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²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£º²»ÎÄÃ÷ÐÐΪ£ºimmoral behaviors Ê÷Á¢ÐÎÏó£ºuphold an image

Dear editor,

At present, more and more people choose to travel abroad when they have holidays.










Thank you for your attention.


Li Hua


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÕ㽭ʡɽºÓÁªÃË2016-2017ѧÄê¸ßÒ»µÚ¶þѧÆÚÆÚÖп¼ÊÔÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£ºÍê³É¾ä×Ó


The city government ________ __________ ________ controlling the polluted rivers.

2.˵ÆðÎÒµÄÀíÏ룬 ÎÒÖ»ÏëÅöÅöÔËÆø£¬ÔÚ¼ÒÏ翪¸ö¹«Ë¾¡£

As to my dream, I just want to _________ __________ _________ and set up my own company in my hometown.


Mr. Zhang ________ ________ ________ the high-speed train for Hangzhou, for he likes

driving his own car around.

4.ÎÒÂèÂè´ðÓ¦À´²Î¼ÓÎҵıÏÒµµäÀñµÄ£¬ ¿ÉÊǵ½ÏÖÔÚËý¶¼Ã»Óе½£¬ÕæÈÃÈË׿±°¡£¡

My mum promised to attend my graduation ceremony, but by now she _______ _______ ______, which is really worrying.


The meeting that will take place next week is ________ ________ _______ their ancestors¡¯ arrival in the village 100 years ago.


They won¡¯t let you ________ ________ ________ it unless you say sorry for what you have done.


I still have the doubt of ________ Japan is ________ ________ country.


The weather turned out to be fine yesterday. I ________ ________ ________ the umbrella with me.


Three years later, he found his hometown wasn't ________ it ________ ________ be.


He was lazy and proud, ________ fully ________ ________ his failure.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2018¡¶Ä£¿é×ۺϼì²â¡·¸ß¿¼Ó¢Ó½­ËÕרÓÃÒëÁְ棩¾«Á·ÓÅ»¯¾í£¨Ò»£©£¨Book 1£© ÌâÐÍ£ºÍêÐÎÌî¿Õ

Teaching is challenging and teaching college is often a mixed bag.Sometimes my class feels more like a cafeteria£¬where students come and go£¬______ in the middle of my lectures.Mostly these students have entered college right out of high school.College seems to them like ______ a continuation of high school£¬______ the sense of newness that often drives curiosity and achievement.

But there is a category of students that gives everyone reasons for ______.They are the so called ¡°nontraditional students¡±£ºthose who£¬for one reason or ______£¬didn¡¯t go to college when they were 18£¬but many years later.Some years back in my teaching£¬while calling out names from the name list on the first day£¬I noticed a gray haired woman of about 70.She was wandering in the doorway£¬______ her new books like a schoolgirl.

¡°I¡¯m not on the name list£¬¡± she volunteered.¡°But I was ______ if I could sit in for the first class£¬to see what marine(º£Ñó) biology is about.¡± This woman¡¯s eagerness ______ me£¬so I invited her to have a seat.I began the class with questions to get a(n) ______ of how much knowledge they were bringing to the course.As I questioned them about the difference between fishes and seagoing mammals£¬most of my new students remained ______.But Natalie£¬the older woman£¬was on the edge of her seat£¬______ answers.At the end of the class£¬she came up to me and apologized for being the ¡°extra¡± student.She said£¬¡°Will you ______ me another chance£¿¡± ______ at losing her£¬I acted quickly to remove her ______.¡°I¡¯ll see you next class£¬¡±I said.Natalie turned out to be a vital and ______ student.She commuted 50 miles each day to get to school£¬often in the severe winter£¬and never missed a class.______ this£¬she was enthusiastic about helping my younger students.Apparently these older students have the ______ over them.It lies in the breadth and depth of their path of life.After having ______ numerous personal and professional barriers£¬they have an expansive world view.______ a return to school may£¬at first£¬be frightening for them£¬they tend to make it because they are ______ great trouble to put their studies into an already full life.

1.A. often B. seldom C. never D. hardly

2.A. more than B. other than C. rather than D. no more than

3.A. creating B. lacking C. involving D. inspiring

4.A. anger B. desperation C. hope D. pity

5.A. another B. others C. the other D. none

6.A. bringing B. buying C. holding D. fetching

7.A. hoping B. wondering C. thinking D. expecting

8.A. impressed B. embarrassed C. puzzled D. amused

9.A. plan B. sense C. concept D. idea

10.A. enthusiastic B. silent C. interested D. calm

11.A. asking B. repeating C. rejecting D. volunteering

12.A. offer B. make C. learn D. introduce

13.A. Relieved B. Relaxed C. Alarmed D. Annoyed

14.A. concern B. curiosity C. attention D. concentration

15.A. diligent B. humorous C. intelligent D. open?minded

16.A. Regardless of B. But for C. Except D. Apart from

17.A. ability B. experience C. advantage D. belief

18.A. got over B. got across C. got away from D. got through

19.A. Unless B. Until C. When D. While

20.A. demanding B. taking C. sparing D. escaping


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º½­Î÷Ê¡2016-2017ѧÄê¸ßÒ»ÏÂѧÆÚµÚÒ»´Î¿¼ÊÔÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£º¶ÌÎĸĴí







My sister saw a lovely cup when we are shopping the other day. She liked it at once. Then she bent down and picked up to look at a price on it. As she did this, lots of tea splashed on his T-shirt! I had to try hardly not to laugh at her shocked face! My sister wanted get out of the shop as fast as she could when a shop assistant came over to us. It was turned out to be her own cup, that she¡¯d left on the shelf by mistake. The assistant was clearly as embarrassing as my sister, for I just thought it was funny!


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÅ£½òÒëÁÖ°æ ±ØÐÞËÄ Unit 1µ¥Ôª´Ê»ãÁ·Ï° ÌâÐÍ£ºÍê³É¾ä×Ó

1.As was reported by the news, the earthquake in Pasistan might have caused the death of more than 50,000 people.

As was reported by the news, the earthquake in Pasistan might have_______ _______ the death of more than 50,000 people.

2.I spoke slowly but my meaning still couldn¡¯t get across.

I spoke slowly but they still didn¡¯t _________ what I said.

3.The child soon got tired of hearing about his uncle¡¯s adventures in the woods in old days.

The child soon got______ ______ his uncle¡¯s adventures in the woods in old days.

4.I used to be a model worker, but no one showed interest in what had happened to me in the past when I hunted for a new job.

I used to be a model worker, but people ______ _______ _______what had happened to me in the past when I hunted for a new job.

5.He has been making a living by writing short stories for some magazines in the past ten years.

His life _____ ______ _______ ______ his short stories written for some magazines in the past ten years.

6.I don¡¯t think you have realized how much it will cost you.

I don¡¯t think you ____ ____ ____ how much it will cost you .

7.You are supposed to finish your homework before you play your computer games .

You ____ _____ _____ finish your homework before you play your computer games .

8.Middle-aged women are easily made to believe what the cheaters tell them.

Middle-aged women ______ easily ____what the cheaters tell them .

9.Professor Li said , ¡°I did some research in this field yesterday . ¡±

Professor Li said that ____ ____ ____some research in ___ field ____ ____ ____.

10.A meeting will be held to solve your problem .

A meeting will be held to _____ _____ your problem .


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÄÚÃɹÅÎÚÀ¼²ì²¼·ÖУ2016-2017ѧÄê¸ßÒ»ÏÂѧÆÚÆÚÖп¼ÊÔÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

We can achieve knowledge either actively or passively. We achieve it actively by direct experience, by testing and proving an idea, or by reasoning.

We achieve knowledge passively by being told by someone else. Most of the learning that takes place in the classroom and the kind that happens when we watch TV or read newspapers or magazines is passive. Conditioned as we are to passive learning, it¡¯s not surprising that we depend on it in our everyday communication with friends and co-workers.

Unfortunately, passive learning has a serious problem. It makes us tend to accept what we are told even when it is little more than hearsay(´«ÎÅ) and rumor.

Did you ever play the game Rumor? It begins when one person writes down a message but doesn¡¯t show it to anyone. Then the person whispers it, word for word, to another person. That person, in turn, whispers it to still another, and so on, through all the people playing the game. The last person writes down the message word for word as he or she hears it. Then the two written statements are compared. Typically, the original message has changed.

That¡¯s what happens in daily life. The simple fact that people repeat a story in their own words changes the story. Then, too, most people listen imperfectly. And many enjoy adding their own creative touch to a story, trying to improve on it, stamping it with their own personal style. Yet those who hear it think they know.

This process is also found among scholars and authors: A statement of opinion by one writer may be restated as fact by another, who may in turn be quoted by yet another; and this process may continue, unless it occurs to someone to question the facts on which the original writer based his opinion or to challenge the interpretation he placed upon those facts.

1.According to the passage, active learning may occur in ________.

A. reading scientific journals

B. listening to the teacher in class

C. doing a chemical experiment

D. watching news programmes on TV

2.What does the underlined word ¡°it¡± in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A. Classroom. B. Newspapers.

C. Active learning. D. Passive learning.

3.The game Rumor is mentioned in Paragraph 4 in order to tell readers that ________.

A. playing games can make people more active

B. people tend to like telling lies when playing games

C. a message may be changed when being passed on

D. people may have problems with their sense of hearing

4.What can be inferred from the text?

A. Scholars and authors can¡¯t be trusted.

B. Passive learning may not be reliable.

C. People like spreading rumors in daily life.

D. Active learning is more Important than passive learning.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£ºÉ½Î÷Ê¡2016-2017ѧÄê¸ß¶þÏÂѧÆÚÆÚÄ©¿¼ÊÔÓ¢ÓïÊÔ¾í ÌâÐÍ£ºÍêÐÎÌî¿Õ

I remember believing in Santa when I was a very young girl. However, as I grew older, I learned many ______ that ¡°proved¡± his nonexistence. Always  _____ by nature, I was determined to use  _____ to decide whether Santa Claus was _____.

The first test  ______when I was 5. I decided that if I  _____ all night on Christmas Eve, I could see if Santa really came down the chimney.  ______, that was a useless _____. I fell asleep that year, and when I woke up, I saw a  _____ wrapped present under the  _____.

At the age of 7, I came up with another test to see if Santa was real. That year, I didn¡¯t send out my Christmas letter to Santa because I wanted ______ for Christmas, but this turned into a plot. By then, I _______knew Santa wasn¡¯t real, but I wanted enough ______ to support this. That year was ______, because on Christmas Eve, my mother dragged me to our local Wal-Mart and led me around the toy section. I ______ to say a word, but did let my eyes  _____ on a ballet set. I ______ that ¡°Santa¡± wouldn¡¯t know what I wanted because he shouldn¡¯t be able to read my _____. However, my mother would know everything that caught my eyes in the store. If I got the ballet set the next morning, I would have my evidence. On Christmas morning, there was the ballet set, sitting under the tree again. ______ I didn¡¯t use it much, my mother ended up returning it a few days later. She ______ Santa was generous enough to leave a receipt. That was the end to my task to discover the existence of Santa.

1.A. theories B. facts C. situations D. choices

2.A. cautious B. typical C. curious D. desperate

3.A. data  B. exams C. tricks D. tests

4.A. real B. wise C. merciful D. generous

5.A. worked B. happened C. succeeded D. failed

6.A. called up B. kept up C. stayed up D. made up

7.A. Instead B. Otherwise C. Therefore D. However

8.A. attempt B. suggestion C. effect D. struggle

9.A. roughly B. clearly C. beautifully D. tidily

10.A. bed B. tree C. chimney D. table

11.A. everything B. nothing C. anything D. something

12.A. hardly B. never C. already D. usually

13.A. evidence B. intention C. idea D. experience

14.A. amazing B. strange C. interesting D. annoying

15.A. hated B. tried C. hesitated D. refused

16.A. focus B. try C. put D. call

17.A. hoped B. explained C. argued D. figured

18.A. purpose B. opinion C. mind D. eyes

19.A. As B. If C. Although D. As soon as

20.A. admitted B. promised C. thought D. claimed


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º2017-2018ѧÄê¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óţ½òÒëÁÖ°æ±ØÐÞ¶þ½­ËÕ¾í£© µ¥Ôª×ۺϲâÆÀ2 ÌâÐÍ£ºÔĶÁÀí½â

If you want to cook something quickly, you heat it from both sides.That's what's happening to the West Antarctic ice sheet(Äϼ«ÖÞÎ÷²¿±ù¸Ç)£®A new study reveals that the area under the ice sheet is far hotter than previously thought, fed by an unexpected flow of geothermal energy (µØÈÈÄÜ)£®While the CO2 we send out heats the atmosphere above the continent, earth is melting its ice from below.

If you were to drill (×ê)deep at some place on the continents, you would find that the temperature increases about 25¡æ for every kilometer deep into the hole on average.Scientists call this the geothermal gradient (µØÈÈÌݶÈ)£®Until recently, no one had drilled deeply enough through the West Antarctic ice to determine the geothermal gradient underground.For the new study, researchers drilled all the way through the ice and into the mud.They found that the geothermal gradient was about 200¡æ£¬which is several times the global average on continents.Few predicted this result, although it had been showed that the earth below the West Antarctic ice is unusually hot.

Even with the new discovery, though£¬we still don't know exactly where the heat is coming from.One interesting possibility is volcanoes, which are under the ice.As recently as 2013, scientists were still discovering volcanoes under the ice in the area, and there may be many more.

Some people say that these volcanoes, rather than man?made climate change, are responsible for melting the area's ice.While it's true that heat coming from within the earth, including heat related to volcanoes, makes the melting faster, it is just one contributor to the loss of the West Antarctic ice sheet£­not the main cause.Today's study could help us understand how the whole system, including global warming, is melting the ice.

1.What's happening to the West Antarctic ice sheet?

A. The ice sheet is getting hotter and hotter.

B. It is heated from below rather than from above.

C. The ice sheet is producing a new kind of energy.

D. It is melting from both sides.

2.What can be learned from the second paragraph?

A. It was the first time that researchers had tried to measure geothermal gradients.

B. The geothermal gradient showed where the heat came from.

C. The result was beyond the researchers' expectations.

D. Researchers never knew the earth under the West Antarctic ice was hot.

3.The author would probably agree that ________.

A. the new discovery is unhelpful without a certain conclusion

B. no volcano has been found to support the

researchers' idea

C. volcanoes are the most important reason for the melting of the ice

D. global warming is surely one reason for the melting of the ice

4.What's the main idea of the passage?

A. The West Antarctic ice sheet is in danger.

B. Researchers are trying to stop global warming.

C. The West Antarctic ice sheet's melting will bring terrible consequences.

D. It has been known how to stop the melting of the West Antarctic ice sheet.


¿ÆÄ¿£º¸ßÖÐÓ¢Óï À´Ô´£º½­ËÕÊ¡Å£½òÒëÁÖ°æÓ¢ÓïModule 5 Unit 3 test3 ÌâÐÍ£ºµ¥ÏîÌî¿Õ

______£¬you'll have a greater chance of finding a suitable job if you have ever done some parttime jobs.

A. In particular B. In general

C. In secret D. In sight

