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Carbon dioxide      from burning fuels is the most common of the so – called greenhouse gases.

A.producing                                             B.having been produced   

C.to be produced                         D.produced


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

About 97% of the world's water is salty and is found in our oceans and seas. But, as we can't drink seawater, how can it be important?

Every part of our seas and oceans contains an amazing number of animals and fish that live at different ocean depths. Most of the different species of animals and fish depend on simple plants for their food. These simple plants called algae (海藻) drift near the surface of the ocean and use sunlight to turn carbon dioxide and water into food and oxygen. In fact, algae produce over half of the oxygen people breathe. How important seawater is!

Each plant or animal in our seas and oceans is an important link in a food chain. The algae are eaten in large amounts by microscopic animals, which are in turn consumed by larger animals. These food chains are delicately balanced.

The bad news about the food chains in the oceans is that they are under threat because of man. People once thought that the oceans were so big that it didn't matter if we dumped rubbish into them or caught huge quantities of fish and whales for food. But we now know this is not true and fish stocks in the oceans have started to drop.

Thankfully, the world is taking steps to protect the future of our oceans by introducing international agreements to protect marine habitats. Most countries have introduced fishing restrictions to protect fish stocks in the oceans and new techniques are being pioneered to cope with pollution. Finally, the importance of protecting oceans is being made known to more people. This is just the beginning of a long process to protect the oceans for our future. We depend on the oceans for fish which are an important part of the human diet. How important seawater is!

6. Which of the following is the proper order of the food chain?

A. small animals→algae→microscopic animals→large animals→man.

B. algae→microscopic animals→large animals→larger animals→man.

C. small animals→algae→large animals→microscopic animals→man.

D. microscopic animals→algae→large animals→larger animals→man.

7. People used to think that the rubbish thrown into the sea ________.

A. wouldn't harm the fish in the sea

B. would change the balance of the food chain

C. would be broken down in the sea

D. wouldn't do much harm to the sea

8. From the passage, we learn that ________. 

A. most fish and sea animals live at the surface of the seas

B. it is very difficult to break the balance of a food chain

C. excessive fishing has caused the decrease in fish stock

D. it won't be long before the problems concerning oceans will be solved

9. Which of the following is NOT a way being used to protect oceans?

A. The use of international agreements.   

B. Forbidding fishing to protect fish stocks.

C. The use of new techniques.          

D. Raising people's awareness of the need to protect oceans.

10. What would be the BEST title of the passage?

A. The importance of seawater.

B. Life in the oceans.

C. How to protect food chains.

D. How to deal with seawater pollution.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

With petroleum reserves (石油储量) decreasing, the search is on to replace gas with a cleaner,greener alternative. Though much eco-talk has centered on biofuels from corn and soybeans, the biofuel that looks more likely to replace petroleum comes from a most unlikely source: algae(藻类).

Algae, like corn, soybeans, and other crops, grow via photosynthesis(光合作用) and can be processed into fuel oil. However, they yield 30 times more energy than land crops such as soybeans, according to the U.S. Department of Energy. Many algae species also can grow in saltwater and polluted water—while corn and soy require arable land and fresh water that will be in short supply as the world's population balloons.

“If you replaced all the diesel(柴油) in the U.S. with soy biodiesel, it would take half the land mass of the U.S. to grow those soybeans,” says Matt Caspari, chief executive of Aurora Biofuels, a Berkeley, Calif-based private firm that specializes in algae oil technology. On the other hand, the Energy Department says that if algae fuel replaced all the petroleum fuel in the United States, it would require 15,000 square miles, which is a few thousand miles larger than Maryland (12,407 square miles), the 42nd state in land area.

Another bonus: Because algae can be grown just about anywhere in a closed space, they're being tested at several power plants across the nation as a carbon absorber. Smokestack emissions (烟囱排放物) can be pumped directly into the ponds, feeding the algae while keeping greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere.

Although processing technology for algae fuel-also known as “oilgae” in some environmentalist circles—is improving, it's still years away from reaching your local gas pump. “It's just a question of cost, because no large-scale facilities have been built yet,” Caspari says.

1. The underlined word “yield” in Paragraph 2 can be replaced by ________.

A. control         B. require

C. produce         D. grow

2. Compared with corn and soybeans, algae________.

A. may pollute water and soil

B. can grow in poor conditions

C. provide much less energy

D. need more special care

3. According to Paragraph 3, one of the advantages of algae fuel is that________.

A. it can be used more widely

B. it is more easy to produce

C. it needs much less land

D. it costs much less money

4. What do we learn about algae from Paragraph 4?

A. Algae help protect the environment.

B. People can grow algae anywhere.

C. Fish can get more oxygen from algae.

D. Algae produce less waste.

5. What does the passage mainly talk about?

A. Environmental protection.

B. Biofuels from corn and soybeans.

C. The false hope of biofuels.

D. A promising oil alternative.


科目:高中英语 来源:2012届浙江省温州市十校联合体高三上学期期初联考英语试卷 题型:填空题

I Am a Pencil
Sam Swope's job was teaching writing to third-graders in New York City. His students were from 21 countries, speaking 11 languages, with different backgrounds. But there were a few things they had in common. Family troubles, for one. Money struggles. And poetry. Every single student, with the help of this creative teacher, came forth with awesome writing. Swope leaves the reader with the inspiring conviction (坚信) that deep within each of us lives a poet.
Between a Rock and a Hard Place
Aron Ralston, 28, went hiking in a remote Utah canyon without telling anyone. An unexpected catastrophe struck. With enough supplies only for a day, Ralston knew his situation was full of danger. Sure enough, after five days he was in a fight against death. That was when he carried out a courageous plan - using a pocket knife to cut off his trapped arm. His amazing survival story rests at a place among the classics of the genre (体裁).
Our Brother's Keeper
Author Jedwin Smith spent 30 years trying to repress (克制) all memories of his brother, Jeff, who was killed in Vietnam. But in Our Brother's Keeper he tells what happens when the Internet brings him into contact with several of his brother's old Marine friends, including the guy who held Jeff in his arms as he died. First via e-mail, and then in person, Smith gets to know these men.
The All Americans
With his graduation from West Point, Henry Romanek sailed toward Omaha Beach on the eve of Dday. It was June 1944, and he was about to face the bloodiest battle of his life. Just yesterday, it seemed, he was a standout soldier on the Army team. Now, he was a leader of youngsters in battle, fighting, quite literally, for his country and the future of the free world. In this book, Lars Anderson retraces Romanek's life and that of three other soldiers.
Copies in Seconds
With the push of a button, anyone can make copies of almost anything - unlike the old days, when papers had to be rewritten long-hand, carbon-copied out of fussy mimeograph machines (蜡纸油印机). In Copies in Seconds, David Owen showed how a shy engineer named Chester Carlson perfected his xerography machine (静电复印机) and shopped it around until finally hooking up with the Haloid Corporation. That partnership led to the Xerox copier and changed the face of work forever.
State of Grace
Back in the late 1950s and early 1960s, the Lynvets was just a football team in a sandy New York City neighborhood. But to most of its members - the author, Robert Timberg, included - the team was their only experience of a happy family, their only chance to rise above terrible everyday circumstances, their only shot at being heroes. The friendships these men formed sustained (维持) them throughout their lives.
1. Tom is looking for a book about the hiking stories to help him in his following outdoor activities.
2. Kate wants to find a book about the stories of the soldiers during World War II.   .
3. Mark wants to research into the history of technological development.
4. Jack is researching into education in a college. He is especially interested in the teaching methods. He wants to find a book which can tell him something about how to teach students from different backgrounds.
5. John wants to find some materials about the soldiers in Vietnam War to carry on his new research.
求书者                          书籍
【小题1】 Tom                  A. I Am a Pencil
【小题2】 Kate                  B. Between a Rock and a Hard Place    
【小题3】 Mark                   C. Our Brother's Keeper
【小题4】Jack                   D. The All Americans
【小题5】 John                   E. Copies in Seconds
F. State of Grace


科目:高中英语 来源:2014届湖南耒阳二中高三第一次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达






2.参考词汇:低碳生活 a low-carbon lifestyle 传单leaflet郊区suburb

A voluntary activity

Last Sunday, our class launched a voluntary activity.___________________________________



科目:高中英语 来源:2013届江西高樟丰宜四校高二下学期期末联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

With the Tesla Roadster and other plug­in (插入式) electric vehicles hitting the road,demand is growing for accessible refueling points to recharge them. Carbon Day Automotive, a Chicago­based company,has now demonstrated a solar­powered recharging point, known as the Solar Plug­In Station,which lets motorists easily charge their cars using electricity that has been produced without any environmental damage.

The Solar Plug­In Station has gone on show in Chicago as part of the city’s bid to host the 2016 Olympic Games. According to Carbon Day Automotive,the Solar Plug­In Station on show in Chicago is part of the vital infrastructure(基础设施) required for electric vehicles in Chicago and was the focus of a recent visit by the International Olympic Committee.

These solar­powered electricity points will be used daily to fuel the city’s electric vehicles with power from the sun. By producing the electricity from pollution­free solar cell, the CO2 emissions are reduced to zero.

“Solar energy and electric vehicles are a partnership that is one more step to reducing our dependence on foreign oil,” says Richard Lowenthal, CEO of Coulomb Technologies.Coulomb Technologies recently developed the components (部件) required for individual recharging stations,marketed as ChargePoint Networked Charging Stations.Carbon Day Automotive is the Midwest distributor for the ChargePoint stations. The Solar Plug­In Station consists of giant solar panels (电池板) that shade the tiny ChargePoint Networked Charging Station.The solar panel is connected to an underground battery pack,ready for everyday refueling.

“Without these stations it would be like driving around in a traditional car without the availability of gas stations,” says Scott Emalfarb,CEO at Carbon Day.“The day of true plug­in electric vehicles will be here sooner than most people realize and the world needs to be ready to accommodate them.”

1.The Solar Plug­In Station is used as part of the bid to host the Olympics mainly because ________.

A. it’s environmentally friendly                   

B. it makes up for the lack of electricity

C. it’s a new idea and attracts people’s attention   

D. it brings convenience to electric vehicle users

2.We can learn from the passage that ________.

A. to recharge the electric vehicles takes a long time 

B. the Solar Plug­In Station will come into use in 2016

C. the Solar Plug­In Station has gone on show internationally  

D. Chicago is promoting the use of electric vehicles

3.According to the passage,how many of the following statements are TRUE?

a. Tesla Roadster is a kind of plug­in electric vehicle.

b. The Solar Plug­In Station uses solar power to charge all of the cars.

c. Chicago is a city,which is rich in oil.

d. The Solar Plug­In Station consists of underground battery packs.

e. Scott Emalfarb is optimistic about the future of plug­in electric vehicles.

A.2.         B.3.            C.4.               D.5.

4.The passage implies that when the Solar Plug­In Station becomes popular,________.

A. more visitors will come to Chicago              

B. the citizens of Chicago will be able to go to work faster

C. more space for electric vehicles will be needed

D. the cost of electric vehicles will be lower than traditional cars

5.What would be the best title for the passage?

A. Chicago Will Soon Be Full of Electric Vehicles      

B. Chicago Calls on People to Buy Electric Vehicles

C. Chicago Fights for Its Bid to Host the 2016 Olympics

D. Chicago Shows Its Solar­powered Recharging Stations


