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_______ is not until everyone is seated _______ the lesson will begin.

  1. A.
    It; that
  2. B.
    That; when
  3. C.
    This; that
  4. D.
    It; when

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

It is not until 1997 ______ he entered university

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解


She watched her little girl at play through her window. Memories   34    back to her childhood.

She remembered that when she was a little girl, her mother would kiss her face every night when she was about to go to bed with her toys.   35    , she left home when   36    to college. Then she got married. Her work and family   37   her from visiting her mum, who is now living alone.

Thinking of this, she realized that she hadn’t   38   her mum for a long time. So she   39  

the phone.

“Dear, I miss you,” there came her mum’s   40   . “Someone said that I should give you a

  41  before you left home, but I didn’t. I want to kiss you now, but I can’t do it through a phone.”

“You kissed me every night when I was   42   ,” she said in a low voice.

“You’re right, honey. Those days were so nice. But I feel   43    now when looking through your bedroom window.”

Tears rolled down her cheeks. Not knowing how to comfort her, she hung up   44   .

She picked up her pen and wrote a letter to her mum.

Dear Mum,

Thank you for what you’ve done for me. There’s no greater love than yours. Mum, you may not know how many times I saw you watch me play. The   45    that you looked through is the same one that God looked in. He saw you by my bed each night when you’d tenderly tuck me in (把被子盖好). But since I was   46   at that time, I didn’t know how great this love was. It is not until I have my own   47   to tuck in, to watch through the window   48   I understand your love for me. We are the same now. So Mum, please don’t feel lonely; you know I’ll always be there.

A. flooded

B. turned

C. left

D. entered

A. Actually

B. Instead

C. However

D. Generally

A. awarded

B. admitted

C. allowed

D. carried

A. caught

B. protected

C. took

D. prevented

A. heard

B. called

C. remembered

D. watched

A. hung up

B. put up

C. picked up

D. set up

A. voice

B. noise

C. shout

D. laughter

A. letter

B. ring

C. chance

D. kiss

A. back

B. home

C. away

D. out

A. excited

B. terrified

C. lonely

D. upset

A. in relief

B. in a hurry

C. in a way

D. in peace

A. door

B. window

C. phone

D. home

A. loved

B. tired

C. young

D. old

A. toy

B. boy

C. mother

D. child

A. that

B. what

C. who

D. which


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届湖北省高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Eddie’s father used to say he’d spent so many years by the ocean, breathing seawater. Now, away from that ocean, in the hospital bed, his body began to look like a beached fish. His condition went from fair to stable and from stable to serious. Friends went from saying, “He’ll be home in a day,” to “He’ll be home in a week.” In his father’s absence, Eddie helped out at the pier (码头), working evenings after his taxi job.

When Eddie was a teenager, if he ever complained or seemed bored with the pier, his father would shout, “What? This isn’t good enough for you?” And later, when he’d suggested Eddie take a job there after high school, Eddie almost laughed, and his father again said, “What? This isn’t good enough for you?” And before Eddie went to war, when he’d talked of marrying Marguerite and becoming an engineer, his father said, “What? This isn’t good enough for you?”

And now, regardless of all that, here he was, at the pier, doing his father’s labor.

Parents rarely let go of their children, so children let go of them. They move on. They move away. It is not until much later, as the heart weakens, that children understand: their stories, and all their achievements, sit on top of the stories of their mothers and fathers, stones upon stones, beneath the waters of their lives.

Finally, one night, at his mother’s urging, Eddie visited the hospital. He entered the room slowly. His father, who for years had refused to speak to Eddie, now lacked the strength to even try.

Don’t sweat it, kid,” the other workers told him. “Your old man will pull through. He’s the toughest man we’ve ever seen.”

When the news came that his father had died, Eddie felt the emptiest kind of anger, the kind that circles in its cage.

         In the weeks that followed, Eddie’s mother lived in a confused state. She spoke to her husband as if he were still there. She yelled at him to turn down the radio. She cooked enough food for two. One night, when Eddie offered to help with the dishes, she said, “Your father will put them away.” Eddie put a hand on her shoulder. “Ma,” he said, softly, “Dad’s gone.”“Gone where?”

1.In Paragraph four, the writer wants to say that __________.

A. Children wouldn’t have achieved so much without their parents’ support  

B. Children often feel regretful because they leave their parents

C. Children like moving away from their parents

D. Children can never understand how much their parents have devoted to them

2.The underlined sentence “Don’t sweat it” (Para. 6) probably means __________.

A. Don’t touch it                                              B. Don’t worry about it

C. Don’t let him down                                   D. Don’t give it up

3.Which of the following shows the right order of the story?

   a. Eddie’s father died.

   b. Eddie married Marguerite.

   c. Eddie worked as a taxi driver.

   d. Eddie was bored with his father’s job.

A. dbca                        B. dcab                        C. bcda                        D. bacd

4.From the last paragraph, we learn that __________.

A. Eddie’s mother liked to listen to the radio

B. Eddie and his wife lived in his mother’s apartment

C. Eddie’s mother missed her husband so much that she was at a loss

D. Eddie often helped his mother wash the dishes



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届海南琼海嘉积中学高二上教学质量监测(三)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It is not until the disease has progressed to AIDS ____a person begins to look sick.

A.who             B.that              C.where            D.before



科目:高中英语 来源:2009-2010学年度长春市高二下学期阶段性考试英语试题 题型:单项填空

_________ one has a child will one realize how great one’s parents are.


B.Until not

C.It is not until

D.Not until


