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9.More People Are Leaving the Rat Race for the Simple LifeTime is more precious than money for an increasing number of people who are choosing to live more with less-and liking it.
Kay and Charles Giddens,two lawyers,sold their home to start a B&B hotel.Four years later,the couple dishes out banana pancake breakfast,cleans toilets and serves homemade chocolate chip cookies to guests in a B&B hotel surrounded by trees on a hill known for colorful sunsets.
"Do I miss the freeways?Do I miss the traffic?Do I miss the stress?No,"says Ms.Giddens,"This is a phenomenon that's fairly wide spread.A lot of people are reevaluating their lives and figuring out what they want to do.If their base is being damaged,what's the payoff?"
Simple living ranges from cutting down on weeknight activities to sharing housing,living closer to work,avoiding shopping malls,borrowing books from the library instead of buying them,and taking a cut in pay to work at a more pleasurable job.
Vicki Robin,a writer,lives on a budget equal to a fifth of what she used to make."You become conscious about where your money is going and how valuable it is,"Ms.Robin says,"You tend not to use things up.You cook at home rather than eat out…"
Janet Luhrs,a lawyer,quit her job after giving birth and leaving her daughter with a nanny for two weeks."It was not the way I wanted to raise my kids,"she says,"Simplicity is not just about saving money; it's about me sitting down every night with my kids to a candlelit dinner with classical music."
Mrs.Luhrs now edits a magazine,Simple Living,which publishes tips on how to buy recycled furniture and shoes,organize potluck dinners instead of expensive receptions,and generally how to consume less.
"It's not about poverty,"Mrs.Luhrs explains,"It's about conscious living and creating the life you want.The less stuff you buy,the less money goes out of the door,and the less money you have to earn."
21.Kay and Charles Giddens sold their home toB.
A.pay off the debt                         
B.start a private hotel  
C.cut down expenses                    
D.buy living necessities
22.Simple living includesD.
A.building a home library                  
B.living in the countryside
C.enjoying a colorful night life               
D.sharing housing with others
23.It can be learned from the passage that now Janet LuhrsA.
A.spends more time with her kids               
B.has an interest in classical music   
C.works as a reporter of a magazine        
D.helps people buy recycled clothes.

分析 对于越来越多的人来说,时间比金钱更宝贵.越来越多的人为了简单的生活而离开原来的工作,例如凯和Charles Giddens,两名律师,卖掉他们的家园,开始一个B & B酒店.开始了简单的生活.

解答 21.B 细节理解.根据文章第二段中的sold their home to start a B&B hotel,可知他们把房子卖掉是为了经营自己的酒店,故选B.
22.D 细节理解.根据第四段中的Simple living ranges from cutting down on weeknight activities to sharing housing,可看出D选项中所描述的内容就包含了simple living的内容sharing housing with others,故选D.
23.A 推理判断.根据文章第六段中的It was not the way I wanted to raise my kids,"she says,"Simplicity is not just about saving money,可知Janet Luhrs没工作是把时间花在跟她的小孩子一起,故选A.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

19.Lazy people will never amount to anything in life.However,laziness can be defeated once a few changes have been made in your mind.
(31)CMany people lack sleep constantly,since they stay up too late and get up too early to prepare for work.These people have little motivation once they arrive home.Laziness works hand in hand with a lack of motivation and a tendency to put off things.By adjusting your sleep schedule to provide a few more hours of meaningful rest,you can fight laziness throughout the day.
Another way to fight laziness is to change your mind from passive to active.Some people treat their lives as if they were pushed from one task to another.Others take a more positive approach,viewing each task as a challenge they must overcome alone.(32)F
Some people fight laziness by removing the temptations(诱惑) that surround them.A television in the living room may provide entertainment,but watching too much TV often contributes to laziness.(33)GComplete a few tasks and reward yourself with what you enjoy,such as a good dinner or a film.Laziness can also be a lasting problem at home.Couples and children may all have different energy levels,but laziness can be spread if no dealt with immediately.(34)ABe the first to collect and wash dishes after a meal.Others in the home may eventually follow your example and perform their own task.It is difficult to practice laziness when you are surrounded by motivated people.
(35)Denough exercise and a balanced diet can help you to develop a healthy lifestyle,thus enabling you to have more energy and help lift your spirits.

A.To fight family laziness,set an example.
B.Knowing how to fight laziness is important.
C.One way to fight laziness is to get enough sleep.
D.Finally,taking exercise regularly can help you fight laziness.
E.With strong determination,you will be able to achieve your goal.
F.Laziness sets in when you no longer feel in charge of your own life.
G.Create a reward system for yourself,just as parents do for a child.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

20.There is an old Spanish proverb which states,"Tomorrow is often the busiest day of the week".(36)D I'd say,too many.Our dreams should not,and cannot wait.We have to go for them now!Here's why.
Nobody likes to talk about death,but the reality is that everybody is going to die at one point.None of us know the day,or the hour.Therefore,today is all we have.Don't go to your grave with unfulfilled dreams.Make the decision to go after every dream,big or small right now.
2.The world is waiting on your gift.
I know this may be hard to believe,but the world is waiting on YOU!Yes,YOU!(38)ESure,other people may be able to sing.But they'll never be able to sing exactly like you.Sure other people can write,but they'll never be able to write from the same perspective in which you write.Don't deprive the world of your gift.It's the oxygen that we need to survive.Thus,it is your responsibility to figure out exactly what your gift is,and use to better your life and the lives of those around you.
You can dream about writing the great American play that you want,but it's never going to happen unless you actually put pen to paper.You can dream about finding a cure for cancer,but it will never happen unless you actually go to school to become equipped with the necessary tools to find that cure.(40)C They require you to get your head out of the clouds,and actually do the work to make them happen.Get to it!

A.You can't let fear win.
B.Tomorrow is not promised.
C.In other words,dreams don't work unless you do.
D.How many times have we put off our dreams until tomorrow?
E.You were born into the world with a unique gift,which nobody on this earth can duplicate.
F.Possibilities you never knew existed are waiting on you.
G.Unless you take the first step,your dreams will never come true.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.Among all the fast growing science and technology,the research of human genes(61)orbiological engineering as people call it,is drawing more and more attention now.sometimes it is a hot topic(62)discussed(discuss) by people.
The greatest thing that gene technology can do is to cure serious diseases that doctors at present can almost do nothing with,such as canner and heart disease.Every year,millions of people are murdered by these two (63)killers(kill).And to date,doctors have not found (64)aneffective way to cure them.But  if the gene technology(65)is applied_( apply ),not only these two disease can be cured completely,(66)bringing (bring ) happiness and more living days to the patients,but also the great of money people spend on curing their disease can be saved,so (67)it benefits the economy as well.In addition,human life span can be prolonged.
Gene technology can help people to give birth to more healthy and clever children.Some families,with the English imperial(皇室) family being a good example,have hereditary disease.This means their children will for sure have the family disease,(68)which is a great trouble for these families.In the past,doctors could do nothing about hereditary disease,(69)But gene technology can solve this problem (70)perfectly( perfect ).The scientist just needs to find the wrong gene and correct it,and a healthy child will be born.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.Many experts hold the view that ______to too much TV does harm to children.(  )
A.exposingB.exposedC.being exposedD.To expose


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.-What do you think of our party room?
-Perfect!It couldn't be ________.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.I will ask our physics teacher to explain Newton's Second Law of Motion she taught us yesterday.
 That's just ____ most of the students still have doubt.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Hobbs was an orphan(孤儿).He worked in a factory and every day he got a little money.Hard work made him thin and weak.He wanted to borrow a lot of money to learn to paint pictures,but he did not think he could pay off the debts.
One day a lawyer said to him,"One thousand dollars,and here is the money."As Hobbs took the package of notes,he was very dumbfounded.He didn't know where the money came from and how to spend it.He said to himself,"I could go to find a hotel and live like a rich man for a few days; or I give up my work in the factory and do what I'd like to do:painting pictures.I could do that for a few weeks,but what would I do after that?I should have lost my place in the factory and have no money to live on.If it were a little less money,I would buy a new coat,or a radio,or give a dinner to my friends.If it were more,I could give up the work and pay for painting pictures.But it's too much for one and too little for the other."
"Here is the reading of your uncle's will(遗嘱),"said the lawyer,"telling what is to be done with this money after his death.I must ask you to remember one point.Your uncle has said you must bring me a paper showing exactly what you did with his money,as soon as you have spent it."
"Yes,I see.I'll do that,"said the young man.
21.Hobbs wanted to borrow money toD.
A.study abroad   
B.work abroad   
C.pay off the debts    
D.learn to paint pictures
22.What does the underlined word"dumbfounded"(in Paragraph 2)probably mean?A
23.With the money he got,at first HobbsD.
A.planned to have a happy life for a few days   
B.decided to give up his work in the factory
C.was to give a dinner to his friends          
D.had no idea what to do
24.Hobbs was asked toA.
A.tell the lawyer what he did with the money after spending it
B.read his uncle's will
C.tell the lawyer what was to be done with the money
D.buy some pictures.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.Could I use your pencil?
Yes,you ______.(  )

