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We have seen that pesticides(杀虫剂) now pollute soil, water and food, and that they have the power to make our rivers fishless and our gardens and woodlands silent and birdless.Man, however much he may like to pretend the opposite, is part of nature.Can he escape a pollution that is now so thoroughly spread throughout our world?

We know that even single exposure to these chemicals, if the amount is large enough, can cause extremely severe poisoning.But this is not the major problem.The sudden illness or death of farmers, farm workers and others exposed to enough quantities of pesticides is very sad and should not happen.For the population as a whole, we must pay more attention to the delayed effects of taking in small amounts of the pesticides that unseeably pollute our world.

Responsible public health officials have pointed out that the biological effects of chemicals are increasing in amount over long periods of time, and that the danger to the man may depend on the amount of the exposures received throughout his lifetime.For these very reasons people easily take no notice of the danger.It is human nature to shake off what may seem to us a future disaster."Men are naturally most impressed by diseases which have obvious signs, " says a wise physician, Dr.Rene Dubos, "yet some of their worst enemies slowly come near them unnoticed."

62.Which of the following can best summarize the first paragraph of this passage?

      A.Man has a responsibility to bear for what has happened to nature.

      B.Possibly man will escape the effects of environmental pollution.

      C.Pesticide-caused pollution may also kill people.

      D.Man acts as if he did not belong to nature.

63.People do not give enough attention to the delayed effects of exposure to chemicals because         .

      A.imited exposure to them does little harm to people's health

      B.the present is more important to them than the future

      C.humans are able to bear small amounts of poisoning

      D.the danger does not become seen clearly and immediately

64.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

      A.A person exposed to pesticides even once may get seriously poisoned.

      B.Birds are less sensitive to pesticides than humans.

      C.The effects of pesticides on humans do not last as long as on fish.

      D.Taking in small amounts of pesticides will not cause serious results.

65.We can conclude from what Dr Dubos says that                .

      A.people usually find hidden diseases difficult to deal with

      B.people fail to notice hidden dangers caused by pesticides

      C.diseases with obvious signs are mostly easy to cure

      D.attacks by hidden enemies are likely to be deadly


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解




Yesterday, I cut hundreds of tomatoes for a free dinner that took place tonight in a party. As I left my home to    36    the party, something came into my mind. I did not feel right leaving only with the    37    of receiving things. I had a strong    38     to continue giving something to those who needed it,    39     I had worked many hours to prepare the food.

   40    , I decided to make a gift out of some leftover food I had cooked. I   41   a container with the food. Along with a    42    , I put it in a bag, creating a packed meal.

    As I was    43   on the street, I kept a watchful eye out for someone who was really            44      . On my way home, I saw a     45     man pushing a grocery cart(手推车) full of old things abandoned by others. He wandered aimlessly around the street. This cart     46   to be his only home and he really needed any   47   he could get. I   48   him that I had some food that I planned to give to someone who was hungry and I   49    it to him. He immediately   50   it. After a brief conversation, the   51    man sincerely thanked me for what I had done.

    As I walked away, a    52    walking alone in the street said, “That is so kind of you!” I was really    53    because I was in the area where people have a bad   54    and generally do not make friendly statements like that. I smiled at the passer-by and felt    55   , as if a task had been accomplished. I wonder, though, if this really was a task, who uploaded the order into my mind?

36.A.charge                    B.attend                     C.serve                      D.host

37.A.aim                        B.dream                     C.need                       D.task

38.A.will                        B.attraction                C.desire                     D.ambition

39.A.because                  B.though                    C.so                          D.but

40.A.Somehow               B.Besides                   C.However                 D.Therefore

41.A.replaced                  B.filled                       C.enlarged                  D.exchanged

42.A.cup                        B.box                        C.fork                       D.bottle

43.A.thinking                  B.walking                   C.driving                    D.running

44.A.old                         B.thirsty                     C.hungry                   D.cold

45.A.tall                         B.sick                        C.kind-hearted            D.poorly-dressed

46.A.seemed                   B.proved                    C.used                       D.happened

47.A.rest                        B.food                       C.house                     D.job

48.A.told                        B.warned                   C.reminded                D.taught

49.A.moved                    B.mailed                     C.threw                            D.showed

50.A.accepted                 B.refused                   C.caught                    D.emptied

51.A.polite                      B.lucky                      C.homeless                D.cautious

52.A.kid                         B.friend                     C.colleague                D.stranger

53.A.surprised                B.satisfied                  C.excited                   D.touched

54.A.environment            B.economy                 C.name                      D.habit

55.A.safe                        B.inspired                   C.warm                            D.relaxed


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解




“I am so proud of you and all you have achieved. I   21  your opinion from. The L. A. Times with my family and thought about you as my student at Hibbing High School.”

It was    22  Margarel Leibfried, — a teacher who helped me believe that I could become   23  .

Thirty years ago, in Hibbing, I  24  high school as a bookish introvert(内向)made all the more shy because I was the school’s only non—while student. I always felt  25  being swept away by a sea of golden hair schoolmates. By 10th grade, I’d developed strange behavior, hoping to   26  being laughed at as a “brain”. I spent a lot of time alone, reading and writing stories.

Ms. Leibfried taught composition grammar, as well as the usual – memorizing vocabulary and reading  27  .

Exciting to me, that is. Many of my classmates expressed dislike for novels because they were “not real.” For once, I didn’t care what they thought. Ms. Leibfried seemed to notice my   28  in both reading and writing, and she took the time to draw me out; she   29   offered reading suggestions.

That year’s big task was a book report, to be read aloud to   30  .   31  , Ms. Leibfried suggested I do something “a little different.” Instead of a report. I was to    32   a passage from a book, memorize it and reeite it in front of the class.

The morning of the presentations, I remember  33  sweating(出汗)so badly as I walked to the front of the class that I held my hands  34  in prayer(祈祷)formation, so I wouldn’t wipe them on my shirt. I finished and,   35  , the class broke out in applause(鼓掌). “As a writer and a good reader, Marie has  36  a particularly sensitive part of novel and   37  it beautifully,” Ms. Leibfried said, smiling. I felt, maybe for the first time, confident.

I can now appreciate how much  38  it must have taken for those teachers to let me move away so   39  from the lesson plan. With today’s pressure on teachers to “teach to the test,” I wonder if any would or could take the time to find the potential(潜力)in a single,    40   student. Good teaching helps make productive and fully realized adults – a result that won’t show up in each term’s test scores.

21.A.shared                    B.proved                    C.introduced              D.explained

22.A.written                   B.signed                     C.marked                   D.said

23.A.a student                 B.a teacher                 C.a writer                  D.an adult

24.A.left                         B.served                    C.entered                   D.missed

25.A.in charge of            B.in honor of              C.in danger of            D.in need of

26.A.escape                    B.stand                      C.enjoy                      D.admit

27.A.news                      B.poems                    C.novels                    D.diaries

28.A.mistakes                 B.interest                   C.condition                D.trouble

29.A.still                         B.never                      C.only                       D.even

30.A.the teachers            B.the parents              C.the class                 D.the public

31.A.Therefore               B.However                 C.Besides                   D.Otherwise

32.A.pick                       B.write                      C.read                       D.describe

33.A.my face                  B.my legs                   C.my hands                D.my neck

34.A.cupped                   B.closed                     C.tied                        D.covered

35.A.to my sadness         B.to my surprise         C.to my joy                D.to my delight

36.A.looked out               B.picked out               C.put out                   D.carried out

37.A.carried                    B.drew                      C.delivered                 D.designed

38.A.courage                  B.attention                  C.knowledge              D.pleasure

39.A.seriously                 B.broadly                   C.similarly                  D.carly

40.A.good                      B.bad                         C.shy                        D.strange



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解





  She was 80 years old but still very active.In this small town, not much happened.It was just another 21 day for a senior citizen living by herself. 22 she even has several great grandchildren.she was often alone.With the need of some small things and a 23 to get outside and be 24 people,she went shopping. 

  Buying just six items, she 25 for the checkout.

  He wandered the 26 .He’d come for a cup of hot coffee and perhaps someone to 27 with.The coffee was good.which always was,but 28 wanted to chat with fin old man. 29 ,he was about to leave when he saw her.

  “Morning,Ma’am.”He smiled.“You 30 leave yet.”

  She turned and found a gentleman smiling and 3 1 what she'd selected.“Your basket is not 32 .”

  “No need to buy a lot.No one to eat it.”she replied.

  He 33 at her for a moment and said,“I'm so 34 ! My beloved all died.”His

eyes softened.“I just 35 my little Brownie.”          “Sorry.”She felt her own eyes 36 .He was as alone as she was.

 37 a brave face.he said,“It’s OK.I hope I call find another dog like her.She was such a joy. 38 someone needed me.She gave me purpose.But now my days are empty.”

  Twenty minutes passed by.It was time to part.Suddenly he looked back at her and asked softly.“Can I give you a hug?”

  A bit surprised.but fully understanding his need,she 39

  There they stood,in a warm hug,in a busy store,on a normal day,which was made 40 by a simple hug.

21.A.happy  B.empty  C.exciting   D.comfortable

22.A.Although  B.If  C.Since   D.As

23.A.preparation  B.trouble  C.desire   D.view

24.A.for  B.among  C.between   D.above

25.A.gathered  B.traveled  C.rushed   D.headed

26.A.restaurant  B.street  C.store   D.square

27.A.argue  B.walk  C.play D.  talk

28.A.neither  B.anyone  C.no one   D.everyone

29.A.Disappointed  B.Excited  C.Astonished   D.Encouraged

30.A.needn't  B.can’t  C.daren’t   D.mustn’t

3 1.A.sticking to  B.referring to  C.devoting to   D.pointing to

32.A.full  B.empty  C.crowded   D.enough

33.A.came  B.1aughed  C.stared   D.glanced

34.A.eager  B.10nely  C.quiet   D.worried

35.A.1ost  B.forgot  C.1eft   D.raised

36.A.open  B.hurt  C.dry   D.wet

37.A.Putting up  B.Putting down  C.Putting on   D.Putting out

38.A.At most  B.At least  C.At first   D.At last

39.A.accepted  B.refused  C.received   D.showed

40.A.common  B.formal  C.usual   D.special


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解




A group of graduates, highly established in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor.They talked about the present-day _36__ topic — Happiness.But the conversation soon turned into complaints about _ 37_  in work and in life.To offer his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and _38_.with a large pot of coffee and different types of  39   — plastic, glass, crystal, some nice-looking, some plain-looking, some expensive, some cheap—telling them to help ___40  _to the coffee._41_ all the students had a cup of coffee in hand, the professor said."If you_ 42  , you might find all the nice-looking, expensive cups are taken up, with the plain and cheap ones   43  .While it is  44   for you to want: only the best for yourselves, that is the source of your _45__ and stress.In fact, the cup itself adds no __46_ to the coffee.What.all of you _47_wanted was coffee, not.the cup.but you consciously went for the best cups and were __48_each other's cups."

“Now   49  this: Life is the coffee and the jobs, money and position in __50__ are the cups.They are just tools to  _51__ and contain life, and the types of cups do nor decide or 52__ the quality of life we live.Sometimes, focusing on the cup makes us   53  to enjoy the coffee itself.So, don't let the cups drive you.Enjoy the coffee   54   ."

The   55   people don't have the best of everything.They just make the best of everything,

36.A.warm                                               B.hot                  C.heavy             D.sensitive

37.A.progress             B. plans               C.disasters            D.stress

38.A.cooked              B.passed             C.returned                        D.provided

39.A.cups               B.plates             C.bowls             D.tables

40.A.them            B.themselves          C.you                 D.yourselves

41.A.Before           B.Since              C.When             D.Because

42.A.saw                B.suggested          C.proved                         D.noticed

43.A.left behind         B.got away           C.put away         D, sent back

44.A.helpful               B.normal             C.safe                D.popular

45.A.habit               B.courage               C.fear                   D.problem

46.A.quality           B.weight               C.colour              D.cost

47.A.nearly             B.finally              C.really                D.quickly

48.A.looking            B.eyeing             C.saying               D.feeling

49.A.consider                B.repeat                C.do                 D.recite

50.A.school             B.thought.        C.society                         D.dream

51.A.check              B.create               C.measure                        D.hold

52.A.correct                                              B.change            C.bring            D.record

53.A.fail                 B.stop               C.dislike               D.struggle

54.A.too                 B.either              C.also                 D.instead

55.A.busiest             B.cleverest           C.happiest                        D.kindest

