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In recent years,internet voting has become increasingly popular in China.People not only cast on?line votes themselves,but also urge others to vote for competitions like the“Most Beautiful Teacher” and the “Cutest Baby”.

Li Jiang,a high school student,is invited to vote in the “Best Police Officer” competition,organized by the local government to let the public have a better understanding of police officers' daily work.Li Jiang visits the website and reads all the stories.He is deeply moved by their glorious deeds.He is already thinking of becoming a policeman himself in the future.

Su Hua is invited by his uncle to vote for his cousin in the “Future Singer” competition.He has already received three similar invitations this week.His uncle tells him that if his cousin wins the competition,the family will win an overseas tour for free.Su Hua likes his cousin very much,but he finds other singers perform even better.To vote,or not to vote? This is a question that troubles him very much.




















科目:高中英语 来源:2017-2018学年高中英语(江苏牛津译林版,选修七)Unit 2 单元综合测评 题型:阅读理解

You have a backache; your legs are painful after a basketball match—what better than a relaxing massage (按摩)?

Scientists now say they have figured out the reason why a massage brings comfort. They say a massage changes how some of your proteins (蛋白质) act.This makes your muscles less inflamed (发炎的), according to the Los Angeles Times.

The leader of the study, Professor Mark Tarnopolsky at McMaster University, Canada, chose several healthy young men for the experiment.He asked them to do very tiring exercise. Then he looked at how the cells changed in their legs.After this, the men were given a massage on only one leg and Tarnopolsky recorded any cell changes again.

Tarnopolsky and his team found that massaging made the inflammation caused by exercise get better because it weakened the activity of a protein called NF?kB.

Scientists also noticed that massaging helped cells recover from exercise damage.When muscles were being massaged, the amount of another protein called PGC?lalpha increased. This kind of protein can stimulate (促进) the growth of a tiny part inside cells called mitochondria (线粒体).

People used to think that massaging eases pain by clearing away the lactic acid (乳酸) which built up after exercise. However, Tarnopolsky and his team didn't see any changes to lactic acid.

Thomas Birk is a professor at Wayne State University, US. He said that the study was the first he had seen to analyze massage in such depth. He said they wanted to start research 10 years ago, but technology was not yet good enough.

One day massages could be used to treat injuries and muscle disease. They may even be able to replace some anti?inflammatory medicines, said Birk. But, he said, more research is needed for masseurs (按摩师) to figure out the best massages for different diseases.

1.What is the article mainly about?

A. A new way to massage.

B. The best way to relax after doing sports.

C. New research into massages.

D. The advantages of a massage.

2.How can a massage bring comfort according to the article?

A. It weakens the activity of the protein NF?kB.

B. It helps protein recover from exercise damage.

C. It can clear away the mitochondria in muscles.

D. It can prevent inflammation in muscles.

3.What does the underlined word “eases” in Paragraph 6 probably mean?

A. makes easier B. reduces

C. puts up with D. stops

4.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. It was believed that massages cleared away lactic acid.

B. Research into massages started 10 years ago.

C. Massages are used to treat muscle diseases in hospitals.

D. Massages will reduce the amount of protein PGC?lalpha.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017-2018学年高中英语(江苏牛津译林版,选修七)模块综合测评 题型:阅读理解

Here's a new warning from health experts:sitting is deadly. Scientists are increasingly warning that sitting for long periods, even if you exercise regularly, could be bad for your health. And it doesn't matter where the sitting takes place—in the office, at school, in the car or before a computer or TV. Just the overall number of hours it takes counts. Several studies suggest people who spend most of their days sitting are more likely to be fat, have a heart attack or even die.

While health officials have issued (发布) guidelines advising on the least amounts of physical activity, they haven't suggested people try to limit how much time they spend in a seated position.

“After four hours of sitting, the body starts to send harmful signals,” said Ekblom?Bak of the Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences. She explained that genes controlling the amount of glucose (葡萄糖) and fat in the body start to shut down.

Even for people who exercise, spending long periods of time sitting at a desk is still harmful. Tim Armstrong, a physical activity expert at the World Health Organization, said people who exercise every day but still spend a lot of time sitting might get more benefits if that exercise were spread across the day, rather than in a single hour.

Still in a study that tracked more than 17,000 Canadians for about a dozen years, researchers found people who sat more had a higher death risk, whether they exercised or not.

Experts said more research is needed to figure out just how much sitting is dangerous, and what might be possible to offset those effects.

“People should keep exercising because that has a lot of benefits,” Ekblom?Bak said. “And when they're in the office, they should try to interrupt sitting as often as possible. ”

1.The underlined word “offset” in Paragraph 6 most probably means “________”.

A. turn to B. work out

C. get rid of D. make use of

2.Sitting too much is dangerous because it can ______.

A. make a person unable to exercise enough in a day

B. destroy the balance of glucose and fat the body

C. increase glucose and fat in the body

D. make a person become lazy

3.In the opinion of Ekblom?Bak, when at work, you'd better have a rest by ________.

A. sending your friends e?mails

B. taking a walk around your office

C. chatting online or playing computer games

D. listening to music while sitting

4.Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

A. Side Effects of Sitting Too Much

B. Don't Sit Too Much While Working

C. More and More People Sit Too Much

D. Sitting Too Much Could Be Dangerous


科目:高中英语 来源:2017-2018学年高中英语(江苏牛津译林版,选修七)模块综合测评 题型:单项填空

The famous musician,as well as his students,________ to perform at the opening ceremony of the 2012 Taipei Flower Expo.

A. were invited B. was invited

C. have been invited D. has been invited


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省2016-2017学年高一(普通班)下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:七选五

How to Become a Top Student

Successful students use different techniques(技巧) to study,which brings them more success. 1.Here are the four techniques almost all top?performing students use.

They are regular. Almost all successful students study regularly, because they know “what you give is what you get”. If you put in regular hours of studying, then you will learn more and get better grades. 2.This will help you to study regularly.

They have clear goals. All top?performing students have definite, specific goals. 3.They motivate(激发) you and drive you to study more. But make sure that you do not get carried away. Set realistic goals which can challenge(挑战) you, but do not seem impossible or too difficult to achieve.

They study without pressure(压力). Successful students study a lot. But they study without putting strain on themselves. Most students make the mistake of studying too hard or studying continuously for a long time. 4.Studying should be done in a balanced manner. Take a break for a few minutes, after studying for 30 or 45 minutes. Relax, walk around your room or house, or drink some water and return to studying. Such short breaks will refresh your brain and you will learn more.

5.Studying is not something you do just because your parents ask you to do it.It's actually very important for you.Studying gives you knowledge and skills that will remain with you for the rest of your life.It gives you the ability to get a job and earn money.And successful students recognize the value of studying well.

A. This creates tension and actually slows down learning and memory.

B. Set aside some hours, each day or each week,for studying.

C. Having such goals gives you a purpose to study better.

D. Learn their techniques, and you will also join their rank.

E. They give importance to study.

F. But to score A grade in English, you should make well-planned efforts.

G. They finish their homework on time.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017-2018学年高中英语(江苏牛津译林版,选修七)Unit 1 单元综合测评 题型:阅读理解

A new set of R's are here: Recycle, Reduce and Reuse. These three “Rs”,when used every day, can reduce the amount of waste going into landfills, reduce the litter polluting the land and water, conserve (节约) energy and save your money.

Recycling is one of the easiest ways to save energy, money and time while reducing the amount of garbage going into landfills.

Most communities have roadside pick?up service to recycle common household items like glass, steel, aluminum, newspaper and cardboard. By separating out the recyclable items from normal household trash, you can reduce the amount of trash entering a landfill by more than 75 percent.

Recycling one aluminum beverage can saves enough energy to run your television for three hours. Even better, local recyclers or scrap?metal dealers may pay money for your metal recyclables.

It is estimated that the 54 billion cans recycled last year in the US saved 15 million barrels of oil. That is equivalent (相等的) to the US oil consumption for one day. Recycling other household items offers similar savings in money and energy.

Composting food waste will reduce your trash load even more. A basic compost pile built with the help of instructions from numerous resources on the web can be constructed over a weekend, using materials easily obtained from local hardware or home improvement stores. In addition to reducing your waste, this all?natural recycling provides safe, clean and organic fertilizer for your garden, eliminating the need to buy chemical?derived products.

Finally, recycling other household items like computers, televisions and monitors and household chemicals like pesticides (农药) and paints will remove dangerous chemicals like mercury (水银) and lead from the landfills.

If your community doesn't offer recycling programs, contact your local government to get one established.

1.What's NOT true about recycling in the eyes of the author?

A. It's energy?efficient.

B. It's money?saving.

C. It's time?consuming.

D. It's environmentally?friendly.

2.Recycling________aluminum beverage cans save enough energy to keep your TV on for half a day.

A. three B. four

C. five D. six

3.What's the possible meaning of the underlined word “composting” in the sixth paragraph?

A. Turning waste into fertilizer.

B. Throwing waste into dustbin.

C. Making waste clean and useful.

D. Finding new land to put the rubbish in.

4.The passage tells us the way of living a ________life.

A. happy B. rich

C. green D. economical


科目:高中英语 来源:2017-2018学年高中英语(江苏牛津译林版,选修七)Unit 1 单元综合测评 题型:单项填空

The producer comes regularly to collect the cameras________to our shop for quality problems.

A. returning B. returned

C. to return D. to be returned


科目:高中英语 来源:内蒙古2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Almost everybody in America will spend a part of his or her life behind a shopping cart. They will, in a lifetime, push the chrome-plated contraptions many miles. But few will know—or even think to ask—who it was that invented them.

Sylvan N. Goldman invented the shopping cart in 1937. At that time he was in the supermarket business.Every day he would see shoppers lugging groceries around in baskets they had to carry.

One day Goldman suddenly had the idea of putting baskets on wheels. The wheeled baskets would make shopping much easier for his customers, and would help to attract more business.

On June 4, 1937, Goldman’s first carts were ready for use in his market. He was terribly excited on the morning of that day as customers began arriving. He couldn’t wait to see them using his invention.

But Goldman was disappointed. Most shoppers gave the carts a long look, but hardly anybody would give them a try.

After a while, Goldman decided to ask customers why they weren’t using his carts. “Don’t you think this arm is strong enough to carry a shopping basket?” one shopper replied.

But Goldman wasn’t beaten yet. He knew his carts would be a great success if only he could persuade people to give them a try. To this end, Goldman hired a group of people to push carts around his market and pretend they were shopping! Seeing this, the real customers gradually began copying the phony customers.

As Goldman had hoped, the carts were soon attracting larger and larger numbers of customers to his market. But not only did more people come—those who came bought more. With larger, easier-to-handle baskets, customers unconsciously bought a greater number of items than before.

Today’s shopping carts are five times larger than Goldman’s original model. Perhaps that’s one reason Americans today spend more than five times as much money on food each year as they did before 1937—before the coming of the shopping cart.

1.What do the underlined words “ chrome-plated contraptions” in the first paragraph refer to?

A. Baskets. B. Private cars.

C. Suitcases. D. Shopping carts.

2.What was the purpose of Goldman’s invention?

A. It was to prove him to be a good inventor.

B. It was to reduce the burden of his employees' work.

C. It was to make shopping easier and attract more business.

D. It was to help the disabled make shopping easily in his market.

3.Goldman hired a group of people to push carts around his market in order to

A. attract people to buy things in his market

B. encourage people to use his shopping carts

C. make his market different from the others

D. keep the groceries from being stolen

4.What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. Goldman will become very famous because of his invention.

B. Goldman's invention will be regarded as the greatest one in the world.

C. Supermarket business has benefited a lot from Goldman's invention.

D. There will be nothing that can replace Goldman's invention.


科目:高中英语 来源:青海省西宁市2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:信息匹配

How can we all get more laughter into our lives? Here is what the experts suggest:

1. Nancy, a teacher in New York, was once painfully shy and had a hard time laughing. Then she married a circus clown (小丑). “I became interested in the clowns,” she recalls “One day I put on a costume and paint my face. That afternoon my whole life changed. I learned to laugh and enjoy life in a way I had never done before.”2. To this day, she still makes it a rule to be with people who enjoy life and laughing.

3. It doesn’t take you too much time and can be easy. Collect favorite cartoons and jokes. Also, keep a paper for writing down humor you find in everyday life. “Good ideas come and go fast, you have to catch them quickly or they are gone,” says Tooper.

Laugh when you need it most. “4.” says comedian Bill. “And once you find laughter, no matter how painful your situation might by, you can survive it,” he insists.

Gray, a sociology professor, claims that laughter is a skill we can all gain - because it comes naturally.5. Just remember: we are just here for a period, so get a few laughs.

A. Mix with people who laugh.

B. You can lessen your pain through humor.

C. Practise the art of laughing.

D. But it’s also something that has to be developed.

E. He who laughs last laughs best.

F. People’s joy can affect those around them.

G. Keep a laughter file.

