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9.-Is there a real life example ________ two negatives make a positive?
-Sure.(  )
A.whichB.whereC.of whichD.for which

分析 ---有没有真实的例子负负得正?


解答 答案:B
考查定语从句.根据句式可知,________ two negatives make a positive是 一个定语从句,修饰先行词example,意思是"例子"表示一个抽象地点,可以翻译成"在这个例子里"即相当于地点名词,故选D.where (=in which).

点评 本题考查非限制性定语从句,做此类题目时一定要清楚各个选项的含义及用法,再分析句子结构并结合句意确定最终的答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.It's no usearguing(argue) with a person like him.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.Mike,______sister studies in our school,is going to give us a lecture.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.One day,when old Jacob and little Jacoble were walking home,the sun began to go down.Old Jacob was thinking of his house and little Jacoble didn't know what to think.Then he thought of a wonderful idea,and he cried,"Jacob!Do you know what I saw yesterday?I saw a green rabbit.It was flying in the air and it was so big,even bigger than an elephant!"
"You saw that with your own eyes?"asked old Jacob."Of course I did,"said Jacoble proudly."It's a good thing that you really saw that big,flying,green rabbit,"said old Jacob,"because that old bridge we are going to walk over is a very strange one.As soon as anyone who hasn't told the truth comes on it,the bridge breaks in two."They continued walking.
"Jacob,"said Jacoble a little later,"you know that big,green,flying rabbit I saw yesterday…Well,it wasn't really flying,and…it wasn't quite as big as an elephant…but it was very big,about the size of a horse!""Big as a horse?"asked Jacob as they got closer to the bridge and little Jacoble began not to feel so well.
"Jacob,"said Jacoble."That big,green rabbit I saw yesterday,well,I had something in my eye and so I couldn't see that well.It wasn't a very big rabbit but it was green.Yes,that's what it was-all green!"
Old Jacob didn't say a word.He just walked over the bridge.But Jacoble didn't go after him because he was afraid and he knew why he was afraid.He stood at the bridge and said,"Oh,Jacob!You know that rabbit I saw yesterday.It wasn't green.No.It was just a little,brown rabbit."
Then he was not afraid of anything any more and he ran happily over the bridge.

32.We know from the text that the story happenedC.
A.in the morning B.in the afternoon    C.at dusk (黄昏)   D.at midnight
33.Jacob considered Jacoble's storyD.
A.humorous B.interesting         C.frightening    D.unbelievable
34.Why did little Jacoble change his story again and again?A
A.Because he was afraid of falling into the river.
B.Because he tried to persuade Jacob to believe it.
C.Because he wanted to frighten Jacob.
D.Because he didn't remember the story clearly.
35.What lesson can we learn from the text?C
A.A lie will never be known.
B.True friends don't cheat each other.
C.Telling lies makes one suffer from fears.
D.Making up a story is lying.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

4.Some people don't like to go to the gym.They don't like to go for a run,a bike ride,or a swim.They don't like to think they're exercising because they think it's too much like hard work.(36)F
There are exercises you can do at home that are great for burning calories.(37)A
The first thing you should do is get rid of your TV remote control.Lock it up for a while.You won't need it.Instead of using the remote control,you are going to physically get up and walk over to the TV to change the channel.(38)GHow many times do you change the channel every day?How much walking could you do if you manually(用手操作)changed the channel?You shouldn't be watching much TV in the first place if you want to be losing weight,but at least manually channel surfing you will be burning some calories.
Secondly,you can easily burn calories while you're on the phone.How Long do you spend on the phone every day?Perhaps an hour,perhaps two,perhaps more!(39)EYou can!If you have a cordless phone then while talking on the phone you can be walking around the house,walking up the stairs or doing any other physical activity that will contribute to burning calories.
Thirdly,let's get out of the house for a moment.(40)CGardening is a great cardiovascular(心血管的)activity that's great for burning calories.Just walking around your garden,plan,ting flowers,trimming trees and bushes,digging up the ground can contribute to burning calories,and remember,it all adds up,so do whatever you can to lose those calories.

A.And the best thing is,you won't realize that you're doing it.
B.Surely it is wrong of you to think this way.
C.Let's go to the garden and do some gardening.
D.What about talking less on the phone?
E.What if during this time you could be exercising?
F.Are you one of those people?
G.This might sound stupid,but think about it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

14.Hello,Daddy.I just wanted to write you a little note to thank you for all the things you have done for me over the years.I realized if I did that,it would be a(41)B book.I hope you don't(42)Cif I just hit the highlights.
Thanks Dad for having the good(43)Ato marry Mom all those years ago.You couldn't have chosen a(44)D wife or mother for all of us.Thanks Dad for not stopping at two sons(45)AI wouldn't be here today.Thanks Dad for that stack of books you(46)D in the corner of the living room.It got me(47)B early and I haven't stopped since.Thanks for taking me to church when I didn't want to go and making me(48)Ain the garden when I would have rather been riding my bike.Both made me a better(49)C.Thanks for everyone of those homemade,Italian dinners over the years.They were food for both the stomach and the(50)D.Thanks for all those bags of groceries you brought me that got me through college.Thanks too for always bringing my old,dead car back to life(51)A your miraculous mechanic work.You kept me driving instead of walking.
Thanks Dad for always encouraging me and(52)C my choices even when I made the wrong ones.Thanks for always being there to talk to(53)B I had problems and pain.You helped me through a lot more than you know over the years.Thanks for being(54)D a great dad to all your sons and such a loving(55)A to all of your grandchildren.
Thanks so much Dad for being there through(56)A and tears,triumph and tragedy,happiness and(57)B.I am so(58)C that you were my Dad.You taught me how to always be there for my own two children.You(59)D me how to me a good man.You helped me to(60)A my way through life and back to love and joy.Happy Father's Day Dad.I hope that we share many more of them together.I love you.
45.A.or elseB.apart fromC.so farD.but for


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.This is a very convenient place to live in,______ is an airport connecting all the big cities.(  )
A.20km northwest of itB.20km northwest of which
C.northwest 20km to itD.northwest 20km of which


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Chinese consumers'crazy appetite for luxury goods and services appears unstoppable,with just 2 percent of the Chinese population responsible for one-third of the world's luxury items.
As China's economic miracle develops,the market opportunities for all sorts of luxury goods and services are increasing.Luxury consumption in China now extends ways beyond well-known car,clothing and jewelry brands.For example,the luxury jet market in China is the fastest-growing in the world,even outstripping that of the United States,with a market share of 25 percent.This trend appears to continue,with 20 to 30 percent growth expected in China,compared with only 2 to 3 percent in the US.But more importantly,China's luxury jet market growth represents a major development in the private consumption of luxury items.
China's high-quality red wine market also provides evidence of the growth in private consumption of luxury goods.In 2013,China became the largest market for red wine in the world,even overtaking France,with l.86 billion bottles consumed in China last year.Over the past five years,China's red wine consumption has grown 136 percent.
According to my ongoing consumer research in this area while working at the University of International Business and Economics in Beijing,public consumption of such expensive global luxury brands such as Prada and Armani is easily explained by the desire to"gain face"and publicly display social climbing through material possessions.On the other hand,it is"self-reward"that lies behind consumer motivation in this area.Chinese consumers who have experienced rapid financial and economic gains appear particularly prone to the need to reward themselves for their success.But this has little to do with"gaining face"and impressing others and much more to do with the need for personal contentment.
Finally,the growth in private luxury consumption in China is set to continue in part due to the maturity of the Chinese consumer and advancement of Chinese consumer culture generally.

32.What do you think the author would most probably be?C
A.A news reporter.B.An accountant.C.A professor.D.A conductor.
33.The underlined word"outstripping"in Paragraph 2 probably means"C".
A.falling far behind of      
B.going out of                    
C.going far ahead of          
D.keeping pace with
34.What can we learn from Paragraphs 2 and 3?B
A.China's luxury jet market growth is only 2% to 3%.
B.France was once the largest market for red wine in the world before 2013.
C.The luxury jet market in the US shares 25%of the jet consumption in the world.
D.China's red wine consumption has increased to 1.86 billion bottles since 2013.
35.What can be the best title for the passage?B
A.Future Private Luxury Consumption in China     
B.Chinese Appetite for Luxury Goods and Services
C.The Potential Luxury Jet Market in China           
D.The Maturity of the Chinese Consumers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.A group of young people tired of reading‘bad news'have taken things into their own hands-and created a free positive newspaper.
The Champion is the resulting newspaper,which was produced with the support of the Youth Work Programme at LYCS (Lourdes Youth and Community Services) in Dublin's north east inner city,and was funded by the County Dublin Youth Services Board (CDYSB).
The teens who put together the newspaper are aged from 13-19,and tired of reading in the media every day about young people hanging around and causing trouble.
This newspaper champions young people,covering a wide range of topics and including detailed reports of individual young people's work,ambition and achievements.
"They knew themselves that there were a lot of good things happening,"explained Sarah Kelleher,director of LYCS."Their friends were achieving a lot and no one seems to comment about that."She said that they picked the newspaper as opposed to any other media as"it's the printed word people see and it sticks in their mind".
The teens understand why people want to read dramatic and negative news,and they aren't naive about crime or other serious issues.But they feel that there are a lot of good things happening that aren't being reported on.
Three thousand copies of The Champion have been printed,and will be going free into the letterbox of every house in the area."I think they are hoping people will be pleasantly surprised,"said Kelleher.
The concept came from a small number of people,but in the end it took the work of at least 50people to complete the whole project.
They contacted youth clubs,schools,and other groups to find out what positive news they had to share.
The Champion also serves to promote youth work,which Sarah says"is a very low-cost service to run,but it can have an absolutely amazing impact for young people in a community like this".She added that cuts can have an impact on youth work,and that"the more you keep young people in youth work,the more things like this they produce".

32.Why did the teens start the newspaper?B
A.To promote youth work.
B.To promote positive news.
C.To free teens from reading.
D.To compete with other newspapers.
33.What is special of the newspaper?C
A.It is meant for young readers.
B.It sells thousands of copies a day.
C.It focuses on teens'good deeds.
D.It covers positive news of adults.
34.What can we know about the teens who start the newspaper?A
A.They get news from many sources.
B.They care little about social issues.
C.They prefer to write astonishing news.
D.They can't accept negative news being reported.
35.What quality of the teens is highlighted in the passage?C
A.team spirit.
B.creative thinking.
C.sense of responsibility.
D.strong will to succeed.

