanswered concerning the Internet.
B.They don't take sides in analyzing the effects of the Internet.
C.They have explored the unknown territories of the virtual world.
D.They are optimistic about the future of the Internet revolution.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.-Welcome to the Sheraton.May I help you?
-I'd like to check in.(61)B
-What's your name,please?
-Phillip Marlow.
-Yes,Mr Marlow.(62)G
-Yes.Could I have a room on the upper floors,away from the ice machine?
-(63)A Do you prefer a smoking or non-smoking floor?
-Non-smoking please.
-Could you fill out the registration form,please?Thank you.And will you be paying by cash or credit card?
-Cash,if you accept American dollars.
-Of course,sir.If you require local currencies we can also exchange money for you.
-That's great.(64)C
-Your room number is 1109.Here's your key.Enjoy your stay at the Sheraton.If you require anything further,feel free to call the front desk.(65)E-No thanks.I only have one.I can manage.

    A.No problem.
    B.I have a reservation.
    C.I do need some cash.
    D.Do you need to see my passport?
    E.Would you like assistance with your bags?
    F.I would like to leave a wake-up call for 7:00 am.
    G.You requested a single room for three nights.Is that correct?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.Not many were surprised when Dustin Sherrard was chosen,among a team of five,to represent Ontario at World Skills Competition in Leipzig,Germany this year.
The event,once known as the Skill Olympics,symbolizes the top of excellence in professional training where young skilled people from around the world compete in the skills of their various jobs measured against demanding international standard,which is hard to reach.
The 21-year-old,who grew up in Englehart,Ont,didn't get a medal but the experience did wonders for his confidence.Sherrard had passion for carpentry(木工) and showed promise at a very young age."I first got interested in wood-making when I was in Grade 10,"he says."I had taken wood shop before but it never became a hobby of mine until my school started to get hard wood into the shop classes."
"I realized how much fun woodworking was and took all the wood-shop classes I could and started spending time in the shop after school,"he says."I got a summer job working with my uncle and used most of the money I made to buy woodworking tools and quickly turned my dad's little shop into my own woodworking shop."His skills and knowledge were sharpened and tested in the woodworking program.
All this went a long way in preparing him for full-time employment and taught him what to expect when he started working.
"The biggest challenge to secure a good job with my training and skill set would be to keep up with all the different products and new designs,"he says."I have only been in the industry for a few years but even my boss,who has been doing this for many years,is still learning new things all the time."
Sherrard's passion for his skill has brought him this far but his thirst for learning keeps pushing him further.He's already planning to go back to school to study engineering.
61.What can we know about WorldSkills Competition?B
A.It provides professional training.
B.It is a top event for skilled youth.
C.It is held in Germany every four years.
D.It is a competition for skilled carpenters.
62.The underlined word"demanding"in Paragraph 2probably meansB.
63.How well did Dustin Sherrard do in the competition?C
A.He stood out.B.He lost confidence.
C.He failed to get a medal.D.He got praised.
64.What made Dustin Sherrard love woodworking?D
65.What might Dustin Sherrard do next?A
A.Retum to school to study.
B.Find a better job.
C.Take part in more competitions.
D.Work together with his uncle.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.The Education Department says that school safety has set off alarm bells with frequent reports of serious accidents______ students got injured or killed.(  )
A.after whichB.in whichC.by  whichD.for which

