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Goldie's Secret
She turned up at the doorstep of my house in Cornwall. No way could I have sent her away. No way, not me anyway. Maybe someone had kicked her out of their car the night before. "We're moving house. "No space for her any more with the baby coming. " "We never really wanted her, but what could we have done? She was a present. " People find all sorts of excuses for abandoning an animal. And she was one of the most beautiful dogs I had ever seen.
I called her Goldie. If I had known what was going to happen I would have given her a more creative name. She was so unsettled during those first few days. She hardly ate anything and had such an air of sadness about her. There was nothing I could do to make her happy, it seemed. Heaven knows what had happened to her at her previous owner's. But eventually at the end of the first week she calmed down. Always by my side, whether we were out on one of our long walks or sitting by the fire.
That's why it was such a shock when she pulled away from me one day when we were out for a walk. We were a long way from home, when she started barking and getting very restless. Eventually I couldn't hold her any longer and she raced off down the road towards a farmhouse in the distance as fast as she could.
By the time I reached the farm I was very tired and upset with Goldie. But when I saw her licking (舔) the four puppies (幼犬) I started to feel sympathy towards them. "We didn't know what had happened to her," said the woman at the door. "I took her for a walk one day, soon after the puppies were born, and she just disappeared. " "She must have tried to come back to them and got lost," added a boy from behind her. 
I must admit I do miss Goldie, but I've got Nugget now, and she looks just like her mother. And I've learnt a good lesson: not to judge people.
小题1:How did the author feel about Goldie when Goldie came to the house?
A.Shocked B.SympatheticC.AnnoyedD.Upset.
小题2:In her first few days at the author's house, Goldie _______.
A.felt worried B.was angry C.ate a little D.sat by the fire
小题3:Goldie rushed off to a farmhouse one day because she ________.
A.saw her puppies B.heard familiar barkings
C.wanted to leave the author D.found her way to her old home
小题4:The passage is organized in order of ________ .
A.time B.effectiveness C.importance D.complexity


小题1:细节题,由第一段第四行We never really wanted her, but what could we have done? She was a present.可以知道答案,故选B。
小题2:细节题,由第二段第二行She was so unsettled during those first few days. She hardly ate anything and had such an air of sadness about her.可以知道答案,所以选A。
小题3:细节题,由倒数第三段最后一句Eventually I couldn't hold her any longer and she raced off down the road towards a farmhouse in the distance as fast as she could可以知道答案,所以选D
小题4:推理题,由第一段作者先发现狗、第二段第二行She was so unsettled during those first few days、第五行But eventually at the end of the first week she calmed down可以推出答案,所以选A

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Linda British was an outstanding teacher who felt that if she had the time, she would like to create great art and poetry. When she was 28, however, she began to get severe   36 . Her doctors discovered that she had an enormous brain tumor (瘤). They told her that her   37  of surviving an operation were about 2 percent. Therefore,   38  operate immediately, they chose to wait for six months.
The night before the operation after six months, she   39  to give herself away. She made a   40 , in which she would donate all of her body parts to those who needed them in   41 of her death.
  42 , Linda died after the operation. Afterwards, her eyes went to an eye   43  in Bethesda, Maryland, and from there to a recipient in South Carolina. A young man, aged 28, went from darkness to   44 . That young man was so   45  that he wrote to the eye bank thanking them for existing.
  46 , he said he wanted to thank the parents of the donator. They must   47  be magnificent people to have a child who would   48  her eyes. He was given the   49  of the British family on Staten Island. He arrived unannounced and rang the doorbell. After hearing his introduction, Mrs. British   50  and hugged him. She said, “Young man, if you’ve got   51  to go, my husband and I would love you to spend your weekend with us.”
He stayed, and   52  he was looking around Linda’s room, he saw that she’d read Hegel. He’d read Hegel in Braille as well.
The next morning Mrs. British was looking at him and said, “You know, I’m sure I’ve seen you somewhere before.” All of a sudden she   53 . She ran upstairs and pulled out the last picture Linda had drawn. It was a portrait of her ideal man.
The picture was almost the same as this young man who had received Linda’s eyes.
Then her mother read the   54  poem Linda had written on her deathbed. It   55 :
Two hearts passing in the night
Falling in love
Never able to gain each other’s sight.
A.heartachesB.headachesC.stomachaches D.backaches
A.more thanB.other thanC.better thanD.rather than
A.HoweverB.Therefore C.FurthermoreD.Yet
A.give upB.give awayC.give offD.give out
A.ran outB.stood outC.reached outD.turned out


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

On June 21, 1982, Prince (王子) William, the future King of England, was born. Since then, he has won all the hearts of the public.
When he was very small, he got a number of nicknames (绰号):King Tot, Willys, Billy, and William the Terrible!He was often found climbing into wastebaskets, trying to flush (冲刷) Dad’s shoes down the toilet (厕所) and pressing buttons, which often made alarm ring!
Prince William has a lot of rules to follow:no drinking in public, no smoking or taking drugs, no kissing girls in public. William was especially close to Diana. However, he has been brave beyond his years since his mother’s sudden death because of the car accident.
Prince William’s fans are growing in number every day. He got more than 12, 000 fan letters a week. When he made a trip to Canada, thousands of girls went frenetic and screamed, “William, will you marry me?” His favorite drink is coke and his favorite foods are burgers, fries, pizza, and chocolate. William also loves to search the World Wide Web. So next time when you’re online, you might be chatting with the future King of England.
Want to write to him? Here it is:
HRH Prince William             
Kensington Palace  Kensington, London W8 4PN  Great Britain
小题1:William’s mother died when he was_____.     .
A. 13                   B. 20                C. 19                  D. 15
小题2:What does the underlined word “frenetic” mean?  
A. Angry.               B.Excited.           C. Stupid.                D. Comfortable.
小题3:Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A. Prince William loves his mother very much.   
B. Prince William likes western food.
C. Prince William has two brothers.    
D. Prince William loves to use the computer.
小题4:Where can you probably see the article?
A. In a magazine       B. In a textbook      C. In a sports report   D. On TV


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

If you have ever been discouraged(受挫) because of failure(失败), please read on. Usually, achieving(实现) what you set out to do is not the important thing. Let me explain.
Two brothers decided to dig a deep hole behind their house. As they were working, a couple of older boys stopped by to watch.
“What are you doing?” asked one of the visitors.
“We plan to dig a hole all the way through the earth!” one of the brothers answered excitedly.
The older boys began to laugh, telling the younger ones that digging a hole all the way through the earth was impossible. After a long silence, one of the diggers picked up a jar full of spiders(蜘蛛), worms and a lot of insects. He removed the lid(揭开盖子) and showed the wonderful contents to the visitors who were laughing at them. Then he said quietly and confidently, “Even if we don’t dig all the way through the earth, look what we found along the way!”
Their goal was far too difficult, but it made them dig. And that is what a goal is for—to make us move in the direction we have chosen. In other words, it sets us to digging!
But not every goal will be fully achieved. Not every job will end successfully. Not every hope will come to pass. Not every love will last. But when you fall short of your aim, perhaps you can say, “Yes, but look at what I found along the way! Look at the wonderful things which have come into my life because I tried to do something!” And I believe it is the joy in the journey, in the end, that truly matters.
小题1:The writer told us the story to ________ .
A.advise us to treats(对待) our failures fairly
B.persuade us to make an aim for our lives
C.encourage us to learn from the two brothers
D.prove that failure helps us make achievements
小题2:What’s the best title of the passage?
A.Failure is the mother of success
B.When there is a will, there is a way
C.No pains, no gains
D.Joy in the journey
小题3:Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
A.Digging a hole all the way through the earth is impossible.
B.The writer thinks that the two brothers will reach their goal one day.
C.A goal is something that makes us want to dig holes.
D.Everyone can succeed if he sets a practical goal.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

In January 1986 I saw a show about cartooning called “Funny Business” on TV. I had always wanted to be a __36__but never knew how. So I wrote to the host of the_37_, cartoonist Jack Cassady, asking for advice on entering the profession(职业).
Two weeks later I got a (n) __38__letter from Jack, answering my questions about materials and process(过程). He also __39__ me not to get discouraged if I was refused__40__. He said the cartoon samples(样本) I sent him were good and worthy of publication(出版).
I got very __41__, finally understanding how the whole process__42__. I sent my best cartoons to Playboy and New Yorker, ___43___ the magazines rejected(拒绝)me immediately. Discouraged, I put my art supplies in the box and__44__to forget all about cartooning.
To my__45__, in June 1987 I got another letter from Jack, although I hadn’t even__46__ him for the former advice. Here’s what he said:
Dear Scott,
I was reviewing my “Funny Business” mail file when I again came__47__ your letter and your cartoons. I remember answering you letter.
I’m writing to encourage you to submit(提交) your ideas to various publications again. I hope you have __48__ done so and are making progress and having some__49__ too. Sometimes encouragement in the funny business is hard to come by. That’s__50__ I am encouraging you to hang in there and keep drawing.
I wish you good luck.
I was deeply__51__because Jack had nothing to gain—including my thanks. I acted on his__52__, took out my art supplies and inked the sample strips(漫画连载) that__53__ became Dilbert.
I feel__54__that I wouldn’t have tried cartooning again if Jack hadn’t sent the second letter. As Dilbert became more successful I came to __55__ Jack’s simple act of kindness.
A.show B.televisionC.weddingD.party
A.surprisingB.encouragingC.shocking D.disappointing
A.allowedB.suggestedC.insisted D.warned
A.at firstB.first of allC.at lastD.in the end


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Hilary Smith belonged to a good family.But by the age of twenty, he had spent all the money the good old family had.He then had some trouble with the bank and was put in prison.He escaped from the prison and ran to Australia without delay.
Hilary did not like Australia. What he could do seemed to be one of two things: die or work.Then he remembered that he was not alone in the world.He had an aunt.
She was his father's only sister, but his father used to say she brought no glory to the family.Hilary, of course, tried to discover what she had done.It seemed that she had failed to marry a nobleman.Instead, she had chosen a husband who was connected with "trade".Of course as soon as she became "Mrs Parks" ,her brother considered her dead.Later on, Mr Parks died and left her a lot of money; but that did not bring her back to life in her brother's opinion.
Hilary discovered his aunt's address.Fortunately she remained faithful and honest to him even after she fell ill.So Hilary's star shone again, and soon he moved into her house and lived as comfortably as a sailor who had just reached harbour.He had only about a six pence in his pocket.
One thing was soon clear: his aunt was seriously ill, and nothing could cure her illness.Hilary was very worried.Fate had found a home for him, and was now going to throw him out of it.There was only one thing that could save him: her will.
"Will?" she said, "yes, I have made one.That was when I was a girl and had not much money.I left all my money to some religious people."
"Didn't you make another will when you were married?" Hilary asked.
His aunt shook her head."No," she said in a low voice, "There was no need.When I finally had a lot of money I found I had no relations."
On the next day he went to the public library and examined a book of law.It told him what he already believed.When a woman is married, an earlier will lose its value.A new will must be made.If no new will is made, the money goes to the nearest relation.Hilary knew that he was his aunt's only relation.His future was safe.
After a few months had passed, Hilary's problems became serious.He badly needed money.He had expensive tastes, and owed a lot of money to shopkeepers.They trusted him because his aunt was rich; but the debt was terrible.
Unfortunately his aunt did not want to discuss money matters at all.In the end they had a quarrel about the small amount of ten pounds.Hilary was not very angry.He began to wonder about a new problem.Was it kind to want his aunt to live.any longer? Was it not better for her to die now? While he was considering what to do, his aunt told him that she was going to send for her lawyer.So she was going to make a new will, Hilary thought.She might leave all her money to someone else.Soon he reached a clear decision.He must do a great kindness to the poor old woman.
One night when the old servant who had been nursing his aunt went off, he doubled the amount of some medicine.The total amount was too great and it could just put her to sleep forever.
"Thank you," his aunt took the glass from his hand with a grateful look."I want more than anything to sleep, and never to wake up again.Is that what you wish, Hilary? Don't blame me if I have some doubts about what you intended to do.Sick people get these ideas, you know.One thing I ought to explain to you.Mr Parks never married me.He already had a wife and couldn't marry again.That made your foolish father very angry with me...Well, if I am alive tomorrow I shall make another will in your favour.If I die tonight, you'll get nothing...No, Hilary, don't try to take the glass away.If you do that, I shall know and I don't want to know.Goodnight, Hilary."
Then, very carefully, she raised the glass to her mouth and drank.
小题1:From the story ,we learn that Hilary's aunt was ______.
A.bad-tempered and lonelyB.kind-hearted and wise
C.careless about moneyD.cruel to her nephew
小题2:Why did Hilary's father consider his aunt dead?
A.Because they lost contact with each other after her marriage.
B.Because she married a businessman with a wife against his will.
C.Because she broke away from the family for a better life.
D.Because he thought she was a shame to the family
小题3:The underlined sentence "He must do a great kindness to the poor old woman" in paragraph 11 suggests that Hilary Smith ______.
A.was determined to put his aunt's life to an end
B.decided to do his aunt a favor to call in a lawyer
C.made up his mind to take good care of his aunt
D.would help his aunt to donate all her money to religious people
小题4:Which of the following is the focus of the story?
A.Hilary's aunt's money.B.Hilary Smith's debts.
C.The intended murder.D.Hilary's aunt's marriage.
小题5:According to the law book,_____.
A.Hilary's aunt is not allowed to make a new will.
B.the money will go to Hilary after his aunt dies without a new will.
C.Hilary's aunt must leave the money to the religious people after she dies.
D.Hilary must look after his aunt till her death because he is the only relation.
小题6:Which detail from the story is the climax(高潮)of the story?
A.Hilary escaped from the prison.
B.Hilary quarelled with is aunt about ten pounds.
C.Hilary's aunt drank the medicine her nephew prepared for her.
D.Hilary's aunt made a will to leave all her money to someone else.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

“Experience may possibly be the best teacher, but it is not a particularly good teacher.” You might think that Winston Churchill or perhaps Mark Twain spoke those words, but they actually come from James March, a professor at Stanford University and a pioneer in the field of organizational decision making. For years March (possibly be wisest philosopher of management) has studied how humans think and act, and he continues to do so in his new book The Ambiguities of Experience.
He begins by reminding us of just how firmly we have been sticking to the idea of experiential learning: “Experience is respected;experience is sought;experience is explained.” The problem is that learning from experience involves serious complications (复杂化), ones that are part of the nature of experience itself and which March discusses in the body of this book.
In one interesting part of the book, for example, he turns a doubtful eye toward the use of stories as the most effective way of experiential learning. In our efforts to make stories interesting, he argues, we lose part of the complicated truth of things. He says “The more accurately reality is presented, the less understandable the story, and the more understandable the story, the less realistic it is.”
Besides being a broadly knowledgeable researcher, March is also a poet, and his gift shines through in the depth of views he offers and the simple language he uses. Though the book is short, it is demanding: Don’t pick it up looking for quick, easy lessons. Rather, be ready to think deeply about learning from experience in work and life.
小题1:According to the text, James March is ________.
A.a poet who uses experience in his writing
B.a teacher who teachers story writing in university
C.a researcher who studies the way humans think and act
D.a professor who helps organizations make important decisions
小题2:According to James March, experience ________.
A.is overvaluedB.is easy to explain
C.should be actively soughtD.should be highly respected
小题3:What can we learn from Paragraph 3?
A.Experience makes stories more accurate.
B.Stories made interesting fail to fully present the truth.
C.The use of stories is the best way of experiential learning.
D.Stories are easier to understand when reality is more accurately described.
小题4:What’s the purpose of this text?
A.To introduce a book.B.To describe a researcher.
C.To explain experiential learning.D.To discuss organizational decision making.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Once a man came to a wise man’s house and said, “ I have many bad habits. Which one of them should I   36  first?” The wise man said, “Never tell lies   37  always speak the truth.” The man   38  to do so and went home.
At night the man was about to go out to steal. Before setting out, he   39  for a moment about the promise he made to the wise man. “If he asks me where I have been, what shall I say? Shall I say I went out   40 ? No, I cannot say that. But nor can I   41 . If I tell the truth, everyone will start   42  me and call me a thief. I would be   43  for stealing.” So the man   44  not to steal that night, and gave up this   45  habit.
Next day, he   46  to drink wine. When he was about to do so, he said to himself. “What shall I say to the wise man   47  he asks me what I did during the day? I cannot tell a lie.” And so he gave up the   48  of drinking wine.
In this   49 , whenever the man thought of doing something bad, he   50  his promise to tell the truth at all times.   51 , he gave up all his bad habits and became a very   52  person.
Telling the truth is a very good   53 . If you always speak the truth, you can save yourself from a lot of   54  and become a person whom everyone   55  and favors.
Make a promise: I shall always speak the truth.
A.give inB.join inC.set upD.give up
A.At presentB.Face to faceC.On purposeD.One by one

