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Cambridge Shakespeare Festival 2015 

Titus Andronicus 

13 July to 1 August 

Robinson College Gardens

Titus Andronicus is about a cycle of revenge(复仇) between the families of Titus,the great  Roman general,and Tamora,the Queen of the Goths.

Romeo and Juliet 

13 July to 1 August 

St John1 s College Gardens 

Romeo and Juliet are caught R between two worlds,as their families feud(长期争斗) to the death. This impressive and fast-paced production brings romance,passion(激情) and violence together.

Much Ado About Nothing 

3 August to 22 August 

Trinity College Gardens 

Beatrice 一 determined never to marry — and Benedick 一unlikely to marry,and the efforts of their friends to bring them together in the most unlikely of unions. Will there be a happy ending?


3 August to 29 August 

King's College Gardens 

This production brings together the themes of madness,the thirst for power,and the darkness of the supernatural before reaching an explosive conclusion.

A Midsummer Night's Dream 

3 August to 22 August 

St John's College Gardens 

This delightful fairy-tale story - brings to life all the magic and humour of Shakespeare's best-loved play. Why not invite your children to come along dressed as fairies to add to what promises to be a great evening!

Ticket Information 

Performances take place every evening except Sundays. All performances begin at 7:30 pm.

Tickets cost £16 and are available: Online at www.cambridgeshakespeare.com. Tickets are also available on the door and in advance from: City Centre Box Office,Wheeler Street,Cambridge.

Tel: 01223 357851. We always keep a book of tickets for sale on the door!

21. What's the main purpose of the text?

   A. To compare different plays.

   B. To show colourful campus life.

   C. To advertise some performances.

   D. To introduce Shakespeare's plays.

22. Which play will be put on for the longest time?

   A. Titus Andronicus.

   B. Macbeth.

    C. Much Ado About Nothing.

   D. Romeo and Juliet.

23. If you want to buy a ticket,you can.

   A. book one at the student centre

   B. get one in advance on the Internet

   C. buy one every evening except Sundays

   D. receive a discount at City Centre Box Office

21. C 22. B 23. B


本文是应用文。文章主要介绍了剑 桥大学夏季莎士比亚戏剧节上演的剧 目、时间及售票信息。

21. C.写作目的题。本文主要介绍了剑 桥大学夏季莎士比亚戏剧节上演的 剧目、时间及售票信息,故本文应该 是宣传该戏剧节的广告。

22. B.细节理解题。根据文章内容可知,四部剧的演出时间分别为13 July to 1 August,3 August to 29 August,3 August to 22 August,13 July to 1 August ,其中《麦克白》的演出时间 最长。

23. B.细节理解题。根据最后一段中的are available: Online at www.cambridgeshakespeare.com 可知答案。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高三新课标 > 第47期 2015-2016高三课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   For the first time,at least 1. (official) , the NASA astronauts on board the International Space Station have tasted the product,lettuce (莴苣) , of their work.

   The experiment,2. (call) Veg-01,is being used by NASA to study the on-orbit function and performance of the Veggie plant growth facility and its rooting “pillows,” 3. contain the seeds. The pillows grew for 33 days before 4. (harvest) .

   NASA is developing Veggie as part of 5. (it) efforts to provide future astronauts with a sustainable(可持续的) food supply. Scientists believe that the 6. (addition) fresh food grown on the station will make the crew generally happier and healthier.

   The Veggie unit features a flat panel light bank that includes red,blue and green LED lights. Blue and red wavelengths 7.(be) the minimum needed to get good plant 8. (grow) . The green LED lights help make the plants look like common food rather 9. strange purple plants.

   In 10. future,Veggie could be used to harvest other fruits,vegetables and plants.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  假定你是李华。你的加拿大笔友卡尔想了解 中国流行的广场舞(square dance) 的相关情况。请 你用英语给他写封回信,要点包括:

  1. 广场舞介绍(跳舞的时间、地点、参与人员等) ;

  2. 广场舞流行的原因(生活水平和健康意识提高) ;

  3. 广场舞引起争议(扰民) 。

  注意:1. 词数100左右;

      2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

      3. 开头语和结束语己为你写好,不计入 总词数。

Dear Carl,

   I am writing to tell you something about the square dance in China.                                                                                                                                                             


                                                         Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   The “challenges” of family holidays are well-known. It's 1 enough getting on with your husband,wife or kids at home,so how can you 2 yourself while travelling with them? Susan M. Shaw,expert on leisure(休闲) at the University of Waterloo,thinks the term “family leisure” is full of 3 . “Research suggests that such 4 do not always make you feel relaxed,” she writes,darkly.

Family holidays probably,don't add much to the sum of human 5 . However,as one of my friends likes to 6 , people don't have children for happiness. Research has shown that 7 are less happy than childless people. 8 , says my friend,having children is best understood as a biological urge. You have them not for the present but for the 9 ,so that your 客從從(基因) will continue to exist when you are gone. And 10 , you go on family holidays not for the present but for the future.

   Thus,the aim of the holiday,much of the time,is to stock up on 11 : to leave all family members with 12 of happiness that they can look back on after the family doesn't exist. Indeed,much of what we remember of our families comes from 13 . On holiday,the family exists more clearly than at any other time: all together for once,14 work,school or friends. On holiday,you are much closer to your 15 . Holiday photographs make that feeling of closeness 16 . In fact,the photographs themselves are perhaps the main 17 of the holiday: that's where the memories get laid down.

   A family holiday is for memories. Once you grasp that,you will not 18 it. I vividly remember,about 30 years ago,returning from an Italian 19 to our handsome brick house. 20 we opened the front gate,my mother said,uThat's the best part of a holiday: coming home." At the time I didn't know what she meant.

1. A. happy   B. hard   C. fortunate   D. strange

2. A. enjoy   B. teach   C. blame   D. hurt

3. A. fun   B. luck   C. questions   D. problems

4. A. relationships   B. terms   C. definitions   D. activities

5. A. population   B. wealth   C. happiness   D. kindness

6. A. argue   B. complain   C. guess   D. predict

7. A. teachers   B. parents   C. husbands   D. wives

8. A. Still   B. Thus   C. Rather   D. Indeed

9. A. dream   B. joy   C. future   D. health

10. A. difficultly   B. similarly   C. sadly   D. quickly

11. A. merftories   B. imaginations   C. information   D. impression

12. A. details   B. photographs   C. description   D. evaluation

13. A. customs   B. language   C. holidays   D. behaviour

14. A. except   B. against   C. despite   D. without

15. A. family   B. friends   C. home   D. cameras

16. A. possible   B. positive   C. better   D. stronger

17. A. function   B. reason   C. aim   D. advantage

18. A. learn from   B. suffer from   C. seek for   D. care for

19. A. vacation   B. meeting   C. performance   D. training

20. A. Because   B. Before   C.If       D.As 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Colour plays a big part 61. everything we do. We use it both as- a marker of identity and a way of 62. (express) our individuality (个性) through decoration. And we use different colours 63. (send) out very different messages.


   People need a sense of group identity. From the colourful traditional dress of a schoolboy,other people in Peru know 64. he comes from the Quechua community. We wear uniforms at school and work,and we dress in our favourite sports team colours to say 65. same thing — we belong to this group.


   Face-painting is an important part of many 66. (celebrate) , and these days people are starting to experiment with brightly coloured synthetic paints as well as traditional colours. In fashion-conscious Europe,the “in” colour 67.(change) every season. This autumn,for example,women are wearing shades of purple and lilac. 


   Marketing experts understand the power of colour very well. Goods in eye-catching colours stand 68. on the supermarket shelf. And compa- nies always select the colour of their brand very 69. (careful) — a calm blue for a bank 70.you can trust,dark green says quality,or brown and green means eco-friendliness.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   If I had to explain my learning style,I would have to say that I'm a read and follow along kind of learner. When I read something that I really want to 41 ,I often have an audio recording play along with it. It can help my memory absorb what I'm 42 . It' s also helpful from an audial standpoint since my hearing has been less than acute 43 a childhood illness. I always find that my listening abilities improve 44 I have a visual reference at the beginning. When I'm 45 to take away one or the other after the initial go-through,I 46 that I can actually remember the learning materials better. So that mixing of the visual and the audial 47 me to memorize things right away.

   Another 48 I can mix this audial with the visual is by reading the material out 49 . I find my own 50 to be the perfect substitute for an audio recording if one is not 51 . As T ve said before,my hearing can often be 52 by、my /zYmzc少(读写能力) and vision.Reading to myself aloud helps me 53 because,like having an audio recording,it improves my reading and listening.

   While I'm 54 ,we have a lot of read-alongs,particularly in my English and literature classes. I always 55 these because my teacher and classmates all contribute to my 56 learning style of mixing listening with visual acuteness. Many teachers I've talked to agree that this form of study really 57 ,I’ve also seen many of my classmates following my 58 and asking for materials with audio recordings to assist in their reading and 59 . So I think people 60 that this is the best way to learn various types of materials.

41. A. connect   B. remember   C. recognize   D. know

42. A. listening   B. speaking   C. reading   D. writing

43. A. in spite of   B. because of   C. in addition to   D. according to

44. A. when   B. unless   C. until   D. though

45. A. excited   B. willing   C. relieved   D. able

46. A. find   B. believe   C. hope   D. admit

47. A. forces   B. allows   C. requires   D. encourages

48. A. explanation   B. discussion   C. way   D. plan

49. A. clearly   B. naturally   C. loudly   D. carefully

50. A. words   B. methods   C. tone   D. voice

51. A. useful   B. skillful   C. possible   D. available

52. A. controlled   B. assisted   C. damaged   D. examined

53. A. communicate   B. improve   C. analyze   D. learn

54. A. in class   B. at home   C. alone   D. away

55. A. develop   B. prepare   C. share   D. enjoy

56. A. preferred   B. expected   C. important   D. practical

57. A. helps   B. matters   C. guarantees   D. wins

58. A. arrangement   B. instruction   C. rule    D. example

59. A. imagination   B. progress   C. memorization   D. challenge

60. A. predict   B. wish   C. prove   D. agree


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   In Africaj wild baboons(狒狒) like banding together to find food and protect each other. They may not be the smartest species,but like all animals,survival instincts are programmed into their DNA. They know that being together makes them safer.

   Now think about your school. Sure,no one is trying to eat you alive,but you too are a social animal. And youre one who has been thrown into a fierce environment. From day one,you sense that theres safety in numbers. And once you follow that animal instinct to form packs,you feel more secure. “When I first walked into -my new high school last year,I was so nervous,”says Mike,rarJjTBliS=f 15,a high school student in New York City.“Everyone sat and walked together,in twos or threes — sometimes as a ‘group of five or more people. I didn’ t understand how I would ever belong.

  Mike isnt alone. In a survey,63 percent of teens told us they feel pressure to fit in or be popular,and 91 percent said their schools are divided into groups.

   It is believed that to be popular is to be liked. But all popular people arent necessarily liked. They just make rules. Popular groups arent the only ones making rules. Zoe,a freshman from New York,says that even her close crew,which calls itself the “booknerds” (书呆子) ,” has unspoken guidelines. When Zoe wears makeup or a dress,her friends act like she's betrayed them: “They’ 11 say ,‘ Oh,she's painting her nails. She's a popular girl now., They’ re joking,but theyre not,if you know what I mean. It makes me upset."

   “Because of the way the teen brain works,differences are seen as threatening,” says researcher Alexandra Robbins. “But usually these differences are things that make a person successful in adulthood."

   Take,for example,Adam Levine of the band Maroon 5. In high school,he was a “nerdy,awkward kid crazy about music.w Now he's successful and famous. Then there,s Taylor Swift: Instead of trying to fit in with the cool kids who rejected her,she put her energy into songwriting.

25. When Mike first came to his high school,he.

   A. was excited to make new friends

   B. was proud of his new pretty school

   C. was pretty nervous about his coming exams

   D. was worried about finding new companions

26. Which of the following would the author most probably agree with?

   A. Most of us like popular people.

   B. Only popular groups make rules.

   C. Being popular is important to students.

   D. There are always some rules in a group.

27. Seeing Zoe wearing makeup or a dress,her friends.

   A. praise her   B. appear unhappy

   C. are proud of her   D. are envious of her

28. Which of the following is TRUE about Taylor Swift as a student?

   A. She was very popular.

   B. She had many friends.

   C. She was devoted to her hobby.

   D. She was one of the coolest kids.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

                         Cambridge Botanic Garden 

Opening Times 

The Garden opens daily at 10 am 

April-September: 10 am-6 pm 

February,March & October: 10 am-5 pm 

January,November & December: 10 am-4 pm 


   Please note that the Garden is closed for the Christmas holidays from 4 pm on 23 December 2016 and will re-open at 10 am on 2 January 2017.

   The facilities and services: The Glasshouses and Cafe close 30 minutes before the Garden and the Botanic Garden Shop at Brookside closes 15 minutes before the Garden.

Plan Your Visits 

   Please note that only guide and assistance dogs are permitted in the Garden.

   Please take care to keep to the paths and lawns (草坪) and not walk on the beds,hany plants are easily damaged.

   This is a working garden,where machinery is in constant use,so to stay safe,please look about you carefully and keep children in your care at all times.

Group Visits (for 10 or more) .

   The Botanic Garden makes a wonderful destination for a leisure or special interest group visit at any time of year.

   Groups of 10 or more people must pre-book with at least one week's notice. Advance booking helps us to arrange the timing of group visits. This ensures an enjoyable visit for your group.

   For a guided tour of the Garden,its collections and seasonal highlights,please contact the Administration Office on 01223 748450 in the first instance to check availability. Guided tours must be booked at least four weeks in advance.

   To make your group booking,please download the Group Visit Booking Form from the link on this page and return it to us via the link as soon as possible. We will check availability and send booking confirmation by post. Group leaders will need to bring the booking confirmation with you.

21. What do we know about the Garden?

   A. It opens all year round.

   B. It opens earlier than its facilities.

   C. Its closing times vary with the month.

   D. Its facilities and services close at the same time.

22. What should visitors to the Garden avoid doing?

   A. Approaching the beds.

   B. Walking on the lawns.

   C. Bringing their young kids.

   D. Taking their pets along with them.

23. By at least how long should a guided tour of the Garden be pre-booked?

   A. One week. B. Two weeks.

   C. Three weeks. D. Four weeks.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

   Two interesting aspects of the British tendency are the charity(慈善) shop and the car-boot(汽车后备箱) sale. Both of these 41 selling goods for different purposes.

   Charity shops were 42 in the early twentieth century by groups like Oxfam and The Salvation Army which wanted to raise money to 43 charity work. People would donate bags of old clothes and other items like books,records,and furniture which could be 44 to the public at low prices. Over the last ten years there has been a 45 in the charity shops in the UK. Some 46 in well-to-do areas are as expensive as up-market retailers. Go into any charity shop on a Saturday morning and you will find people of all ages and 47 looking for a bargain; it might be a(n) 48 CD. a book for a university course,or a brand-name shirt.

   Car-boot sales are 49 popular,but they do not have the aim of raising money for charity. This is a way for people to have a 50 clear-out and get rid of old possessions that they don't want any more and to make 51 at the same time. Car-boot sales 52 at weekends in Britain. Here you will 53 individuals (个人) ,groups of friends and families with a table set up at the back of their car,selling all kinds of things out of the 54 of their car. 55 there are asking prices for the items on sale,there is plenty of 56 for negotiation.

   As with everything in Britain,class 57 is shown in people's behaviour around charity shops and car-boot sales. Some people who have got a good 58 will be very proud and will 59 tell their friends. Other people who are 60 to buy clothes in charity shops,though,might be deeply embarrassed and ashamed.

41. A. lead to   B. result from   C. aim at   D. depend on

42. A. expanded   B. displayed   C. noticed   D. founded

43. A. ask for   B. pay for   C. carry out   D. look into

44. A. donated   B. mailed   C. sent   D. sold

45. A. revolution   B. service   C. routine   D. practice

46. A. British tendencies   B. charity shops   C. public items   D. secondhand trades

47. A. camps   B. shelters   C. classes   D. skills

48. A. extra   B. missing   C. useless   D. rare

49. A. equally   B. personally   C. possibly   D. naturally

50. A. good   B. slight   C. different   D. basic

51. A. progress   B. money   C. decisions   D. efforts

52. A. show up   B. take place   C. stay away   D. run out

53. A. follow   B. help   C. see   D. greet

54. A. doors   B. windows   C. roof   D. boot

55. A. Unless   B. Because   C. Although   D. If

56. A. space   B. room   C. time   D. advice

57. A. burden   B. suffering   C. difficulty   D. anxiety

58. A. chance   B. bargain   C. result   D. advantage

59. A. readily   B. secretly   C. normally   D. finally

60. A. forced   B. ordered   C. invited   D. reminded

