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7.We are all called upon to make a speech at some point in life,but most of us don't do a very good job.(36)CSo,you have to give a speech and you are terrified.You get nervous,you forget what you want to say,you stumble over words,you talk too long,and you bore your audience.Later you think,"Thank Goodness,it's over.I'm just not good at public speaking.I hope I never have to do that again."
Cheer up!(37)AHere are some simple steps to take the pain out of speech making.Ask yourself the purpose of your speech.What is the occasion?Why are you speaking?Then,gather as many facts as you can on your subject.Spend plenty of your time doing your research.Then spend plenty of your time organizing your material so that your speech is clear and easy to follow.Use as many examples as possible,and use pictures,charts,and graphs if they help you make your points more clearly.(38)DDon't talk over their heads,and don't talk down to them.Treat your audience with respect.They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.
Just remember:Be prepared.Know your subject,your audience,and the occasion.Be brief.(39)FAnd be yourself.Let your personality come through so that you make person-to-person contact with your audience.
If you follow these simple steps,you will see that you don't have to be afraid of public speaking.In fact,you may find the experience so enjoyable that you volunteer to make more speeches!You're not convinced yet?(40)G

A.It doesn't to be that bad.
B.Take several deep breaths before your speech.
C.This article gives some advice on how to give good speech.
D.Say what you have to say and then stop.
E.Don't say what you aren't familiar with.
F.Never forget your audience.
G.Give it a try and see what happens.

分析 我们在人生当中,都会遇到演讲的时候,但是,大多数人的演讲并不够好.作者给出了一些做好演讲的建议.演讲要做好准备,紧扣主题,尊重观众,注意场合等.

解答 36.C.理解推断题.由前面but most of us don't do a very good job但是大多数人(演讲)做的并不好.根据文意可知,下面是做好演讲的一些建议.故选C.
37.A.理解推断题.根据"I hope I never have todo that again."和"Cheep up!"可知,可以不用那么消极,A项"不一定那么糟糕"符合语境.故选A.
39.F.理解推断题.由上面Don't talk down to them.Treat your audience withrespect.They will appreciate your thoughtfulness.不要趾高气扬,尊重观众,他们就会欣赏你的周密考虑.可知.Never forget your audience.不要忘了你的观众,符合语境,故选F.
40.G.理解推断题.由上一句You're not convinced yet?你还没被说服吗?可知是试一试,看会发生什么.故选G.

点评 由于选句填空选出的是整个句子,而这些句子与句子之间,必然有一种联系,因此我们可以通过选项中某个名词或动词跟空前或空后的一致性或者相关性来确定这两个句子之间有一种关联性,从而选择正确的答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Leanne is one of the students studying through online degree programs.She chose to study online for many of the same reasons that other students do.She was working full-time,and did not want to move away from her job and family to continue her education.Leanne liked that she was able to study whenever and however much she wanted.
But while the program met her needs at first,Leanne felt there were things she did not get from studying online.Later,she earned her undergraduate degree from a traditional,face-to-face study program at Thomas Jefferson University.
Leanne says physically being in a classroom helps build a strong connection between students and their professors.In some ways she liked taking control and leading her own studies.But many times,she also felt lost without that special connection.
In addition,it may not be just a student's learning that suffers in a distance learning program.
There is some concern about what future employers think about an online degree,too.
Some employment specialists from Public Agenda,a nonprofit research organization,believe that students in online programs learn less than those in traditional programs and online programs are easier to complete.
Some employers may have limited understanding of what is possible through an online program.
However,until there are widely accepted standards for online programs as there are for traditional ones,crkical opinions will likely remain.
Also,there appears to bc a barrier for online programs becoming more widely accepted.If more well-known,high quality schools start offering such programs,employers will likely consider the two methods as equal.But the high cost to create high quality online programs suggests this will not be easy.
Today,more students are choosing online college programs over traditional programs every year.
But there is still a long way to go before online and traditional programs operate on the same level.

24.What's the passage mainly about?C
A.Leanne's experience to learn online.
B.The popularity of online degree programs.
C.The limitations of distance learning programs.
D.The standards for online education.
25.Why did Leanne choose to study at Thomas Jefferson University?B
A.Because she didn't want to move away from home.
B.Because she preferred the classroom atmosphere.
C.Because she could decide when and what to learn.
D.Because she didn't have time to attend online courses.
26.Which statement about online degree programs may employers agree with?A
A.Generally accepted criteria should be made.
B.They are highly recommended for students.
C.They are difficult to complete.
D.The prices of them should be raised.
27.What's the writer's attitude towards online degree programs?A


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.In many countries,schools have long summer holidays,with shorter holidays in between.However,a new report suggests shortening school holidays to stop children forgetting what they have learnt during the long summer break.Instead of three school terms,it says,there should be five eight-week terms.And there should be just four weeks off in the summer,with a two-week break between the other terms.
    Sonia Montero has two c hildren at primary school and works full-time.She supports the idea."The kids,"she says,"have much longer holidays than me and I can't afford to take several weeks off work,so I need someone to take care of them.But nobody wants the work in the summer months-they all have holidays of their own."
    Not surprisingly,some young people disagree.Student Jason Panos says"It's a stupid idea.I would hate staying at school in the summer.It's unfair,too.The people who suggest this had long school holidays when they were young,but now they want to stop us enjoying the summer.The kids in Spain and America have much longer holidays than here,but they don't forget everything they've learnt in a few months."
    Nadia Salib agrees."Sure,"she says,"the first week at school after the summer is never easy,but you soon get back into it.The real problem round here is that kids get bor ed after so many weeks out of school,and then some of them start causing trouble.But the answer is to give them something to do,not make everyone stay in school longer."
29.Why is Sonia in support of shorter school holidays?D
A.She doesn't get any summer holidays in her job.
B.She is worried that her children will forget what they've learnt.
C.She can't afford to pay someone to look after her children.
D.She can't get anyone to look after her children in summer.
30.What does Jason say about long summer holidays?D
A.They can help children forget about school.
B.Schools in other countries don't have them.
C.These days many older people have them too.
D.They have little influence on children's education.
31.What does Nadia say about young people on summer holidays?C
A.They would like to spend more time at school.
B.Long holidays are very bad for their education.
C.They need something to do to enrich themselves.
D.Long holidays should be shortened to stop them causing trouble.
32.Which of the following statements best explains the text?C
A.It has been decided that summer holidays should be shortened.
B.Students are angry that school holidays have been changed.
C.Some people want to change school holidays but not everyone agrees.
D.Teenagers are worried that they will be busy during summer holidays.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

15.How to Make Friends
Friendship is a very important human relationship and everyone needs good friends.Good friendship  has  many benefits.It offers companionship,improves self-worth and promotes good health.There are times in our lives such as when we have recently moved into a new town,or changed our jobs or schools.Such changes often leave us without a friend.(36)EBut for many of us the process is difficult and requires courage.Below are some helpful suggestions on how to make and keep friends.
1.Associate with others.
The first step to making friends is associating with other people.You can go to public places to meet n ew people.Besides,you will need to make yourself known by becoming an active member of such places.
2.Start a conversation.
Starting a conversation is the second most important step in making new friends.(37)CYou can always start the conversation.Being able to make small talk is a very useful skill in relating with other people.
3.(38)BChoosing friends with common interests is important in building friendship as these interests would always bring you and your friend together.Hanging out will always be a pleasant experience.
4.Let it grow.
It is a good thing to stay in touch.However,try not to press your new friend with calls,messages or visits as this would likely wear him or her out and finally you may lose your friend.(39)GThe best friendships are the ones that grow naturally.
5.Enjoy your friendship
The best way to enjoy your friendship is to allow your friends to be themselves.(40)DTry not to change them from who they are to what you want them to be.Become the kind of friend you will wa nt your friend to be to you.

A.Be cheerful.
B.Do things together.
C.Do not wait to be spoken to.
D.Try not to find fault with your friends.
E.Making new friends comes easy for some people.
F.For a friendship to develop you need to stay in touch.
G.So you will need to give your friend time to react to you.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

2.假定你是李华,你的笔友Jane 最近总是感觉身体不适,因此写信向你询问如何保持健康.请你根据以下要点提示给她回信.
Dear Jane,
I'm sorry to hear that you are not very well these days.
Best wishes.
Yours sincerely.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.The news that China bans time-travel TV dramas and movies got a lot of attention on the Internet.Yet,time travel in China is a bit different from time travel in common sense.It is anything but science fiction and always goes backwards in time.There is minimum imagination involved--no ever-ending circles that mess up present and future,no advanced technology,no new social orders or new human forms from the twenty--whatever century,everything is a known historical fact when you travel through in China.
It is not even called time travel; rather the Chinese people refer to it as time crossover.Time crossover has been an extremely popular theme for online novels for years (in fact,it is an indispensable part of China's online culture),and didn't get picked up by TV and the big screen until recent two years.Most of time-travel dramas and movies are adapted from popular online novels and like in other cases adaptations are never better than the original books.
The main plot of time-travel novels or TV dramas can be very well summarized in one sentence:from nobody to somebody.Time travel in China is more about escaping from the reality than about realizing wild dreams.
In China,there is no need of time machine either.People travel backwards in time via the possession of antiques presence at historical places of interest encounter of life-threatening accidents or simple a look into the mirror.Some time-travel novels even start with''I wanted togo back to history so much that one morning when I opened my eyes I was back.''Technology is not relevant at all.
Though China is not short of histories to go back to,people have their own preferences and it is pretty much a gender thing.If the main character is male then he usually goes back to special times in history when he is able to help build up or tear up a dynasty.A typical example is A Step Into the Past (寻秦记),the first time-travel TV drama in China,which tells the story of how a SWAT member helps to unite China and build up Qin Dynasty.
On the other hand,female characters primarily go back to Qing Dynasty partly because Qing Dynasty has the most number of princes to fall in love with.YongZheng Emperor is the favorite.As can be seen in Startling by Each Step (步步惊心),a Qing time crossover classic,a girl goes back to Qing Dynasty and falls in love with YongZheng Emperor and his brothers.

29.The writing purpose of this passage is toB.
A.Analyze why the time-travel TV dramas are banned in China
B.Show the difference between time travel in China and in other cultures
C.Introduce the characteristics of the time-travel TV dramas in China
D.Advise people to watch the time-travel TV dramas in China
30.It can be inferred from the passage thatB.
A.China now has banned any forms of productions about time travel
B.The main character always follows a set pattern in the time-travel TV dramas in China
C.Adapted from online novels,time-travel TV and movie productions enjoy more praise
D.All the time-travel productions are about heroes and their success
31.The news mentioned in the very beginning is intended toD.
A.prove author's view              B.give an example
C.work as a topic sentence         D.introduce the topic.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Take your camera!Take a photo of something in your world that fits one or more of these four groups:humor,animals,view or people.
It begins on November 2,2011,and ends on December 6,2011.All mail-in entries(参赛作品)must be posted by November 1,2011,and received by November 8,2011.Online entries must be submitted(提交)by 11:59pm on November 1,2011.Entries won't be returned.It's a skill-based contest and chance plays no part in the results of the contest.
Contest is open only to children who live legally in the United States and Canada.Their age must be between 6and 14on November 1,2011.Workers of the organizer and their immediate family members can't enter or win a prize.
To submit an online entry:
•Your parent should send us their email address.
•Organizer will send an email to your parent's email address asking him/her to help you to enter the contest.
To submit a print:
•Mail each completed entry form,along with each photo to:International Photo Contest,NG Kids/RB,P.O.Box 97056,Washington,DC 20090-7056.
The entries will be judged twice.In the first time,four First Place Winners(one in each Group)and four Second Place Winners(one in each Group)will be chosen.In the second time,one Grand Prize Winner will be chosen among the four First Place Winners.
Judging is based on Creativity(50%)and Quality(50%).Judging will take place on November 20,2011.Parents of the winners will be told in writing on December 6,2011.

8.Which of the following entries is accepted by the contest?D
A.The entry posted on November 5,2011.
B.The entry by the child of the organizer.
C.The entry by a 3-year-old child.
D.The entry focusing on animals.
9.For those who want to enter the contest,theyB.
A.can only choose one of the four groups
B.have two ways to submit their works
C.can be from different countries around the world
D.can take part in the contest without telling their parents
10.How many kinds of prizes are there for children to compete for?B
A.One.       B.Three.
C.Six.       D.Nine.
11.According to the text,children will win mainly depending on theirC.
A.chance     B.submitting time   
C.skill       D.number of entries.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.Scientists in Israel have discovered a new way to test for water pollution by"listening"to what the plants growing in water have to say.
By shining a laser beam (激光束) on the tiny pieces of algae floating in the water,the researchers said they hear sound waves that tell them the type and amount of contamination (致污物) in the water.
"It is a red light,telling us that something is beginning to go wrong with the quality of water,"said Zvy Dubinsky,an aquatic biologist (水生生物学家) at Israel's Bar Ilan University."Algae is the first thing to be affected by a change in water quality.""The secret,"he said,"is to measure the rate of photosynthesis (光合作用) in the algae,meaning the plant's ability to transform light into energy."During photosynthesis,plants also release oxygen into the air.
Dubinsky's technique is easy to perform because of the over-abundance (过于丰富) of algae in the planet's water.Most of the oxygen in the atmosphere comes from algae.A prototype tester (样本测试机)that occupies about one square meter of a laboratory desktop,shoots a laser beam at water samples to stimulate (刺激) photosynthesis in the algae.But not all of the laser's heat is used.Depending on the condition of the algae and the rate of photosynthesis,some of the heat is shot back into the water,creating sound waves,Dubinsky said.With a special underwater microphone,researchers are able to analyze the strength of the sound waves and determine the health of the algae and the condition of the surrounding water.
"Algae suffering from lead poisoning,like waste discharged from battery and paint manufacturing plants,will produce a different sound than those suffering from lack of iron or exposure to other toxins,"said researcher Yulia Pinchasov.She said that testing algae photosynthesis can determine water quality more accurately and easily than labor-intensive methods now used like chemical and radioactive carbon testing.

5.The underlined word"algae"in Paragraph 2probably refers to a kind ofA.
A.plant              B.instrument           
C.wood               D.pollutant
6.Why is the algae tested?B
A.Because it floats on the water.
B.Because it is the first to be polluted.
C.Because it can have photosynthesis.
D.Because it can produce different sounds.
7.We can infer from the passage thatC.
A.algae can produce a loud sound when polluted
B.algae can die easily from pollution
C.photosynthesis of the algae is related to water quality
D.photosynthesis of the algae can only be caused by sunlight
8.What would be the best title for the passage?D
A.The Problem of Chemical and Radioactive Carbon Testing
B.A Prototype Tester Is Used to Determine Water Pollution
C.The Importance of Photosynthesis of the Algae
D.Scientists Listen to Plants to Find Water Pollution.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Q:Dear Dr.Wood,
My husband and I are facing a dilemma,namely,the issue of whether to have a second child---we already have one healthy,happy five-year-old daughter.Both of us have demanding jobs,and limited time and financial resources,but we're also very keen to make sure that our only child does not become a lonely child.So,what are the pros and cons(利弊) of having a second child?[
A:Dear Andrea,
This is one of the most difficult issues that parents nowadays face.As you point out,a concern that is often heard with regard to only children is whether one child necessarily means a lonely child.Many parents of only children feel a stigma(耻辱) associated with their decision to have only one child.There are no other children in the family for the child to associate with,and this may lead to the child feeling lonely at times,especially during vacations.
Another common argument against having just one child is that an only child may be more spoiled than one with siblings.Many people believe that a single child will not have learned to negotiate with others,and respect the give-and-take involved in many relationships.Some think this may leave the child less capable of interacting well with people his or her own age than one who has been raised with siblings.
Advocates of single-child families argue that there are advantages for the child as well as the parents.With just one child,they suggest,there is less potential for family arguments arising from favoritism or sibling jealousy.Moreover,with only one child,the parents can give,and the child can receive,more quality time and attention.This often leads to increased self-esteem,which combined with increased independence,can lead to the child being more confident.Unfortunately,Andre,there is no simple answer to the question of whether or not to have a second child.The circumstances affecting each set of parents are unique,and what is appropriate for one family may not be for another.The important thing,in the end,is to make a decision that both you and your husband feel confident about.
28.The underlined word"siblings"in Paragraph 3refers toB.
A.friends and partners
B.brothers and sisters
C.classmates and teachers
D.parents and relatives
29.Which one is NOT the reason why some people are against having one child?C
A.An only child may be spoiled.
B.An only child may lack the ability to negotiate with others.
C.An only child may feel lonely.
D.An only child may not respect the give-and-take.
30.What can you infer from the passage?C
A.Dr.Wood doesn't think that an only child will feel lonely.
B.Andrea wanted to have a second child though her family was poor.
C.An only child may not need to deal with the problem favoritism.
D.Parents having an only child will feel lonely during vacations.
31.In which section will this passage appear?D

