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BERLIN (Reuters)—Germany’s postal service has announced plans to explore improved service and help protect the environment by getting “fetch friends”—ordinary people traveling across cities—to deliver parcels on their way.
It is hoped that the move, which will be tested in the coming months, might lessen traffic in inner cities and reduce CO2 emissions(排放). This should help DHL, a division of the German postal service, reach its target of improving the company’s carbon efficiency by 30 percent before 2020.
“As the world’s biggest logistics(物流) provider, we recognize a special responsibility to reduce the impact on the environment as much as possible,” said Frank Appel, Chief Executive Officer of Deutsche Post DHL, in a statement referring to a variety of measures being considered.
The “fetch friends” find out online about parcels that need delivering to people who live or work along the way that they are planning to travel through the city. They then select the ones that they want to take.
Codes(编码) sent to their mobile phones tell the volunteers where to pick the packages up. Parcels can be taken part of the way or passed on to another volunteer but all volunteers need to have the right code on their mobile phone so the track and trace system can be updated.
Logistics companies will be responsible for looking after the operation to make sure that the privacy of post is respected.
It’s hoped that this could be done using mobile phones but DHL says it recognizes that some security issues remain to be worked out.
小题1: According to the passage, the “fetch friend” program ________.
A.has been tested for months
B.aims to reduce the cost of the service
C.employs environmentalists to help with deliveries
D.encourages ordinary people to help cut the carbon footprint
小题2: Which of the following statements is TRUE of DHL?
A.It belongs to the Germany’s postal service.
B.It has the most up-to-date tracking system in Germany.
C.It has succeeded in improving its carbon efficiency by 30%.
D.It has designed many measures to improve its service speed.
小题3:What may be a problem with the new service according to the article?
A.Volunteers’ not allowing to select parcels.
B.The wrong codes in the mobile phones.
C.The possibility that parcels could be opened on the way.
D.Parcels’ being taken to the destination by a single volunteer.
小题4:What might be the best Title for the best passage?
A.New Challenges for the Postal Service
B.A Greener Way to Deliver Parcels
C.Solutions for Global Warming
D.Statements from DHL

本文主要讲述的德国将要实行的“fetch friends”这一计划,让顺路的普通人来帮助投递邮件,以达到环保的目的。
【试题解析】细节题。根据文章第一段Germany’s postal service has announced plans to explore improved service and help protect the environment by getting “fetch friends”—ordinary people traveling across cities—to deliver parcels on their way.可知“fetch friends”就是让普通人帮助投递邮件包裹,以此实现环境保护的目的。故D正确。
【试题解析】推理题。根据第二段2,3行This should help DHL, a division of the German postal service, reach its target of improving the company’s carbon efficiency by 30 percent before 2020.可知DHL是德国邮寄服务的一个分支。也就是说它是德国邮递行业的一部分。故A正确。
【试题解析】推理题。根据文章最后一行It’s hoped that this could be done using mobile phones but DHL says it recognizes that some security issues remain to be worked out可知DHL要确认这一行为的安全性,C项“包裹可能会被打开”属于安全这一方面的内容。故C正确。知
【试题解析】主旨大意题。本文主要讲述的德国将要实行的“fetch friends”这一计划,让顺路的普通人来帮助投递邮件,以达到环保的目的。故B项正确。
It is hoped that the move, which will be tested in the coming months, might lessen traffic in inner cities and reduce CO2 emissions(排放).
【分析】本句中有一个which引导的非限制性定语从句which will be tested in the coming months,修饰前面的先行词the move。同时本句中的it是一个形式主语,真正的主语是that所引导的主语从句。特别注意这里的that引导的是主语从句,是不能省略的。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

“Josie Metz’s father won’t live long enough to walk her down the aisle on her wedding day.But thanks to photographer Lindsey Villatoro,the 11-year-old girl was able to experience what it might be like anyway.
Her father, Jim,62,had already been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer when he and his  wife.Grace,hired Villatoro—a photographer.Two years ago,Villatoro began offering photography sessions for people with serious illnesses to document their journeys and was hired by the Metz family.”I try to really showcase(充分展示)the person for who they are and not the illness,”she told The Huffington Post during a phone conversation Tuesday afternoon.
Villatoro went to Jim and Grace’s home for a shoot and offered to do one with their young daughter,Josie.After she left,she posted about the family on her website to get gift donations for the girl to help make her last birthday with her father memorable.But she decided to take a step further as a surprise and dreamed up the idea of a wedding for the girl—complete with,flowers,desserts,a promise ring and a dress from L.A.Fashion Week—so that her father could walk her down the aisle.”
For today,appreciate those you love.Give them lots of hugs and be grateful they are in your life.You never know what can happen.Say more“I Love Yous”and show more appreciation for all of your friends and family.Appreciate the blessings you have.I'm going to hug my husband Rich more today,call my Dad,call my friend in NC,and give lots of kitty hugs to my pets.Hugs to all of you—I appreciate you all so much and am grateful to have you in my life every single Day!   
小题1:Villatoro was hired by Josie’s parents to _______________.
A.take care of themB.treat Jim’s cancer
C.take photographsD.fix Josie’s wedding
小题2:What do we know about Josie’s father,Jim?
A.He wants to attend Josie’s wedding.B.He is fond of photography.
C.He had all idea of a wedding.D.He suffered from cancel
小题3:Villatoro posted about the family on her website to _____________.
A.show her gratitude to her customers
B.collect birthday presents for the girl
C.raise money for people with illnesses
D.celebrate the poor girl’s last birthday
小题4:What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?
A.We should Treasure loved ones.B.Blood is thicker than water.
C.Without love,nothing can go far.D.Time and tide wait for no man.
小题5:Which of the following best describes Villatoro?
A.Talented and popularB.Humorous and friendly
C.Intelligent and proud D.Creative and helpfull


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

In 2002, when my father was transferred(调动)to the US to work there for seven months,
I had to attend school there, so I was upset. How would I, an eight-year-old girl from India, make
Friends in America?
On my first day at Anna Silver Public School, I      Miss Alice McNally, my class teacher, who couldn’t get my name      --- although she tried hard, she usually called me Diya or Diva instead of Divya. But she      to speak to me in a way that was easy for me---slowly,       words clearly---to get me used to the American   . When discovering that I enjoyed     , she took me to meet the art teacher. Miss McNally made sure that I was in perfect harmony with her class, and I had as much      as any schoolgirl could have from school.
When my father was transferred back to India, I had to    Anna Silver Public School. I was going to leave before a scheduled fishing trip, and I’d      the class photo session(集会) too. Therefore, with a heavy heart, I left my school and the US. Back in Kerala, I received a        
Surprise one day---a package in which Miss McNally and my twenty-four former classmates had written me a letter each,      me about the fishing trip and interesting things that happened while taking the class photo. Miss McNally added, “Keep up with your drawing, since you love it so much.” Miss McNally not only made a     little girl feel at home in a faraway country, but also taught me and the others, at an early age, the importance of being kind to others.
A.right B.smartC.briefD.similar
A.took overB.took careC.took backD.took control
A.ceremony B.customC.educationD.accent


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A, B, C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
Joe Simpson and Simon Yates were the first people to climb the West Face of the Siula Grande in the Andes mountains. They reached the top_______, but on their way back conditions were very_______. Joe fell and broke his leg. They both knew that if Simon _______ alone, he would probably get back _______. But Simon decided to risk his _______ and try to lower Joe down the mountain on a rope(绳).
As they_______ down, the weather got worse. Then another _______ occurred. They couldn’t see or hear each other and, _______, Simon lowered his friend over the edge of a precipice(峭壁). It was _______ for Joe to climb back or for Simon to pull him up. Joe’s _______ was pulling Simon slowly towards the precipice. _______, after more than an hour in the dark and the icy cold, Simon had to _______. In tears, he cut the rope. Joe _______ into a large crevasse(裂缝)in the ice below. He had no food or water and he was in terrible pain. He couldn’t walk, but he_______ to get out of the crevasse and started to _______ towards their camp, nearly ten kilometers _______.
Simon had _______ the camp at the foot of the mountain. He thought that Joe must be _______, but he didn’t want to leave_______. Three days later, in the middle of the night, he heard Joe’s voice. He couldn’t _______ it. Joe was there, a few meters from their tent, still alive.
A.unwillingly B.safely C.slowly D.regretfully
A.fortune B.time C.health D.life
A.lay B.settledC.went D.looked
A.damage B.storm C.changeD.trouble
A.by mistake B.by chanceC.by choice D.by luck
A.unnecessary B.practical C.importantD.impossible
A.FinallyB.PatientlyC.Surely D.Quickly
A.stand backB.take a rest C.make a decision D.hold on
A.jumpedB.fell C.escaped D.backed
A.managedB.planned C.waited D.hoped
A.runB.skate C.moveD.march
A.around B.away C.aboveD.along
A.headed for B.traveled to C.left for D.returned to
A.secretly B.tiredly C. immediately D.anxiously
A.findB.believe C.makeD.accept


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Like many new graduates, I left university full of hope for the future but with no real idea of what I wanted to do. My degree, with honors, in English literature had not really prepared me for anything practical. I knew I wanted to make a difference in the world somehow, but I had no idea how to do that. That’s when I learned about the Lighthouse Project.
I started my journey as a Lighthouse Project volunteer by reading as much as I could about the experiences of previous volunteers. I knew it would be a lot of hard work, and that I would be away from my family and friends for a very long time. In short, I did not take my decision to apply for the Lighthouse Project lightly. Neither did my family.
Eventually, however, I won the support of my family, and I sent in all the paperwork needed for the application. After countless interviews and presentations, I managed to stand out among the candidates and survive the test alone. Several months later, I finally received a call asking me to report for the duty. I would be going to a small village near Abuja, Nigeria. Where? What? Nigeria? I had no idea. But I was about to find out.
After completing my training, I was sent to the village that was small and desperately in need of proper accommodation. Though the local villagers were poor, they offered their homes, hearts, and food as if I were their own family. I was asked to lead a small team of local people in building a new schoolhouse. For the next year or so, I taught in that same schoolhouse. But I sometimes think I learned more from my students than they did from me.
Sometime during that period, I realized that all those things that had seemed so strange or unusual to me no longer did, though I did not get anywhere with the local language, and returned to the United States a different man. The Lighthouse Project had changed my life forever.
小题1:What do we know about the author?
A.His university education focused on the theoretical knowledge.
B.His dream at university was to become a volunteer.
C.He took pride in having contributed to the world.
D.He felt honored to study English literature.
小题2:According to the Paragraph 2, it is most likely that the author               
A.discussed his decision with his family.
B.asked previous volunteers about voluntary work
C.attended special training to perform difficult tasks
D.felt sad about having to leave his family and friends
小题3:In his application for the volunteer job, the author         
A.participated in many discussions
B.went through challenging survival tests
C.wrote quite a few paper on voluntary work
D.faced strong competition from other candidates
小题4:On arrival at the village, the author was        
A.asked to lead a farming team
B.sent to teach in a schoolhouse
C.received warmly by local villagers
D.arranged to live in a separate house.
小题5:What can we infer from the author’s experiences in Nigeria?
A.He found some difficulty adapting to the local culture
B.He had learned to communicate in the local language.
C.He had overcome all his weaknesses before he left for home.
D.He was chosen as the most respectable teacher by his students.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Steven Spielberg was not  a scholar, and his classmates teased him. Rather than read,  the kid really preferred running around with an 8mm camera, shooting home­made movies, which he showed to friends for a small fee.
In his first year of high school, he dropped out. But  when his parents persuaded him to return, he was mistakenly placed in a learning­disabled class, which lasted one  month. Only when the family moved to another town did he  land up in a more suitable high school, where he eventually  graduated.
After being denied entrance into a traditional film­making school, Steven Spielherg enrolled in English at California State University at Long Beach. Then in 1965, he  recalls, in one of those serendipitous moments, his life  took a complete turn. Visiting Universal Studios, he met  Chuck Silvers, an executive in the editorial department. Silvers liked the kid who made 8mm films and invited him  back sometime to visit.
He appeared the next day. Spielberg, dressed in a dark  suit, carrying his father's briefcase with nothing inside but  a sandwich and candy bars walked confidently up to the  guard at the gate of Universal and gave him a casual wave.  The guard waved back. He was in.
“For the entire summer,” Spielberg remembers, “I  dressed in my suit and hung out with the directors and  writers, including Silvers, who knew the kid wasn't a studio employee, but winked at him. I even found an office  that wasn't being used, and became a squatter (擅自占用他人房子的人). I bought some plastic tiles and put my  name  in  the  building  directory:  Steven  Spielberg,  Room 23C.”
It paid off for everyone. Ten years later, the 28­year­old Spielberg directed Jaws, which took in $470 million,   then the biggest grossing movie of all time. Dozens of films   and awards have followed because Steven Spielberg knew   what his teachers didn't—talent is in the eyes of the filmmaker.
小题1:Why was Steven Spielberg laughed at by his classmates?
A.He was the youngest boy.
B.He was too short for his age.
C.He liked to fight with other boys.
D.He didn't care much about his lessons.
小题2:Why did Steven's friends pay him some money?
A.To see his movies.
B.To use his camera.
C.To look at his photos.
D.To include them in the movie.
小题3:What did Steven Spielberg intend to do after graduating     from high school?
A.Study English at a college.
B.Become a newspaper editor.
C.Work for Universal Studios.
D.Go to a traditional film­making school.
小题4:What could have changed Steven Spielberg's life?
A.Being dressed in a suit.
B.Meeting Chuck Silvers.
C.Missing a film­making school.
D.Working for Universal Studios.
小题5:What can we learn from the story?
A.Always follow our dream and we can make it.
B.We need someone to help us realize our dreams.
C.Anyone can become a film director if he wants to.
D.We should grasp the opportunity that comes our way.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Sometimes pleasures of life are so simple that I take them for granted, things that I've considered as my right, instead of a blessing. I        this after a friend of mine, who served there as a volunteer, invited me to pay a visit to Honduras.
The night before I set off, I decided a warm bath would help calm my       nerves and help me sleep. So I       the hot water handle on the tub(浴盆)and waited. . . and waited. It took forever for the hot water to work its way through the pipes,so I        the bath late at night. What an       experience!
On the five-hour drive to my friend's home, I       the beautiful countryside. On my arrival, she took me to some families, who were in great     ,living in stick-and-mud houses and sleeping on dirt floors.     ,even in these terrible conditions,everyone I met had a smile on their face. They were so nice as to     we stay for coffee. Among them were two women beside a dirty pond. One pushed dirt back with a stick       the other dipped the water into a bucket. I shot a        toward the heavens,“Dear Lord, please don't let them offer coffee.” Suddenly,one little girl ran towards us,     a mango(芒果)in each hand. The one in her left hand was half eaten.        had mixed with the dirt on her skin and small streams of mango-mud ran down her wrist. She held out her        hand and offered me the other mango, which I       accepted. Her eyes danced and joy spread into a smile. When we left, my friend pointed at a small stream beside their home and said,“That is where they     . It is also where the animals drink and defecate(排便). ”I have to say I had never been so     .
The evening I returned home, I went into my bathroom. The image of that poor little girl       my mind. Her bath would only take place in the cold, dirty water in the stream. I eased into my tub filled with warm water, enjoying this simple pleasure. Clean water wasn't my      ;it was a blessing, one I was determined to     with others.
A.excited B.disturbed C.worried D.delighted
A.openedB.touched C.twistedD.removed
A.broke throughB.rushed throughC.looked throughD.ran through
A.unusual B.interestingC.amazingD.awful
A.took in B.took out C.took up D.took over
A.debt B.poverty C.pleasure D.pain
A.command B.urge C.insist D.recommend
A.while B.after C.until D.when
A.taking B.pressing C.holding D.lifting
A.SweatB.WaterC.Coffee D.Juice
A.dirty B.rightC.left D.clean
A.unwillingly B.coldly C.gladlyD.cautiously
A.bathe B.play C.swim D.drink
A.angry B.calm C.happyD.sad
A.inspiredB.slipped C.crossed D.changed
A.possession B.favorC.treasure D.right
A.meet B.shareC.provide D.combine


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

JANE AUSTEN(1775—1817)is often regarded as the greatest of English women novelists on the strength of her six completed novels.Known particularly for their social comedy and accurate description of human relationships,they are still as widely read today as they have ever been.
The seventh child of a country priest(牧师),Jane Austen was born on 16 December 1775 at Steventon in Hampshire.Her father ,the Reverend George Austen,was an intelligent and sensitive man who encouraged Jane in her love of reading.From an early age she was familiar with the works of Henry Fielding,Sir Walter Scott,Richardson,Frances Burney and the poet George Crabbe.Her early attempts at writing include burlesques(滑稽作品)of popular romances.When her father retired in 1801 the family moved to Bath,which was later to feature in her novel Northanger Abbey(published in 1818).After his death in 1805 the family moved first to Southampton and then in 1809 to Chawton in Hampshire.where Jane Austen is known to have written her last three novels:Mansfield Park(1814),Emma(1816)and Persuasion(also published in 1818).Although her other novels were written much earlier ,it was not until 1811 that Sense and Sensibility was first published.Pride and Prejudice,which followed in1813,features Jane Austen’own favourite hero,Elizabeth Bennet.
Surrounded by her lively and warm family and wholly buried herself in her writing and housework,Jane Austen led a life often known for its lack of events.She did,however ,attract several admirers and even accepted a proposal of marriage from one admirer-only to change her mind the following morning.Jane Austen’s independent life often seems reflected in her novels,which seem to display the world in miniature(缩影).Sir Walter Scott praised Jane Austen for‘that unique touch which makes ordinary commonplace things and characters interesting’,while Somerset Maugham claimed that she had at her command ‘the most precious gift a novelist can possess’s that of keeping the reader’s interest.Jane Austen died in 1817.
小题1:The underlined word“touch” in the third paragraph is closest in meaning to      
小题2:Which of Jane Austen’s novels were published after her death?
A.Northanger Abbey and Mansfield Park.
B.Northanger Abbey and Persuasion.
C.Pride and Prejudice and Emma.
D.Sense and Sensibility and Persuasion.
小题3:We can infer from the passage that Jane Austen had a gift for     
A.attracting admirers
B.reflecting her own life in all her novels
C.making dull things and characters interesting
D.holding the readers’ interest
小题4:This passage is most probably a      
A.collection of women novelists and their works
B.comment on Jane Austen and her works
C.brief introduction of Jane Austen
D.description of Jane Austen’s road to success


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The owner of an Alabama Chinese restaurant named “Good Friend” shot at a customer who complained about a fly in her eggroll Thursday night. The bullet narrowly missed 20-year-old Birmingham resident Jatari Walker who told the Daily News she is scarred by the entire experience.
“I can’t sleep,” she said Saturday afternoon. “And since it happened I’ve had no appetite.”
Walker ordered a combination platter(大浅盘)and eggroll from the Good Friend Chinese and Seafood Restaurant on Dennison Ave. Thursday evening. After paying her $7 bill she went back to her car and discovered a fly inside. “I thought I need to take this back,” she said.
The customer went back and asked for a repayment and said the owner Chun HinChing, 52, was unhappy with her because she announced her discovery in front of other customers. After an argument he repaid the money and Walker — who is now a former frequent customer of the business — turned and walked to the exit.
That’s when Ching drew a handgun and fired a single shot over her head.
“He just shot the gun at me and I ran,” she said, adding she could feel the bullet whiz past her head.
Birmingham Police Department spokesman Lt. Sean Edwards told the News the owner was charged with attempted murder and was transported to Jefferson County Jail on $100,000 bail(保释金).
Police believe Ching intended to hit Walker with the bullet and missed, Edwards said. The bullet hit the top of the door frame of the take-out business.
Ching did not tell police why he fired at Walker, Edwards said.
Edwards said he did not recall any previous problems at the business. He said Ching did not say why he had a weapon but added it was not uncommon for stores in that neighborhood.
“No one was injured from the gunshot”, Edwards said.
Calls placed to the restaurant Saturday afternoon were not answered.
小题1:What happened on Thursday night in Good Friend Chinese and Seafood Restaurant?
A.A fire broke out but luckily no one was injured.
B.The restaurant owner refused to repay the money.
C.The egg rolls caused sickness among some customers.
D.A young woman narrowly escaped being killed by a bullet.
小题2:Why did Walker go back to the restaurant after buying the food?
A.Because she left her car key in the restaurant.
B.Because she discovered a fly in the egg roll.
C.Because she forgot to take the combination platter.
D.Because she found the owner charged her too much.
小题3:The restaurant owner fired on Walker when ______.
A.she was about to leave
B.she was arguing with him
C.she asked for a repayment
D.she announced her discovery
小题4:We can learn from the passage that ______.
A.this is the first time for Walker to buy food from Good Friend Restaurant
B.the owner was unhappy with the complaint and refused to repay the money
C.it is common for a restaurant owner in that neighborhood to have a weapon
D.if someone had been hit, Ching would have been charged with attempted murder

