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Bum rate is the speed at which a startup business consumes money. My rate would be $ 50,000 a month when my new media company started. So, I began looking around for individuals who would be my first investors. “Angel money” it was called. But when I reviewed my list of acquaintances to find those who might be able to help, I found the number got small.
  With no other choices, I began meeting with the venture-capital companies. But I was warned they took a huge share of your company for the money they put in. And if you struggled, they could drop you cold.
  As I was searching for “angel money”, I started to build a team who trusted me even though I didn't have money for paychecks yet.
  Bill Becker was an expert in computer programming and image processing at a very famous Media Lab at M. I.T. With his arrival, my company suddenly had a major technology “guy” in-house.
  Katherine Henderson, a filmmaker and a former real-estate dealer, joined us as our director of market research. Steve White came on as operating officer. He had worked for the developer of a home-finance software, Quicken. We grabbed him.
  We had some really good people, but we still didn't have enough money. One night, my neighbor, Louise Johnson, came for a visit. She and I were only nodding acquaintances, but her boys and ours were constant companions. She ran a very good business at the time.
  Louise was brilliant and missed nothing. She had been watching my progress closely. She knew I was dying for money and I had prospects but could offer no guarantees of success.
  She told me that her attorney had talked to mine and the terms had been agreed upon. She handed me an envelope. Inside was a check for $ 500,000.
  I almost fell down. I heard her voice as if from heaven.
  “I have confidence in your plan,” she said. “You' 11 do well. You're going to work hard for it, but it' s satisfying when you build your own company.”
  Who would have thought I'd find an angel so close to home? There were no words sufficient for the moment. We just said good night. She left and I just stood there, completely humbled and completely committed.
小题1:For a newly-established business, bum rate refers to___________.
A.the salary it pays to its staff B.the interest it pays to the bank
C.the way in which it raises capital D.the speed at which it spends money
小题2:By "Angel money", the author refers to__________.
A.the money borrowed from banks B.the money spent to promote sales
C.the money raised from close friendsD.the money needed to start a business
小题3:To get help from a venture-capital company, you may have to__________.
put up with unfair terms          B. change your business line
C. enlarge your business scope       D. let them operate your business
小题4:The author easily built a team for his company because__________.
A.they were underpaid at their previous jobs
B.they were turned down by other companies
C.they were confident of the author and his business
D.they were satisfied with the salaries in his company
小题5: Louise decided to lend money to the author because__________.
A.she wanted to join his company
B.she knew he would build a team
C.she knew his plan would succeed
D.she wanted to help promote his sales


试题分析:“燃烧速率”是指一家刚起步的公司花钱的速度。 当我的新媒体公司刚创立的时候燃烧速率是每个月50,000美元。 因此,我开始四下寻找可能成为我的第一批投资者,得到的投资被称为“赞助资金”。 但是当我考虑在我认识的人中有谁能帮我时,我发现寥寥无几。  
在我寻找“赞助资金”的同时我开始建立自己的团队。我们有很棒的员工,但是我们的钱不够。 一天晚上,我的邻居露易丝来访. 那时她的事业正如火如荼。露易丝一直在密切关注我的公司。 她知道我非常需要钱,而且还知道我很有希望,但是不能保证一定能成功。她递给我一个信封,里面是一张50万美元的支票。 谁会想到我会在家门口找到赞助人?  
小题1:细节理解题。文章第一段第一句话:Bum rate is the speed at which a startup business consumes money. (“燃烧速率”是指一家刚起步的公司花钱的速度.)故选D。
小题2:推理判断题。“angel money”出现在文章第一段第四句。由其前面的一句话可知这笔钱是第一批投资商投入的资金,此时公司刚刚成立,从而可判断“angel money”是用来创业的. 故选D。
小题3:推理判断题。从文章第二段第二句话“…they took a huge share of your company for the money they put in.(他们会因为投资而拿走你公司的一大股。)”可知,投资公司会拿走公司相当大的一部分股份,这种交易当然是不公平的。故选A。
小题5:细节理解题。文章第七段至第十段大意:Louise很聪明,并且不会错过任何机会。她一直在密切关注我的公司。她知道我非常需要钱,而且还知道我很有希望,但是不能保证一定能成功。第十段“我对你的计划有信心,”她说.“你会做得很好。 你得为之努力奋斗,但是建立自己的公司是一件很令人满足的事情。”。由此可知,Louise认为作者的公司很有希望才借钱给作者。故选C。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

When Andrea Peterson landed her first teaching job, she faced the daunting task of creating a music program with almost no money for equipment or supplies in a climate where standards-based learning was the focus and music just provided a break for students and teachers.
For her drive and creativity in overcoming those challenges, she’s been named national teacher of the year.
Principal Waynes Kettler said he’s worked with many outstanding teachers in his 22 years as an educator, but Peterson is “just that one step above anybody I’ve ever worked with before.”
Kettler and others at Monte Cristo Elementary School talk about the ways she has introduced the learning from other classrooms into her music program and her creativity in working around things such as the lack of money for new music.
When students were reading S.E. Hinton’s novel The Outsiders in their regular classroom, Peterson helped them write a 30-minute play with scenes from the book. Then they chose three Broadway tunes that focused on race, equality and social justice, the themes of the book. Peterson composed two other songs herself after classroom discussions about the play and the book.
The honor means a lot to residents of Granite Falls. It’s inspiring to know that people from small towns can even win national honors.
As national teacher of the year, Peterson will spend the next year outside the classroom, as a national and international spokeswoman for education.
Not surpassingly, she is a big believe in the value of acts education. She said it’s essential for schools to offer classes such as act or music and physical education because for some kids one of those subjects is the only thing that motivates them to come back to school day after day.
小题1:The underlined word “daunting” in Paragraph 1 most probably means __________.
小题2:When Peterson began her teaching career, ____________.
A.music was a focus of learning in most schools
B.the environment was favorable to music teaching
C.the school lacked teaching facilities for music
D.financial support for music programs was unavailable
小题3:What is the most important reason that Peterson won the award?
A.She concerned herself with current social problems.
B.She motivated students to learn music with her creativity.
C.She has taught music at the elementary school for 22 years.
D.She made great efforts to arouse students’ interest in literature.
小题4:Which of the following is an example of Peterson’s way of teaching music?
A.She wrote plays on themes of race, equality and social justice.
B.She made use of the contents of other classes in her teaching.
C.She organized classroom discussions of Broadway tunes.
D.She helped students compose songs by themselves.
小题5:In Peterson’s opinion, ____________.
A.art, music and PE classes are all important
B.more subjects should be offered to students
C.students should be motivated to attend art classes
D.arts education is more important than other subjects
小题6:It can be inferred from the text that ________.
A.Peterson’s honor was a surprise for the local people
B.Peterson’s art classes attracted students back to school
C.Peterson aroused the local residents’ passion for music
D.Peterson will change her profession next year


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

What makes a gift special? Is it the price you see on the gift receipt(收据)? Or is it the look on the recipient's face when they receive it that determines the true value? What gift is worth the most?
This Christmas I was debating what to give my father. My dad is a hard person to buy for because he never wants anything. I pulled out my phone to read a text message from my mom saying that we were leaving for Christmas shopping for him when I came across a message on my phone that I had locked. The message was from my father. My eyes fell on a photo of a flower taken in Wyoming, and underneath a poem by William Blake. The flower, a lone dandelion(蒲公英) standing against the bright blue sky, inspired me. My dad had been reciting those words to me since I was a kid. That may even be the reason why I love writing. I decided that those words would be my gift to my father.
I called back. I told my mom to go without me and that l already created my gift. I sent the photo of the cream-colored flower to my computer and typed the poem on top of it.  As I was arranging the details another poem came to mind. The poem was written by Edgar Allan Poe; My dad recited it as much as he did the other. I typed that out as well and searched online for a background to the words of it.  The poem was focused around dreaming, and after searching I found the perfect picture.  The image was painted with blues and greens and purples, twisting together to create the theme and wonder of a dream. As I watched both poems passing through the printer, the white paper coloring with words that shaped my childhood, I felt that this was a gift that my father would truly appreciate.
Christmas soon arrived. The minute I saw the look on my dad's face as he unwrapped those swirling (卷曲的)black letters carefully placed in a cheap frame, I knew I had given the perfect gift.
小题1:The idea for a special gift began to form when the author was        .
A.doing shoppingB.having a debate
C.leaving for WyomingD.reading a message
小题2:The author's inspiration for the gift came from           .
A.a photo of a flowerB.a story about a kid
C.a call from the motherD.a text about Christmas
小题3:The underlined word "it" in Paragraph 3 refers to a poem by _          .
A.the fatherB.the author
C.Edgar Allan PoeD. William Blake
小题4:The author made the gift by       .
A.searching for the poems online
B.drawing the background by hand
C.painting the letters in three colors
D.matching the words with pictures
小题5:What is the main purpose of the passage?
A.To show how to design images for gifts
B.To suggest making gifts from one's heart.
C.To explain how computers help create gifts
D.To describe the gifts the author has received.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mom was a teacher most of her life. When she wasn’t in the classroom, she was educating her children or grandchildren: correcting our grammar; starting us on collections of butterflies, flowers or rocks; or inspiring a discussion on her most recent “Book of the Month Club” topic. Mom made learning fun.
It was sad for my three brothers and me to see her ailing in her later years. At eighty-five, she suffered a stroke and she went steadily downhill after that.
Two days before she died, my brothers and I met at her nursing home and took her for a short ride in a wheelchair. While we waited for the staff to lift her limp body back into bed, Mom fell asleep. Not wanting to wake her, we moved to the far end of the room and spoke softly.
After several minutes our conversation was interrupted by a muffled sound coming from across the room. We stopped talking and looked at Mom. Her eyes were closed, but she was clearly trying to communicate with us. We went to her side.
“Whirr,” she said weakly.
“Where?” I asked. “Mom, is there something you want?” “Whirr,” she repeated a bit stronger. My brothers and I looked at each other and shook our heads sadly.
Mom opened her eyes, sighed, and with all the energy she could muster said, “Not was, say were!”
It suddenly occurred to us that Mom was correcting brother Jim’s last sentence. “If it was up to me…”
Jim leaned down and kissed her cheek. “Thanks, Mom,” he whispered. We smiled at each other and once again shook our heads…this time in awe of a remarkable teacher.
小题1:When Mom said, “Whirr”, what did she really want to do?
A.She wanted to tell her sons her will.
B.She wanted to have something to eat before she died.
C.She wanted to correct the mistakes Jim made while talking.
D.She wanted to teach her sons more because she was dying.
小题2:Which of the following statements is NOT right?
A.Mom was a good teacher and never wanted to stop her teaching.
B.Mom was always making her teaching fun.
C.Mom didn’t forget her teaching until she died.
D.Mom was no longer a teacher when she was at home.
小题3:What does the writer think of his mother?
A.He loved her but was tired of his mother’s teaching at home.
B.His mother should forget her teaching and enjoyed the rest of her life.
C.His mother was great because she devoted herself to teaching.
D.His mother was an excellent teacher before she was retired.
小题4:Which of the following is the best title of this passage?
A.Once a teacher, always B.Mom’s will
C.A teacher’s lifeD.A teacher’s devotion


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It was a busy morning,about 8:30, when an elderly gentleman in his 80s came to the hospital .I heard him saying to the nurse that he was in a hurry as he had an appointment at 9:00 am.
The nurse had him take a  36  in the waiting area, 37  him it would be at least 40Minutes 38  someone would be able to see him I saw him  39  his watch and decided, since I was 40  busy—my patient didn’t 41  at the appointed hour, I would examine his wound .While taking care of his wound.I asked him if he had another doctor’s appointment
The gentleman said no and told me that he 42  to go to the nursing home to eat breakfast with his 43  .He told me that she had been   44  for a while and that she had a special disease. I asked if she would be    45  if he was a bit late. He replied that she   46  knew who he was,and that she had not been able to  47  him for five years now. I was   48   , and asked him,“And you  49  go every morning,even though she doesn’t know who you are?”
He smiled and said.“She doesn’t know me but I know who she is” I had to hold back    50  as he left.
Now I   51   that in marriages,true love is   52  of all that is. The happiest people don’t   53  have the best of everything;they just  54   the best of everything they have.   55  isn’t  about how to live through the storm,but how to dance in the rain.
A.takingB.fixingC.looking atD.winding
A.turn upB.show offC.comeD.go away
A.so farB.neitherC.no longerD.already


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

My husband and I were once in Nepal(尼泊尔)to see sunrise over the Himalayas.
One morning we awoke to total darkness at 5 o’clock.As we rushed through a town with cameras in hand,I noticed the calm,gentle way the Nepalese people greeted the morning.One man boiled a huge pot of milk tea,and other villagers gathered around his fire,cupping their hands around small glasses of the steaming sweet mixture.It was fascinating,but not to be left behind,we joined the stream of tourists moving quickly up to the lookout point.
The top was crowded when we arrived,but after 10 minutes of cold waiting,the assembled group gave up.“The cloud cover is too heavy,”one said.Then one by one they rushed down the hill to the next item on their sightseeing list.I was disappointed as well,but suddenly I noticed a small Nepalese boy absently playing with a stick and shooting quick glances at the clouds.He must know something we don’t,I thought.I decided to wait with him.
The boy and I didn’t have to wait long.Moments later,a tiny stream of golden light burned through one thick cloud,then another.Rose-colored fog warmed the backs of the clouds,and suddenly the morning sun stole a glance around the side of the mountain,mile above where I’d expected it to be.
Nothing I’d seen before prepared me for the moment the clouds withdrew with bowed heads,and the magnificent Himalayas were revealed before,around,and above me.I sat in astonishment,not breathing,not daring to look away,certain that God had placed me here at the backdoor of Earth to show me what Heaven really looks like.I certainly got the message.Never again will I rush a sunrise.I now know Nature will supply her fruits to me only when I am truly ready to receive them.
小题1:What does “It” in Paragraph 2 most probably imply?
A.The darkness of the town in the morning.
B.The huge pot of milk tea boiling on the fire.
C.The way the local people welcomed the day.
D.The stream of tourists rushing to the lookout point.
小题2:The author decided to wait with the Nepalese boy because _____.
A.she felt kind of having faith in him
B.the restless tourists disappointed her
C.that boy was praying to the sun with a magic stick
D.she had nothing more to see on her sightseeing list
小题3:What can be concluded from the passage?
A.Do in Rome as the Romans do.
B.God helps those who help themselves.
C.Time and tide wait for no man.
D.Fortune rewards those having patience.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

While Christmas shopping in a jewelry store, I discovered a table of golden ornaments (饰品) on sale. So beautiful in   41  ,each had a personality of its own. I looked through hundreds of pieces,   42  a few and took them home.
I was afraid that they would disappear among other   43  gifts of a Christmas tree,   44  I used them to decorate wreaths (花环). When I stood back to    45   my work, a thought crossed my mind: Wouldn’t some of our family and friends like these, too?
I raced back to the jewelry store to discover that the piles of ornaments had been   46  even further. This time I bought dozens, as I   47  the many people who might enjoy one for the holidays.
I   48  began my creative project. While I tied lovely bows and glued golden ornaments, my mind   49  to Christmases past, how special each had been. I thought about others perhaps not so   50 . Some people in our community   51  had a family to share the joy of Christmas. Some didn’t   52  with holiday decorations.
I nodded my head in determined   53 . They would be at the top of my list to receive a little wreath.   54  the plan my husband showed great enthusiasm (热情) and we set out together to put it into   55 .
We visited the aged, the widowed (寡居的) and the lonely. Each one was   56  at our cheerful stop and   57  hung our small gifts — often the   58  signs of celebration in their homes.
After several days, I realized we had made and given almost two hundred wreaths. Decorated with   59  and delivered with delight, they filled many homes and hearts with the joy of Christmas. We were glad that our   60  did make sense and we found our Christmas spirit in doing and giving.
A.worried about B.thought ofC.cared forD.watch over
A.InB.AtC.On D.About
A.without delayB.as usualC.on purposeD.in turn


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

A daughter thought life was unpromising to her and complained to her father about it. She did not know how she was going to   21  and wanted to give up. She was   22  of fighting and struggling. It seemed as if one problem was just solved before a new one   23 .
Her father, a cook, took her to the   24 . He filled three pots with water and placed each on a high   25 . Soon the pots came to a   26 . In one he placed carrots, in the second he placed eggs, and the last he placed ground coffee beans. He let them sit and boil, without saying a word.
The daughter sucked her teeth and   27  waited, asking repeatedly what he was doing. In about twenty minutes he turned off the   28  . He fished the carrots out and placed them in a bowl. He pulled the eggs out and placed them in a bowl. Then he spooned the coffee out and placed it in another. Turning to her he asked, “Darling, what do you see?”
“Carrots, eggs, and coffee,” she replied.
He brought her closer and asked her to   29  the carrots. She did and noted that they were soft. He then asked her to take an egg and break it. After pulling off the   30 , she observed the hard-boiled egg! Finally, he asked her to taste the coffee. She smiled   31  she tasted its rich flavor. She humbly asked, “What does it mean, Father?”
He explained that each of them had faced the same   32 , boiling water, but each   33   differently. The carrot went in   34  and hard. But after being subjected to the boiling water, it   35  and became weak. The egg had been   36 . Its thin outer shell had protected its liquid interior. But after sitting   37  the boiling water, its inside became hardened. The ground coffee beans were unique,   38 . After they were in the boiling water, they had   39  the water.
“Which are you?” he asked his daughter. “When adversity knocks on your door,   40  do you respond? Are you a carrot, an egg, or a coffee bean?”
A.make outB.make itC.make upD.make through
A.half-doneB.easily-broken C.easily-gotD.hard-boiled


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It’s a sad and familiar sentence from a beggar that we often hear. Usually, when asked “Can you spare some   36  ?” I’ve been struck with a feeling of   37  if I passed by without giving a coin or two.
My conscience was hurt again when I was making a   38  in Venice in 2006. I was sitting in a quiet café. Outside the café on the street was an old woman on her knees,    39 . Steady streams of   40  were walking past her. A young backpacker stood away from the crowd drinking something, but I noticed he was also    41   the woman.
She knelt motionlessly, her head almost touching the ground, a worn blanket providing little    protection   42   the cold. The sight was especially   43  when compared with the signs of the   44  city around her.
A tourist group hurried along the street,   45  at the woman and walked on. Another group of tourists arrived,   46  again, walked past her. The backpacker watched. Then, as I prepared to leave, I stopped at the sight of the backpacker   47  and placing some money in the woman’s cup. He did this rather   48 , just before the arrival of another tourist group. I watched   49  the leader of the group stopped and put some money in the cup. With the young man   50  the way, other tourists followed.
The young backpacker   51  this process in front of the next tour party going past. Once again, the subtle peer(同伴) pressure   52  on the tourists, who all added coins to the cup. His work   53 , the young man walked over to the old beggar woman and said, “I hope that helps a bit.”
I placed some money in the woman’s cup and  54  my tour, light-hearted after witnessing such a   55  act of caring.
A.timeB.effortC.change D.reward
A.lecture B.reportC.studyD.tour
A.looking aroundB.stepping forwardC.getting aboutD.breaking in
A.doneB.was doneC.has been doneD.had been done

