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Albert was an ordinary worker in an oil company in America. His workmates gave a nickname(绰号) “Four dollars a bucket (桶)” to him, for he was always used to leaving an advertisement of his company “Four dollars a bucket of oil” below his name whenever and wherever he wrote down his name.

As time went by, people forgot his real name. Later, when Rockefeller, the board chairman of the oil company, heard of it, he was very surprised, so he invited Albert to come to his office.

“Some people give you a nickname for ‘Four dollars a bucket’. Why aren’t you angry?” asked Rockefeller with some puzzlement in his eyes.

“Oh! Mr. Rockefeller! I like this nickname very much, because ‘Four dollars a bucket’ is our company’s advertisement. As long as someone calls me ‘Four dollars a bucket’ once, I think it’s a free advertisement for our company. I have no reason to get angry. Don’t you think so, Mr. Rockefeller?”

“Oh! What a fantastic man!” Rockefeller said excitedly when hearing Albert’s words. “Young man, work harder! You must succeed in the future! I believe in you!”

Five years later, Albert became the second board chairman after Rockefeller.

Later Albert said in one of his reports, “I don’t think we should feel frustrated when we have no way to do the world-shaking things. We should treat everything actively because maybe our future success will begin from a small thing!”

1.What was Albert in the oil company at the beginning?

A. A customer. B. An assistant.

C. A manager. D. A worker.

2.Why wasn’t Albert angry at his nickname?

A. He could become famous.

B. He liked to have a nickname.

C. It could advertise for his company for free.

D. It could make his workmates happy.

3.What is the main idea of this passage?

A. You should make more advertisements for your company.

B. Rockefeller asked young people to work harder.

C. You can’t get angry when someone calls your nickname.

D. It’s very important to do small things well.

4.What would be the best title for this passage?

A. Four Dollars a Bucket

B. Albert and Rockefeller

C. A Clever Way to Make Advertisements

D. The Second Board Chairman


科目:高中英语 来源:2017-2018学年高中英语(牛津译林版必修二江苏卷) 单元综合测评1 题型:单项填空

Sally ________,apologizing for being late.

A. stayed up B. mixed up

C. showed up D. stepped up


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省2017届高三下学期模拟热身英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

China has the highest adoption rate in the world for technology-enabled payment systems, according to a report released on Wednesday. The report, from the market research firm Nielsen, is based on a survey of 13,000 respondents in 26 countries.

The survey showed that 86 percent of Chinese respondents said they paid for online purchases during the past six months via digital payment systems compared with a global average of just 43 percent.

"Chinese consumers have more payment choices for products and services than ever while digital payments will continue to win over more Chinese consumers due to its convenient nature," said Kiki Fan, managing director of Nielsen China.

The increasingly popular payment method is part of the rapidly evolving purchasing behavior of Chinese consumers. About 98 percent of the respondents in China, the world's largest e-commerce market, said they had made purchases online.

The majority of them still make online purchases via computers, but the number of those who use mobile devices to make purchases is growing fast and is significantly higher than the average in other surveyed countries.

At 71 percent, food-related businesses topped the list of purchases made via smart phones while event ticket purchases stood at 51 percent.

The rising use of digital payments has attracted numerous players to the Chinese market.

Apple Inc launched its contactless payment system Apple Pay in the Chinese mainland last month. It allows users of the iPhone 6 or more advanced versions, certain iPads and Apple Watches to pay by their devices in bricks-and-mortar stores.

Apple's rival Samsung Electronics Co Ltd is expected to bring its own mobile payment service to China in mid-March—Sam-sung Pay.

China's Internet giants Alibaba Group Holding Ltd and Tencent Holdings Ltd have already taken about 90 percent of the mobile payment market, but industry observers said the competition is just about to start.

1.What do the first and second paragraphs mainly tell us?

A. China has the most digital payment users.

B. A digital report is released on Wednesday.

C. Chinese consumers have more payment choices.

D. People in 26 countries paid for online purchases.

2.Where do most of the Chinese make online purchases according to the passage?

A. On smart phones. B. On computers.

C. On iPads. D. In bricks-and-mortar stores.

3.What will probably take place in China according to the passage?

A. More and more businesses will enter the Chinese market.

B. Chinese consumes will have more payment choices.

C. Food-related companies will top the list of purchases.

D. The iPhone 6 or more advanced versions will appear.

4.What can we infer from the last two paragraphs?

A. Apple pay will become the most convenient payment system.

B. Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. has already brought its own mobile payment service to China.

C. The competition concerning the digital payment will began soon.

D. Alibaba group and Tencent cover the mobile payment market.


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Nuclear power is the world's largest source of clean energy. Nuclear power plants(电厂) produce no controlled air pollutants, such as sulfur or greenhouse gases. The use of nuclear power in place of other energy sources helps to keep the air clean, preserve the earth's climate, and prevent acid rain.

However, there exist safety concerns if the plant is not operated correctly or unforeseen things happened when the plant was developed, as happened at the Fukishima(福岛) plant in Japan. It may cause damage to everything, including our health. Nuclear power's danger to health, safety, and even life itself can be summed up in one word: radiation.

Nuclear radiation has a certain mystery about it, partly because it cannot be detected by human senses. It can't be seen or heard, or touched or tasted, even though it may be all around us. There are other things like that. For example, radio waves are all around us but we can't detect them, sense them, without a radio receiver. Similarly, we can't sense radioactivity without a radiation detector. But unlike common radio waves, nuclear radiation is not harmless to human beings and other living things.

At very high levels, radiation can kill an animal or human being immediately by killing masses of cells in vital organs. But even the lowest levels can do serious damage. There is no levels of radiation that is completely safe. If the radiation does not hit anything important, the damage may not be serious. This is the case when only a few cells are hit, and if they are killed immediately. Your body will replace the dead cells with healthy ones. But if the few cells are only damaged, and if they reproduce themselves, you may be in trouble. They reproduce themselves in a deformed way. They can grow into cancer. Sometimes this does not show up for many years.

This is another reason for some of the mystery about nuclear radiation. Serious damage can be done without the victim being aware at the time that damage has occurred. A person can be irradiated(辐射)and feel fine, then die for cancer five, ten, or twenty years later as a result. Or a child can be born weak as a result of radiation absorbed by its grandparents. Radiation can hurt us. We must know the truth.

1.What can we infer from the passage?

A. We can’t detect radioactivity even with modern equipment.

B. Only radiation at very high levels can kill an animal or human being.

C. If a few cells are only damaged, healthy cells will take the place of dead ones.

D. Radiation is harmful no matter what level it is.

2.How can nuclear radiation kill an animal?

A. By killing many cells in important organs.

B. By killing a few cells.

C. By hitting any place in its body.

D. By damaging its heart.

3.If a human being is hit by nuclear radiation, he may .

A. die of cancer after many years

B. die immediately

C. have a child who may be born weak

D. all of the above

4.What’s the author’s main purpose in writing this passage?

A. Discussing the cause of cancer.

B. Solving the mystery about radiation.

C. Emphasizing the importance of protection from radiation.

D. Introducing the nuclear power.


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

Ben Underwood was a normal teenage boy. He ______ playing basketball, riding his bicycle and playing video games. But in one way, Ben was ______ to most other teenagers --- he was blind. ______ , Ben had a special talent. He didn’t have any eyes, but he could ______ see.

Ben was born in 1992, and he was a happy and healthy baby. However, when he was two years old, his life ______ . Ben had cancer and he had to have an operation(手术). The operation was ______ , and Ben was fine. However, the doctors had to remove(移除) his eyes and Ben became _______

After his operation, Ben ______ a special talent. When he was three, he learned how to “see” building with his ______ . He listened very carefully, and he could ______ noises bounce off (反弹) buildings. The noises told him where the _______were. Then, when Ben was seven, he _______ to “click(发出咔哒声)”. He made clicking noises with his mouth, and listened for ______ that bounced back from things. In this way, Ben could “see” where he was ans what was around him. This is the same ______ in which dolphins(海豚) see things under water.

Scientists and doctors were ______ Ben’s talent. There are only a few blind people in the world who can ______like Ben. He became ______. He was on TV, and he traveled to different countries and talked to people about his life. ______, when Ben was 16, his cancer came back. He died soon after. However, during Ben’s life, he ______ people that anything is possible. Many people admired him because he encouraged them and helped them feel ________ . When he died in 2009, over 2,000 people went to his funeral (葬礼).

1.A. stopped B. loved C. avoided D. suggested

2.A. different B. polite C. close D. kind

3.A. Instead B. Besides C. However D. Then

4.A. still B. just C. soon D. ever

5.A. started B. improved C. continued D. changed

6.A. simple B. cheap C. successful D. dangerous

7.A. blind B. free C. angry D. lucky[

8.A. used B. developed C. knew D. discovered

9.A. eyes B. hands C. ears D. feet

10.A. make B. hear C. watch D. help

11.A. teenagers B. dolphins C. doctors D. buildings

12.A. learned B. failed C. remembered D. decided

13.A. voices B. noises C. songs D. shouts

14.A. time B. study C. way D. problem

15.A. worried about B. experienced in C. annoyed by D. amazed at

16.A. talk B. see C. finish D. understand

17.A. tired B. serious C. nervous D. famous

18.A. Sadly B. Quietly C. Carelessly D. Immediately

19.A. promised B. advised C. taught D. warned

20.A. comfortable B. strong C. popular D. happy


科目:高中英语 来源:云南省2017届高三下学期第二次统测英语试卷 题型:七选五

Gourage is a personality quality that everyone possesses, but it sometimes fades because of bad experiences or memories. 1.. By identifying the source of any lack of courage and actively changing your behavior, you can build courage.

Determine your specific fears. People are often reluctant to admit that they are afraid of something and this may be weakening their confidence and courage. In order to begin building courage, you need to determine your specific fear. 2.. This may help you to develop a plan to overcome them and build your courage.

Recognize your courage. Just as it’s important to identify your fears, you should also recognize that you also possess courage in many situations. 3.. It can help you to figure out how to apply this quality to situations in your life that cause timidity (life). It can also help you to develop your behavior and begin building courage in every aspect of your life.

Develop a concrete plan to build your courage. Once you’ve identified your specific fears and recognized situations where you exhibit courage, write out your plan to build your courage and update it when necessary. 4., for it helps you stay on track if you have setbacks and see your progress over time.

Avoid comparing yourself to others. Every person is different and comparing yourself to other people can minimize your self-confidence. Focusing on yourself and not comparing yourself to others is essential to building your. confidence and courage.

5.. Two characteristics of a courageous person are that they not only have confidence, but also they believe in their ability to succeed and overcome fears. By cultivating and projecting confidence in yourself, you set yourself on the path to build and maintain courage.

A. Part of building your courage is taking risks

B. Embrace the positive and avoid the negative

C. Write a list of your fears as you figure them out

D. Having a clear strategy you can follow is important

E. Take the time to acknowledge that you are courageous

F. Have confidence and believe in your ability to be courageous

G. Having courage is necessary to succeed in many situations in life


科目:高中英语 来源:贵州省遵义市2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:短文填空

If you are always in a good mood, everything 1.(be) more beautiful. If you are always optimistic, there will be no 2. (difficult) that cannot be overcome. Otherwise, you may feel sad and upset in your life. So 3.(keep) a healthy mind is necessary.  There are at least two ways to be 4. (mental) healthy. First, believe 5. yourself when you have to decide something, and have enough courage to face any results of 6. (you) own decision. Second, you should develop the ability of self-control, 7. makes you calm down when you 8. (face) with something annoying. In 9. word, being kind to everyone around you and keeping calm when you feel angry is an important way 10. (have) a healthy psychology.


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省牛津译林版英语Module8 Unit1 复习练习 题型:翻译



















19.非常重要 _________________













科目:高中英语 来源:山西省2016-2017学年高二4月联考英语试卷 题型:七选五

Attracting people will earn you new friends and relationship. If you are an attractive person, both inside and out, you can have better bonds with your peers. 1. All you have to do is start with yourself and the rest will come.

Don’t forget to smile. A smile is the best accessory(配饰)you can wear if you want to attract people. It sends out a message that you are happy and very approachable. 2. It will make your face look warmer and more positive.

Care about other people. 3. Try to be more conscious about how you relate with other people. If you notice that you talk about yourself constantly, you may come across as very unlikable to people.

4. Open a door for a workmate who is carrying things. Say “thank you” to the waiter when he gets your order. If you see a friend feeling down, try to cheer her or him up. Things like that make a big influence on the impression people have of you.

Be true to yourself. If you’re not true to yourself then you won’t be happy. What would be the point of attracting other people if you have no happiness to give? Always remember that attractiveness starts from within.5. This is the true secret to attracting other people: be-cause all of the tips above will not work unless you are true to yourself.

A. Be confident.

B. It’s not hard to attract people.

C. Make efforts to do the small things.

D. Selfishness is not a feature that attracts people.

E. Your smile should be relaxing and come from heart.

F. Your physical appearance can attract other people as much as your manners.

G. If you’re happy with yourself, you’ll attract other people naturally with no effort.

