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You hear a juicy story from a friend,who heard it from another friend,who heard it from a person in the hall,who read it on a note passed in math class,1       was written by somebody who probably just made it up.

Chances are,rumors and gossip are always floating around your school or community. That's totally normal. After all,everyone gossips,2       parents,celebrities,and politicians. It's part of how we communicate and stay 3       ( connect) with other people's lives. But what is the difference between a rumor and gossip?

A rumor is a piece of information or a story that has not been verified,meaning that the person 4       (tell) it doesn't know if it's true or false. It might be true,it might be partially true and partially made up,or it might be totally made up.

Gossip,on the other hand,is a little different. Gossip is talk that is somehow "juicy", meaning it deals 5        subjects that are 6       (shock) or personal. Gossip is usually about things like love and 7       (relation) ,or private things that people don't talk 8       (open) about. When a piece of gossip is known to be false,it's a lie,plain and simple. If a piece of gossip about somebody is true,it can still be very hurtful because that information may be private and personal.

Sometimes,rumors and gossip are 9         (harm) ,but at other times they can be very hurtful to individuals,friendships,and whole groups of people. Did you know that10        (spread) rumors and gossip about someone is a form of bullying?

1.                  2.         3.              4.       5.       

6.                  7.                 8. 9.          10.         

I was only eleven year old when my friend


 Mike and I went to play in a river.  The river flowed 

to^rds fast with many big rocks in it. When we

A jumping from one rock to another,I slipped in


the river,and the fast current  me. I just had


 one moment to think and grabbed on to the rock 


beside me. But I felt that I shouldn't get out of the 


water. I screamed , " Help !" My friend Mike ran up

 to me and pulled me out off the river. After that day


 we became much close friends. He is my truly 

closer true

 hero,to who I am very thankful for being there


when I needed help.

题目来源:高考英语组合训练(阅读七选五+短文填词+短文改错) > 组合训练59


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Selecting a proper summer camp for your child is not an easy task. 1       Remember,you are sending your kid to a summer camp not just to have fun but also to help him gain confidence. Therefore,you should try to select a summer camp for your kid so that after he returns from the camp,the first thing that he asks you is when you will send him again for camping. 2       Search the Internet If you browse the Internet,you will find a number of websites of summer camps where you can find all the detailed information about the camps,like the total cost of camping,the list of activities children can do in the camps and the additional facilities they provide. Don't forget to read the comments of parents who have previously sent their children to those camps.

3       Search for Advertisements in Newspapers 4       Some of the organizers even invite famous people to their camps to communicate with the kids. You should keep an eye on the summer camp advertisements in newspapers so that you could pick a suitable one for your kid.

Seek Advice from Your Child's School Teachers Go to your kid's school and ask his teachers whether they can give you names of some of the summer camps they consider to be the best. Know the Interest of Your Child While searching,you will come across various types of camps which are organized according to the nature and interest of children. 5       Therefore,it is very important to know what your child is interested in before deciding on a summer camp.

   A. Some camps really cost too much.

   B. You have to consider too many factors.

   C. Advertisements sometimes mislead you.

   D. There are music camps,sports camps,reading camps,etc.

   E. You should also pay attention to how they rate those camps.

   F. Let us see how you can pick the best summer camp for your child.

   G. Some camp organizers prefer to place advertisements in newspapers.

1.         2.         3.                  4.          5.         


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Can money buy happiness? There are many viewpoints among people. One of them holds a view that money is the source of happiness. They think money can buy something they want,such as delicious food,fashion clothes or luxurious cars,which can bring them lot of happiness. Just as proverb says "money makes the mare go". It means money is everything.

On the contrary,there are some people hold their opinion that money is the origin of evils,and many evils results from money,such as thieving,robbery and corruption. If all the people cannot seek for money improperly,the world will be in a mess.

So every coin has two sides. It is no denying that money is very useful. It can bring us comfortable life. Nevertheless,seek for it improperly,you'll produce disasters that result from money.

With a word,money itself is innocent. If money can bring you happiness depends on how to apply it. You make good use of money,and money can bring happiness to you. Or elsemonev will bring von in catastrnnhe.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Everyone has many teachers during the school time. But there is one 1        is the best among them always staying with you. That is interest.

Interest can be 2        very good teacher. It 3       (guide) you to discover things you are interested in and explore the mysteries of some4       (amaze) things. When your teacher asks you to learn something,you are forced to,not active. But if you are interested in something,you will be glad to study it. You will search the Internet to find information or ask someone who knows something about it. You will try your best to analyze it and understand it. Doing so always 5       a good effect 6        yourself.

The famous basketball player,Michael Jordan once said "I love this game. " 7       asked why he could make great8       ( achieve) in basketball. Interest became the teacher of Jordan. The love of basketball took him into the glory of success.

9       (root) in everyone*s heart,interest is not far away from us. What's the most important is how you take it. Our hearts are many wireless stations,the 10       you receive messages sent by interest,the more successful you will be.

1.                  2.                  3.         4      . 5.       

6.         7.                 8.                  9.          10.         


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

My parents were not at home,so I asked several friends to have the party. We played so happily that we forgot anything. Unluckily,I dropped a glass on accident. The glass,which was my father's favorite,was in piece and my heart was beating wild. When he came back,I was very fearful that I did not tell the truth. The cat took the blame for me. Although my father said nothing,but I could read his distrust. The next morning,after a sleepless night,I admitted for my father that it was my fault. I saw relief in his eyes when he smiling at me. From then,I never told lies and my honesty won me great trust from others.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Happiness training at work can be extremely good for the company as well as the individual. A few short training days can produce huge benefits. 1       There are so many benefits of happiness training at work. Let's take a look at a few of them.

Happiness at home;One of the benefits for happiness at work is that people will go home happier. Being happier at home translates into a benefit to business because a better mental state and a proper rest will mean employees can work more efficiently and productively the next day. 2       Emotional intelligence:There is a change toward stress reduction,as people are taught happiness and begin to practise it at work. 3       It will increase the individual's skills to deal with problems,and the ability to improve his selfcontrol.

Increased focus:Happiness is responsible for creating an increased ability to focus on the job at hand or the problem to be solved. 4       Loving work:Happiness at work creates the environment for people to actually love what they do. They begin to experience the feeling of loving their work. Since an employee spends 8  to 10 hours,5 days a week at work,it accounts for a great deal of his life.

Feeling appreciated: 5       When you make someone feel appreciated,he feels better about himself and what he is doing for the company. He feels like he is making a contribution to the other people in the company and to the people who buy the products and services of his company. Employees feel they are making a difference.

   A. People will waste less time and be more in the "flow".

   B. Happiness increases emotional control for the individual.

   C. The cost is very small,but the positive effects can be everlasting.

   D. Happiness exists when you look at the overall picture of your life.

   E. It's also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself.

   F. They will be far less likely to take time off either because of poor health or excuses.

   G. How do all these benefits take place not only for the worker but for the management as well?

1.                  2,                  3.                  4.           5.        


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Jack Benny was one of the most famous names in show business. As a child,Benny learned to play 1        violin. After finishing school,he joined the Navy. He continued using his violin to perform for sailors. In one show he was chosen more for his funny jokes 2        for his skill with the violin. That experience made him believe that his future job was a comedian.

Benny developed a show personality that had all the qualities people disliked. He was known 3        being too stingy―he refused to spend any money 4        forced to do so. On his shows Benny often spoke of his appearance,especially his baby blue eyes. Benny rarely made jokes that hurt other people. 5      ,he would let the other actors on the show tell jokes about him.

In real life,he was very generous and he was a person people liked having 6        their employer. Benny entered the new media of television in 1950. Five years later,he dropped his radio programme to spend more time7       (develope) his television show. At first his appearances on television were rare. By 1960 the Benny Show8       (be) a weekly television programme. It continued until 1965.

Benny received many awards during his lifetime. Perhaps 9       pleased him most was that his hometown of Waukeegan named a school after him. This was a special honour for a man who had never finished high school.

Benny continued to perform. He died10       cancer in 1974. At his funeral his friend Bob Hope said, "Jack Benny was stingy to the end. He gave us only eighty years."

1.                  2.                  3.                  4.          5.         

6.       7.         8.                  9.          10.         


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Learn to Think

"I will think of it. " It is easy to say this. 1       We cannot see our thoughts,or hear,or taste,or feel them;and yet what mighty power they have!

Sir Isaac Newton was seated in his garden on a summer's evening,when he saw an apple fall from a tree. 2       Later,he discovered how the earth,the sun,the moon,and the stars were kept in their places.

3       He began to think;he wanted to find out why the steam in the kettle moved the heavy lid. From that time he went on thinking and thinking. When he became a man,he improved the steam engine so much that it could,with the greatest ease,do the work of many horses. 4      

A man named Galileo was once standing in the cathedral of Pisa,when he saw a chandelier (枝形吊灯) swaying to and fro. This set him thinking,and it led to the invention of the pendulum (钟摆) .

Boys and girls,when you have a difficult lesson to learn,don't feel discouraged,and help yourselves before asking someone to help you. 5      

   A. But do you know what great things have come from thinking?

   B. Think,and by thinking you will learn how to think to some purpose.

   C. A boy named James Watt sat quietly by the fireside,watching the lid of the tea kettle as it moved up and down.

   D. And do you know how to think?

   E. When you see a steamboat,a steam train,remember that it would never have been built if it had not been for the hard thinking of someone.

   F. He began to think,trying to find out why the apple fell.

   G. He was a famous physicist and good at thinking.

1.                  2.         3.                  4.          5.         


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Three years ago I failed an important exam in my life and became a student in a ordinary school. Disappointing as I felt at the shabby campus and the poorlyequipped classroom,I found the teachers patiently and considerate. Besides,I enjoyed the friendly atmosphere in class. I decided make the best of it. I worked hard and get along well with my teachers and classmates. Whenever I had difficulties,they were always available. Soon,I became one of the top student in my class,and which greatly increased my confidence and got him motivated.

My experience tell me that it is not what you are given but how you make use for it that determines who you are.

