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“Colour” and “color”, “favourite” and “favorite”···Have you ever wondered why Americans spell those words without a “u”? Is it because they are lazy?
Of course not. In fact, the difference in spelling was created by Noah Webster (1758—1843). He is a teacher who reformed English to make American identity stronger. Linguists(语言学家) celebrated his 250th birthday on October 16. After the Revolutionary War(1775—1783), Webster believed that Americans should have their own dictionary, rather than rely on British versions(版本). He dropped the British “u” in some words. And he changed “centre” into “center” for children to learn English by spelling words more like they sounded.
Webster wasn’t shy about expressing his opinions. In defining(定义) preposterous, he wrote: “A republican government in the hands of females is preposterous.”
Webster spent 28 years on the project before completing the 70,000-word dictionary in 1828 with his American-style spellings. He also added local words. His dictionary was widely used in schools. Linguists believed it helped a new nation achieve unity and cultural independence at a time when most were focused on political freedom.
“He was the shaper of our language and the shaper of American identity,” said Joshua Kendall, who is working on a biography(传记) about Webster. “He at last bonded(联合) us through our language.”
小题1:          According to the passage, when he worked on his dictionary, Noah Webster did all of the following EXCEPT______.
A.dropping “u” in all the British words
B.changing “centre” into “center”
C.adding local words
D.expressing his opinion.
小题2:          When did Noah Webster probably begin his project of the dictionary?
A.In 1758B.In 1783C.In 1800D.In 1828
小题3:          Why did Noah Webster create these differences in his dictionary?
A.Because he wanted to make English simple and easy.
B.Because he wanted American English to have it own characteristics(特征).
C.Because he wanted to make American English the best in the world.
D.Because he wanted to show that the USA is stronger than the UK.
小题4:          Which of the following word can best describe Noah Webster’s work?
小题5:          Which of the following would probably be the best title for the passage?
B.American identity
C.The shaper of American English
D.Spelling difference between American and British English.

小题1:          A
小题2:          C
小题3:          B
小题4:          D
小题5:          C

小题1:          从第二段 He dropped the British “u” in some words.可知答案A。含有All,every等太绝对意义词的表达一般不准确。
小题2:          从第四段第一句Webster spent 28 years on the project before completing the 70,000-word dictionary in 1828 可得出答案;1828-28=1800
小题3:          从第二段 to make American identity stronger及第四行Webster believed that Americans should have their own dictionary, rather than rely on British versions可知Webster希望美式英语要有自身的特色
小题4:          从最后一段Joshua Kendall写的传记中的对Webster高度评价可以看出:Webster的工作是有意义的。
小题5:          主旨大意题。首先排除明显错误的选项BD,A为干扰项,AC说的是同一个人,但C答案更具概括性,针对性,醒目性。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Mr. Lang worked in a factory. As a driver, he was busy. Sometimes, he brought some materials to the factory, and most of the time, he had to carry the goods to the customers of the factory. It was not an easy job, but he was paid much. His wife was an able woman and did all the housework to give him a comfortable home for a rest after work. When he came back, she took good care of him and he never did anything at home. So he had enough time when he had a holiday. A few friends of his liked gambling(赌博) and he learned it soon. So he was interested in it and hardly forgot anything except gambling. He lost all his money and later he began to sell the television, watches and so on. His wife had told him not to do it for many times, but he didn’t listen to her. She had to tell the police. He and his friends were punished for it. And he was hardly sent away. After he came out of lockup(拘留所), he hated her very much and the woman had to leave him.
It was New Year’s Day. Mr. Lang didn’t go to work. After the meal, he felt very lonely and wanted to gamble again. He called his friends and they came soon. But they were afraid the police would come. He told his five-year-old son to go to find out if there were the policemen outside. They waited for a long time and didn’t think the police would come and began to gamble. Suddenly opened the door and in came a few policemen.
“I saw there weren’t any policemen outside, daddy,” said the boy, “so I went to the crossing and asked some to come.”
小题1:Mrs. Lang did all housework because _______.
A.she couldn’t find any work
B.she thought her husband was tired
C.her husband spent all time in gambling
D.she wouldn’t stop her husband gambling
小题2:_______, so he was put into lockup.
A.Mr. Lang often gambled
B.Mr. Lang was late for work
C.Mr. Lang didn’t help his wife at home
D.Mr. Lang wasn’t polite to the police
小题3:The woman had to leave Mr. Lang because _______.
A.he didn’t love her any longer
B.he wouldn’t stop gambling
C.he had been put into lockup
D.he was hardly sent away by the factory
小题4:It can be inferred from the passage that ______.
A.the boy hoped his father to be put into lockup again
B.the boy thought his father needed some policemen
C.the boy hoped his father to stop gambling soon
D.the boy hoped his mother to come back
小题5:What would be the best title for the passage?
A.An able woman B.A busy driver
C.The disadvantage of gamblingD.Son’s help


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Would you believe that the first outstanding deaf teacher in America was a Frenchman? His name was Laurent Clerc. He became a friend of Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet and together they founded America's first school for the deaf.
Laurent Clerc was born in a small village near Lyons, France, on December 26, 1785. When he was one year old, he fell into a fire, losing both his hearing and his sense of smell.
At 12, Laurent entered the Royal Institution for the Deaf in Paris where he did well in his studies. After he graduated, the school asked him to stay on as an assistant teacher.
Meanwhile, in America, Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet was studying to be a minister. He was very concerned about the lack of educational opportunities for the deaf. Therefore, in 1815, Gallaudet sailed to London, England to seek ideas on how to teach deaf people. While he was there, he met a French educator of the deaf who invited him to go to Paris to spend three months learning at the Royal Institution for the Deaf, the school where Laurent Clerc was teaching. Gallaudet accepted the offer. The two worked and studied well together. When the time came for Gallaudet to return, he asked Clerc to come with him. Clerc accepted on one condition: that he would stay in America only a short time.
The two men set sail on June 18, 1816. The voyage across the Atlantic Ocean took 52 days; however, Clerc and Gallaudet put the time to good use. Clerc studied English, and Gallaudet studied sign language. They discussed the school for the deaf which they planned to open. On the long trip, they had many conversations about education and deafness. The year after they arrived, they founded a school for the deaf in Harford, Connecticut.
At the school, Clerc led a busy life. He taught signs to Principal Gallaudet; he taught the pupils; and he taught hearing men who came to the school to study deaf education.
In 1819, Clerc married Eliza Crocker Boardman, one of his pupils. They had six children. He retired from teaching in 1858. Although he had intended to return to France, he never did. He died on July 18, 1869 in the United States.
小题1:Why did Thomas Hopkins Gallaudet sail to London?
A.He needed to finish his studies to become a minister.
B.It was the easiest way to get to France.
C.He wanted to study their system of deaf education.
D.He wanted to marry Alice Cogswell.
小题2:On their trip from Paris to America, Clerc and Gallaudet ___________.
A.played cards and socialized
B.studied and discussed their plans for a deaf school
C.founded a school for the deaf
D.Gallaudet studied English and Clerc studied Sign Language
小题3:Which is the right order of the things Clerc did?
A.met Gallaudet, moved to America, got married, went to school in Paris.
B.met Gallaudet, went to school in Paris, moved to America, got married.
C.went to school in Paris, met Gallaudet, moved to America, got married.
D.got married, went to school in Paris, met Gallaudet, moved to America.
小题4:The main idea of this passage could best be stated as_________.
A.Clerc managed his time well, and was able to teach a lot of information in a short period of time
B.Thomas Gallaudet was grateful to Clerc for all that he taught him
C.Clerc preferred teaching deaf students to hearing students
D.Clerc, an educated Frenchman, had a great impact on American Deaf Education


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

An artist went to beautiful part of the country for a holiday, and stayed with a famer. Every day he went out with his paints and his brushes and painted from morning to evening. When it got dark, he went back to the farm and had a good dinner before he went to bed. At the end of his holiday, he wanted to pay the farmer, but the farmer said, “No I do not want money, but give me one of your pictures”, .The farmer smiled and answered, “It’s not that. I have a son in London. He wants to become an artist. When he comes here next month. I will show him your picture, and then he will not want to be an artist any more, I think.”
小题1:What did the artist go to the country for?
A.To look for the farmerB.To spend a holiday
C.To teach the farmer’s sonD.To see the farmer’s son
小题2:What did the artist do every day in the country?
A.He chatted with the farmer every dayB.He went out to paint every day
C.He played cards with the farmer every dayD.He worked for the farm
小题3:Where did the artist live in the country?
A.In a hotelB.He was in France
C.He was in Britain.D.In his own house


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

There was a king who loved art very much. One day a(n)  36  came and said, "Please let me  37  a picture on a wall." The king happened to have a big new hall  38  . So he  39  the artist to work on one of the walls.
     At the same time, another artist came and asked to work on the  40  wall. He promised he would make the same picture as the first artist’s  41  looking at the first artist’s work. The second artist asked to have a thick curtain  42  between the two walls  43  neither of them could see each other.
     The following day they began to work. The first artist brought in a(n)  44  supply of paint, oil, water and so on. The second one came with a  45  and a bucket (桶).
     A month later, the first artist’s work was completed, and the second artist said, "My wall is  46  too!"
     The king went to  47  the first artist’s wall. He was pleased with it and gave the artist a large  48  of money. He then asked people to open the curtain.
     49  ! Each line was  50  the same as that on the opposite wall.
     The king was quite satisfied and gave him double money. However, he  51  how the second man had made it.
     "I just  52  the wall with the cloth," the man said  53  .The wall was made of white marble (大理石). He made it shine like a mirror. The reflection (倒影) of the first painting  54  up on it!
     The  55  is a reflection of you too. If you are sad, the world will be sad. If you are happy, the world will be happy.
A.createdB.destroyed C.foundedD.Built
A.put upB.put backC.put awayD.put on
A.even ifB.so thatC.as ifD.only if
A.knewB.warned C.noticedD.wondered
A.brieflyB.naturally C.safelyD.correctly


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I'm feeling sad.My 19-year-old∞nleft home about a week ago to  36  the Air Force, and my 23-year-old daughter left two days ago to marry in another state.I'm so  37  of my son as he had to really work hard to get into the Air Force, and my daughter moved to be with her fiance(未婚夫).I'm just simply upset.It  38  feels like someone has ripped my heart from my chest.I’ve tried to talk to their father, friends, and family but it just feels like no one around me   39  what I'm going through.
My children were  40  to me.I put all my energy into   41  both of them and doing all types of activities with them, even sometimes at the  42 of my own best interests.I understand they grow up and need their _43 ,but for some reason I just can't seem to let go.I am go _ 44  that they're establishing their own lives,   45 I get so depressed whenever I have even a simple _46 of them.I've been crying for over a week now.I really don't know what to do to make this  47 go away.I can't even walk by either one's room without bursting into tears.I don't understand why I'm unable to _48 this sense of great loss.I'm  49  that I need to move on with my own life and find  _50 things to devote my attention to, but I _51 being a mom and spending time on my children.I've    52  adopting a child but it's _53  atthe moment for me considering my poor health.
I'm just thankful to have found this website and found there are others who are  54 similar problems.It helps to   55 I'm not crazy or overreacting.Thank you for sharing your problems and showing others like myself this isn’t so abnormal.
A.hardlyB.even C.almostD.truly
A.impossibleB.disappointing C.worthyD.surprising


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Once there was a king who never ate a meal unless there was a dish of fish with it, but one day there was a big storm and the fishermen were not able to go out to catch fish, so the king had no breakfast and no lunch. Then he ordered his servants to tell everybody in his capital that if anyone brought him a fish, he would give him anything that he asked for.
At last, a fisherman caught a big fish late in the afternoon and hurried to the king's palace with it. But the king's Prime Minister would not let him in until he promised to give him half of whatever the king gave him for the fish.
The king was very happy when he saw the fish. He asked the fisherman what he wanted for his fish. To his surprise, the fisherman said, "I want you to beat me two dozen(一打) times with a stick." When the king began to beat him a dozen times, the fisherman jumped away and said, "That is enough for me. I promised the other dozen to your Prime Minister." Then he told the king what had happened between the Prime Minister and himself. The king was very angry. He not only gave the Prime Minister the dozen hits, but also said, "Because you have been dishonest, you will not be my Prime Minister any more. The fisherman will take your place."
小题1:The king didn't have breakfast and lunch because ____.
A.there was a big storm
B.the Prime Minister did not bring him any food
C.there was no fish
D.his servants didn't know how to cook well
小题2:. The fisherman took his fish to the king's palace because ____.
A.the king had promised to give him whatever he wanted
B.the king was dying from hunger
C.he wanted to teach the Prime Minister a lesson
D.he wanted to be the Prime Minister
小题3:. When the fisherman told the king what he wanted, the king ____.
A.was very happyB.was very surprised
C.was very angryD.gave him what he wanted at once
小题4:. The king got rid of his Prime Minister because ____.
A.the fisherman was cleverer than his Prime Minister
B.the Prime Minister did not know how to catch fish
C.the Prime Minister was not an honest man
D.the Prime Minister took half of what the king gave the fisherman


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

It was on a summer burning afternoon in Denver.The sky was blue and the wind was blowing slightly.A man from a big 36  with a new wagon (马车) and a beautiful pair of horses was 37 along a country road.He did not 38  much attention to 39  he was going.Pretty soon he realized that he was 40  , but he continued to drive, 41  to find his way or to meet someone who could tell him how to 42  to the town.
It was a long 43  road.For several hours he kept on driving.44  it was almost dark, he saw in a cornfield a tall farmer plowing (犁) the land.He stopped his 45  team of horses near the fence and called out, "Hello, farmer"
"Hello, yourself" the farmer replied, 46  plowing.
"Where does this  47  go ?"
"I haven't ever seen it go anywhere.It always 48  right where it is " , said the farmer, without stopping his work.
"How far is it  49  the next town?" said the stranger, speaking a little louder.
"Don't know, never  50  it " replied the farmer.
By this time the city man was getting 51  , "What do you know? You're the biggest 52  I ever saw"
The farmer 53  the plow and turned and looked for a long time at the city man.Then he said scornfully (轻蔑地) , "Maybe I don't know much.54  I am a fool.But 55  I'm not lost!"
A.take backB.bring backC.look backD.get back
A.in turnB.at leastC.sooner or laterD.at most


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

White was the owner of a private school in a town. Last year, he married one of his classmates.The beautiful woman spent much time in learning nothing during middle school.   But she wasn't worried about anything in the future, because her parents were very rich and could provide her with everything.So he could make poor Mr White listen to her. Mr White was busy in dealing with school affairs and his wife had to stay at home alone.But she hated the lonely and boring life.Her father introduced her to some businessmen who wanted to employ her .But she wanted to stay with children.So her husband was asked to allow her to work in his school.At first her husband didn't agree with her. She didn't supply money to him any more, so the poor man had to give in.Otherwise , his school would shut down for lack of her money. The woman could not teach students, because she knew neither maths nor physics.She thought she often played in the zoo,so she decided to teach biology.But she didn't know how to teach the subject at all.She thought hard, and finally she decided to bring the students to the zoo.
Pointing to a crocodile, she shouted ,”Look at it carefully! It’s a whale!”
“Excuse me ,madam,” said a student.   “It’s a crocodile!”
“Shut up!” Mr White said angrily.   “It’s a whale!”
小题1:Why did Mr White have to employ Mrs White as a teacher ?
A.Because his school would shut down without her money.
B.Because Mrs White learned many things during school time.
C.Because no businessman wanted to employ Mrs White.
D.Because Mrs White knew something about biology.
小题2:Which of the following is not true about Mrs White?
A.She was the daughter of a rich man.
B.She often went to the zoo to study animals.
C.She knew nothing about the subject of biology.
D.She was one of Mrs White’s classmates.
小题3:What happened when Mrs White brought her students to the zoo?
A.The students didn't know whales and crocodiles.
B.Mrs White taught the right animals to her students.
C.A whale came up to the bank to have a breath.
D.Mrs White mistook a crocodile for a whale.
小题4:Why didn't Mr White agree to accept his wife as a teacher?
A.Because he wanted to change his fate of listening to his wife.
B.Because he knew his wife could not be a good teacher.
C.Because his wife liked being at home.
D.Because his wife only knew something about maths and physics.

