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. ______ hard. You are sure to succeed!

       A. Working    B. Work  C. Worked     D. To work


科目:高中英语 来源:专项题 题型:阅读理解

     There are countless diet programs and weight loss systems available. The majority are from multi-
million dollar companies. Do you really think these businesses achieved success with a one-time, fix-all
diet plan? No, they count on having most people return on a recurring basis; hence the term "yo-yo
dieting". A lot of diet plans can be very limiting. You are required to follow a certain meal plan, which
may consist of certain foods. Some plans are more exact and restrictive than others. Some diet companies even supply you with the actual meals. This means even more revenue(收入) for these businesses.
     A well-balanced diet consists of carbohydrates that are low in sugar (they're sometimes referred to as "good carbs"), proteins, and fats. (Yes, fats are important, too.) Fortunately for you, a well-balanced diet
is all that is needed to safely and effectively lose or maintain weight, depending upon your goals.
     By educating yourself and having the willpower and commitment to make the proper food choices,
you'll be well on your way toward achieving your weight-loss goals. After all, in order for a diet to be
really successful, it cannot be just a diet. You must develop and conform to(遵守) a lifestyle that revolves around smart food decisions. This doesn't mean that you can never enjoy certain things that you crave(渴望), at least from time to time. We can all enjoy such things, but moderation is the key. A week's worth of smart choices deserves a meal out at your favorite restaurant. It also gives you something to look forward
to and enjoy when you are saying "no" to those office donuts all week long.
     Don't get me wrong. It isn't always going to be easy. But rarely does anything worth having come
easily. Liking what you see in the mirror, and being fit and healthy are definitely worth working hard for.
Anyone can achieve such goals. To break out the old Nike phrase —Just Do It.
1. The first paragraph mainly tells us ____________.
A. there're many kinds of diet plans or programs with different effects
B. why so many diet plans can not help people to control weight
C. the diet plans do not work and can only benefit the companies
D. people can't stick to the diet plans because they are dull
2. If you want to control weight safely and effectively, what you do NOT need is ____________.
A. the diet plans from the big company      
B. a well-balanced diet
C. the willpower and determination
D. a lifestyle considering smart food choices
3. What's the correct understanding of the underlined sentence?
A. Once you have a big meal in the restaurant, your week's effort will be in vain.
B. If you can make smart food choices for a week, you can treat yourself to a favourite meal out.
C. A week's smart food choices itself, not a meal out, is a big reward for you.
D. A week's proper food at home is as attractive as a delicious meal outside.
4. What's the correct attitude towards the food you like?
A. Have some whenever you like.            
B. Eat much after a diet of a long time.
C. Enjoy it once in a while but never too much.
D. Never have it before you successfully lose weight.
5.  The last paragraph is meant to ____________.  
A. conclude what's the best way to control weight  
B. emphasize the reasons why people should diet  
C. predict the results of taking well-balanced food
D. encourage people to take action in spite of difficulties


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I’m seventeen. I had worked as a box boy at a supermarket in Los Angeles. People came to the counter and you put things in their bags for them. And carried things to their cars. It was hard work.

  While working, you wear a plate with your name on it. I once met someone I knew years ago. I remembered his name and said,“Mr Castle, how are you?”we talked about this and that.As he left, he said," It was nice talking to you,Brett.”I helt great,he remembered me. Then I looked down at my name plate. Oh no. he didn’t remember me at all, he just resd the name plate. I wish I had put“Irving”down on my name plate. If he’d have said,“Oh yes, Irving,how could I forget you?”I’d have been ready for him. There’snothing personal here.

  The manager and everyone else who were a step above the box boys often shouted orders. One of these was:you couldn’t accept tips(小费)。Okay, I’m outside and I put the bags in the car. For a lot of people, the natural reaction(反应)is to take a quarter and give it to me. I’d say,‘‘I‘m sorry, I can’t,”they‘d get angry. When you give someone o tip, you’re sort of being polite. You take a quarter and you put it in their hand and you expect them to say,”Oh,thanks a lot.”When you say‘‘I’m sorry,I can’t.” They'd get angry.When you give someone a tip,you're sort of being polite.You take a quarter and you put it in their hand and yo cxpect them to say, "oh , thanks a lot." When you say,"I'm sorry,I can't,"they feel a little put down. They say "No one will know.”And they put it in your pocket. You say, "I really can’t.”It gets to a point where you almost have to hurt a person physically(身体上)to prevent him from tipping you. It was not in agreement with the store’s belief in being friendly. Accepting tips was a friendly thing and made the customer feel good. I just couldn’t understand the strangeness of some people’s ideas. One lady actually put it in my pocket, got in the car,and drove away. I would have had to throw the quarter at her or eaten it or something.

  I had decided that one year was enough. Some people needed the job to stay alive and fed. I guess I had the means and could afford to hate it and give it up.

1. what can be the best title for this text?

A. how hard life is for Box Boys

B. getting along with Customers

C. why I Gave up My Job

D. the Art of Taking Tips

2. From the second paragraph, we can infer that___.

A. the writer didn’t like the impersonal part of his job

B . with a name plate,people can easily start talking

C . Mr Castle mistook Irving for Brett

D. Irving was the writer’s real name

3. The box boy refused to accept tips because__

A. customers only gave small tips

B. some customers had strange ideas about tipping

C. the store forbade the box boys to take tips

D. he didn’t want to fight with the customers

4. The underlined phras“put down”in the third paragraph probably means__

A. misunderstood

B. dEfeated

C. hateful

D. hurt

