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第三部分 阅读理解(共20小题。每小题2分,满分40分)
In 1971 a young man who grew up very poor was traveling across the country, trying to make a start for himself. Along the way he had completely run out of money and was forced to spend the night in his car. This continued until one morning, after a week of sleeping in his car, he walked nervously into a restaurant and ordered a big breakfast.
After eating his first good meal in weeks, he found himself lying to the waiter, telling him he had lost his wallet. The waiter, who was also the owner, walked behind the chair where the young man had been sitting. He bent down and came up with a $20 bill that looked as if it had been fallen on the floor and said, “Son, you must have dropped this” the owner said. The young man couldn’t believe his luck! He quickly paid for the breakfast, left a tip, bought gas with the change and headed west.
On the way out of town, he began to understand what the waiter did. Maybe nobody dropped the money at all. “Maybe that fellow just knew I was in trouble and he helped me in a way that didn’t embarrass me. So I just made a promise to help other people if I can.”
Later, he worked very hard and became a rich man. Now, he lives near Kansas City. Each year he gives away thousands of dollars. He is known as the “Secret Santa” because at Christmas time each year, he personally hands money out to those on the street and at restaurants. Last year, he gave more than $50,000 away in Kansas City.
56. The young man was traveling across the country in 1971 to ______.
A. find a piece of work to do
B. hand out gifts to passers-by
C. look for a good restaurant
D. show his new car to others
57. The underlined word “this” in paragraph 2 means ______.
A. a wallet    B. his luck    C. the $20 bill    D. his tip
58. On the way out of town, the young man got to know that ______.
A. it was very honest of the owner to return his money
B. another man who had breakfast in the restaurant lost the money
C. he could find a job in the restaurant
D. the owner helped him in a way that didn’t hurt his feelings.
59. From this text we can see that ______.
A. the man dropped $20 on the floor of the restaurant
B. the man did carry out his promise
C. Santa gives the man money each year
D. the man was not successful in the end
60. The best title for this passage may be ______.
A. Secret Santa of Kansas City
B. The Key to Success
C. A Kind Waiter in the Restaurant
D. Never Give Up

56. A 57. C 58. D59. B 60.A

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Cell phones are everywhere-everywhere except Aztec High School.
A new policy put in place at the beginning of the school year by the Aztec School Board forbade cell phones from the school’s campus.
“They are interrupting the educational process,” said Kirk Carpenter, the Aztec High School headmaster. “There is no educational benefit from having them here.”
The new policy started recently afrer long discussions between school and district managers. Aztec school officials said that cell phone use had become a problem during testing sessions.
Carpenter said, “There are also a lot of issues with cell phones. The bottom line(问题的关键) is that they are not in line with what we are trying to do bere, which is providing an education for our students.”
Although the headmaster has heard of no serious objections to the new rule, the complaint he hears most often is parents’ being concerned about contacting students directly in case of an emergency.
“That actually slows down the process,” said Carpenter. “If a parent calls a student’s cell phone, it still needs to go through the office. We can’t just let the student leave school. We don’t know who is on the line. They will still need to call the office to get their children free to leave.”
“If you need to contact a student, you can                      and they will give a message to the student. It still works well,” he added.
Aztec official Linda Paul said, although she never imagined the effect cell phones would have on education, she supports the decision made by the school. Paul added that AHS is not the only campus in the district to have taken such measures.
Cell phone use for teachers, of course, is a different matter. “We hope our teachers know enough not to be on the phone during class, ” Paul said. “I have never seen one of my teachers on the phone during class. ”
小题1:What is the best title for the passage? (no more than 10 words)
小题2:Fill in the blank in the eighth paragraph with proper words or phrase to complete the sentence. (no more than 10 words)
小题3:Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?
In the campus of AHS, the students’ having cell phones doesn’t do good to education.
小题4:What’s your view about the ban on having cell phones in high school ? Why? ( no more than 30 words)
小题5:Translate the underlined sentence in the sixth paragraph into Chinese.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It was the afternoon of December 24, the day before Christmas, but I had to stay to tidy the office. The only thing that ­_41_ my day was the beautifully decorated Christmas tree in our waiting room and a _42_ sent to me by a fellow I was dating—a dozen long-stemmed red roses.
Suddenly, our receptionist came and said there was a lady outside that urgently needed to speak with me. As I stepped out, I noticed a young _43_ woman with a baby in her arms standing there. 44_ , she explained that her husband—a prisoner in a nearby prison—was my next patient. She told me she wasn’t allowed to visit her husband in prison and _45_ he had never seen his son. So she _46_ me to let her wait here ahead of time. I agreed. After all , it was Christmas Eve.
A short time later, her husband arrived—with chains on his feet, cuffs on his hands, and two armed guards _47_ him. The woman’s tired face _48_ when her husband took a seat beside her. I watched them laugh, cry, and share their _49_ . He seemed like a gentle and honest man.
At the end of the _50_ , the man had to go back and I wished him a Merry Christmas. He smiled and thanked me and said he felt saddened by the fact that he hadn’t been able to get his wife _51_ for Christmas. On hearing this, I was _52_ with a wonderful idea.
I’ll never forget the _53_ on both their faces as the prisoner gave his wife the beautiful, long-stemmed red roses. I’m not sure who _54_ the most joy—the husband in giving, the wife in receiving, or myself in having the opportunity to share in this _55_ moment.
41. A. enjoyed              B. brightened                  C. relaxed             D. presented
42. A. gift                    B. regards                    C. message            D. package
43. A. ordinary-looking B. good-looking       C. tired-looking     D. frightened-looking
44. A. Happily             B. Quietly                    C. Excitedly          D. Nervously
45. A. why                   B. how                        C. that                  D. when
46. A. persuaded       B. demanded            C. begged             D. pleased
47. A. near                   B. around                    C. behind              D. before
48. A. turned pale     B. went red                  C. lit up            D. turned away
49. A. child                  B. tears                        C. joy                   D. sorrows
50. A. meeting             B. appointment             C. discussion     D. conversation
51. A. something      B. nothing                 C. anything           D. everything
52. A. encouraged      B. struck                      C. provided           D. inspired
53. A. sadness              B. happiness             C. look                 D. smiles
54. A. experienced           B. received                  C. gave                 D. accepted
55. A. unforgettable      B. sad                          C. happy               D. special


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Greg Mortenson is a mountaineer. In 1993, he   21   but failed to reach K2, one of the most forbidding of the Himalyayan  22  . He staggered(蹒跚) into a tiny village of Korphe in Pakistan, barely alive. The   23   villagers cared for him and fed him back to health. The __24   they showed to a stranger moved Mortenson, and filled him with a' desire to 25   it.
Looking around, he saw that the poor villagers had actually nothing. 26   , he could see the desire of the villagers to   27   their community. For example, they dreamed of 28   for their children. The children received schooling two days a week from a teacher they   29   with another village, because they couldn't   30   to hire one alone. Naturally, the village had no schoolhouse. Moretenson thought it was by building a school   31   he could best express his   32   for their kindness to him. He left,   33   he would return with necessary materials.
However, things didn't go  34   as he had expected. He was a nurse by profession, and wasn't  well   35    It was a struggle for him to raise the $10,000 or so needed to buy the building materials.    36   problems, including his then Cultural   37   of the area led to a series of frustrations. But with his efforts and cooperation of the villagers, he eventually overcame the __ 38  . He fulfilled his promise.
After that he wanted to return to America,build a career and start a family. However, it ba-came clear that a school for Korphe was just the start. There were so many other villagers in Pa-kistan that had the similar needs. The more   39   he became, the more he came to understand the area and the more he realized how important education was. The   40   was that, in the pe-riod of over a decade, 55 schools were built.
21. A. approached     B. paused           C. hesitated          D. attempted
22. A. peaks          B. levels            C. hills              D. slopes
23. A. cold           B. mean             C. kind              D. tiny
24. A. bravery        B. ability            C.poverty           D.generosity
25. A. receive        B. repay              C. respect         D. recycle
26. A. Besides        B. However         C. Therefore          D. Moreover
27. A. develop        B. visit              C. design            D. increase
28. A. career         B. development      C. education         D. health
29. A. traded          B. worked           C. communicated    D. shared
30. A. help            B. manage           C. decide            D. afford
31. A. that             B. which            C. what              D. if
32. A. sympathy        B. gratitude          C. attitude           D. anger
33. A. adding          B. promising         C. demanding        D. warning
34. A. smoothly        B. badly             C. closely            D. properly
35. A. dressed          B. received           C. respected          D. paid
36. A. Some             B. Others            C. Other             D. Another
37. A. interaction       B. ignorance         C. background       D. difference
38. A. difficulities       B. fears            C. temptations(诱惑)D, shortcomings
39. A. interested        B. rooted            C. involved          D. lost
40. A. result            B. idea              C. cause             D. report


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Three lawyers and three engineers are traveling by train to a conference. At the station, the three lawyers each buy tickets and watch as the three engineers buy only a single ticket.
"How are three people going to travel on only one ticket?" asked one of the three lawyers.
"Watch and you'll see," answers one of the engineers.
They all board the train. The lawyers take their seats, but all three engineers cram into a restroom and close the door behind them. Shortly after the train has departed, the conductor comes around collecting tickets. He knocks on the restroom door and says, "Ticket, please" The door opens just a crack and a single arm emerges with a ticket in hand. The conductor takes it and moves on. The lawyers saw this and agreed it was quite a clever idea.
So after the conference, the lawyers decide to copy the engineers on the return trip and save some money. When they get to the station, they buy a single ticket for the return trip. To their astonishment, the engineers don't buy a ticket at all.
"How are you going to travel without a ticket," asks one perplexed lawyer.
"Watch and you'll see," says one of the engineers.
When they board the train the three lawyers cram into a restroom and the three engineers cram into another one nearby. The train departs. Shortly afterward, one of the engineers leaves his restroom and walks over to the restroom where the lawyers are hiding .He knocks on the door and says, "Ticket, please." By copying the engineers, one lawyer put out a single arm with a ticket in his hand. The engineer came back to his restroom with the ticket. Then the conductor was coming this way...
41. The engineers and the lawyers travel together________.
A. to attend a meeting                                              B. to test who are clever
C. to see how clever the engineers are                        D. to save money
42. How many tickets do they buy on the two-way trip?         .
A. 4        B. 5               C. 7                      D. 8
43. The underlined word “perplexed” can be replaced by ________.
A. excited          B. surprised           C. puzzled             D. touched
44. Which of the following would be the best title for the joke?
A. Three Lawyers and Three Engineers              B. Train Tickets    
C. In the Restroom                           D. Tickets, Please


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

More than seven hundred students will serve for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games not as volunteers but as interns(实习生), working for months before the event and during the Games to help ensure its success.
A co-operation agreement was signed between the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (GOCOG) and 16 Beijing-based universities and colleges. The schools will prepare the students to be interns.
Although the interns will work without pay, they are considered different to volunteers, who will also provide services for the Games.
Well-known schools such as Peking University, Tsinghua University, Renmin University of China, Beijing Normal University and Beijing Jiaotong University are included on the list.
The interns will work much longer than the Games’ volunteers, since they have to begin their work at BOCOG as early as one year before the Games start, while most of the volunteers work only during the 16 days of the Games. They have to finish the required lessons of their universities first and then learn more in their specialities to qualify to work for the BOCOG. They will take some special classes on Olympic knowledge and certain professional lessons outside the university to meet the needs of serving in the Olympics.
The 706 interns will be made up of 446 postgraduates, 118 undergraduates and 142 higher vocational students. They will come from such majors as foreign languages, media and communications, logistics and legal affairs.
According to university officials, the undergraduates will be students who have been admitted to college this year (2005) while the postgraduates will be those who enter next year.
72.The interns will be chosen from __________.
A.students whose homes are in Beijing          B.students studying in Beijing
C.only 6 famous schools                     D.schools all over China
73. What’s the difference between the interns and the volunteers?
A.The volunteers receive no pay.             B.The interns work during the Games.
C.The volunteers come mainly from universities. D.The interns provide longer, more specialized services.
74.The chosen students will be busy because they have to __________.
A.learn both in and outside the university     B.graduate ahead of time
C.look for part-time jobs                  D.learn many extra subjects at college
75.A chosen undergraduate will begin to work for BOCOG __________.
A.in his or her first college year            B.in his or her second college year
C.in his or her third college year                 D.in his or her fourth college year


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Organiaing Yourself
Many new students find it hard to do all the study that has to be done; they find themselves putting off reading assignment, jumping from subject to another and rarely being quite certain what they are trying to do during a particular study session. The best way to overcome these difficulties and to start studying efficiently is to plan your time and organize your work. Let us suppose that you have 15 hours per week of classes and that you decide to allow yourself a 40-hour working week (a reasonable figure, leaving you 70 waking hours for other activities).
You now have to decide how to divide the remaining 25 hours of private study. Naturally the decisions you make will change from week to week according to what essays have to be written and what reading has to be done. Many people find it helpful to draw up each week a seven-day timetable showing the occasions on which they will be working privately and the particular subjects that will be studying on each occasion. By checking such a plan at times during the week, you can see what you have done and what you have still to do: the whole plan becomes more manageable. There are a number of places where you can study—college library, public library, home, empty classrooms, on bus or train—and each has several obvious advantages and disadvantages. The college library is least busy in the evening, on Wednesday afternoon, and all day Friday and Saturday.
When you are deciding where to study, keep the following suggestions in mind:
1.Try to study always in the same place. After a while the familiar surroundings will help you to switch into the right frame of mind as soon as you sit down.
2.Find somewhere with as few distractions as possible.
3.Make sure that your study place has a good light and is warm (but not hot ) and well aired.
72.What’s the main idea of this passage?
A.Plan your time and organize your work.      
B.Overcome your difficulties.
C.Be certain what you can do.   
D.Find a quiet place for study.
73.A student’s organization of his work will need to change according to____.
A.how many hours he is awake B.how many subjects are required
C.how many lectures he misses D.what he has to write and read that week
74.A student is advised to make a weekly plan and to check it from time to time in order to  __________.
A.see whether he has calculated it properly     
B.see what day of the week is
C.see what work still needs doing    
D.see how he feels at the whole week
75.Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a place where you can study?
A.The bus      B.The train      C.Home      D.A public house


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

61.Sam who came from America two months ago is now teaching oral English in Dongfang
Middle School.He can only understand and speak a few Chinese words.He is adventurous
and sporting and would like to try something new to kill his time on Sunday.
62.Julie coming from Australia is an exchange student in Shaoguan University.She majors in
Chinese Art and likes Chinese culture very much.But now what worries her most is her
overweight because of the delicious Chinese food.So she’d like to find someone to guide her
to keep fit.
63.Mrs.Yang is very busy with her job in the company as well as the housework at home.As a
result of the long-term strain, she often feels oppressed, restless and tired.So she hopes to do
some suitable exercise to lessen and relax such disturbances of physical and mental system at
64.Some of Ted’s Net friends will go to Beijing to visit him around Christmas.How excited he is!
He plans to take them to some places of interest and entertain them.Now he is looking
through China Daily to find something fit for them.
65.Benny has just graduated from No.16 Middle School.Luckily, he has been admitted into South
China Agricultural University.Since childhood, he has been interested in trees, flowers, birds
and animals.Now in the summer holiday, he is eager to find something exciting and
something he is keen on to do.
A.Flashlight Adventure: Put on your warm clothes, bring a flashlight and a pair of glasses, and come for a night walk along the Great Valley.A guide will lead the tour.Many of the animals you’ll see on this trip can only be seen at night.The guide will tell you about the lives of the animals you see.Cost: 50 yuan.Time:8: 00—10: 30 pm, every Saturday.Tel: 83321239.
B.Taichi with English Narration: An experienced Taichi teacher, about 38, teaches the basic 24 movements, pushing-hands and self-defense techniques.It is fit for the beginners and intermediate level.Time:10: 00—12: 00 am, every Sunday.Place: Bamboo Garden Hotel, Jiu Gulou Street.Fee: 60 yuan each time.Tel: 65287750.
C.Chinese Ink & Painting Class: It is to learn the techniques of painting a bird, flower, or lady with brushes.The Chinese philosophy and culture will also be included.Tools and materials are provided.Time: 7: 00—9: 00 pm, every Friday.Fee: 50 yuan each week.Tel: 38876788.
D.Great Wall Party: The latest Great Wall Party is sponsored by the Club and Elektrobeat and held at Jinshanling.Local DJ Mark, as well as guests Slab from Australia, Usami and Bobby from Hong Kong will spin the sounds.All drinks are priced at 20 yuan.Ticket: 200 yuan, including bus ride there and back plus entrance fee to the Great Wall.Time:8: 00 pm—2: 00 am, Dec.20—30.Pre-sale tickets are available at Public Space.Tel: 64160759.
E.Healthy Diet Program: The 8-week program helps you discover how to be healthy, slim and beautiful! It is unlike other diet regimes in that it focuses on proper nutrition first and weight loss second.It offers control over stomach and continuing hunger with a calorie dense diet allowing 1,700 to 2,000 calories a day.Call to get more information: 75763457.
F.Lotus Yoga: The word Yoga means combination and harmony, whose true sense refers to the perfect unity of a person’s body and mind.It is a way to maintain highly natural and relaxed state and purify your body and mind, a way to lessen the tiredness in the waist and back and keep fit while heightening the body’s ability to keep coordinated and balanced.Booking for any course, please access http: //www.Lotusyoga.cn.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

There is a place where Christmas lives all year long. It is called Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland in Frankenmuth, Michigan. The family-owned business calls itself the world’s largest Christmas store. The late Wally Bronner started the business in 1945.
Wayne Bronner, Wally’s son, is president and CEO of what is now a multi-million dollar corporation. He learned the business from an early age. Some of his best memories are traveling to other countries with his father to find new products for the store.
Bronner’s sells more than fifty thousand holiday products from seventy nations. Half of the products cost less than ten dollars. Wayne Bronner says demand for small objects to hang on Christmas trees has expanded over the years. People spend more time, effort and money into decorating their homes with these ornaments(装饰品), lights and religious scenes. Bronner’s is famous for its nativity scenes which show the birth of Jesus Christ.
Michigan has the nation’s highest unemployment rate. Bronner’s has been affected by the financial crisis, too. But not in reduced sales.
Wayne Bronner said, “Even though people are spending less, we’re having more people visit here. And as a result we’ve actually had a sales increase.” Bronner’s success is also linked to community co-operation and investment. Frankenmuth is a town of five thousand people in eastern Michigan’s farm country. The town was settled by Bavarian Germans in the 1800s. It has kept its traditions alive in buildings and restaurants.
Bavarian cultural themes and Bronner’s huge store bring three million visitors a year. The town is the most popular place for tourists in the state. Bronner’s business is aimed at a single day of the year. But that is not too different from other businesses.
“About half of our business is done in the last quarter of the year, in the last three months. And actually when you compare that with most retailers(零售商), that follows the same pattern.” Wayne Bronner says the family’s long-term planning and willingness to reinvest profits has grown the company into what it is today. Still, it does not hurt to build a business on a holiday which is celebrated worldwide. Currently, about only two percent of sales are overseas. But Wayne Bronner sees room for growth, especially through the Internet.
51. Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland is probably ______.
A. a private business            B. a state-run business
C. the world’s largest store       D. a nationalized corporation
52. Bronner’s mainly sells ______.
A. festival ornaments made by themselves
B. holiday products imported from foreign countries
C. festival ornaments during the summer and winter holidays
D. holiday products to tourists from foreign countries
53. We can learn from the passage that ________.
  A. most of Bronner’s products are expensive
B. people are spending less money on small objects
C. Frankenmuth is a modern town popular with tourists
D. Wally Bronner, founder of Bronner’s, has passed away
54. In what way has the financial crisis affected Bronner’s Christmas Wonderland?
A. Many of its staff have lost their jobs.
B. Only two percent of sales are overseas.
C. The corporation has had an increased sale.
D. People are spending less in Bronner’s.
55. Bronner’s success lies in the following EXCEPT ________.
A. aiming its business at a single day of the year
B. community co-operation and investment
C. the family’s long-term planning
D. the willingness to reinvest profits

