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I'm walking along a river bed in California. The future stretched out ahead, in the valley, hills and mountains. The past is there too, but today I prefer to walk forward: to live “in the now”, and truly see all the good things in the world. Light clouds float high in the bright blue sky, and the sunlight shines off the house in the distance. People ride bicycles on the bike path that follows the river. They talk and laugh together. What a beautiful and peaceful  scene it makes!

My heart is suddenly full of joy as I remember it is New Year's Day. A day to start afresh and to feel gratitude for the gift of life God has given me. I pass by a man holding his son, one or two years old, whose face is a study in pure joy and wonder, as he looks out over the green hills and towering mountains. Tears gather in my eyes with the sweetness of this simple thought. A man sits gazing into the distance. In this lonely scene, I'm reminded of other days in the past when sadness and hopelessness were my only companions. I say a silent prayer for him, and thanks to God. Then I walk on.

A young couple crouch (蹲) next to a bicycle that has dropped its chain. As they look up, I smile and say “Happy New Year”. They smile and wish me the same. It is a simple thing, but for a moment we have become one with the world and a sudden joy takes my breath away. An old woman leans on a fence post. She doesn't seem either happy or sad, just gazes into the past, or maybe the future. A feeling of timeless peace flows through me and all fear of what the future may bring disappears. I thank her with my thoughts, and move on.

I walk by a stand of young trees. A loud burst of cheerful chirping (唧唧叫) from the little woods, and I can't help but laugh out loud. As I reach home, I say another thanks to God for the gift “now”. It has taken a long time to find it, and although I can't keep it with me all of the time, I know how to open the door again. I know whatever the New Year will bring, there will be joy and enough love of “now” to help me through the hard times we all must face.

Happy New Year!

56.How does the writer feel after he sees the old woman?

A.Fearful.    B.Hopeless.                    C.Thankful.    D.Regretful.

57.How many scenes does the writer describe about people?

A.Three.         B.Four.                          C.Five.          D.Six.

58.What does the underlined word “we” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.The young couple and the writer.

B.All the people in the world.

C.The people whom the writer has met.

D.The young couple and the old woman.

59.What can we learn from the text?

A.Happiness is in getting together with your parents.

B.Watching people can make you relax.

C.Walking makes people energetic.

D.Smile brightens people up.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年湖北省武汉二中高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

It is three in the morning on a Tuesday, and I’m walking toward table eighteen, the one I call home. I pass the waiters, give a brief nod to the  【小题1】  and take my seat. I  【小题2】  the “usual,” water and peanut butter pie. Yes, I’m at an all-night diner.
I start to take out my books,  【小题3】 full well that I will be  【小题4】 on the same page of Socrates that I’ve been on for the better part of the semester. Of course, it’s   【小题5】  —for my group that is. I wait for the empty chairs around me to be   【小题6】  .
Just as the Muzak songs start to repeat themselves, Shana and Jenny walk in. I am   【小题7】   with the usual big hugs and smiles. 【小题8】 , the diner stops being a twenty-for-hour restaurant with bad service and becomes my place—my home   【小题9】 the prisonlike dorm room. For the next couple of hours, we will joke about people we know, talk about books, reflect on the meaning of life, quote movies and  【小题10】 new private jokes. Table number eighteen is our  【小题11】  home.
During my senior year of college, I started going to the diner for a temporary escape from a dorm room that felt like it was closing in on me. Not to 【小题12】  the phones, the stereo and the computer. How could anyone seriously  【小题13】   to have good study habits? Some friends of mine told me about the place; they went there to study, and they really liked it.
So I tried it. It felt remarkably freeing. I start going there every night (except weekends, of course), and, believe me it was not because the pies were   【小题14】  great either. Maybe it would force me to open my books and my  【小题15】  would improve. Right? Well….
But that’s not the   【小题16】 . I mean, anyone who has gone to college knows that it’s not only about forcing yourself to wake up at 7:45 A.M. (after you had gone to sleep two hours earlier) to listen to a professor spoon-feeding you information  【小题17】 the significance of the Battle of Hastings. It is  【小题18】 about finding a little haven where you can create what will be the most important thing in your life—yourself. At a school of thirty-five thousand people, I found a small place that was as   【小题19】 to me as my Social Security number.
Through laughter, tears, learning, growing and the   【小题20】 free ice cream, we found a sanctuary. A place where we could be ourselves.

A.stuckB.focused .C.fixedD.turned
A.away fromB.similar toC.apart fromD.close to
A.alsoB.stillC. moreD.even


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年重庆市重庆一中高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:完型填空

The town I live in is about to put cameras at all traffic lights to catch people who run red lights. It  1 me of how many people I’ve seen who take the yellow light as a  2 to go faster. I also can’t understand why people don’t move when the traffic light has turned green. Above all, there are those  3 situations in which someone doesn’t even  4 that the light turns red, and just keeps going. That is why so many  5 happen! All these situations make me  6 the purpose of traffic lights.
  7 ,it’s even more frightening to imagine letting people make their own decisions at  8 crossroads. Do the biggest cars get to go first? Who decides who goes next? So I guess I do like the idea of a system to  9 traffic. And I’ll do my best to  10 the traffic rules: to go, to be cautious, and to stop when I’m  11 to.
It occurs to me that my  12 have done much the same for me  13 teaching me how to live. They have given me many  14 lights: to get along well with others, to listen and talk to them, to help others, and to 15 with joy and purpose. They have also given me some red lights  16 my life goes astray(误入歧途): not to be greedy, to keep my temper, and to control my desires. And there  17 have been some yellow caution lights: to watch how much I drink, to keep control of my behavior, and to  18 school regularly and work hard.
If I obey these rules, my life will be as  19 as it can be. Just as I’m wise to pay attention to the traffic lights when I’m walking across the street, I’m wise to pay attention to the“  20 signals”given to me by my parents.

A.think ofB.wonder aboutC.care forD.worry about
A.in charge ofB.in face ofC.in terms ofD.in danger of


科目:高中英语 来源:湖北省荆州中学2009-----2010学年度高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:完型填空

The town I live in is about to put cameras at all traffic lights to catch people who run red lights. It  31  me of how many people I’ve seen who take the yellow light as a signal to go faster. I also can’t  32  why people don’t move when the traffic light has turned green. Above all, there are those  33  situations in which someone doesn’t even  34  that the light is red, and just keeps going; that is how many accidents happen. All these situations make me  35  about the purpose of traffic lights.
However, it’s even more  36  to imagine letting people make their own  37  at a crowded traffic crossing. Who decides who goes next?  38  I guess I do like the idea of a system to  39   traffic. And I also do my best to  40  the traffic signals: to go, to be  41 , and to stop when I’m supposed to.
It occurs to me that my  42  have done much the same for me in terms of  43  me how to live. They have given me many  44  lights: to live in harmony with others to help others, to live with  45  and purpose. They have also given me some red lights so that my  46   doesn’t goastray(走入歧途): to watch my temper, and to control my desires. And there have been some yellow lights: to watch how much I drink, to keep control of my behavior, to  47   school regularly and work hard.
If I obey these signals, my life will be as  48  as it can. Just as I’m wise to pay attention to the traffic lights when I’m walking  49  the street, I’m wise to pay attention to the “life  50 ” given me by my parents.
31. A. informs              B. reminds                    C. suggests                   D. indicates
32. A. realize                B. understand                C. prove                       D. remember
33. A. surprising           B. competitive               C. dangerous                 D. mysterious
34. A. feel                    B. stop                         C. receive                     D. notice
35. A. care                    B. worry                       C. complain                 D. wonder
36. A. frightening          B. relaxing                    C. confusing                 D. interesting
37. A. attempts              B. efforts                      C. decisions                  D. preparations
38. A. Since                 B. But                          C. So                           D. As
39. A. affect                 B. control                     C. serve                        D. improve
40. A. obey                   B. recognize                  C. reflect                      D. recover
41. A. defenceless          B. angry                       C. careful                     D. hopeful
42. A. teachers              B. relatives                   C. parents                     D. friends
43. A. allowing             B. seeing                      C. encouraging              D. teaching
44. A. yellow                B. red                           C. colorful                    D. green
45. A. worry                 B. joy                           C. luck                         D. chance
46. A. confidence          B. life                          C. dream                      D. opinion
47. A. attend                B. miss                         C. leave                        D. join
48. A. good                  B. convenient                C. special                     D. simple
49. A. through              B. across                       C. over                         D. above
50. A. purposes             B. plans                        C. qualities                   D. signals


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届河南省灵宝市第三高级中学高三上学期第一次质量检测英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

For a while, my neighborhood was taken over by an army of joggers(慢跑的人). They were there all the time: early morning, noon, and evening. There were little old ladies in gray sweats, young couples in Adidas shoes, middle-aged men with red faces. “Come on!” My friend Alex encouraged me to join him as he jogged by my house every evening. “You’ll feel great.”
Well, I had nothing against feeling great and if Alex could jog every day, anyone could. So I took up jogging seriously and gave it a good two months of my life, and not a day more. Based on my experience, jogging is the most overvalued form of exercise around, and judging from the number of the people who left our neighborhood jogging army. I’m not alone in my opinion.
First of all, jogging is very hard on the body. Your legs and feet are a real pounding(沉重的脚步) running down a road for two or three miles. I developed foot, leg, and back problems. Then I read about a nationally famous jogger who died of a heart attack while jogging, and I had something else to worry about. Jogging doesn’t kill hundreds of people, but if you have any physical weaknesses, jogging will surely bring them out, as they did with me.
Secondly, I got no enjoyment out of jogging. Putting one foot in front of the other for forty-five minutes isn’t my idea of fun. Jogging is also a lonely pastime. Some joggers say, “I love being out there with just my thoughts” Well, my thoughts began to bore me, and most of them were on how much my legs hurt.
And how could I enjoy something that brought me pain? And that wasn’t just the first week—it was practically every day for two months. I never got past the pain level, and pain isn’t fun. What a cruel way to do it! So many other exercises, including walking, lead to almost the same results painlessly, so why jog?
I don’t jog any more, and I don’t think I ever will. I’m walking two miles three times a week at a fast pace, and that feels good. I bicycle to work when the weather is good. I’m getting exercise, and I’m enjoying it at the same time. I could never say the same for jogging, and I’ve found a lot of better ways to stay in shape.
【小题1】From the first paragraph, we learn that in the writer’s neighborhood _________.

A.Jogging became very popular
B.People jogged only during the daytime
C.Alex organized an army of joggers
D.Jogging provided a chance to get together
【小题2】The underlined word “them”(Paragraph 3) most probably refers to _____.
A.heart attacks B.back problems
C.hundreds of peopleD.physical weaknesses
【小题3】From the writer’s experience, we can conclude that_____
A.Jogging can help people keep fit
B.Many physical problems result from jogging
C.Not everyone enjoys jogging
D.Jogging makes people feel greater


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年河南省郑州市高三上学期第一次质量预测英语卷 题型:完型填空

The town I live in is about to put cameras at all traffic lights to catch people who run red lights.It   36   me of how many people I’ve seen who take the yellow light as a   37   to go faster.I also can’t understand why people don’t move when the traffic light has turned green.Above all, there are those   38   situations in which someone doesn’t even   39   that the light turns red, and just keeps going.That is why so many   40   happen! All these situations make me   41__    the purpose of traffic lights.

           42   , it’s even more frightening to imagine letting people make their own decisions at   __43   crossroads.Do the biggest cars get to go first? Who decides who goes next? So I guess I do like the idea of a system to   44   traffic.And I’ll do my best to   45   the traffic rules: to go, to be cautious, and to stop when I’m   46   to.

         It occurs to me that my   47   have done much the same for me   48   teaching me how to live.They have given me many   49   lights: to get along well with others, to listen and talk to them, to help others, and to   50   with joy and purpose.They have also given me some red lights   51   my life goes astray(误入歧途): not to be greedy, to keep my temper, and to control my desires.And there   52   have been some yellow caution lights: to watch how much I drink, to keep control of my behavior, and to   53    school regularly and work hard.

         If I obey these rules, my life will be as   54   as it can be.Just as I’m wise to pay attention to the traffic lights when I’m walking across the street, I’m wise to pay attention to the“   55__ signals” given to me by my parents.

1.A.suggests             B.informs          C.reminds           D.warns

2.A.sight            B.signal              C.message         D.switch

3.A.instant          B.exciting          C.dangerous       D.cautious

4.A.notice         B.sense                  C.remember     D.feel

5.A.events          B.problems          C.situations      D.accidents

6.A.think of B.wonder about    C.care for          D.worry about      

7.A.Besides          B.Anyway          C.Instead          D.However

8.A.noisy             B.narrow           C.crowded        D.key

9.A.control          B.direct           C.improve         D.serve

10.A.learn         B.obey          C.protect           D.carry

11.A.supposed      B.used             C.devoted         D.delighted

12.A.teachers    B.friends          C.leaders           D.parents

13.A.in charge of  B.in face of         C.in terms of              D.indanger of       

14.A.safe           B.green                  C.beneficial       D.helpful

15.A.live                B.share         C.work             D.communicate

16.A.unless       B.when         C.before            D.till

17.A.still                B.even             C.only              D.also

18.A.start         B.attend            C.leave             D.miss

19.A.good         B.colorful           C.meaningful         D.healthy

20.A.traffic         B.light           C.life            D.confidence


