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3. Follow the directions carefully,or this medicine may be (harm) .


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的 内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形 式。

      The earth is the only planet that scientists are certain has life. What does the earth have that other planets in our solar system don't? For one thing,the earth is just the right temperature. As 61  third planet from the sun ,

the earth seems to be just the right distance away. The planets that are closer to the sun

are 62 (extreme) hot and their surfaces are baking in the sun. The farthest planets are frozen balls.

     When the earth developed,it 63  (cover) by many gases. The gases caused the earth 64. (be)

hot. But something 65. (amaze) happened. The temperature was just right for thick clouds to form. It rained very hard for a long time. This gave the earth its oceans. Water made 66. possible

for plants to grow. Then the plants created oxygen in the atmosphere,67. the gas -that humans and animals breathe.

Mars is the only planet in the solar system that seems to be anything like the earth. It is 68. (small) than the

earth and it is quite a bit cooler. But it is not too cold for humans. The most unexpected sight on Mars is dried-up river beds. However,it is believed 69. Mars was once much wetter.Does this mean there could have been living things on Mars? Scientists are not  sure,but there 70.(be) no sign so far.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


     FC Barcelona's football academy(专门学校) ,La Masia,has trained some . of the best footballers in Europe,such as Pep Guardiola,Lionel Messi and Gerard Pique. Many people believe that Barcelona is the best football team in Europe because of the training programme at the school. Now,FC Barcelona has opened similar academies all around the world,including in Egypt,Japan,America and Dubai.

     It is difficult to join the Barcelona academy. Every year,over 1,000 students apply (申请) ,but only 70 students can live and study at the school. They are aged between li and 18. Seventy coaches,teachers,doctors and cooks look after the students. The academy costs about £5 million a year to run. But the students all have scholarships (奖学金) ,so they don't pay any money. FC Barcelona pays for everything: the students’ rooixis,teachers,books and food.

     However,the students don't only learn football. FC Barcelona also wants to give their students a good academic education. It is important to the dub that their students can still get good jobs if they don 't become professional (职业的) footballers. Students travel by bus to local schools each morning for four hours of study. The footballers return to La Masia after lunch and do football training in the afternoons.

     But is the students,academic education good enough? All the football training must make the students very tired and they spend less time at school than other children. That doesn't matter if you are one of the students who are good enough to become a professional footballer. But what happens to all the children who don't make it onto the team? La Masia produces excellent football players,but it is important to ask what happens to all the other children who train there.

29. As a training academy,La Masia .

   A. is considered as the best in Europe

   B. receives nationwide professional footballers

   C. has produced some top-class players

   D. has borrowed ideas from similar academies 

30. What do we know about La Masia?

   A. It is well supplied.

   B. It is short of teachers.

   C. It is operated with difficulty.

   D. It offers scholarships to excellent students.

31. The students of La Masia.

   A. play football in the morning

   B. fall behind other local students

   C. get football training after school

   D. have academic education at La Masia

32. The author seems to

   A. worry about some children's fiiture

   B. think badly of professional footballers

   C. care too much about students’ feelings

   D. doubt the football training of La Masia


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

     The mystery of why humans are the only animals to have chins (下巴) may have been solved by scientists who suggest that it is connected to the invention of cooking.

    A paper from the University of Florida tries to explain exactly why humans 一 unlike all other primates (灵长目动物) 一have chins.

     A team led by Dr James Pampush collected information from more than 100 kinds of primate and compared it with historical information. Computer modelling found how the chin developed.

    Random genetic change(随机的基因变化)was ruled out because the chin developed 77 times faster than the average genetic change. And the study finds no evidence that it -served a useful purpose. The research,published in the Journal of Human Evolution,suggests the chin is a by-product of another event. In this case,the event could well be the invention of cooking.

     “The chin began to appear as a result of major changes six million years earlier. The arrival of cooking and softer food meant humans no longer needed big teeth and powerful jaws .and over the next two million years to 200,000 years both got smaller and the chin was bora ,” said Dr Pampush. “My guess is that it most likely happened around two million years ago when there was a jump in brain size. The changes which finally lead to the chin are directly related to cooking,and indirectly related to larger brains and bodies."

     Dr Pampush's new theory goes against previous suggestions that the chin was an example of sexual selection,with attractive chins marking out men who are likely to make good mates(配偶) . The fact that both men and women have chins means the theory is unlikely.

     Another theory put forward in the past said that the chin was a way to balance out the stress of chewing,but Dr Pampush also threw doubt on that idea.

1. The reason why we have chins .

   A. is connected to humans’ action of chewing

   B. has something to do with cooking

   C. is random genetic change

   D. is related to eating time

2. How did the researchers get their result?

   A. By carrying out experiments. .

   B. By studying scientific theories.

   C. By examining the human brain.

   D. By comparing recorded information.

3. Before developing chins,humans .

   A. had bigger teeth

   B. cooked softer food

   C. had smaller jaws

   D. had larger bodies

4. According to Dr Pampush,the chin most

probably appeared around .

   A. 6 million years ago

   B. 4  million years ago

   C. 2  million years ago

   D. 0.2 million years ago

5. What does the underlined part “the theory” refer to?

   A. Men are likely to have more attractive chins.

   B. The chin helps humans attract a mate.

   C. Both men and women have chins.

   D. Dr Pampush's theory.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

将1 -8中的内容与a-h中的内容配对形成完整 的一句话(每项限用一次) 。

1. You mustn’t play football in the street

2. Those results can’ t be right

3. My cousin might be able to help

4. You must know Tokyo is expensive

5. You must be exhausted

6. You needn’t come to supper

7. We could have cooked in our holiday flat

8. You should always lock your front door

a. so you must have made a mistake.

b. but I can't promise.

c. after you’ve finished so much work.

d. if you lived there.

e. because it’s dangerous.

f. but we preferred to eat out.

g. if you don't want to.

h. when you go out.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Hi Cathy,

     Greetings from Nepal!I'm sending this from an Internet cafe in a small town north of Kathmandu.

The town itself isn’t very interesting,but everything around it 1. (is / are) beautiful I can see the Himalayas through the cafe window!

     The courses here are great,although maths2. (is / are) certainly not my strong point. A lot of Nepal5  population lives in the mountainous parts of the country south of the Himalayas, and most of these people 3. (depend /depends) on growing crops and keeping animals. The standard of living in Kathmandu and the other cities 4. (have / has) risen a lot recently, and the number of people likely to move into the cities 5. (is / are) expected to increase. It's a real problem here. The Himalayan Times,the local English-language newspaper,6.  (has /have) just published a survey showing that most young people would stay in their home villages if jobs were available.

      Hope all 7. (is / are) well with you.I'llsend more news when I can.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

1. He was of medium height,but had very b shoulders.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

8. They listed the strengths and (weak) of their product.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. 1 lied when I said I like Jane's haircut.

I        when I said I like Jane's haircut.

