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How badly reform is needed was           recently by the rising youth crime figures.

A.suspected       B.indicated          C.influenced          D.announced


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

My newly-rented small apartment was far away from the centre of London and it was becoming essential for me to find a job, so finally I spent a whole morning getting to town and putting my name down to be considered by London Transport for a job on the underground. They were looking for guards, not drivers. This suited me. I couldn’t drive a car but thought that I could probably guard a train, and perhaps continue to write my poems between stations. The writers Keats and Chekhov had been doctors. T.S. Eliot had worked in a bank and Wallace Stevens for an insurance company. I’d be a subway guard. I could see myself being cheerful, useful, a good man in a crisis. Obviously I’d be overqualified but I was willing to forget about that in return for a steady income and travel privileges — those being particularly welcome to someone living a long way from the city centre.

The next day I sat down, with almost a hundred other candidates, for the intelligence test. I must have done all right because after about half an hour’s wait I was sent into another room for a psychological test. This time there were only about fifty candidates. The interviewer sat at a desk. Candidates were signaled forward to occupy the seat opposite him when the previous occupant had been dismissed, after a greater or shorter time. Obviously the long interviews were the more successful ones. Some of the interviews were as short as five minutes. Mine was the only one that lasted a minute and a half.

I can remember the questions now: “Why did you leave your last job?” “Why did you leave your job before that?” “And the one before that?” I can’t recall my answers, except that they were short at first and grew progressively shorter. His closing statement, I thought, revealed (揭示) a lack of sensitivity which helped to explain why as a psychologist, he had risen no higher than the underground railway. “You’ve failed the psychological test and we are unable to offer you a position.”

Failing to get that job was my low point. Or so I thought, believing that the work was easy. Actually, such jobs — being a postman is another one I still desire — demand exactly the sort of elementary yet responsible awareness that the habitual dreamer is least qualified to give. But I was still far short of full self-understanding. I was also short of cash.

The writer applied for the job chiefly because _________.

A.he wanted to work in the centre of London

B.he could no longer afford to live without one

C.he was not interested in any other available job

D.he had received some suitable training

The writer thought he was overqualified for the job because _________.

A.he often traveled underground          B.he had written many poems

C.he could deal with difficult situations       D.he had worked in a company

The length of his interview meant that _________.

A.he was not going to be offered the job

B.he had not done well in the intelligence test

C.he did not like the interviewer at all

D.he had little work experience to talk about

What does the writer realize now that he did not realize then?

A.How unpleasant ordinary jobs can be.     B.How difficult it is to be a poet.

C.How unsuitable he was for the job.  D.How badly he did in the interview.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011届广东省湛江一中高三上学期10月月考英语卷 题型:填空题

[A]. As we know, the 2010 Asian Games will be held in Guangzhou and many people from other countries will come to visit China. The taxi drivers in Dongfeng Taxi Company think the way to show kindness is to be able to greet the foreigners in their languages. They need someone who can teach them languages and the best time is at night when they are not so busy.
[B]. Tom is so addicted to on-line games that he cannot concentrate on his study like before. Now he often misses school in order to play games, thus telling lies to his teachers and parents again and again. Though he realizes what he does is wrong, he just can't stop it. How badly he needs someone's help.
[C]. Mane, a 44-year-old single mother of three, has to walk two miles to the nearest supermarket twice a week because she doesn't know which bus to take. What's worse, since she does not know words, she can not write out a shopping list. Also, she can only recognize items by sight, so if the product has a different label, she will not recognize it as the product she wants.
[D]. "Helping hand" organization will hold an event to help the starving children in Africa. The event starts in August and those taking part in will go without food for 30 hours. In this way, it is expected that money will be raised for the poor children.
[E]. "Green Earth" cares a lot for the animals in danger. Still many people in the world don't know much about the importance of animal protecting. This summer vacation a lot of events will be organized to call on people to live in harmony with our earth.
[F]. A group of young children in a remote village in southwest China are in great need of teachers. Because of the low salary, many teachers came and then went. The villagers hope to have a teacher who can stay for at least a year, because they know knowledge can make a difference to the children's future.
46. 【小题1】Stephen: Last summer I went through a training program and became a literacy volunteer. When I began to discover what other people's lives were like because they could not read, I realized the true importance of reading.
47. 【小题2】 Ben: After graduation, I don't want to apply for a job at once Instead, I plan to spare one year to help those who need help most and try my best to improve their lives. You know, education is essential to poverty relief and at the same time I'll get valuable experience for my future career.
48. 【小题3】Susan: I'm a girl from England and has studied French for years. I'm here in Beijing University studying Chinese. I like China as it is full of mysteries. So I hope the voluntary work will help me to get in touch with Chinese people and get to know about China. Although my study is busy, I can be free at night and at the weekends.
49. 【小题4】 Tim: Since I myself have overcome a lot of difficulties in my life, I understand young people's problems and I know how to listen patiently to others and offer some advice. I'm working now in the daytime so I can only spend two to three hours a day at night to help others.
50. 【小题5】Lisa: I burst into tears when I saw those children in a TV programme. What a sight. They are only bone and skin left. What's worse, every day the children are dying because of lack of food. I realized how lucky I am with enough food and a good chance to get education. The summer vacation is coming and I hope I can do something for them.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届广东省肇庆市二高高三第三次阶段考试英语卷 题型:填空题

A.  As we know, the 2008 Olympic Games will be held in Beijing and many people from other countries will come to visit China. The taxi drivers in Dongfeng Taxi Company think the way to show kindness is to be able to greet the foreigners in their languages. They need someone who can teach them languages and the best time is at night when they are not so busy.
B.  Tom is so addicted to on-line games that he cannot concentrate on his study like before. Now he often misses school in order to play games, thus telling lies to his teachers and parents again and again. Though he realizes what he does is wrong, he just can’t stop it. How badly he needs someone’s help.
C.  Mane, a 44-year-old single mother of three, has to walk two miles to the nearest supermarket twice a week because she doesn’t know which bus to take. What’s worse, since she does not know words, she can not write out a shopping list. Also, she can only recognize items by sight, so if the product has a different label, she will not recognize it as the product she wants.
D.  "Helping Hand"Organization will hold an event to help the starving children in Africa. The event starts in August and those taking part in will go without food for 30 hours. In this way, it is expected that money will be raised for the poor children.
E.  "Green Earth" cares a lot for the animals in danger. Still many people in the world don’t know much about the importance of animal protecting. This summer vacation a lot of events will be organized to call on people to live in harmony with our earth.
F.  A group of young children in a remote village in southwest China are in great need of teachers. Because of the low salary, many teachers came and then went. The villagers hope to have a teacher who can stay for at least a year, because they know knowledge can make a difference to the children’s future.
【小题1】Stephen:  Last summer I went through a training program and became a literacy volunteer. When I began to discover what other people’s lives were like because they could not read, I realized the true importance of reading.
【小题2】Ben:  After graduation, I don’t want to apply for a job at once Instead, I plan to spare one year to help those who need help most and try my best to improve their lives. You know, education is essential to poverty relief and at the same time I’ll get valuable experience for my future career.
【小题3】Susan:  I’m a girl from England and have studied French for years. I’m here in Beijing University studying Chinese. I like China as it is full of mysteries. So I hope the voluntary work will help me to get in touch with Chinese people and get to know about China. Although my study is busy, I can be free at night and at the weekends.
【小题4】Tim:  Since I myself have overcome a lot of difficulties in my life, I understand young people’s problems and I know how to listen patiently to others and offer some advice. I’m working now in the daytime so I can only spend two to three hours a day at night helping others.
【小题5】Lisa:  I burst into tears when I saw those children in a TV program. What a sight. They are only bone and skin left. What’s worse, every day the children are dying because of lack of food. I realized how lucky I am with enough food and a good chance to get education. The summer vacation is coming and I hope I can do something for them.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届广东省高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

It was the summer of 1965. Deluca, then 17, visited Peter Buck, a family friend. Buck asked Deluca about his plan for the future. “I'm going to college, but I need a way to pay for it,” Deluca recalls saying. “Buck said, ‘you should open a sandwich shop.’”

That afternoon, they agreed to be partners. And they set a goal: to open 32 stores in ten years. After doing some research, Buck wrote a check for $1,000. Deluca rented a storefront (店面) in Connecticut, and when they couldn't cover their start­up costs, Buck kicked in another $1,000.

But business didn't go smoothly as they expected. Deluca says, “After six months, we were doing poorly, but we didn't know how badly, because we didn't have any financial controls.” All he and Buck knew was that their sales were lower than their costs.

Deluca was managing the store and to the University of Bridgeport at the same time. Buck was working at his day job as a nuclear physicist in New York. They'd meet Monday evenings and brainstorm ideas for keeping the business running. “We convinced ourselves to open a second store. We figured we could tell the public, ‘We are so successful; we are opening a second store.’” And they did—in the spring of 1966. Still, it was a lot of learning by trial and error.

But the partners' learn­as­you­go approach turned out to be their greatest strength. Every Friday, Deluca would drive around and hand­deliver the checks to pay their supplies. “It probably took me two and a half hours and it wasn't necessary but as a result, the suppliers got to know me very well, and the personal relationships established really helped out,” Deluca says.

And having a goal was also important. “There are so many problems that can get you down. You just have to keep working toward your goal,” Deluca adds.

Deluca ended up founding Subways Sandwich, the multimillion­dollar restaurant chain.

1.Deluca opened the first sandwich shop in order to ________.

A.support his family

B.do some research

C.help his partner expand business

D.pay for his college education

2.Which of the following is true of Buck?

A.He put money into the sandwich business.

B.He was a professor of business administration.

C.He was studying at the University of Bridgeport.

D.He rented a storefront for Deluca.

3.What can we learn about their first shop?

A.It stood at an unfavorable place.

B.It lowered the prices to poor management.

C.It made no profits due to poor management.

D.It lacked control over the quality of sandwich.

4.They decided to open a second store because they ________.

A.had enough money to do it

B.had succeeded in their business

C.wished to meet the increasing demand of customers

D.wanted to make believe that they were successful

5.What contributes most to their success according to the author?

A.Learning by trial and error.

B.Making friends with supplies.

C.Finding a good partner.

D.Opening chain stores.



科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省两校2009-2010学年度高一下学期期中检测(英语试卷) 题型:阅读理解

When I was twelve years old, my family were the first black people to move into an all white part of Grand Rapids, Michigan. Many of our new neighbors weren’t very welcoming. Some of them said angrily that we should return to where we came from. The children sometimes threw stones at me .

Most of my teachers simply took no notice of me, but not Dorothy Bean, my history teacher. Miss Bean was angry at how badly I was being treated, but she didn’t say this to me. Miss Bean showed her respect for me by teaching me just like anyone else. Instead of being unnoticed, I was given a chance to show that I was clever. Miss Bean was the first teacher who ever made me think for myself. She always wanted to know what I thought about different questions. She expected me to have my own idea. Miss Bean was teaching me that thinking for oneself was the real key to education.

One day, when I was not paying attention in class, Miss Bean suddenly threw an eraser(黑板擦) at me. The eraser hit me right on the hand and sent my pencil flying. The whole class were very surprised at first, then started laughing. This event became famous in the school and, because it happened to me, the students wanted to get to know me. So that’s the story of how Dorothy Bean made me her target(靶子). However, what I want to do is express my thanks to her.

56. The author and his family were not welcomed by the local people because ____________.

A. they returned from another country     B. they have different skin color

C. they spoke a different language         D. they moved to a wrong place

57. From the end of the first paragraph we know that _____________.

A. children were more friendly to strangers

B. American schools were not safe for kids

C. children often follow their parents’ behavior

D. fighting each other is part of children’s nature

58. Miss Bean respected the author by ____________.

A. giving him special attention.

B. hitting him with an eraser.

C. giving him extra lessons.

D. treating him as one of her students.

59. To Miss Bean the most important thing for a student is to _________.

A. pay close attention to what the teacher says.

B. learn to think and have one’s own idea.

C. keep silent and unnoticed in class.

D. get special attention from the teacher.

60. Which is the writer’s attitude to Miss Bean?

A. Grateful.      B. Hateful.      C. Negative.       D. Supportive.


