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 [1] The other day I received an email from an old roommate. She congratulated me on  my new basketball coaching job. After the congratulations, her next words were: I know you can’t keep still.

       [2] My roommate knows me well. We lived together for two years. She saw me working two jobs, one full-time and one part-time and besides that, I coached a girl basketball team in the winter. I rarely had free time. When she said, “ I know you can’t keep still”, she was telling the truth.

       [3] For years, I liked being busy. In college, I ________ studying, sports, and clubs. I graduated from college four years ago. During most of those years, I held at least two jobs at the same time. Even if I was on a break with one job, I filled my time up with whatever I could.

       [4] Our culture teaches us that being busy means happiness. We are socialized (社会化) to believe that filling our days keeps us content. However, being busy has bad results. Being busy allows us to escape our lives and ignore our problems. We never have the opportunity to face our fears or examine the desires of our hearts. We never learn the joy and peace of free time to just be alive.

   [5] A year ago, I decided to make some complete changes in my life. I wasn’t content and the culture of business was upsetting me. I wanted a simple life. I wanted a life where I had free time to enjoy the world around me.

[6] I changed my lifestyle. I moved. I got a new job. I lived a simple life. However, when my roommate sent me that email, she reminded me I still haven’t quite broken free of my old habits. I still need to work on being still and breaking free from the culture of business.

86.  What is the main idea of Paragraph 2? (no more than 8 words)

87.  Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words. (no more than 6 words)

88. Explain the underlined sentence in Paragraph 6.

89.  What can we know about our culture from the text? ( no more than 8 words)

90.  What does keeping busy may lead to besides escaping our lives?(no more than 8 words)

86. She was busy with many jobs.

87. filled my days with/was busy with

88. She will try her best to live a life that he can have free time and enjoy the world around her.

89. Being busy means happiness.

90. ignoring our problems


科目:高中英语 来源:2011年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语试题四川卷 题型:050


  The pound new Library of Birmingham(LoB)will be the most visible sign of the way the city is accepting the digitalization(数字化)of everyday life.

  Set to open in 2013, the £188 m LoB is already beginning to take shape next to the Birmingham Repertory Theatre, with which it will share some equipment.

As digital media(媒介)is important to its idea, 49the project is already providing chances for some of the many small new local companies working at new technologies.

  Brian Gambles, the LoB project director, says 51.a it is about giving people the right tools for learning:“The aim is to mix the physical with the digital.51.b Providing 24-hour services which can be used through many different ways.It is important to enable us to reach more people, more effectively.”

  The digital library will, he says, be as important as the physical one, allowing the distant use of the services, making sure that it is never closed to the public.

  Even before the LoB is complete, the public has been able to go online to visit the Virtual(虚拟的)LoB, designed by Baden, the Birmingham virtual worlds specialists.50Not only have the public been able to learn about LoB, but the virtual one has also enabled those working on the LoN to understand the building and how it will work before ot even opens.

  Two other small Birmingham-based digital companies are working on the LoB projects.Substrat, a digital design company, is developing what it calls an “enlarged reality” project.It is about the use of an exciting smart phone, an important part of LoB the which is the early stages of development.And The People’s Archive is an online library of figures of the city being built content company in Cahoots, 51.d in which users will be encouraged to add to and comment on the material.

  Gambles says:“Technology will enable us to make the library’s and services open to citizens as sever before.”


The underline part “its idea” in Paragraph 3 refers to the idea of _________

[  ]


the equipment


the project


the digital media


the physical library


While visiting the Virtual LoB, the public can _________

[  ]


get a general idea of the LoB


meet more world-famous experts


learn how to put up a library building


understand how the specialists work on the project


Which of the following is true of the LoB when it opens?

[  ]


a, b, d


a, c, e


b, c, d


b, d, e


This text more probably from _________

[  ]


a computer book


a library guide


a project handbook


newspaper report


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届四川省自贡市高三第一次诊断性考试英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

English Language and Culture Program
If you wish to improve your English-language skills as well as your understanding of the Canadian cultural context, the courses offered by ELC Evening are for you. Whether your goals are academic, business or immigration-related, there is a course to meet your needs.
Evening course tuition:$490,0.
All evening courses run for 10 weeks.A $50 discount is available to returning students or students attending two or more courses.
ELC 550
Mondays, July 7 - September 22, 2008August 4 & September 11- HOLIDAY
Mondays, October 6-December 15.2008 October 13-HOLIDAY
This course is designed for non-native Englisli speakers who wish to take the 1ELTS (International English Language Testing System) exam.Each week, participants (参加者)focus on specific modules of the test (speaking, reading, listening, and writing) to develop and improve the skills they need to succeed on the exam.
ELC 552
Tuesdays, Aprils8-June 10,2008
Tuesdays, October 7 - December.16, 2008 November 11 - HOLIDAY
This course is designed for participants who wish to improve their fluency and expressiveness in English.Production skills will be targeted, including pronunciation, intonation, rhythm, and stress.Participants are required to complete weekly in-class assignments (任务), including speeches, monologues, interviews, and role-plays.
ELC 554
Wednesdays, July 9 - September 10.2008
Wednesdays, October 8 -December 10.2008
This course is designed for non-native English-speaking university and college participants who wish to improve their academic leading and writing skills.This course gives participants the tools required for presenting information and building persuasive arguments in clear and cohesive written forms.
ELC 555
Thursdays, July 10 - September 11, 2008
Thursdays, October 9 - December 11, 2008
This course is designed for non-native English speakers who are either working or planning to work in a business environment.Areas of focus include handling telephone conversations, networking, participating in meetings, negotiating, making presentations, and conducting interviews.
【小题1】One only needs to pay $440 if he ______.

A.attends 10 weeks' evening course
B.attends the evening courses for a second lime
C.finds others to take the evening course together
D.recommends another person to take one ot the evening courses
【小题2】Which is the proper time for one who wants to find a job in business field?
A.Mondays, October 6 - December 15, 2008.
B.Tuesdays, October 7 - December 16,2008.
C.Wednesdays, October 8 - December 10, 2008.
D.Thursdays, October 9 - December 11, 2008.
【小题3】ELC 554 is most suitable for ______.
A.a newspaper reporterB.a university student
C.a businessmanD.a high school student
【小题4】ELC 550 mainly focuses on ______.
A.college preparations
B.fluency and expressiveness in English
C.the skills needed to pass an exam
D.basic English knowledge
【小题5】A student who mainly wants to improve his spoken English can attend           
A.ELC 550B.ELC 552 C.ELC 554D.ELC 555


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届广东省惠州市高三第二次调研考试英语卷 题型:阅读理解

Faced with a tough job market, fresh graduates are dreaming of running their own businesses instead.But a recent survey has showed that such ambitions lack the required support and remain just that—dreams.
The Shanghai Municipal Employment Promotion Center poll of 1,276 graduates in several universities and colleges in the city, released last Friday, showed 59.78 percent of respondents considered the possibility of setting up a company or at least a small store. "But they just stop at the ’thinking’ stage," it stated.
Respondents put the top reasons for not going it alone down to a shortage of investment and a lack of business opportunity.They also listed lack of business experience and social networks, the need tor advanced study and objections from family members as factors that stood in their way.
More than 90 percent of the interviewees said they would rather take up a job after graduating and then consider starting their own business two or three years down the road.
Guo Bing, a senior student in Shanghai International Studies University majoring in English, decided he wanted to be his own boss last year.But he is looking for a job first. "If I fail to find a satisfying job, I would like to establish a company in exhibition services," Guo said.
The Shanghai native has some relatives working in a local printing plant.With their help, Guo hopes to produce exhibition brochures(小册子) at a relatively low price.He is also confident that his English language skills can help him do well in the industry.
"Social networking is an important factor leading to business success," Guo said. Guo said that the shortage of graduate jobs is the main reason driving more university students to set up a business right after their graduation.
Jiang said the university sets up a business guide learn made of government officials and professionals.They regularly give training courses to students who show an interest in having their own business.The parents of university graduates are more willing to help their children start up alone, the survey showed."Once you win the support of your family, you have won half the battle," Guo added.
【小题1】Which of the following can be the best title?
A.A Tough Job Market                  B.Graduates Dream of Being Boss
C.The Ambitious Fresh Graduates           D, The Story ot Guo Bing
【小题2】Which of the following does NOT stop fresh graduates realizing their dreams of being bosses?

A.The lack of business opportunity and investment.
B.The shortage of business experience.
C.Less skilled English language.
D.Their family members’ objections.
【小题3】In the view of Guo Bing, what ’is the key factor -that makes fresh graduates dream of being boss soon after graduation?
A.Their family don’t support them.B.Their social networking is not good.
C.There are not enough graduate jobs.D.They want to achieve greater success.
【小题4】All the following statements are true about Guo Bing EXCEPT _____.
A.He has started his own business with the help of his relatives.
B.English is his major in the university.
C.He is trying to find a job which can satisfies him.
D.He is a Shanghai native.
【小题5】Who is this article mostly intended for?
A.The parents whose child goes to university soon.
B.Those who will graduate from university.
C.Those who want to be bosses.
D.The officials who work in the government.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013届四川省自贡市高三第一次诊断性考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

English Language and Culture Program

If you wish to improve your English-language skills as well as your understanding of the Canadian cultural context, the courses offered by ELC Evening are for you. Whether your goals are academic, business or immigration-related, there is a course to meet your needs.

Evening course tuition:$490,0.

All evening courses run for 10 weeks.A $50 discount is available to returning students or students attending two or more courses.

ELC 550

Mondays, July 7 - September 22, 2008August 4 & September 11- HOLIDAY

Mondays, October 6-December 15.2008 October 13-HOLIDAY

This course is designed for non-native Englisli speakers who wish to take the 1ELTS (International English Language Testing System) exam.Each week, participants (参加者)focus on specific modules of the test (speaking, reading, listening, and writing) to develop and improve the skills they need to succeed on the exam.

ELC 552

Tuesdays, Aprils8-June 10,2008

Tuesdays, October 7 - December.16, 2008 November 11 - HOLIDAY

This course is designed for participants who wish to improve their fluency and expressiveness in English.Production skills will be targeted, including pronunciation, intonation, rhythm, and stress.Participants are required to complete weekly in-class assignments (任务), including speeches, monologues, interviews, and role-plays.

ELC 554

Wednesdays, July 9 - September 10.2008

Wednesdays, October 8 -December 10.2008

This course is designed for non-native English-speaking university and college participants who wish to improve their academic leading and writing skills.This course gives participants the tools required for presenting information and building persuasive arguments in clear and cohesive written forms.

ELC 555

Thursdays, July 10 - September 11, 2008

Thursdays, October 9 - December 11, 2008

This course is designed for non-native English speakers who are either working or planning to work in a business environment.Areas of focus include handling telephone conversations, networking, participating in meetings, negotiating, making presentations, and conducting interviews.

1.One only needs to pay $440 if he ______.

A.attends 10 weeks' evening course

B.attends the evening courses for a second lime

C.finds others to take the evening course together

D.recommends another person to take one ot the evening courses

2.Which is the proper time for one who wants to find a job in business field?

A.Mondays, October 6 - December 15, 2008.

B.Tuesdays, October 7 - December 16,2008.

C.Wednesdays, October 8 - December 10, 2008.

D.Thursdays, October 9 - December 11, 2008.

3.ELC 554 is most suitable for ______.

A.a newspaper reporter

B.a university student

C.a businessman

D.a high school student

4.ELC 550 mainly focuses on ______.

A.college preparations

B.fluency and expressiveness in English

C.the skills needed to pass an exam

D.basic English knowledge

5.A student who mainly wants to improve his spoken English can attend           

A.ELC 550

B.ELC 552

C.ELC 554

D.ELC 555



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届甘肃省高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When did you last see a polar bear?On a trip to a zoo,perhaps?If you had attended a winter activity in New York a few years ago,you would have seen a whole polar bear club.These "Polar Bears" are people who meet frequently in the winter to swim in freezing cold water.That day,the air temperature was 3℃,and the water temperature was a little higher.The members of the Polar Bear Club at Coney Island,New York are usually about the age of 60.Members must satisfy two requirements.First,they must get along well with everyone else in the group;this is very important because there are so many different kinds of people in the club.Polar Bears must also agree to swim outdoors at least twice a month from November through February. 

Dcotors don't agree about the medical effects of cold-winter swimming.Some are worried about the dangers of a condition in which the body's temperature drops so low that finally the heart stops.Other doctors,however,point out that there is more danger of a heart attack during summer swimming because the difference between the air temperature and water temperature is much greater in summer than in winter. 

The Polar Bears themselves are satisfied with the benefits of cold-water swimming.They say that their favorite form of exercise is very good for the circulatory system(循环系统)because it forces the blood to move fast to keep the body warm.Cold-water swimmers usually turn bright red after a few minutes in the water.A person who turns blue probably has a very poor circulatory system and should not try cold-water swimming. 

The main benefits of cold-water swimming are probably mental.The Polar Bears love to swim all year round;they find it fun and relaxing.As one 70-year-old woman says,"When I go into water,I pour my troubles into the ocean and let them float away." 

1.The members of the Polar Bear Club must meet the following requirements except that_____. 

A.they must swim outdoors at least 8 times in the four cold months

B.they must reach the age of 60

C.they should be easy to make friends with

D.they must agree to swim outdoors from November through February

2.According to the passage,some doctors believe it is true that_____. 

A.Polar Bears are bears swimming in freezing water

B.cold-water swimming can make the body temperature dangerously high

C.you are healthy if cold-water swimming turns your skin color blue

D.cold-water swimming causes more heart attacks in summer than in winter

3.The Polar Bears like to swim year-round,for_____. 

A.it is an easy way ot keep the body warm in winter

B.they can remain young

C.they find it enjoyable and interesting

D.they might meet fewer troubles in life

4.The passage is mainly about_____. 

A.the requirements of the Polar Bear Club

B.a group of cold-water-swimming livers

C.the Polar Bears' life in New York

D.doctors' ideas about cold-water swimming


