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—It is said that TV program Readers was quite popular.

—Yes, I watched at eight last Saturday.

A. it B. them C. that


科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省长沙市2016-2017学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:完成句子

Subject directories are built by humans.Someone has________pages and links and selected all those that are in the directory.


科目:高中英语 来源:2018《模块综合检测》高考英语(江苏专用译林版)精练优化卷(七)(Book 7) 题型:单项填空

—Is the doctor your son?Has he graduated from university?

—Yes,he in Nanjing Medical University for 5 years.

A. has been studying B. studies

C. had studied D. studied


科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省2017-2018学年高一入学分班考试英语试卷 题型:阅读表达

Meet Thomas Wilson. Thomas is famous all over the world. He holds the world record for sleeping in (睡过头). One weekend, Thomas slept in for two days, three hours and fourteen minutes. It was unbelievable. No one in history had ever slept in for so long before.

Thomas was very proud of his world record. His friends were proud of him, too. Whenever Thomas walked down the street, people always came up to him and shook his hand. Thomas was a star.

The on]y who wasn’t proud of Thomas’s world record was his father. Dad didn’t like it when Thomas slept in. He complained that whenever Thomas slept in, the lawns didn’t get mowed. He was worried about how high the grass was getting. Every weekend, it seemed to get higher and higher. “It’s like a jungle there,” Dad moaned (抱怨) to Thomas one day. But Thomas wasn’t worried about the grass getting higher. He had more important things on his mind—like sleeping in.

One morning, Thomas was woken from a deep sleep by a loud roaring noise. It sounded like a wild animal pacing about under his bedroom window.

Thomas rushed over to the window and pulled the curtains back. His eyes bulged like basketballs. “What on Earth…?” He gasped. There, in the middle of the backyard, was a lion! “Awesome!” cried Thomas. Suddenly, a giraffe poked its head through the window. It munched the leaves from a plant sitting by Thomas’s bed. Next, an elephant walked past the swimming pool and squirted (喷出) water all over Dad’s car! “Cool!” cheered Thomas. “Now I don’t have to wash Dad’s car today.”

1.What is Thomas famous for?

2.How long did Thomas sleep in one weekend?

3.Was Thomas’s father proud of his son’s world record?

4.Why did Thomas say he didn’t have to wash Dad’s car?

5.What do you think of Thomas’s world record for sleeping in?


科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省2017-2018学年高一入学分班考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

Half of the class done most of the work. The left rather difficult.

A. has; is B. have; is C. have; are


科目:高中英语 来源:新疆呼图壁县第一中学2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Every 30 seconds there is an earthquake. But don't worry because most are so weak that they cannot be felt. Only a few big ones hurt people.

Many earthquakes happened in China, such as the big one is Sichuan last year. Thousands of people died in it. So it's important to know what to do when one hits. Here are some tips on how to stay safely in an earthquake.

If you are indoors during an earthquake, hide under a desk. Stay away from windows and anything that could fall on you.

If you are outdoors, move to a clear place. Try to be away from trees, signs, buildings and streetlights. These could fall on you.

If you are in a shop and far from the door, don't try to run to outside and rush for exits(出口). Everyone will be doing that and you’ll find it hard getting out. Don't get into a lift during an earthquake. Just hide under some strong covers near you.

When an earthquake has ended, be careful because after-shocks may still happen. These are just as dangerous as the earthquake itself. So stay under the desk until you make sure it's safe to get up.

If you are at home and you smell gas, open the windows and get out of the building as quickly as you can. A gas line in your house may be broken. This could be very dangerous.

1.Most earthquakes are too ________ to hurt people.

A. strong B. weak

C. dangerous D. heavy

2.If you are outdoors, it would be safe to ________.

A. go to a playground B. stay under a tree

C. stand by the window D. stand under the streetlights

3.If you're in a shop and far from the door, you'd better __________.

A. rush to the door right away B. run after the people quickly

C. rush to a lift to get down D. hide yourself under a cover near you

4.If you are at home and you smell gas, you should________

A. Stay under the desk until you make sure it's safe to get up.

B. Open the windows and get out of the building as quickly as you can.

C. Hide under some strong covers near you.

D. Stay away from windows and anything that could fall on you.

5.This passage tells us __________.

A. how dangerous the earthquake is

B. how to be safe in an earthquake

C. we shouldn’t be afraid of the earthquake

D. how does the earthquake come into being


科目:高中英语 来源:新疆呼图壁县第一中学2016-2017学年高一下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:单项填空

News came that Liu Xun, a student from Nanjing, ______ from thousands of candidates and became a torch bearer.

A. made out B. stood out

C. picked out D. sent out


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省佳木斯市2017-2018学年高二上学期开学考试英语试卷 题型:七选五

How to make Quick Decisions For Your Life

We make decisions every day.1.When it comes to making decisions, choosing the right one can at times be stressful, especially if the decision must be made quickly. Indecision often weighs us down, but there are some useful tips for making quick decisions more easily.

2.Sometimes the key to making a quick decision comes down to planning ahead of time for just such an occasion. We all know we’re going to come to an important decision-making point sooner or later, so having a plan already in hand can put our mind at ease when that time comes.

Overcome fear. 3.While it may seem difficult to overcome the fear of making the wrong choice, many experts agree that we shouldn’t be afraid to make the wrong decision, even if it seems important. The vast majority of wrong decisions can be corrected, while delaying decisions can often lead to more problems.

Write down all the advantages and disadvantages of your decision. Even if you don’t have all the information, writing down all the pros and cons(优缺点) is a good starting point for figuring out what to do. In cases where there simply isn’t enough time to write things down, make a mental list in your mind. Thinking of the pros and cons can help you organize your thoughts. 4.

Determine criteria. Remember that every decision you make should come with a certain list of criteria.5.But once you know the requirements you’re looking for, making a decision will become easier. Look for the choice that satisfies the list you’ve made, and once that choice is found, you should move ahead with it.

A. Have a plan.

B. The list may be short or quite long.

C. Communicate your decision with others.

D. And this can always lead to a clear answer.

E. So cut out any options that you know you will not choose.

F. Often, one thing that keeps us from making decisions is fear.

G. Some can be very important while others are not serious in the long run.


科目:高中英语 来源:云南省玉溪市2018届高三上学期第一次月考英语试卷 题型:短文填空

Many of my friends like fall and take it as their favorite season. Last weekend, I went outdoors and soon 1.(find) a deeper appreciation for this season.

The change of leaf colors is a common reason given 2.the love of fall. Each tree reacts3.(different) to the change of the season. Some shed their leaves in hopes of reproducing; however, other 4.(tree) remain green for as long as possible to gain additional energy from the sun to survive the winter. This effect 5.(call) the flight-or-fight response.

Fall is a time of 6.(reflect) and preparation for the year ahead. I have found a meaning of fall for me. I'm 7.18-year-old boy in the final year of high school and my life is a work in progress. There are times I want to give up, but then I look around me and realize life keeps 8.(move).The natural cycle of life is beautiful and doesn't stop growing so I have to learn to keep up.

The meaning of fall is different for each person. I encourage you 9.(go) out to follow some path or sidewalk and discover 10.fall means to you.

