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Four brothers left home for college, and they became successful doctors and lawyers. Some years later, they  31   after having dinner together. They discussed the  32   they gave their elderly mother who lived far away in another city. The first said,“I had a   33   house built for Mama.”The second said,“I had my Mercedes-Benz dealer(经销商)send a   34   to her.”The third said,“I built a beautiful  35   for Mama.”The fourth said,“You know  36   Mama loved reading poems and you know she can’t read anymore because she can’t  37   very well. I met a   38   who had a parrot(鹦鹉)that can recite many poems. It took him 12 years to  39   it and he earns his living by renting it out. I had to pay him $100,000 a year for twenty years,  40   it is worth it.”On hearing that, the other brothers were  41   by his good thought.
After the holidays their mother  42   her thank-you notes. She wrote:
“Milton, the house you built is so huge. I only live in one room, but I have to  43   the whole house. It’s a tiring job. Thanks anyway.”
“Marvin, I am too old to  44  .I stay home and have my foods delivered, so I’ll  45   use the automobile. The  46   was good, although notpractical. Thanks.”
“Michael, you gave me an expensive building for 50 people to  47   plays or watch movies in it, but all my friends are dead. I’ve almost  48   my hearing and I’m nearly blind. I won’t use it. Thank you all the same.”
“Dearest Melvin, you were the  49   son to have the good sense to give a little thought to your gift. The chicken tasted so  50  . I liked it very much. Thank you.”
31.A.fought                        B.talked                               C.studied                   D.slept
32.A.gifts                            B.chances                           C.wishes                             D.challenges
33.A.warm                          B.big                                     C.safe                                   D.lonely
34.A.book                            B.bike                                   C.car                                     D.bag
35.A.station                       B.museum                          C.library                               D.theater
36.A.what                           B.how                                   C.why                                   D.when
37.A.listen                          B.feel                                    C.see                                    D.walk
38.A.nurse                          B.writer                               C.businessman                  D.scientist
39.A.protect                       B.beat                                  C.raise                                 D.teach
40.A.but                              B.so                                      C.unless                               D.although
41.A.treated                      B.impressed                       C.threatened                     D.hurt
42.A.sent out            B.put up                               C.took out                           D.picked up
43.A.sell                              B.borrow                    C.clean                                 D.visit
44.A.learn                           B.work                                 C.exercise                           D.travel
45.A.never                          B.often                                 C.regularly                          D.sometimes
46.A.future                         B.hobby                               C.idea                                   D.program
47.A.create                        B.enjoy                                 C.bring                                 D.record
48.A.lost                    B.admired                           C.remained                         D.discovered
49.A.same                          B.last                                    C.next                                  D.only
50A.strange                       B.unpleasant                      C.bitter                                D.delicious
31-35  BABCD     36-40  BCCDA     41-45  BACDA   46-50  CBADD

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I’ve a friend who has a big police dog 78._______Jack. Every Sunday afternoon my friend takes Jack 79.________ a long walk in the park. He likes these walks in the park very much. One Sunday a young man dropped 80.________ on my friend. He stayed a long time. They talked and talked. Soon 81._________ was time for my friend to take Jack for his walk, 82.________ the visitor still sat talking. Jack became worried 83.________ his walk in the park. He walked round the room several times and then he sat right in front of the visitor and looked at him. But the visitor paid 84._________ attention. He continued talking. Finally Jack could stand it no 85._________. He held the visitor’s hat in his mouth and ran out of the house.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

When high school started, Becky and I became best friends.We _36__ many interests and quickly became inseparable.When high school ended, we both cried _ 37__ we would attend
different colleges in the fall.
Our first term of university life was _38__, We had a huge telephone bill and our e-mails were incredibly long.In the second tern-, I found some new friends with whom I felt very _39_.These were friends with whom I could be myself and __40__ out my feelings.I was eager to share my new friends with Becky.
When Becky finally visited me at my school, we were excited.She   41   a toy bear to me as a present and told me about her college life.However, something unexpected happened when I _42__ her to my new friends.Her eyes grew dark and I could see the   43   within them.My new friends tried to share their friendship, but Becky seemed __44_ to accept it.I didn't understand __45_ the people 1 loved most couldn't love each other.
Becky left.I knew she was not happy.I thought long about what had happened.After many unanswered questions, I understood that she was   46 .She saw me with my new friends and  47 that we longer shared the same experiences.She saw all she fun I was having  48  her and wished she could be a part of it.She wished she could be in their  49  .
I wrote a letter to Becky _50__ she's always my best friend.I told her everyone had friends from home and friends from school, and all the friends were indeed life's greatest   51 .Becky wrote me back soon.She was in _52___ and felt sorry about what she had done.
I think Becky and I both learn an important lesson from it.__53_ can influence our friendship and change the experiences we've shared.We are now walking on two different paths of  54 __while new friends arc special and exciting, old friends are always there,   55   to share their heart and soul, no matter how far apart.
36.A.showed        B.shared      C.protected  D.developed
37.A.although      B.unless       C.because     D.while
38.A.hard         B.peaceful    C.modern     D.normal
39.A.anxious       B.strange     C.familiar    D.comfortable
40.A.pour         B.make     C.figure       D.hold
41.A.donated       B.returned    C.brought    D.recommended
42.A.admitted      B.referred    C.mentioned D.introduced
43.A.concern       B.hurt      C.curiosity   D.doubt
44.A.unwilling     B.cautious    C.ashamed   D.calm
45.A.how         B.whether    C.that      D.why
46.A.aggressive     B.jealous      C.proud       D.discouraged
47.A.promised     B.argued      C.regretted   D.proved
48.A.without       B.from     C.for       D.across
49.A.expectation      B.relation     C.reception  D.position
50.A.recognizing      B.explaining C.assuming  D.predicting
51.A.achievement     B.spirit     C.gift      D.sign
52.A.sympathy     B.confusion  C.surprise    D.agreement
53.A.Something       B.Anything  C.Nothing    D.Everything
54.A.success        B.life       C.research    D.happiness
55.A.waiting        B.planning   C.choosing   D.demanding


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A man was exploring caves by the seashore when he found a bag with a bunch of hardened clay balls. It was like someone had  31  the balls and left them out in the dun to bake.
They didn’t look like much, but they   32  intrigued the man, so he took the bag out of the cave with him. As he walked along the beach, he   33  the clay balls one at a time out into the ocean as far as he could. He thought little about it  34  he dropped one of the clay balls and it cracked open(裂开)on a rock. Inside was a beautiful, precious stone!   35  , the man started breaking open the   36  balls. Each contained a similar treasure. He found thousands of dollars’   37  of jewels in the 20 or so leftover ones.
Then it   38  him. He’d been on the beach a long time, throwing maybe 50 or 60 of the balls, with their hidden treasure, into the   39  . Instead of thousands of dollars in treasure, he  40  have taken home tens of thousands but he had just thrown it away!
It’s like that   41  people. We look at someone, maybe even ourselves, but we  42  see the clay shell. It doesn’t look like much from the   43  . It isn’t always beautiful or shining, so we  44  it. we see that person as less important than someone more  45  or stylish or well known or wealthy. But we haven’t taken the time to find the treasure  46  inside that person.
There is a treasure in each and every one of us. If we take the time to get to know that person and ask God to show us that person the  47  He sees them, then the clay begins to  48  and the brilliant jewel begins to shine forth. May we not come to the  49  of our lives and find out that we’ve thrown away a   50  in friendships because the gems were hidden in balls of clay! May we see the people in our world as God sees them.
31.A.invented      B.rolled              C.handled       D.bounced
32.A.confused      B.encouraged      C.interested     D.relaxed
33.A.dipped         B.pushed         C.kicked         D.threw
34.A.until         B.when         C.since         D.though
35.A.Frightened       B.Determined      C.Excited        D.Disappointed
36.A.shining        B.floating       C.surviving     D.remaining
37.A.worth          B.value         C.cost          D.wealth
38.A.shocked       B.rejected       C.struck          D.delighted
39.A.caves          B.waves          C.seashore       D.storms
40.A.might          B.must         C.could         D.should
41.A.with         B.towards       C.about         D.between
42.A.hardly         B.actually       C.simply         D.luckily
43.A.distance       B.outside        C.weight         D.pattern
44.A.removed      B.suspected     C.ignored        D.reserved
45.A.beautiful      B.cautious       C.positive       D.grateful
46.A. lost         B.hidden         C.divided        D.mixed
47.A.moment       B.point         C.degree         D.way
48.A.come off     B.break away      C.take over     D.fall down
49.A.sight         B.best          C.middle         D.end
50.A.relation       B.position       C.fortune        D.memory


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,40 分)
Shopping in the United States changes a lot.About ninety years ago most people shopped in small stores that were owned by one person or a family.Women went from the bakery to the butcher's to the grocer and on to the fruit and vegetable seller in order to get their food for the week.
Then about sixty years ago, supermarkets were born.In a supermarket, people could get all the different kinds of food they needed without going to different stores.
The next big change in shopping in the United States was the shopping mall.A shopping mall is a group of stores under one roof.Because malls allowed people to shop without worrying about the weather, they soon became very popular.The mall became a place for people to socialize in addition to shopping.If you walk through a mall, you will see older people sitting, chatting and drinking coffee.Malls are places for teenagers to hang out.Many teens will often just "go to the mall" and spend time with their friends.
The recent change in American shopping was the superstore.Large chain stores such as Wal-Mart, Office Depot and Toys "R" Us have been built all across the United States.Because they are so large, they can buy goods at a great discount and sell them much cheaper than smaller stores.
Sometimes, when they are built near small towns, many of the small town stores have to close.They just cannot compete with their giant neighbors.
And now, online shopping is becoming more and more popular all over the States.People are too busy to go to the physical stores, so they go shopping over the Internet.Online shopping has lots of advantages.For instance, online stores are usually available 24 hours a day.Searching or browsing online shops can be faster than browsing the physical stores.While, online shopping also has its disadvantages.People are at higher risk of being cheated on the part of the merchant than in a physical store.And privacy of personal information may be let out.
56.Which of the following shows the right order of shopping development in the United States?
①small stores  ②superstores   ③shopping malls    ④shopping online
A.①②③④⑤             B.①⑤②③④
C.①⑤③②④          D.②③④①⑤
57.Which is the place for people to spend time with others according to the passage?
A.Shopping malls.           B.Small stores.      
C.Supermarkets.          D.Superstores.
58.Why can the superstores sell products at much lower prices?
A.Because they are built near small towns.
B.Because they are across the United States.
C.Because they sell all kinds of products people need.
D.Because they can buy goods at a reduction in the price.
59.What's the disadvantage of online shopping according to the passage?
A.Wasting time.         B.Leaking personal information.
C.Fixed prices.        D.No chance to do physical activities


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Margaret, married with two small children, has been working for the last seven years as a night cleaner, cleaning offices in a big building.
She trained as a nurse, but had to give it up when her elder child became seriously ill. “I would have liked to go back to it, but the shifts(工作班次) are all wrong for me, as I have to be home to get the children up and off to school.”
So she works as a cleaner instead, from 9 p.m. till 6 a.m. five nights a week for just £90, before tax and insurance. “It’s better than it was last year, but I still think that people who work ‘unsocial hours’ should get a bit extra.”
The hours she’s chosen to work meant that she sees plenty of the children, but very little of her husband. However, she doesn’t think that puts any pressure on their relationship.
Her work isn’t physically very hard, but it’s not exactly pleasant, either. “I do get angry with people who leave their offices like a place for raising pigs. If they realized people like me have to do it, perhaps they’d be a bit more careful.”
The fact that she’s working all night doesn’t worry Margaret at all. Unlike some dark buildings at night, the building where she works is fully lit, and the women work in groups of three. “Since I’ve got to be here, I try to enjoy myself——and I usually do, because of the other girls. We all have a good laugh, so the time never drags.”
Another challenge Margaret has to face is the reaction of other people when she tells them what she does for a living. “They think you’re a cleaner because you don’t know how to read and write,” said Margaret. “I used to think what my parents would say if they knew what I’d been doing, but I don’t think that way any more. I don’t dislike the work though I can’t say I’m mad about it.”
41. Margaret quit her job as a nurse because _______
A. she wanted to earn more money to support her family
B. she had suffered a lot of mental pressure
C. she needed the right time to look after her children
D. she felt tired of taking care of patients
42. Margaret gets angry with people who work in the office because _______.
A. they never clean their offices              B. they look down upon cleaners
C. they never do their work carefully          D. they always make a mess in their offices
43. When at work, Margaret feels _______.
A. light-hearted because of her fellow workers     B. happy because the building is fully lit
C. tired because of the heavy workload           D. bored because time passed slowly
44. The underlined part in the last paragraph implies that Margaret’s parents would _______.
A. help care for her children             B. regret what they had said
C. show sympathy for her               D. feel disappointed in her


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

For those who long ago lost interest in the annual CCTV Spring Festival Gala, some new online offerings might be pleasant alternative. They started appearing 2002 and could have a phenomental (非凡的)presence this year.
The online versions keep the essence of the CCTV one, but replace the less popular parts. To draw viewers, there is no shortage of big name stars. Some A-list performers, including singers XuWei, SunNan and crosstalk performers, can be found here. The interesting part, however, is the host of the celebrities who have risen to fame online, from Xidan Metro Girl (西单女孩)to Sister Lotus (芙蓉姐姐), for example. The anchors are the Back Dormitory Boys(后舍男生), a Chinese group who gained fame for lip-synch(假唱) songs by the Backstreet Boys and other pop stars.
What’s more significant is that it’s unprecedented in its interactivity.
“In online Spring Festival galas, I can vote for an earlier broadcast of programs that I like,” said Yu Ting, 23, a Peking University student. “I can also just click for my applause, and can even throw “tomatoes” or “rotten eggs” at those acts I really don’t like. I’m like the master of ceremonies or virtual producer of my own gala.”
Obviously, this has put an extra burden on the performers, who have to worry about being dropped by the audience at any time. However, it means original fun for netizens who like to “direct” their own entertaining bits.
No matter what you taste, the online Spring Festival galas offer multiple choices for the holiday. Everyone gets to enjoy whatever he or she likes.
64.What is the meaning of the underlined word?
A. the worst parts  B. the best parts  C. the less popular parts   D. the original parts
65.what is true about the Back Dormitory Boys?
A. It’s a pop group good at crosstalk.
B. It’s a pop group made up of six handsome boys.
C. They often sing songs by the Westlife.
D. they sing their songs in a special way.
66.From the passage, we can learn about the online Spring Festival Galas that            .
A. They started appearing in 1983.
B. People often take tomatoes and rotten eggs with them when watching
C. People can’t give their support in any way.
D. People enjoy the feeling of being the master of the galas.
67. You can find the passage in a _____________.
A. newspaper   B. guidebook   C. storybook   D. catalog


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Jiang Nan, a full-time mother in Beijing, keeps a dozen or so cloth bags at home, carefully selecting one or two before heading out to get groceries. “Most of them were giveaways from advertising marketing campaigns, but
others had been handed out in the street by various environmental protection organizations,” she explained.
Since June 2008 China has forbidden the production,
sale and usage of plastic bags thinner than 0.025 millimeter (毫米), and retailers(零售商) are not allowed to provide free plastic bags to their customers, regardless of the thickness.
Many Chinese consumers like Jiang have learned to refuse plastic bags whenever possible in their shopping. “A plastic bag may only cost a few jiao, but it’s more about how bad they are for the environment,” Jiang said.
The plastic ban is for the most part well carried out in big cities, and has been distinctly effective in reducing white waste. On the first anniversary of the plastic ban Global Village of Beijing, an NGO environmental organization, shows that during the year of the ban the consumption of plastic bags fell by about 40 billion pieces in chain supermarkets alone, saving more than 1.2 million tons of petroleum.
However, enforcement shows considerably less muscle in smaller cities, towns and country-
side. In a remote town like Lichuan, the awareness of environmental protection is not as strong as that in big cities. Street vendors(街头小贩) worry that they are likely to lose customers if they charge them for plastic bags. Seeing no significance in the issue, local government often turn a blind eye to banned bag traffic in the market.
There are still those who don’t have an interest in living green. Cui Lin, another Beijinger, often forgets to bring a cloth bag when shopping, and has to buy plastic bags. “Anyway I think plastic bags are neater and cleaner, and I don’t mind paying a couple more jiao,” he shrugged.
Mrs Yu, a vegetable vendor in Lichuan County, Jiangxi Province, recalled that before plastic bags became popular in the early 1990s, Chinese people always carried a bamboo basket when they visited the market. “Plastic bags are more convenient,” she comments, and her view might be that of the tens of millions of people in the nation who still cling to plastic bags, paid or free. This is suggested by her trade where piles of plastic bags are still passed out every day.
49. In Paragraph 1, the writer uses Jiang Nan’s case to __________.
A. introduce a topic
B. tell a story
C. describe a person
D. offer an argument
How did Jiang Nan get her cloth bags? 
A. She bought them at a low price.
C. She borrowed them from her relatives.
B. She got them for free.
D. She made them herself.
51. Which is NOT the reason why some people still use plastic bags when shopping?
A. Cloth bags are difficult to get and heavy to carry.
B. People’s awareness of environmental protection is not strong enough.
C. People don’t mind paying a couple more jiao for plastic bags.
D. Street vendors worry that they are likely to lose customers if they charge them.
52. What message does the writer mostly convey in the passage?
A. To reduce white waste is urgent.
B. The plastic bag ban has achieved great success.
C. There is still a long way to go for the plastic bag ban.
D. People’s awareness of environmental protection should be stressed.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

I love it at night. It’s peaceful. And when it cools down I sometimes do some ironing. I don’t really care for it. I work full-time and too busy for most housework. I remember the old woman who taught me to iron. I was about 15 and somehow got a live-in job taking care of a woman who had been an able-bodied, healthy woman until the accident that caused her to be paralyzed(瘫痪).
The woman had an electric wheelchair. She could move her head and arms but not her hands or fingers. She had this clamp(夹子)attached to her arm and I’d have to open it and put a cup or a pencil in it and then she could move it. She would tell me how to do things. She would instruct me in great detail on the correct way to do things. Her home was perfect and beautiful. She would follow me around in her electric wheelchair to make sure I did everything exactly right. I’m sure she had been a perfect homemaker. She would have me fold everything, including socks and pillow cases. I would complain silently and wish terrible things on her. She taught me the right way to make the bed and tuck (塞)the corners. I know sometimes she’d get frustrated and impatient with me. I knew she wanted to grab it and do it herself. But she never yelled(大叫)or scolded. Only insisted I do it right. I didn’t like it much, but I did it.
Today I can iron pretty well. I know where to start on a shirt, the right way to do the collar and sleeves. Now that I think about it, I don’t think she is an old lady. I think she might have been about my age now. Anyway, when I iron, I think of her and silently thank her for all the things I learned.
63. From the passage we can infer that the writer of the passage now is ________.
A.a housewife       B.a full-time worker   C.a clothes maker    D.a college student
64. The writer used to take care of the lady because ______.
A.she wanted to learn how to do housework
B.she was a relative of the disabled woman
C.she wanted to earn some money while sleeping and eating there
D.she had to do something in return to the lady for her kindness
65. When the lady taught the writer how to do housework, the little girl was ______.
A. eager to learn   B. unwilling to learn   C. forced to learn   D. careful to learn
66. What’s the writer’s attitude towards the lady now?
A. Sympathetic    B. Fearful    C. Hateful   D. Grateful

