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科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林松原油田高中高一下4月考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


The Meaning of Dreams

Sleep and dreams have interested people for centuries. Scientists are learning more about sleep, but they still know very little about why we dream.

1. First, we have most of our dreams during REM(rapid eye movement)sleep. At this time, the brain is very active. Second, everyone dreams, even if we can't remember doing so when we awaken. 2. While we are sleep, it works more slowly and sometimes puts our thoughts and memories together in strange ways.

3. . Some believe that our dreams are associated with thoughts and feelings that we experience while we are awake. Many dream researchers think that a dream about death, for example, is really about an important life change. 4. . Dreams about a car or travel often represent (代表) feelings about your own life. Dreams about teeth—especially broken or loose ones—may indicate(预示) stress or fear. Dreams in which you are flying often represent freedom or escape.

Researchers think people in our dreams can tell us something about ourselves. If the person in the dream was yelling, for example, maybe you are angry. 5. . There is still a lot about dreaming that we do not understand. By learning more about our dreams, we may learn more about ourselves.

A. Dreams may be more important than sleep.

B. Scientists do not know for certain why we dream.

C. If he or she was scared then maybe you are afraid of something.

D. Modern research can tell us some important things about dreams.

E. There are three things you should pay attention to have a sweet dream.

F. Finally, a part of our brain helps us to understand daily experience we have.

G. Dreams about telephones are thought to be about giving or receiving messages.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江西南昌市高三第一次模拟考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Here is a letter from the Los Angeles Lakers icon Kobe Bryant on The Players' Tribune website on November 30th.

“...This season is all I have left to give. My heart can take the pounding(重击).My mind can han-dle the grind(苦差事)but my body knows it's time to say goodbye-.-"

“Kobe Bryant is one of the greatest players in the history of our game. Whether competing in the Fi-nals or hoisting jump shots after midnight in an empty gym, Kobe has an unconditional love for the game.

I join Kobe's millions of' fans around the world in congratulating him on an outstanding NBA career and thank him for so many thrilling memories.”

——Adam Silver, NBA commissioner(总裁)

“We're all sad. This era of Lakers basketball has been one of the most fun, exciting prosperous eras we could imagine. We're in full support of him. But it's still very sad.”

——Jeanie Buss, Lakers president

“I know his purpose is to finish out this season and play. It's always sad when greatness decides to hang it up" 'I thought he had at least another year in him.”

——Byron Scott, Lakers coach, and Bryant's teammate during the 1996-97 season

¨He pushed me to be better more than any player I've faced. Kobe is the greatest competitor I have ever faced. I am glad he has found peace. I don't know if we'll see another one like him.”

——Shane Battier, of the Miami Heat

“Hard to believe @ kobe bryant is finally going to hang it up. One of the NBA's great champions. En-joy the rest of this season, my friend.”

——Scottie Pippen, retired NBA All-Star

1.What can we learn from Kobe Bryant's letter?

A. He has lost passion for basketball.

B. He'll return to basketball court soon. .

C. He'll finish this season before he retires.

D. He'll retire immediately after the letter.

2.According to Byron Scott, _ .

A. Kobe has an unconditional love for basketball

B. Kobe is supposed to play at least for another year

C. Lakers team has played very well this year

D. it is difficult to find another player like Kobe

3.Where can we most probably read the comments?

A. From an Internet page. B. In a newspaper.

C. In a sports magazine. D. In a TV program.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖北省沙市高三下期第三次半月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

It was December 25, 1914, only 5 months into World War I. German, British, and French soldiers, already sick and tired of the senseless killing, disobeyed their superiors and started socializing with “the enemy” along two-thirds of the Western Front.

German troops held up Christmas trees with signs, “Merry Christmas”. Thousands of troops ran across the battlefields covered with dead bodies. They sang Christmas songs, exchanged photographs of loved ones back home, shared food and even played football. Soldiers hugged men they had been trying to kill a few short hours before. They agreed to warn each other if their officers forced them to fire their weapons, and to aim high.

Fear ran through the military leaders on both sides. They felt that their power was being challenged: soldiers declaring their brotherhood with each other and refusing to fight. Generals declared this unexpected peacemaking illegal and said that participating soldiers would face a military court. Those found guilty would be imprisoned or even shot. By March 1915 the socializing movement had been destroyed and the killing machine was back in full operation. Over the next three years more than fifteen million people died in the war.

Not many people have heard the story of the Christmas Truce (休战). On Christmas Day, 1988, a local radio host in Boston played “Christmas in the Trenches”, a song about the Christmas Truce, several times and was stunned by his listeners’ response. Thousands of people called in, praising the song, with many moved to tears by the amazing events it described.

You can probably guess why the callers were in tears. The Christmas Truce story goes against most of what we have been taught about people. It lets us see the world as it can be and says, “This really happened once.” It shows us the potential we have as humans, and contradicts all of those TV and newspaper stories that tell us how mean and heartless people are. It is like hearing that our deepest wishes really are true: the world really can be different.

1.The soldiers began socializing with the enemy because ________.

A. they couldn't bear the meaningless killing

B. it was the best way to avoid being killed

C. they feared that they would be caught

D. their enemies were from similar backgrounds

2.How did the generals finally put an end to the soldiers’ socializing?

A. They sent the soldiers’ loved ones to prison.

B. They moved the two groups of soldiers further apart.

C. They increased the number of officers to control the soldiers.

D. They warned the soldiers that they would face severe punishment.

3.The underlined word “stunned” in Paragraph 4 most probably means ________.

A. satisfied B. shocked C. amused D. confused

4.The author uses the story of the soldiers to imply that human beings ________.

A. are not trustworthy under stress

B. are naturally aggressive and war-like

C. are basically caring and kindhearted

D. will always do what is in their own self-interest


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届甘肃省天水市高三下期第四次模拟考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

How Super Are Supermarkets?

Buying e week’s groceries is tiring. You want to get it over and done with quickly, so you head for the nearest supermarket, you find everything you need under one roof, and you feel glad that those days of going in and out of different shops in the high street are over. Supermarkets seem to be a big plus. There is a downside, though.

In the UK 90% of all the food people consume is bought at 5 different supermarket chains. This makes these companies extremely powerful, which lets them use their huge buying power to squeeze small suppliers to get the best deal. Milk is a good example. Supermarkets like to use things like milk, which is the top of almost everyone’s shopping list to attract customers. To offer the lowest price possible to the consumer, the supermarkets force dairy farmers to sell milk at less than the cost of production. Supermarkets guarantee their good profits while farmers are left struggling to make ends meet, and the taxpayer pays to support the system without even knowing it.

It would be nice if local grocers supported local agriculture. But for the big supermarkets this just doesn’t make sense. Supermarkets don’t want little farmers thinking they can decide prices. So supermarkets have started a global search for the cheapest possible agricultural produce. In many supermarkets it is difficult to find anything which is produced locally.

UK farmers used to grow a lot of apples. Not anymore. In 1999 36% of apples were imported. By 2015 the figure had risen to 80% and the domestic production of apples had fallen by two thirds. The consumer might just be happy to get a reasonably priced meal made up of foods from Thailand, Spain, Italy and Zambia, but we should also bear in mind the Influence on local producers.

Then there’s packaging. Supermarkets like everything to be packed and wrapped so it can be piled neatly on shelves. Supermarkets produce nearly 10 million tons of waste packaging in the UK every year, of which less 5%is recycled. Some supermarkets make sure that large recycling bins are obvious in their car parks, showing that they are environment-friendly. But that is just an image.

When a new supermarket is planned there are claims about the number of new jobs that will be created. Unfortunately, the number of jobs lost in the area is larger than the number of new positions in the supermarket. On average each new supermarket leads to the loss of 276 jobs.

However, the modern world is all about shopping, and the freedom to buy whatever you what, so it would be impossible to stop people shopping at some particular kind of shop. But some measures do need to be taken when small suppliers lose profits, local producers suffer, sea levels rise and jobs are lost, anyway, we can’t just care about a free car park and special offers.

1.The author mentions “milk” in paragraph 2 to explain how supermarkets ____________.

A. harm small suppliers ‘benefits

B. support local dairy farmer

C.cheat the taxpayers

D.provide customers with the cheapest product

2.According to the passage, supermarkets keep price advantage by_______________.

A. competing against each other

B. reducing product tax

C. purchasing local products

D. importing foreign products

3.What is the author’s attitude towards supermarkets?

A. Doubtful B. Sympathetic

C. Critical D. Cautious


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届北京市东城区高三下期综合练习(一)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

New Way to Experience Dentistry

Have you ever had your hand held during a dental procedure you feel uneasy about? What about a dental office that mimics(模仿) the spirit of Disneyland? If you're looking for a dental office that provides the best care and the best environment, you're looking for Dr. Licking's office in Sunnyvale.

Officer manager Judy, who has worked with Dr. Licking for 38 years, speaks highly of his kindness. She believes that the office is “the Disneyland of dentistry”. Everyone from children to their grandparents loves the environment and care they receive from this welcoming office.

Dr. Licking is known as the best dental care provider for anyone who fears facing appointments with the dental office. The staff goes out of their way to make patients feel comfortable and at ease. Dr. Licking and Judy set the standard with their saying, “when someone comes to your home, you stand up and welcome them, like an old family friend.”

Dr. Licking's office has all. They recently relocated to put the new equipment into their practice. The office is equipped with an intra-oral video camera, and as a patient you can get pictures of your teeth as you're walking out the door.

Setting himself apart from other dentists. Dr. Licking continues his education beyond what is required. For this reason, he is one of few dentists in the country who offers ozone treatment. Ozone can naturally stop decay (蛀蚀) in its tracks. For more information on this new technology, visit their website at www.drjohnlicking.com.

Dr. Licking's office is Diamond Certified, an honor given only to companies with the higher quality after extensive and continual research. Dr. Licking's office extends an invitation to you to meet their gentle staff and offers you a free office visit, including x-rays and an exam.

The office holds extended hours ranging from 7 a. m. to 8 p, m., Monday through Thursday. Don't worry if you have an emergency. Dr, Licking’s office responds to all emergencies and urgent calls.


Cosmetic & Family Dentistry since 1970



877 W.Fremont Ave. Suite C3, Sunnyvale

1.What is special about the dental office?

A. It has a caring environment.

B. It is decorated like Disneyland.

C. It uses the most advanced equipment.

D. It provides service for both kids and old people.

2.What do we know about Dr. Licking?

A. He has developed ozone treatment.

B. He is the best dentist all over the country.

C. He has been studying dentistry continuously.

D. He has worked as a dentist for nearly 38 years.

3.The passage is written to ______.

A. introduce a famous dentist

B. show a new treatment for tooth decay

C. advise people to have their teeth examined

D. invite people to visit Dr. Licking's office


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届北京市东城区高三下期综合练习(一)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

— The room looks bigger!

— We ______ the furniture.

A. have changed B. had changed

C. changed D. are changing


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016年内蒙古赤峰二中高二下第一次月考4月英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Driving a car is not just handling controls and judging speed and distance. It requires you to predict what other road users will do and get ready to react to something unexpected. When alcohol is consumed, it enters your bloodstream and acts as a depressant (抑制药), damaging eyesight, judgment and co-ordination(协调), slowing down reaction time and greatly increasing the risk of accidents. Even below the drink driving link, driving will be affected.

Alcohol may take a few minutes to be absorbed into the bloodstream and start action on the brain. Absorption rate is increased when drinking on an empty stomach or when consuming drinks mixed with fruit juice. To get rid of alcohol from the body is a very slow process and it is not possible to speed it up with any measures like taking a shower or having a cup of tea or coffee.

The present Road Traffic Ordinance states clearly that the limit of alcohol concentration is:

● 50 milligrams of alcohol per 100ml of blood; or

● 22 micrograms of alcohol per 100ml of breath; or

● 67 milligrams of alcohol per 100ml of urine (尿液).

Drivers who cause traffic accidents, or who commit a moving traffic offence or are being suspected of drink driving will be tested.

Any driver found drinking beyond the limit will be charged. The driver declared guilty may be fined a maximum of HK $25,000 and be sentenced to up to 3 years in prison and punished for 10 driving-offence points; or temporarily banned from driving.

The same punishment applies to failing to provide specimens (样本) for breath, blood or urine tests without good excuse.

Drink driving is a criminal offence(违法犯罪行为). Be a responsible driver, think before you drink. For the safety of yourself and other road users, never drive after consuming alcohol.

1.The first paragraph is mainly about ________.

A. the introduction of driving skills

B. the damage of drinking to your body

C. the effect of drinking on driving

D. the process of alcohol being absorbed

2.The underlined word “it” in the second paragraph refers to “________”.

A. alcohol B. absorption C. blood D. process

3.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Drinking below the drink driving limit has no effect on driving.

B. Alcohol is taken in more quickly when drunk with fruit juice.

C. Having a cup of tea helps to get rid of alcohol from the body.

D. 50 milligrams of alcohol per 100ml of breath is below the drink limit.

4.A driver suspected of (被怀疑) drink driving ________.

A. should provide specimens for testing

B. will be forbidden to drive for 3years

C. will be punished for 10 driving-offence points

D. should pay a maximum fine of HK $25,000


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届天津市河东区高三一模考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

—What do you think of Betty?

— Lovely, though she ______ be naughty sometimes.

A. should B. mustC. can D. need

