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13.SCIENTISTS study it;an increasing number of self-help books tell us the way to find it.In fact,the pursuit of happiness has been called the ultimate goal in life by countless talks,TV shows and newspaper and magazine columns.However,happiness,as it was before,is still hard to find.
US psychologist Ed Diener,author of Happiness:Unlocking the Mysteries of Psychological Wealth,may have the answer:"a combination of life satisfaction and having more positive than negative emotions".However,this may sound straightforward enough,but it still doesn't explain what determines people's happiness.And as The Washington Post argued in an article earlier this month,creating a definition of happiness that is true for people around the world can seem as difficult as being happy.For example,who is happier:someone who has enough money to buy a new mobile phone or someone who has a family dinner after years away from home?
Nevertheless,as many surveys suggest,one of the most important parts of happiness is wealth.The UN's World Happiness Report 2015 shows that countries with the highest levels of happiness are developed ones,with Switzerland,Iceland and Denmark making up the top three.But on the other hand,Bhutan,one of the poorest countries in the world,was named the happiest country in Asia and the eighth happiest in the world in research by Business Week in 2012.
Perhaps the biggest problem is how the idea of"happiness"varies in different cultures and languages.
As The Washington Post noted,the word"happy"can refer to different things in English.It might mean a brief mood you feel when someone surprises you with a gift or you think of friends and family.Or it could refer to satisfaction with your life.But not all languages refer to happiness the same way.In Danish,for example,happiness is often translated as"lykke",a term that can describe everyday well-being that might come from a nice cup of coffee or a slice of bread with cheese.In Chinese,the word for happiness is xingfu,which is used to describe a good life and a life with meaning.For a good mood,however,kuaile is used more often.
Another difference in the perception of happiness,as The Washington Post put it,is that Western countries tend to have quite an"individualistic view of human life".In China and many other Asian countries,social relationships,with family in particular,are one of the most important factors in a person's well-being.
So,are you happy?And what makes you happy?

32.What does"happiness"in Chinese mean according to the article?D
A.Individualistic view of human life.
B.Everyday well-being.
C.A combination of satisfaction.
D.A good life with meaning.
33.How do Chinese people and people from Western countries view happiness differently?C
A.Wealth is regarded as the most important source of happiness in Western countries.
B.Social interaction plays a more important role in a person's well-being in Western countries than in China.
C.Family bonds are believed to be closely connected to a person's well-being in China.
D.Chinese people get more happiness from their personal achievements than people from Western countries do.
34.How is the article mainly developed?A
A.By giving examples.
B.By analyzing cause and effect.
C.By following the order of time.
D.By asking and answering questions.
35.Which one is true according to the article?B
A.It is harder to find happiness than ever.
B.All languages don't look at happiness in the same way.
C.It's safe to say that happiness lies in wealth.
D.It's not hard to give a universal definition of happiness across the world.

分析 短文主要讲了各个国家对于幸福的定义.

解答 32.D,细节理解题,根据句子In Chinese,the word for happiness is xingfu,which is used to describe a good life and a life with meaning可知,中文的"幸福"意味着一种有意义的好生活,故答案为D.
33.C,细节理解题,根据句子Another difference in the perception of happiness,as The Washington Post put it,is that Western countries tend to have quite an"individualistic view of human life".In China and many other Asian countries,social relationships,with family in particular,are one of the most important factors in a person's well-being可知,中国人们的幸福感跟家庭紧密联系,故答案为C.
35.B,细节理解题,根据句子But not all languages refer to happiness the same way可知,不同语言对幸福的表达不一样,故答案为B.

点评 本文是一篇科教类阅读,题目涉及多道词义猜测题,主旨大意题,细节理解题,推理判断题.做题时学生应仔细阅读原文,把握文章主要内容,联系文章上下文内容并结合所给选项含义,从中选出正确答案,一定要做到有理有据,切忌胡乱猜测.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

3.假如你叫李华,是一位中学生.学了Healthy Eating后,3…..反映你对当今学生饮食的看法:


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

4.-What are your ________?
-Doctor,my arm hurts and my back hurts.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.Laziness is a state of inaction.It is something that you do,not something that you are.Being lazy means you have no motivation to do anything.Many people make the mistake that they view themselves as lazy.
Lazy people are often seen as useless.They are the ones who don't do anything.They can be seen as underachievers or even bums(废物).This can be a child or an adult.You can view a student who never studies as lazy.You can see an employee who doesn't do his work as lazy.In all of these cases,what the lazy person is doing is being lazy.But are they really being lazy or are they acting lazy?
There is a huge different between saying you act lazy sometimes and you are a lazy person.One is suggesting that your laziness is temporary while the other suggests that it's permanent.This is the myth of laziness.People who are lazy aren't; they simply are people who are temporarily acting that way.
So that causes a person to be inactive?The answer is a lack of goals.If you give someone a good enough reason to do something,they will do it.People who don't seem to do anything just haven't found a good enough reason to do something.Lazy students don't study because they don't see the point in studying.If you give them a reason,a strong enough reason,they will take action.
For example,if you are too lazy to go to the gym,would you go if someone offered you a million dollars to go?If you are too lazy to go to clean out the garage,would someone pointing a gun to your head help you take action?The reason can be positive or negative as long as it's strong enough to induce(引起)action.
To motivate someone who is lazy,what you need to do is to help them find purpose and enough reasons to work towards a certain goal.

28.According to the passage,who can be viewed as acting lazy?D
A.A student who always cheats out the garage.
B.A husband who never cleans out the garage.
C.A clerk who si always scolded for being useless.
D.A mother who doesn't feel like cooking on Sunday.
29.The main reason why people are not active is thatA.
A.they are aimless
B.they lack enough money
C.they have too many negative feelings
D.they find no point in learning new things
30.The purpose of the writing is to help readersB.
A.to recognize one's weakness
B.to see laziness in a different way
C.to have a clear idea about what a habit is
D.to inspire students to be hard-working
31.What is the best title for the text?B
A.Being lazy and cat lazy
B.Laziness and motivation
C.Temporary and permanent.
D.Being positive and negative.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

8.No offence to you,but scientists have found that mosquitoes may find your feet as attractive as Limburger cheese.If that's you,don't feel embarrassed-it doesn't mean you're not washing them enough.Mosquitoes are simply attracted by certain DNA.
A UK research team recently investigated the genetic role in mosquito attraction by testing the bite appeal of 18twin sisters and 18 non-twin sisters.In a series of tests,20hungry mosquitoes were released into the end of a Y-shaped tube and allowed to choose left or right.Down either path was one sister's hand,releasing its delicious natural odors but protected from bites behind a net screen.After testing all 36pairs,scientists found that the twin pairs had consistently more similar attraction scores than the non-twin ones did-specifically,67 percent of a person's insect appeal had to do with her genes.
So what's the deal:does DNA smell?Thankfully,no.But specific DNA does attract unique species of microbacteria to your body-and those are what mosquitoes just can't resist.
Each of us,right now,is covered with about 100 trillion microbes(微生物),outnumbering our human DNA ten to one.Maybe weirder still:scientists believe we share only a fraction of these microbial species with one another,making our'microbiome'-the world of bacteria living in and on us-unique,just like our fingerprints.In addition to producing many of the vitamins and chemicals in our blood,our microbiome is thought to be responsible for most of our distinct odors as well.
Different mosquitoes prefer different smells from different parts of the body-that's why Anopheles gambiae (known for spreading malaria) prefers biting hands and feet,while others go right for the armpits or groin.And those smells come from chemicals produced by our microbiomes.So the next time a group of hungry mosquitoes swarms your cousin but leaves you bite-free,thank your DNA for the world of microscopic creatures on your skin that produce just the right smell to keep the bloodsuckers away.

32.The research conducted by the UK team suggested thatD.
A.more mosquitoes chose the twin pairs
B.more mosquitoes chose the non-twin pairs
C.Non-twin pairs had more similar attraction than twin pairs
D.most insect appeal had to do with a person's DNA
33.What does the word"those"in Paragraph 3 refer to?B
A.a specific DNA
B.the microbateria
C.the smell of body
D.the attractive blood
34.From Paragraph 4,we can learn thatB.
A.we are part of our microbiome.
B.our microbiome contributes to our distinct odors
C.our microbiome will decide our fingerprints in some way
D.our microbiome produces vitamins and nutrients in our blood
35.What does the passage mainly talk about?D
A.We are attractive to the mosquitoes.
B.Different mosquitoes prefer different smells.
C.DNA that attracts mosquitoes makes us unique.
D.Mosquitoes are simply attracted by certain DNA.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Traditionally,fashion retailers(零售商)had four collections per year,one for each season but nowadays companies can design and manufacture (大量生产)clothes in as little as four weeks.Fast fashion means that the latest designs that appear at the fashion shows in Paris,London,etc.can be copied and shown within a month.
The advantages of rapidly changing fashions are clear.Shortening the product life cycle means if a design doesn't sell well within a week,it is taken out of the shops and a new design is chosen.This is good for the manufacturer as it means vaster sales,and good for the customer as they can keep up with fast-moving trends cheaply-and every time they visit the store,there is something new.
However,there are also a number of disadvantages to this approach.One of them is the theft of ideas.Fashion houses spend a lot of time and money on new ideas,only to see these ideas copied for free by fast-fashion companies.Perhaps the greatest concern is the influence on the environment of wasted clothes.Buying twelve new sets of clothes rather than four means that more clothes will be thrown away.In addition,with fashions changing so quickly,cotton growers need to produce more cotton more cheaply,and that means using more chemicals.
At the other end of the fashion industry is designer clothing.At the same time as fast fashion is taking off in the West,Asian consumers are buying more and moer expensive,luxury brands.Many buy branded clothes just to show that they can afford them but others choose them for quality.What's your choice?We'd like to hear your comments about the fashion industry today.
32.According to the attraction of fast-fashion clothes for people?A
A.The low price.
B.The high quality.
C.The famous brand               
D.The mass production.
33.Who are against fast fashion?A
A.Fashion designers.
B.Clothes producers.
34.What is people's biggest worry about fast fashion?A
A.It is harmful to the environment.
B.It leads to bad consumption habits.
C.It decreases fashion shows'popularity.
D.It greatly influences the planting of other crops.
35.What is the author's attitude towards fast fashion?D


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.A couple who thought they had a fashionable micropig were surprised when their pet grew into a 47-stone monster.
The pig Esther heavier than a fully grown polar bear lives in their house along with two dogs and a cat.But owners Steve Jenkins and Derek Walter thought she would stay a cute small piggy,never weighing more than five stone.The two-year-old pig is an Internet superstar and even has her own Facebook page.Esther the Wonder Pig has an amazing 235,000 followers.
Her owner,Steve,from Ontario,Canada,said,"Friends would come over and say'she's getting bigger'and Derek and I would say'no,she's not'.Bur soon she was standing to steal things off the kitchen counters,the sofa became smaller,and of course there was the weight gain.We just adapted and loved her more.What else could we do?It wasn't her fault and we would never give up a pet.At night,when we lived in Georgetown she had a mattress(床垫)in the living room,but since we moved to the farm she has decided she needs to be close to us and now sleeps beside our bed with her mattress on the floor.She still on occasion climbs up onto our bed for a nap during the day."
Esther is now almost ten times her expected size.She also enjoys fresh fruit and vegetables like ripe bananas.The cute pink animal spends her days rooting in the gardens,eating,sleeping and playing with her other friends.
"People's reaction to meeting Esther still amazes us,it's like they're meeting a movie star.Even now people are amazed by her size and her awareness.It is as if she knows she is famous and that is her role,that she is changing the world's view of her kind and their amazing abilities to think,feel and be loved."

32.When the couple saw their pet pig grow into a monster,how did they feel?D
33.Which of the following statements about the pet pig is NOT right?A
A.She is only living with her owners now.
B.She can steal things off the kitchen counters.
C.She has her own Facebook page now.
D.She likes to eat fruit and vegetables.
34.What does the pet pig Esther do every day?B
A.She does nothing but eat and lie on the sofa sleeping.
B.She spends time in the garden playing with her friends.
C.She performs programs for the owner's friends.
D.She goes for walks with her owner.
35.What does the author want to tell us?C
A.Pigs are as clever as human beings.
B.People can feel the love of the animals.
C.Pigs actually need to be loved like human beings.
D.Pigs are more likely to he famous than human beings.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.In 1967,a 20-year-old student at Syracuse University became the first woman to officially participate in the Boston Marathon.Fifty years later,Kathrine Switzer crossed the finish line of the Boston Marathon wearing the same number.
Switzer's marathon in 1967became historic because she was the first woman to complete the all-male race as an official participant.She registered as"K.V.Switzer"to hide her sex.A few miles into the race,an official tried to remove Switzer from the race."Naturally I turned my head around quickly and looked square into the most unpleasant face I'd ever seen.A huge man with bared teeth was set to pounce(猛扑),and before I could react he grabbed my shoulder,screaming,'Get the hell out of my race and give me those numbers!'"she wrote in her memoir (回忆录).Switzer finished the race in four hours and 20minutes,but would later be disqualified and officially forced to leave from the Amateur Athletic Union.
Plenty has changed in runnin8since 1967,thanks to Switzer's efforts.Since 1972,women are welcome in the Boston Marathon and ocher major races.On Monday,the 70-year-old finished the Boston Marathon only a little slower,in 4:44:31.Her number was retired after the race-just the second number that the marathon has retired.Before her start,she was given the honor of firing the gun for the women's top runners.
"In 1967,few would have believed that marathon running would someday attract millions of women,become an appealing event in the Olympics and on the streets of major cities,help transform views of women's physical ability and help redefine their economic roles in traditional cultures,"Switzer wrote."We've come a light year but we still have a long way to go."

24.What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?D
A.Switzer's Boston Marathon results.
B.Switzer's being removed from the race.
C.Switzer's hiding her sex in registration.
D.Switzer's experience in the Boston Marathon.
25.Why was Switzer treated that way by the Amateur Athletic Union?D
A.She lacked proper training in marathon race.
B.They found her quarrelling with the official.
C.She had little experience in the long race.
D.They had discrimination against women.
26.Why was Switzer's number retired after the race?D
A.She performed poorly in the race.
B.Nobody wanted to use the number any more.
C.She was the second retired athlete in marathon.
D.They honored her contributions to women marathon.
27.What's Switzer's attitude towards women marathon?A


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

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Join us for a wonderful holiday in one of the Europe's most wonderful corners--Naples in Italy if you want to have a nice time in a beautiful small quiet place.The ancient Romans called the city"happy land"with attractive coastline,colorful towns,splendid views and the warm Mediterranean Sea.Your best choice for a truly memorable holiday!
Choose between the peaceful traditional villages of Sant'Agata,set on a hillside six miles away from Sorrento,or the more lively and well-known international resort (度假胜地) town of Sorrento,with wonderful views over the Bay of Naples.
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Price based on two tourists sharing a double room at the Hotel Nice.A single room,another¥1,800.A group of ten college students,¥10,000for each.
Like to know more?Telephone Newmarket Air Holidays Ltd on:0845-226-7788(All calls charged at local rates).
21What is the purpose of the passage?B
A.To persuade people to tour in the area of the Mediterranean Sea.
B.To invite people to take a breath in the Bay of Naples.
C.To attract people to go to Sant'Agata or Sorrento for sightseeing.
D.To advise people to telephone Newmarket Air Holidays Ltd.
22.All the following are included in the price of¥11,000EXCEPTC.
A.the service of guides to tourists
B.double rooms for every two tourists
C.telephone calls made by tourists
D.transport between the airport and the hotel
23.If you don't like sharing a room with others,you have to payA.

