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A historical change is taking place in middle-school education Teachers are being asked to answer as never before for how well they serve their students It has become as common in middle schools for students to grade teachers as for teachers to grade students In fact student ratings(评价)have become the most widely used and in many cases the only important in formation on teaching effectiveness In comparing three studies of the same 600 middle and high schools in more than thirty states it was found that the number of schools using student ratings to evaluate teachers had climbed from 29 percent to 68 percent to 86 percent No other method of evaluation got that degree of usage and other studies have found similar results

One reason that student evaluations of easy to put to wrong use If they are expected to throw meaningful light on teachers’ performance the ratings must be sured in a way that shows at least some of what we’ve learnt about them from research and from experience

Research and experience have shown us for example that student ratings should never be the only basis for evaluating effectiveness There is much more to teaching than what is evaluated on student rating forms. When ratings are used we know that students should not be expected to judge whether the materials used in a course up to date or how well the teacher knows the subject matter of the course There judgments that require professional background are best left to the teacher’s fellow workers On the other hand students should be asked to comment what they have learned in a course and to report in the classroom relationship with the students ability to develop interest in the subject and ways to encourage students to teach themselves

68. The central idea of the passage is that __________

A. student ratings are the only way to learn about teaching effectiveness

B. other methods are better than student ratings in evaluating teachers

C. it is quite right to make student ratings popular in the country

D. student ratings are very popular and should be properly used

69. In Paragraph 2,the underlined expression “throw meaningful light on teachers’ performance” means ___________

A. judging teachers’ teaching ability and understanding of the course

B. making teachers’ performance clear and understood to all

C. having a mean opinion of teachers’ performance

D. speaking highly of the teachers’ performance

70. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. Students should not be asked questions that require professional background

B. Student evaluations are popular because they are extremely accurate

C. Student ratings can be used in all the schools in any case

D. Student ratings are already used in almost every school

71. In student ratings all the questions can be asked except “_________”

A. Can the teacher make himself easily understood?

B. How does the teacher deal with the students?

C. Are students interested in what is taught?

D. Is what is taught by the teacher new?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


TUVALU, a tiny country in the Pacific Ocean, has asked for help as it fears it will be swallowed up by the sea.

Storms and huge waves are a constant threat and none of Tuvalu’s nine little islands is more than five meters above sea level, Salt water is already entering the country’s drinking water supply, as well as damaging plants that produce fruit and vegetable. _____1_____

______2____. Venice, a historic city in Italy best known for its canals, has sunk about 24 cm over the past 100 years. Experts say that it will have sunk another 20-50cm by 2050. A century ago, St. Mark’s Square, the lowest point in the city, flooded about nine times a year, Nowadays, it happens more than 100 times. While Venice is slowly sinking into the mud on which it stands, Tuvalu’s rising sea level is caused by global warming.

The average global temperature has increased by almost 0.5 centigrade degrees over the past century; scientists expect it to rise by extra 1-3 degrees over the next 100 years.

Warmer weather makes glaciers(冰川)melt, adding more water to the ocean. The warmer temperatures also make water expand, so it takes up more space, causing the sea level to rise. The sea level has risen about 10-25 cm in the last 100 years.

__3____. Through burning coal, oil and gas, people have been increasing the greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, such as CO2. This adds to the power of the greenhouse effect, making the planet even warmer.

Many scientists believe that, if the warming is not stopped, there will be huge climate changes. _____4______.

____5_____, the sea will swallow up millions of homes and the world will be flooded with “climate refugees” looking for somewhere to live.

A. The main cause of global warming is human pollution

B. Should this come true

C. Without urgent help, the country’s days are numbered.

D. But Tuvalu is not the first place to face sinking into the sea

E. The sea level could rise by one meter this century

F. people face a lot of pollution

G. much has been done about our planet


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

He's an old cobbler (修鞋匠) with a shop in the Marais, a historic area in Paris.When I took him my shoes, he at first told me: "I haven't time.Take them to the other fellow on the main street; he'll fix them for you right away."

But I'd had my eye on his shop for a long time. Just looking at his bench loaded with tools and pieces of leather, I knew he was a skilled craftsman (手艺人). "No," I replied, "The other fellow can't do it well."

"The other fellow" was one of those shopkeepers who fix shoes and make keys "while-U-wait" -- without knowing much about mending shoes or making keys. They work carelessly, and when they have finished sewing back a sandal strap (鞋带) ,you might as well just throw away the pair.

My man saw I wouldn't give in, and he smiled. He wiped his hands on his blue apron (围裙), looked at my shoes, had me write my name on one shoe with a piece of chalk and said, "Come back in a week."

    I was about to leave when he took a pair of soft leather boot off a shelf.

    "See what I can do " he said with pride. "Only three of us in Paris can do this kind of work."

When I got back out into the street, the world seemed brand-new to me. He was something out of an ancient legend, an old craftsman with his way of speaking familiarly, his pride in his craft.

These are times when nothing is important but the bottom line, when you can do things any old way as long as it "pays", when, in short, people look on work as a path to ever-increasing consumption (消费) rather than a way to realize their own abilities. In such a period,it is a rare comfort to find a cobbler who gets his greatest satisfaction from pride in a job well done.

Which of the following is true about the old cobbler?

    A.He was equipped with the best repairing tools.

    B.He was the only cobbler in the Marais.

    C.He was proud of his skills.

    D.He was a native Parisian.

The sentence "He was something out of an ancient legend." ( paragraph 7 ) implies that         .

    A.nowadays you can hardly find anyone like him

        B. it was difficult to communicate with this man

    C.the man was very strange

    D.the man was too old

According to the author, many people work just to         .

    A.realize their abilities B.gain happiness

    C.make money           D.gain respect

This story wants to tell us that       .

    A.craftsmen make a lot of money    B.whatever you do, do it well

    C.craftsmen need self-respect D.people are born equal


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届江西南昌10所重点中学高三第二次模拟突破冲刺(三)英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

The Friends of the Amazon is a nonprofit association helping to preserve the forest, its wildlife and its native cultures in the Peruvian Amazon.  We are located 3 degrees south of the equator in the Region of Loreto, which is roughly the size of Montana and is one of the richest areas in the world in terms of flora(植物群) and fauna(动物群). Our team consists of lawyers, ecologists, sociologists, medical professionals and native Amazonians working together to protect the forest and its people from destruction. We use litigation(诉讼), filing lawsuits against those who seek to destroy the forest and its native cultures. In addition to legal processes, we promote health, education, and the conservation of native plants and animals.
The Amazon Rainforest is commonly referred to as the "lungs of the planet" whose trees are essential for absorbing carbon dioxide (CO2, a greenhouse gas that causes global warming) and converting it into oxygen, thereby mitigating the rise of global temperatures and climate change.  An estimated 120 billion tons of carbon dioxide is absorbed in the Amazon Rainforest and global emissions of carbon dioxide increase with every tree of the rainforest that is cut down. That is why the survival of the Amazon Rainforest is vital for the survival of our planet, without which rising global temperatures could melt the polar icecaps and cause flooding of our coastal cities. 
Currently, the Amazon is under siege(围攻), with an estimated 1000 hectares being destroyed everyday.  After harvesting old growth forests, corporations are often replacing the native forest with palm oil plantations instead of reforesting with native tree species.  Palm oil trees are native to Africa, not the Amazon, and due to high profits, their promotion by international aid agencies and recent legislation in Peru, palm oil plantations represent perhaps the single greatest threat to the native Amazon Rainforest. 
In addition to conventional logging and deforesting to make room for crops such as palm oil and soybeans, the Amazon forest faces a new threat in the form of REDD projects and “Carbon Cowboys”.  REDD refers to Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation by using carbon offsets (“carbon credits”).  Under the guise of REDD projects, scammers are tricking native communities into signing unjust contracts in English without legal representation which essentially give these so called Carbon Cowboys the forest for free. These cheaters are making false promises of "billions of dollars in profits" from REDD and voluntary carbon offset (碳补偿)projects by lying that they are representatives of the United Nations and World Bank in order to trick vulnerable indigenous Amazonians into ceding their land by signing unjust contracts with hidden clauses that give the Carbon Cowboys a power of attorney to do whatever they want with the forest for a period of 100 years.  Friends of the Amazon is actively filing lawsuits against these Carbon Cowboys and those who support them. 
For further information on our programs and to find out how you can help preserve the Amazon Rainforest, please contact:
Friends of the Amazon
153 Túpac Amaru Street
Iquitos, Peru
Phone: (+51) 985665374
For more specific information on supporting the goals of our nonprofit organization, please contact us using the email address listed below.
If you would like to learn how you can help preserve the Amazon Rainforest and its indigenous people, please contact us for more information at:
【小题1】The Friends of the Amazon is the name of _________.

A.your best friend B.a non-profit organization
C.a historic heroD.a famous carbon cowboy
【小题2】What does the underlined word “converting ” in the second paragraph mean?
【小题3】Why is the survival of the Amazon Rainforest vital for the survival of our planet?
A.Because this forest absorbs a lot of carbon dioxide emitted by the world
B.Because people rely on this forest to get enough wood to build houses and furniture
C.Because people living here can get a large sum of compensation to offset carbon dioxide
D.Because the United Nations and the World Bank are helping preserving the land here
【小题4】We can learn from the passage that palm oil trees _____________.
A.have produced much profit for the local people.
B.are native to Amazon and fit in well with their surroundings
C.are native to Africa and may do great harm to the native Amazon trees
D.are used to replace the native forest because the local people can profit from them
【小题5】The purpose of this article is _______.
A.introduce the largest rain forest in the world
B.to appeal to the government to take some measures to get rid of Carbon Cowboys
C.to advertise the rain forest as a favourite tourist destination
D.to arouse the awareness of the public to help conserve the “lungs of our planet”


科目:高中英语 来源:全国通用2010年北大清华冲刺王高考押题卷英语(一) 题型:完型填空


Sudha Chandran, a classical dancer from India, was cut off in the prime of her career--quite literally --when her right leg had to be removed after a car 36____

Though it brought her bright career to a stop,she didn't 37____

In the painful months that 38_____,she met a doctor who developed an artificial leg (假肢)made from rubber 39____with sponge (海绵)。

So 40____was her desire that she decided to go back to  41____after she had been fitted with an artificial leg .

Sudan knew that she 42____in herself and could fulfill her 43_____ ,she began her courageous journey back to the 44_____of dancing --leaning to balance , bend , stretch,walk, turn, twist, twril and 45____dance.

After every public show , she would ask her dad about her 46____."You will have a long way to go "was the answer she used to get in 47____.

In January 1984, Sudhan made a historic comeback 48____giving a public show in Bombay.She performanced in such a marvelous 49____that it moved everyone to tears while putting her in the number one 50____again.

That evening when she asked the 51____question ,her dad didn't say anything .He 52____touched her feet as a tribute to a great artist .

Sudan's comeback was so heart-warming that a film producer was 53____to capture the incident into a celluloid box office hit ,'Mayuri.'

When someone asked Sudan how she had 54____to dance again , she said quite simply ,'you don't need 55____to dance.'

Nothing is impossible in this world .If you have the will to win ,you can achive anything.

36.A event B movement C accident D incident

37.A put up      B hold up     C take up      D give up

38.A followed    B searched    C appeared      D remained

39.A covered     B filled       C crowed       D occupied

40.A worried     B excited     C satisfied       D eager

41.A running     B swimming   C dancing       D singing

42.A achieved   B believed    C trust          D considered

43.A dream      B duty      C job           D task

44.A place       B stage      C world         D secret

45.A suddenly   B finally     C instantly       D immediately

46.A appearance   B competition C decision       D performance

47.A return       B turn       C need          D request

48.A for         B with       C at             D by

49.A method     B means      C type          D manner

50.A position     B solution     C direction      D situation

51.A usual      B common     C special       D ordinary

52.A even       B ever        C just           D still

53.A respected    B inspired    C inspected       D supposed

54.A managed    B succeed   C imagined      D tried

55.A heart      B feet        C brain          D hand



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Pingyao, in the center of Shanxi Province, is a famous historic cultural city of China and a world cultural heritage (遗产) site. It’s 90 kilometers south of Taiyuan on the Fen River.
People lived in Pingyao during the New Stone Age. Its long period as a county government seat has left Pingyao with lots of historic buildings and sites, with a 2,700-year history. Ninety-nine of them are under government protection, including Zhengguo Temple, Shuanglin Temple and Pingyao Ancient City.
During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, businessmen organized commercial (商业的) groups that did business nationwide. Shanxi Province had some of the most important ones and Pingyao was their center. In 1823, a store, known as Rishengchang (Sunrise Prosperity), traded in bank checks rather than in silver or gold coins. It was the beginning of modern Chinese banking. Branch (分支) banks were soon set up in major cities in China and other parts of Asia, leading to great development in Pingyao. Its lacquer ware (漆器) became well known.
In Pingyao Ancient City are many traditional houses and commercial buildings, 3,797 of which are protected and more than 400 of which are in good condition. Not only do the houses in Pingyao show Shanxi’s history and culture, but this large number is valuable for studying its history, customs, ancient buildings and art. Most of these houses are still used as homes and shops of local people.
In 1997, Ancient Pingyao City was listed in World Heritage List as “World Culture Heritage Site”

  1. 1.

    What does the underlined word “them” (in Paragraph 2) refer to?

    1. A.
      Historic buildings and sites
    2. B.
      The three temples
    3. C.
      The county government seats
    4. D.
      The 2,700-year history
  2. 2.

    Which of the following about Pingyao is NOT mentioned in the passage?

    1. A.
      Its location
    2. B.
      Its tourism
    3. C.
      Its business
    4. D.
      Its history
  3. 3.

    During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, Pingyao was a leading center in _____

    1. A.
    2. B.
      raising cattle
    3. C.
      commercial trade
    4. D.
      making gold coins
  4. 4.

    If you want to know about the history of banking in China, which of the following places should you visit?

    1. A.
      Sunrise Prosperity
    2. B.
      Zhengguo Temple
    3. C.
      A lacquer ware store
    4. D.
      A commercial house

