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One Sunday morning in August I went to a local music festival. I left it early because I had an appointment 1. (late) that day. My friends walked me to the bus stop and waited with me 2. the bus arrived. I got on the bus and found a seat near the back, and then I noticed a man seated at the front. He 3. (pretend) that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice. He must be 4. (mental) disabled.

Behind him were other people to 5. he was trying to talk, but after some minutes 6. walked away and sat near me, looking annoyed.

I didn’t want ___7.__ (laugh) at for talking to him but I didn’t like leaving him 8.___ his own either.

After a while I rose from my seat and walked to the front of the bus. I sat next to the man and introduced myself. We had 9. amazing conversation. He got off the bus before me and I felt very happy the rest of the way home.

I’m glad I made a choice. It made 10. of us feel good.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016年辽宁沈阳东北育才校高二下第一阶段考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


We all use money every day. It is essential because we can pay money for whatever we want.Money is recognized as banknotes and coins.

However,many years ago people couldn’ t go to the shop and buy what they wanted.They had to get what they wanted through the barter trade(实物交易).It was really difficult,for the barter often depended on coincidence of wants.For example,the seller of grain has to find a buyer who wants to buy grain and who also could offer something the seller wants to buy.And one more example,if a wheat farmer needs what a fruit farmer produces,a direct exchange is impossible because seasonal fruit would spoil before the grain harvest.The solution is to trade fruit for wheat indirectly through a third intermediate commodity(中间的商品),such as cattle,salt,shells,wine.However,commodity money had their disadvantages.For example,cattle,fur,precious stones couldn’ t be cut into smaller pieces and it was inconvenient to keep and transport them.Thus coins were invented.

The earliest known coins in the western world came from Lydia in about 650 B.C.Greek cities,the Great Persian Empire and Roman Empire quickly adopted the new useful technique of metal currency.And by the end of the 6th century,coinages were common throughout the region.However,coins as well as commodity money had many disadvantages.For instance,coins quickly show wear(磨损) and they usually have small value,so it’ s difficult to count large sums of coins.

At first,paper money was used in China in about 650 A.D.After then,it was used in Persia and Japan.In Europe,paper money was firstly produced in the Netherlands in the 16th century and in the USA in the 17th century.Paper money is worthless but symbolic.In other words,paper money is just a note.It has a purchasing power because the government announces it as money and citizens accept it universally.

1.The writer explains the difficulty of barter trade by_______.

A. telling stories B. using examples

C. presenting a theory D. making a comparison

2.What do we know about the early coins?

A. They usually had large value.

B. They were first used in Greece.

C. They still had many disadvantages.

D. People didn’ t like the metal currency.

3.Paper money was used earlier in_______.

A. Rome B. Greece

C. the USA D. the Netherlands

4.What is the passage mainly about?

A. Function of money. B. History of money.

C. Invention of money. D. Types of money.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届福建省泉州市毕业班3月质量检查英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错




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Hi, Lee,

How are you? When I visited you at last time, I read part of a history book in your school library. Now I wanted to order a copy so that I can finish read it. Unfortunately, I can’t remember the title, I remember that it had the word “Tang Dynasty” in it. I remember very much that the price was on the back cover but I could only read a 8. I think it is a very recent book---write after 2000. Its author is a famous professor, but I have complete forgotten the name. Could you please find the book and let him know its ISBN?



科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西南昌三中度高二上期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

When the factory closes, _______ will mean 7,000 workers will be out of work.

A. which B. it C. what D. they


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西南昌三中度高二上期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Jack is late again. It is _______ of him to keep others waiting.

A. typical B. normal C. ordinary D. common


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年重庆杨家坪中学高一下期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

February 4, 2012 saw the take-off of a new rising NBA star-Jeremy Lin.

Among professional basketball players, Jeremy Lin's background is not typical. He graduated from Harvard University, which sends few players to the NBA, and he is the only Chinese-American NBA player. But when you watch him on the court, there is no doubt that he belongs there. He moves with speed and grace that demonstrate years of faithful practice, which is fueled by a love for basketball.

Lin's enjoyment of basketball actually began in Taiwan. When Lin's father moved to U.S., his interest in the sport only grew and he passed on this love of basketball to his son, introducing him to the game at the age of five. The young Lin spent much of his youth playing basketball for fun.

In high school, Lin dreamed of playing in the NBA. When he applied for college, he was not offered a single sports scholarship. However, after his admission to Harvard, he was offered a place on its college basketball team.

During Lin's time at Harvard, his basketball career began to speed up. He scored 1,482 points, making him one of the highest scorers in Ivy League history.

When he graduated, no professional teams offered Lin a contract, but he was invited to play in the NBA Summer League. He played well and ended up eagerly signing a contract with the Golden State Warriors.

At first,playing in professional games filled Lin with excitement. He treasured opportunities to meet players he had been watching on TV for years. But slowly, the excitement wore off and was replaced by anxiety. In a few very difficult months, he was cut by two teams before the New York Knicks picked him up.

But he had the courage and determination to stick to his dream, so he put himself into hard training to get ready for his opportunity to come. Then his moment arrived on February 4, 2012,on which his excellent performance made him famous overnight. After that, he led the Knicks to their fifth straight victory.

The Associated Press called Lin "the most surprising story in the NBA". Knicks fans developed the nickname for him "Linsanity" (林来疯). Time magazine released its 2012 list of the 100 "Most Influential People in the World", Jeremy Lin included.

No doubt, Lin fever is continuing to spread. If you haven't already caught "Linsanity", get ready.

1.Which of the following elements is of little help in Lin's success?

A. his father's influence

B. his devotion to basketball

C. his years of hard work

D. his graduation from Harvard University

2.What does the phrases "wore off" in seventh paragraph probably mean?

A. arose B. disappeared C. grew D. remained

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Lin learned to play basketball when he was eight.

B. Before Lin there was no Chinese-American NBA players.

C. Lin was excited for professional games and did a good job at the beginning.

D. Lin is the most outstanding player in NBA.

4.Which is the right order for Lin's life?

a. He made an excellent performance on Feb,4.

b. He was fired by the Golden State Warriors.

c. He was invited to play in the NBA Summer League.

d. He graduated from Harvard University.

e. He became famous overnight.

A. a, d, c, b, e B. d, b, c, a, e

C. d, c, b, a, e D. a, e, d, c, b


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年江西省德兴市高二下期第一次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The Regional Director of the National Heritage Conservation Commission (国家遗产保护委员会) Kagosi Mwamulowe said the Barotse Plains is unique and it deserves to be on the list of the World Heritage Sites.

Mr. Mwamulowe said the Barotse Plains deserves to be included on the World Heritage List because it has a rich cultural heritage which includes the burial sites of former kings.

The Director said he hoped that the landscape would be declared as a heritage site next year in June. He also said it was important to protect Zambia’s unique culture for education and entertainment.

Chief Natural Heritage Officer Muyumbwa Ndiyoi said there will be a lot of benefits when the Barotse Landscape is declared a World Heritage Site because it will attract many tourists and business investments (投资) will increase.

Mr. Ndiyoi said the site will also benefit young people as knowledge will be passed down from generation to generation.

He was reacting to a question from Nalolo District Labour Officer Jason Ngoma who wanted to know how the people of Western Province will benefit once the Barotse Landscape is declared a World Heritage Site.

And University of Zambia Lecturer Charles Namate said there is a need for the site to be included on the World Heritage List because 50 years after its independence Zambia only has one heritage site, which is the Victoria Falls.

Lecturer Namate said the Barotse Landscape was facing a lot of environmental degradation (恶化), and that’s why there is a need to recognize the value of its landscape and the memories of dead kings.

The National Heritage Conservation Commission together with the Ministry of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs are in Western Province to hold meetings with Heads of Government Departments. The Commission also held closed-door meetings with the Litunga Lubosi Imwiko II of the Barotse Royal Establishment.

1.What do we know about the Barotse Plains?

A. It has royal tombs.

B. It is being well protected.

C. It is not far from the Victoria Falls.

D. It’ll be listed as a World Heritage Site soon.

2.Mr. Ndiyoi believes that if the Barotse Plains is declared a World Heritage Site, _____.

A. it won’t benefit the people of Western Province

B. it will attract many foreign students and researchers

C. it will contribute to the local economic development

D. more people will start to learn about Zambia’s culture

3.In the text, Lecturer Namate expressed his concern about _____.

A. the future of the Barotse Plains

B. the development of Western Province

C. the development of tourism in Zambia

D. the environmental problems of the Barotse Plains

4.What can we infer from the text?

A. Zambia only has two World Heritage Sites.

B. The Barotse Landscape has been partly destroyed.

C. The Barotse Landscape issue is still being discussed.

D. Young people in Zambia don’t know about Barotse culture.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年福建长泰县二中高一下期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五



Nowadays parents and their children are spending less and less time communicating with each other. 1. . It is reported that American parents today spend about 40 percent less time with their children than parents did a generation ago. To keep your family time creative and enjoyable, below is a list of helpful family time tips.

1. Eat together & listen to each other

Most children today don’t know the meaning of a family dinnertime. Yet the

communication and unity built during this time is necessary to a healthy family life. Sharing a meal together allows parents and their children the opportunity to talk about each other’s lives. 2. .

2. Read often

It’s important for parents to read to their children. The latest research shows that reading to your children develops an interest in knowledge and contributes to language development. It also increases their concentration on things and helps them become more curious. 3. . After reading, ask questions about what the books are about.

3. Start a hobby or project

Choose a fun activity that your children are interested in. Activities like cooking, fishing or biking can be their great hobbies. 4. . Once a child learns a new skill, let him or her take the lead under your direction.

4. Plan a family outing

5. . Jump into the family car and go for a drive. Prepare a picnic lunch and visit a local park. Take time to play or ride a bike. A slow and relaxing walk in the woods will help parents communicate with their children better. Also, a visit to the zoo or museum will inspire enthusiasm in a child and lead to long discussions.

A. It is very important for children to exercise.

B. They can open the door to exciting family time.

C. Sometimes getting out of the house is important.

D. Look for books that your children would enjoy reading.

E. New technology has made video games more popular with children.

F. This is also a time for parents to listen and give advice to their children.

G. As a result, many children are getting less love than their parents once got.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016年山西古县、高阳、离石三区八校高二下第一次联考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The news that China bans time-travel TV dramas and movies got a lot of attention on the Internet. Yet, time travel in China is a bit different from time travel in common sense. It is anything but science fiction and always goes backwards in time. There is minimum imagination involved--no ever-ending circles that mess up present and future, no advanced technology, no new social orders or new human forms from the twenty--whatever century, everything is a known historical fact when you travel through in China.

It is not even called time travel; rather the Chinese people refer to it as time crossover. Time crossover has been an extremely popular theme for online novels for years (in fact, it is an indispensable part of China's online culture), and didn't get picked up by TV and the big screen until recent two years. Most of time-travel dramas and movies are adapted from popular online novels and like in other cases adaptations are never better than the original books.

The main plot of time-travel novels or TV dramas can be very well summarized in one sentence: from nobody to somebody. Time travel in China is more about escaping from the reality than about realizing wild dreams.

In China, there is no need of time machine either. People travel backwards in time via the possession of antiques presence at historical places of interest encounter of life-threatening accidents or simple a look into the mirror. Some time-travel novels even start with ''I wanted togo back to history so much that one morning when I opened my eyes I was back.'' Technology is not relevant at all.

Though China is not short of histories to go back to, people have their own preferences and it is pretty much a gender thing.If the main character is male then he usually goes back to special times in history when he is able to help build up or tear up a dynasty. A typical example is A Step Into the Past (寻秦记), the first time-travel TV drama in China, which tells the story of how a SWAT member helps to unite China and build up Qin Dynasty.

On the other hand, female characters primarily go back to Qing Dynasty partly because Qing Dynasty has the most number of princes to fall in love with. YongZheng Emperor is the favorite. As can be seen in Startling by Each Step (步步惊心), a Qing time crossover classic, a girl goes back to Qing Dynasty and falls in love with YongZheng Emperor and his brothers.

1.The writing purpose of this passage is to __________.

A.Analyze why the time-travel TV dramas are banned in China

B.Show the difference between time travel in China and in other cultures

C.Introduce the characteristics of the time-travel TV dramas in China

D.Advise people to watch the time-travel TV dramas in China

2.It can be inferred from the passage that__________ .

A.China now has banned any forms of productions about time travel

B.The main character always follows a set pattern in the time-travel TV dramas in China

C.Adapted from online novels, time-travel TV and movie productions enjoy more praise

D.All the time-travel productions are about heroes and their success

3. The news mentioned in the very beginning is intended to________ .

A.prove author's view B.give an example

C.work as a topic sentence D.introduce the topic

