精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
7.It was Thanksgiving morning and in the crowded kitchen of my small home I was busy preparing the traditional Thanksgiving turkey when the doorbell rang.I opened the front door and saw two small children in rags huddling together inside the storm door on the top step.
"Any old paper,lady?"asked one of them.
I was busy.I wanted to say"no"until I looked down at their feet.They were wearing thin little sandals,wet with heavy snow.
"Come in and I'll make you a cup of hot cocoa."
They walked over and sat down at the table.Their wet scandals left marks upon the floor.I served them cocoa and bread with jam to fight against the cold outside.Then I went back to the kitchen ad stated again on my household budget.
The silence in the front door struck me.I looked in.the girl held the empty cup in her hands,looking at it.The boy asked in a flat voice,"Lady,are you rich?"
"Am I rich?Mercy,no!"
I looked at my shabby slipcover (家具套).The girl put her cup back in its sauce carefully and said,"Your cups match your saucer."Her voice was hungry with a need that no amount of food could supply.They left after that,holding their bundles of papers against the wind.They didn't said"Thank you".They didn't need to.They had reminded me that I had so much for which to be grateful.
Plain china cups and saucers were only worth five pence.But they matched.
I tasted the potatoes and stirred the meat soup.Potatoes and brown meat soup,a roof covered over our heads,my man with a good,steady job-these matched,too.
I moved the chairs back from the fire and cleaned the living room.The muddy prints of small sandals were still wet upon my floor.Let them be for a whole,I thought,just in case I should begin to forget how rich I am.
1.Why did the writer let the children in?:A
A.She showed great pity on them.
B.She had old papers to sell.
C.She knew them and wanted to make them a cup of coca.
D.She wanted to invite them to her Thanksgiving party.
2.The girl thought the writer was rich perhaps in thatB.
A.she saw that the lady's room was comfortable.
B.she saw the cups matches the saucers.
C.the writer's slipcovers were very new.
D.the boy thought so
3.From the passage,we can infer that whether you are rich depends onB.
A.how much money you have had
B.how you feel about your life
C.how you have helped others
D.what job you are doing
4.The writer left the muddy prints of small sandals on the floor for a while toD.
A.show her husband that someone had come
B.remind her that she had helped two children
C.show that she was a kind-hearted woman
D.remind her how rich she was.

分析 本文讲述了作者在感恩节时帮助两位收废品的小孩,从他们对生活的朴实的理解受到启迪,明白了知足者常乐、生活充实就意味着富有的道理.

解答 1.A  判断推理题.根据文中第三段中"I wanted to say"no"until I looked down at their feet.They were wearing thin little sandals,wet with heavy snow."Come in and I'll make you a cup of hot cocoa.""可知,作者一开始想说"没有",但看到他们的脚,他们穿着薄薄的凉鞋,湿着带着厚厚的雪,之后邀请他们进来,可见作者是同情他们,才让他们进来,A选项符合.B选项"She had old papers to sell."说作者有旧报纸要卖,文中作者想说"没有",说明她没有旧报纸要卖,故B选项不正确;C选项"She knew them and wanted to make them a cup of coca."她认识他们,想要给他们一杯可可,根据文章,作者显然不认识他们,故C选项不正确;D选项"She wanted to invite them to her Thanksgiving party."她想要邀请他们来她的感恩节聚会,文中作者显然没有举行聚会,故D选项不正确;综上,故选A.2.B 推理判断题.根据文中对女孩的描述"the girl held the empty cup in her hands,looking at it.""The girl put her cup back in its sauce carefully and said,"Your cups match your saucer."",女孩一直看着空杯子,并小心翼翼放回杯托,对作者说杯子和杯托很配,显然,女孩的关注点一直在杯子和杯托上,所以,女孩觉得作者富有可能是因为杯子和杯托很配,是一套,这个原因,B选项符合题意.A选项"she saw that the lady's room was comfortable."她看见女士的房间很舒服,文中并未提及,而且从文中第一段中可知,女士的厨房很小,家很小,故A选项不正确;C选项"the writer's slipcovers were very new."家具套很新,文中原句是"I looked at my shabby slipcover.",由此可见家具套很破,故C选项不正确;D选项"the boy thought so",小男孩这样想,并不一定代表小女孩也这样认为,文中没有提及,女孩很听男孩的话,故D选项不正确,所以女孩认为作者富有,可能是因为作者家里的杯子和杯托很配,是一套,故选B.3.B 推理判断题.根据整篇文章大意,作者本来没觉得自己富有,但在两个小孩眼里,作者是富有的,作者有丰富的饭菜,遮风挡雨的场所,丈夫有稳定工作,她应该感到很富有,作者感悟"They had reminded me that I had so much for which to be grateful.","Let them be for a whole,I thought,just in case I should begin to forget how rich I am."富不富有取决于对生活你是如何想的,A选项"how much money you have had"你拥有多少钱,文中没有提及,C选项"how you have helped others"你怎样帮助他人,文中也没有提及,D选项"what job you are doing"你做什么工作,这些都不符合文章大意.综上,故选B.4.D 细节理解题.根据文章最后一句"The muddy prints of small scandals were still wet upon my floor.Let them be for a whole,I thought,just in case I should begin to forget how rich I am.",小凉鞋泥泞的痕迹还在我的地板上湿湿的,我想,让它们保持一会儿,以免我开始忘记自己是多么的富有.作者是为了提醒自己是多么富有,D选项正确.A选项"show her husband that someone had come",向丈夫展示有人来过了,显然不正确;B选项"remind her that she had helped two children",提醒她,她帮助过两个孩子,文中没有提及;C选项"show that she was a kind-hearted woman",显示她是个好心的女人,显然不正确,故选D.

点评 本文讲述了作者在感恩节时帮助两位收废品的小孩,从他们对生活的朴实的理解受到启迪,明白了知足者常乐、生活充实就意味着富有的道理.题目涉及多道推理判断题,在抓住关键句子的基础上进行合理正确的分析,切记胡乱猜测,做到有理有据.对于细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对性地找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.There was once a group of monks(和尚) who went to Australia to spread Buddhism.Everything had to be started from the beginning.After buying a plot of land,they bought bricks,construction materials and with their own hands,they started to build a temple.
A young monk took charge of building the brick wall.He took great care in laying the bricks,ensuring that they were leveled.His progress was slow,due to the great care in his work,but he wasn't bothered,.Finally,when he completed the wall,something caught his eye and made him angry.Despite the great care he took in his work,he had overlooked two bricks that were laid slanted(倾斜).Because of that,whenever visitors came to the temple,the young monk would show them around to all places,except the brick wall that he had built.
One day,two elderly monks came to the temple.No matter how the young monk tried to bypass the brick wall,the old monks insisted on touring the area around that brick wall.Unwillingly,the young monk brought the elders to the brick wall.
"Oh,this is such a beautiful brick wall,"one of the elderly monks said."Sir,are you sure?Haven't you seen the two ugly bricks that are slanted in the middle of the wall?"the young monk asked in surprise."Yes,I have."replied the elderly monk."But I also saw the remaining 98good bricks that made this a beautiful wall!"
You see,most of the time,we focus on things that went wrong or didn't live to our expectations.However,we've forgotten the fact that they are only two bad bricks in the wall and we should not overlook the beauty of the remaining 98bricks.
21.What lesson can we learn from the story?C
A.Grasp all,lose all.
B.It is no use crying over spilt milk.
C.Don't miss the forest for the trees.
D.No sweat,no sweet.
22.Which of the following words can best describe the young monk when he built the brick wallA
A.Careful and patient.
B.Lazy and careless.
C.Hard-working but impatient.
D.Upset and worried.
23.What did the elderly monk think of the wall built by the young monk?B
A.He thought it was not firm.
B.He thought highly of it.
C.He thought it was ugly.
D.He thought it was slanted.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

18.How to Make Friends
Friendship is a very important human relationship and everyone needs good friends.Good friendship has many benefits.It offers companionship,improves self-worth and promotes good health.There are times in our lives such as when we have recently moved into a new town or changed our jobs or schools.Such changes often leave us without a friend.Making new friends comes easy for some people.But for many of us the process is difficult and requires courage.Below are some helpful suggestions on how to make and keep friends.
*Associate with others.
(36)DYou can go to public places to meet new people.Besides,you will need to make yourself known by becoming an active member of such places.
*Start a conversation is the second most important step in making new friends.(37)GYou can always start the conversation,Being able to make small talk is a very useful skill in relating with other people.
*(38)AChoosing friends with common interests is important in building friendship as these interests would always bring you and your friend together.Hanging out will always be a pleasant experience.
*Let it grow.
It is a good thing to stay in touch.However,try not to press your new friend with calls,messages or visits as this would likely wear him or her out and finally you may lose your friend.(39)CThe best friendships are the ones that grow naturally.
*Enjoy your friendship.
The best way to enjoy your friendship is to allow your friends to be themselves.(40)BTry not to change them from who they are to what you want them to be.Become the kind of friend you will want your friend to be to you.

A.Do things together.
B.Try not to find fault with your friends.
C.So you will need to give your friend time to keep in touch with you.
D.The first step to make friends is associating with other peop le.
E.Be cheerful.
F.For a friendship to develop you need to stay in touch.
G.Do not wait to be spoken to.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.Sally is lookingata big ship.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

2.散步是一种良好的锻炼方式,它对我们的健康非常有益.请以"Walking to Keep Fit"为题写一篇120词左右的英语短文,介绍一下散步的好处以及你的建议.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.---_______ Mr.Barton changed his mind to take part in the movement?
---After he listened to the speech by Mr.King.(  )
A.When was thatB.When was it
C.When was that itD.When was it that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.It is Tom as well as his two friends that _______ for the job.(  )
A.have appliedB.have been applied
C.has appliedD.has been applied


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.We forgot about speed.To make roadways safer for teens,the nation has focused much attention on such critical issues as distracted (思想不集中的) driving and driving under the influence (of alcohol or drugs).But speeding---which is arguably even more critical---has largely escaped such notice.
In a study supported by insurer State Farm,the Governors Highway Safety Association found that over the past decade,there were 19,447speed-related crashes involving teen drivers,with speeding as a cause of deadly teen crashes rising from 30% to 33%.
If the US is to continue making progress in teen driving safety,it must address speeding,says Susan Ferguson,a highway safety consultant who authored the report.
"Speeding is something people aren't particularly concerned about,"Ferguson says."This is the first time,really,that we've focused on this issue.We've known for a while that speeding is an issue for young drivers,especially for young males,"she says.
Half of all deadly crashes involving 16-year-old drivers with three or more passengers are speeding-related,according to the report.
"Unless speeding is recognized as a dangerous behavior,much the same as alcohol-involved driving,it will continue to be difficult to address as a society,"the report says.
Peter Kissinger,president and CEO of AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety,says,"A lot of the traffic safety community believes that the distracted driving debate has unnecessarily taken focus away from speeding and the contribution that speeding makes to the bigger picture."
Speeding is so deep-rooted in American culture,which will be difficult to address,Kissinger says.His group's Traffic Safety Culture Index,a survey of nearly 4,000people of driving age,found that 63% considered speeding on streets"completely unacceptable"---but 47% had done it in the past month.
The report offers recommendations for state and local governments and for parents.State and local police should enforce (执行) speeding laws and use automated enforcement such as speed cameras.Parents should not purchase vehicles for their teenagers right away."When a teen first has a license,if they are the primary owner of a vehicle,they are more likely to speed"than in the family car,Ferguson says.Also,parents should choose larger and newer cars and not high-performance vehicles.

32.The first paragraph is written toC.
A.give the causes of the problem
B.offer some solutions to the problem
C.introduce the topic of the text
D.attract readers with some simple facts
33.According to the text,distracted drivingA.
A.draws public attention away from speeding
B.is the primary cause of speeding
C.is easier to deal with than speeding
D.has begun to concern the traffic safety community
34.What can we conclude from the results of Kissinger's survey?A
A.Speeding is very common in the US.
B.Most American people tolerate speeding.
C.American culture is strongly against speeding.
D.Nearly half of US teen drivers are used to speeding.
35.Susan Ferguson advises parents toD.
A.prevent their teens from using the family car
B.encourage their children to have a license
C.buy cheap or used cars for their teens
D.put off buying their children a car.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Here are a growing number of pet owners who feed their pets on raw(生食),which means,"uncooked"meat and bones.William Burk,a pet food specialist from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA),believes that feeding raw meat to pets is against its goal of protecting the public from health dangers,and that raw meat and bones do not have all the required nutrition(营养) that a pet needs every day.
Learning how popular these foods are,the FDA has provided guidelines (指南)for producers of pet foods which contain uncooked meat for dogs,cats and other pets.The guidelines give rules to protect pet owners and pets from dangers about food safety and lack of nutrition.
Pet owners who feed raw meat and bones to their pets should deal with these products very carefully to protect themselves against possible dangers,says Burk.Just as when you are preparing foods for human beings,use hot water and soap to wash your hands,containers,and surfaces that come into contact with the food.Don't put your hands near your mouth until you have washed them,and don't allow your pet to touch your face right after it has eaten raw meat.
"If pet owners choose to feed bones to their pets,they should watch their pets carefully when they are eating bones,"Burk says."If a pet eats a big piece of bone that won't pass through its digestive system(消化系统),it is likely to kill the pet."
5.What does William Burk think of feeding pets on raw meat?D
A.It'll make the pet owners sick.
B.It'll keep the pets'wild nature.
C.It's against the policy of tile FDA.
D.It's dangerous and lack of nutrition.
6.The FDA has provided guidelines for producers of pet foods with raw meat becauseC.
A.pet safety is a serious problem         
B.most pets are lack of nutrition
C.feeding pets on raw is popular         
D.the quality of pet foods is dropping
7.Those who feed pets on raw should do some necessary cleaning whenA.
A.preparing raw meat for pets           
B.touching the food containers
C.taking their pets out for a walk         
D.preparing foods for human beings
8.What suggestion is given to pet owners in the last paragraph?D
A.Pets should be forbidden to eat raw bones.
B.Pets should be kept away from the raw meat.
C.Pets should be checked on their digestive system.
D.Pets should be watched carefully while eating bones.

