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It often seems that people have a hard time in speaking a seemingly familiar name. Did you ever have someone's name on the tip of your tongue and yet you were not able to recall it? When this happened,what did you do? Next time this happens again,what should you do?

You should not try to recall it. Instead, just do something else for a couple of minutes and then the name may come into your head. Why? The name is just there, since you have met this person and learned his name. It, waiting there, only has to be dug out. The initial(最初的) effort to recall prepares the mind for operation, but it is the subconscious (下意识的) activities that go to work to dig up a dim(模糊的)memory. Forcing yourself to recall almost never helps because it doesn't loosen your memory; it only tightens it.

That’s why students find the preparatory method greatly helpful in examinations. They read over the questions before trying to answer any of them. Then they answer first the ones of which they are most confident. At the same time, deeper mental activities in the subconscious mind are taking place; work is being done on the more difficult questions. By the time the easier questions are answered, answers to the more difficult ones will usually begin to come into consciousness. It is often just a question of waiting for recall to come to the memory.

You see, forcing ourselves to think hard to recall something usually doesn’t help. Chances are that the harder we think, the more difficulty we face in thinking of what we want to. Offering our mind time to work is what we are expected to do.


People 1.______ to recall what they are sure they know.



They are 2.______ not to try to recall it immediately. They can do something else for a while 3._____ of thinking hard about it.



It takes time for the subconscious activities to go to work to dig up a dim memory, in which case forcing oneself to recall can make the memory 5._____.



Students find the preparatory method of great 6.______ in examinations. They, having read over the questions, first answer easy ones. 7._____, the subconscious activities are 8._____ to deal with harder ones.


People should offer their mind time to work so that a dim memory can be 10._____ up.










9.Conclusion /Summary



试题分析: 你有没有遇到这种情况,一个熟悉的名字就在嘴边然而却叫不出来,而且越是使劲想就越想不出呢?在文中作者针对这种情况从科学角度进行了分析,也提出了应对方法,即 :想不起来时就不要刻意去想,要让大脑有个准备过程,然后你要想的东西自然就出现了。

1.。 信息转换题。根据文章首句Did you ever have someone's name on the tip of your tongue and yet you were not able to recall it?可知人们有时候就在嘴边的名字却叫不上来。所以填fail。

2.。信息转换题。根据文章第二段You should not try to recall it.可知当这种情况发生时,不应该努力去想,所以填supposed。Be supposed to do意思是“应该做某事”。

3.。 信息查找题。从文中Instead, just do something else for a couple of minutes and then the name may come into your head可知此处填instead。

4.。信息归纳题。从文中Why? It, waiting there, only has to be dug out. The initial effort to recall prepares the mind for operation, but it is the subconscious activities that go to work to dig up a dimmemory.可以知道此处指出了原因。所以填Reason/Cause.

5.。。从第二段Forcing yourself to recall almost never helps because it doesn't loosen your memory; it only tightens it. 可知强迫自己去想会让大脑紧张。所以填tight。

6.。信息转换题。从文章第三段That’s why students find the preparatory method greatly helpful in examinations.可知help为正确答案。

7.。信息转换题。根据文章第三段At the same time,可知此处是指“同时”所以填Meanwhile。

8.。 信息转换题。从文章中deeper mental activities in the subconscious mind are taking place可以知道潜意识在进行着,所以填happening。

9.。 信息归纳题。根据以上对这种情况的分析,此处作者做出总结,所以填conclusion /Summary。

10.。信息查找题。根据文中第二段It, waiting there, only has to be dug out.可知填dug。



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江西省九江市七校高二下学期期中联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


[1] People of all ages and races can serve as volunteers. They work in various organizations without pay. Volunteering improves your life and the lives of others. You can meet new people and make a positive difference in the world.

[2] Volunteers generally work with others either as part of a team completing a project or caring for other people such as patients in a nursing home or helping children through an organization such as Big Brothers, Big Sisters. Volunteers should be generally cheerful and easy to work with and have a positive attitude even if things are not satisfactory in their own lives.

[3] Some volunteers organize events or groups of people to work on various projects. Without their good organizational skills, these projects might not happen. For example, if you’re the Parent-Teacher Association President for your school, you will be responsible for organizing the individual committees in your school. If you have good organizational skills, volunteering will become less stressful and you can give back to your community in the way you intended.

[4] Volunteers have to be willing to devote a certain amount of hours each week or month depending on the situation. It is necessary for them to go through testing or training before they begin volunteering. The best volunteers do what they say they’re going to do and show up when they say they’re going to be there unless there are situations beyond their control.

[5] Good volunteers see the good in others, whether it’s the people they’re working with or the people they’re serving. These volunteers generally go beyond what they’re asked to do because they want to get to know the people they’re serving. They go beyond surface relationships by remembering names, information and stories told to them. Volunteers that are healthy and well-balanced will bring that feeling to the environment, and the people they’re helping will be affected.

1.What is the best title of the text? (no more than 5 words)


2.List three benefits of being a volunteer mentioned in the text. (no more than 20 words)


3.What must volunteers do before they begin volunteering? (no more than 8 words)


4.Which quality of a volunteer do you think is the most important? Why? (no more than 30 words)


5.How do volunteers respond when they find their life unsatisfactory? (no more than 6 words)




科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏省高二期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

This classroom is __________ that one.

A. three times bigger as      B. three times as big

C. three times the size of     D. as three times big as 



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏省沭阳县高二下学期期中调研测试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

The fog was so heavy this morning that drivers could hardly _______ the things just ten meters away from them.

A. figure out B. look out C. make out D. try out



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏省沭阳县高二下学期期中调研测试英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Bruce, ______ headmaster of our school, was elected by voting and other leaders were chosen in ______ same way.

A. /; theB. the; theC. /; aD. a; the



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏省无锡江阴市高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—Why are you crying? Today is your birthday!

—____________. I am so excited with so many friends surrounding me.

A. Just can’t help itB. Don’t mention it

C. None of your businessD. That’s all right



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏省无锡江阴市高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Not until he went through real hardship ________the love we have for our families is important.

A. had he realized B. did he realize C. he realized D. he had realized



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏省高二下第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Clean water ______the village people in the flooded area.

A. is not easily accessible to B. has no easy access to

C. is not easily accessible for D. has no easy access for



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届江苏省高一下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Her frozen fingers touched the flame trying to feel alive. She could feel the warmth but it was a cold heat, as if the candle was rejecting her.

Her arms turned red because of the cold, her short sleeved shirt not giving her enough warmth. The winter air grabbed(抓住) at her arms, causing her pain, but she didn’t mind. She knew she should put her jacket on, it was winter in Connecticut, but that would be giving up. Up here, in this tree she felt safe.

She looked at the candle, surrounded by hardening wax(蜡). She placed her fingers gently on the warm green wax. This candle was a reminder of her life inside that house, a life she would have to return to eventually.

As a child, she had gotten this candle. She spent all she had on it. The beautiful crystal box (水晶盒)had caught her eye. Five whole nickels(五分币) had brought her that candle.

She gave it to her mother for Mother’s Day. Her mother had managed a smile and put it on a shelf. “It’s very pretty, honey! I will put it right here.” Since then that candle had never been moved, never been lighted, sitting dusty on a cluttered shelf that no one could see. Later on, her parents got divorced.

By now the candle was colder than the air and the darkness was complete. The snow on the ground made the night lighter and less satisfying than it had been before the first snowfall. She liked the darkness because she felt safe in it. From the glances of her friends who liked the girl she used to be. From the boys who could never figure out who she was. From her guidance counselor(顾问) whose endless worried looks never made her feel any better.

No one was outside at this time of night. She was alone in the world, just how she liked it. Just as she was about to lean back against the branch, she heard a sound.

She heard footsteps breaking the ice in the snow, heading toward her. He was making his way toward the white fence at the edge of the building, right against the road. Normally she would have ignored this person and stayed on her branch faraway from human contact, but this figure had something with him. He trudged(吃力地走) toward the white fence carrying a case. The figure reached the fence, opened the case and took out a shiny object.

She took her eyes off this figure only long enough to climb down the tree to get a better view of him. She reached the bottom and saw that the person had turned to face the street, sitting on the white fence that she and her friends once sat on. She stepped carefully on the ice, making her way toward him.

And then a beautiful sound of music came from the shiny object. She stopped and listened to it. She started walking towards the guy again. Just as she was about to step onto the snow banks, she slipped on the ice crashing to the ground. The figure turned around in surprise and a sudden recognition fell upon them both.

1.The girl was hiding in the tree at deep night to ______.

A. keep herself from the cold

B. wait for the boy to come

C. want to be left alone

D. seek safety from any hurt

2.From the story, we can learn that ______.

A. the girl suffered a lot in her life

B. the girl’s parents divorced because of her

C. teachers and friends treated the girl badly

D. the girl used to stay in the tree when feeling sad

3.The underlined word “it” in the story refers to ______.

A. leaning back against the branch

B. being alone in the world

C. not being disturbed at night

D. it being dark with snow around

4.From the end of the story, it can be known that the girl _______.

A. knew the person

B. knew what the object was

C. realized her wishes

D. would never feel alone any more


