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In Germany, English expressions are used in conversations and increasingly in written form. Advertisements are often expressed completely in English. When I go to the gym, there are “aerobic-classes (增氧健身法课程)”. We “warm up”. We go “jogging.” In business, we attend a “meeting” and we have “good connections.”

Other nations, like France, have taken action to protect their language from the influence of “Americanization”. In Germany, however, there is concern that those rules could be connected with Hitler’s Third Reich (帝国), when the language had to be pure. If the government curbed the use of English words now, this could be considered by some as a return to that terrible past.

Some German citizens are now trying to stop the use of English vocabulary in German. However, I think generally it is not a big deal to use some common English expressions as they often describe things more directly. But we should know that it is important to use English correctly. All too often, bad English is spoken or even written instead of good German. The proper use of the German language would be the better choice. However, there are some fields that require the use of English words, for example, in the high-tech communication and the Internet fields, there is no alternative to English. Also, I think sometimes I have to speak English when I introduce some scenic places to tourists.

I think you have to find a balance and decide when it is better to use good German in place of bad English or when the use of correct English words is more suitable. Languages have always changed naturally, and I disagree with a restriction by law. Some nice expressions borrowed from other languages can make a conversation more vivid.

1.By giving many examples in the first paragraph, the writer shows that _____.

A. most Germans have no difficulty in understanding English

B. English is more and more widely used in Germany

C. it is more convenient to use English in some situations

D. English has completely replaced German in Germany

2.From the passage, we can learn that when Hitler was in power, ______ in Germany.

A. all languages except English could be used

B. only some foreign languages could be used

C. only the upper class could speak English

D. only the German language could be used

3.What job does the writer probably do?

A. A travel guide. B. A lawyer.

C. A computer engineer. D. A teacher.

4.What is the writer’s attitude towards the use of English in Germany?

A. There should be a law to protect the dominance of German.

B. It is foolish for Germans to worry about their native language.

C. Germans should be encouraged to speak more English.

D. Proper use of English can make conversations more colorful.








1.In Germany, English expressions are used in conversations and increasingly in written form. Advertisements are often expressed completely in English.”可知,在德国,英语出现在日常口语中,并逐渐被用于书面语言中。甚至广告语用全英文来表达。说明英语在德国的使用正在变得越来越广泛,故选B。

2.there is concern that those rules could be connected with Hitler’s Third Reich (帝国), when the language had to be pure. ...If the government curbed the use of English words now, this could be considered by some as a return to that terrible past.”可知,希特勒时期,要求语言必须统一,只有德语才被允许使用,故选D。

3.Also, I think sometimes I have to speak English when I introduce some scenic places to tourists.”可知,作者是一名导游,故选A。

4.Some nice expressions borrowed from other languages can make a conversation more vivid.”可知,作者不赞同限制使用别国语言的做法,他认为,从其它语言中借来的短语表达能够使谈话变得有声有色,故选D。



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年广东中山杨仙逸中学高一上第一次段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.They are discussing how to build up a ____________(power) government.

2.His angry expression suggested that he ______________(agree) to the decision.

3.If you keep talking _____________(frequent) with your foreign friends, you’ll soon pick up ___________(fluency) English.

4.My parents live in the ____________( east) part of a country.

5.The ____________(express) on her face told me that she didn’t want to discuss it.

6.He made a big mistake because of his _______________(ignore)

7.Please clean the _____________(dust) window after class.

8.She appeared to be angry. _____________(actual), she was pleased.

9.As far as I am _______________(concern), your plan is practical.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山西吕梁学院附属高级中学高一上第二次英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

You probably know you should say "please" and "thank you" at restaurants. You probably know the rules of a library. You know you should respect and be nice to your classmates. But do you have music manners?

Keep It Down! You have to notice the volume of your music. You should not play your music so loud that everyone around you can hear it. Some people might even get angry. Usually, when you play the music loud on an MP3 player, other people can't hear the words of the song. They just hear a loud sound. No one wants to listen to this. Very loud music can also be bad for your ears. So even if you are alone when listening to your MP3 players, you shouldn't turn it up too high.

Take Them Off! You need to know when to turn your MP3 off and put it away. Libraries and schools don't allow MP3 players. There are other places, like museums, that don't have rules, but it would be rude to have your MP3 player on. Sometimes, it doesn't make sense(无意义)to listen on your MP3 player . Why would you listen to music at a play, a movie or a sporting event? You would miss what is going on and others would wonder why you even came.

Take One Out! Once in a while it's okay just to take out one earphone and not the other. Imagine you are listening on your MP3 player when someone asks you the way. It would not be rude to take out one earphone, tell him the way, and put back the earphone and continue listening. You can also do this when you order food at a fast-food restaurant or when you answer the telephone.

It's Your Choice! There are times when you need to decide what is best. For example, some people can listen to music on their MP3 players when reading books, while others think it is disturbing. In cases like this, you need to do what seems right for you.

1. The underlined word "volume" in Paragraph 2 probably means "_________."

A. the amount of a sound

B. the length of a song

C. the type of music

D. the color of an MP3 player

2.We should turn down the music when we are alone because loud music_________.

A. may annoy others B. can hurt our ears

C. is bad for MP3 players D. will make us tired

3. If we listen to our MP3 player at a play, _________.

A. the theatre won't allow it

B. the actors will get angry

C. others won't hear the play well

D. we may miss part of the play

4. The main idea of this passage is about _________.

A. music lovers B. music manners

C. music players D. MP3 earphones



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东省乳山市高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

His heart beats fast ______ he hears her voice.

A. as though B. now that

C. even though D. every time



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东省乳山市高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

______ Gong Li, Zhou Xun has created a different JiuEr in the TV version of Red Sorghum.

A. Comparing with B. Compared with

C. Comparing D. Compared



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东临沂商城实验学校高二10月学情调研英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Only after they had discussed the matter for a few hours ______ a decision.

A. they reached B. did they reach C. they reach D. do they reach



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东临沂商城实验学校高二10月学情调研英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

After a heated discussion, the chairman came to the conclusion _______ a better way to settle the argument would be found soon.

A. what B. whether C. that D. /



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年山东临沂商城实验学校高一10月调研英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

He commanded that all the gates _____when it was getting dark in case thieves came in .

A. were shut B. must be shut C. could be shut D. be shut



科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年安徽蚌埠五河高级中学高一上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Hearing the funny joke, all the audiences burst ________.

A. into laughing B. out laughing

C. out laughter D. into tears


