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假定你是李华,你的朋友李芳向你询问你校新开设的iPad课程( iPad class),请你向她写封回信,告诉她课程很受学生欢迎并简单阐述理由,要点如下:

1. 资源丰富

2. 促进交流

3. 利于环保

4. 其他理由

注意:1. 开头和结尾已给出。

2. 可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。

3. 词数100词左右。

Dear Li Fang,

I’m very glad to receive your last letter, in which you enquired about our newly opened iPad classes.









Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:黑龙江省肇东市2016-2017学年高一下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:完成句子

1.Police say they will not give up until they find _____________ (证据).

2.People often use sunflowers as the _______________of strength. (象征)

3.He has gone to be ___________ for a new coat. (测量)

4.__________ (face) with difficulties, she didn’t choose to give up.

5.In my opinion, what he told us just now about the affair simply doesn’t make any s_______ .

6.Luckily, the bullet n __________ missed the captain by an inch.

7.There are many s__________________ between my first-born son and my brother, both of whom like swimming and eating dumplings.

8.Reasons for joining a club at school r_________ from making more friends to keeping us busy after school.

9.How many people can the hall a__________?

10.—Why did you r_______?

—I was offered a better position at IBM


科目:高中英语 来源:江西省2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

9 days for only $839 (children: half of the price)

Price covers: international airfares, local transportation, hotel expenses, all meals, daily tours and visas for US citizens.

Our address: No. 178, Zhongguancun Street, Haidian District, Beijing

Phone number: 010-62123855

Day 1-3 Beijing

Our guide will pick you up at Beijing airport and take you to the hotel near Wangfujing (Address: No. 72, Wangfujing Road, 010-86370248). Your first stop is Tian’anmen Square. From there you will enter the Forbidden City. You will then go to the Temple of Heaven, the Great Wall and the Ming Tombs. We will arrange a delicious meal in a delicate restaurant followed by a lively acrobatic show. You will finish the 3-day tour after having a glimpse at the Bird’s Nest.

Day 4-6 Xi’an

In the morning, you will take a flight to Xi’an. A visit to the great Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum will start your 3-day tour. You will visit the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, the City Wall and the Great Mosque. Later in the afternoon, you will meet a local family, which will introduce you to the life of the local people. You will relax in the Red Star Hotel for 3 nights (Address: No. 165, Wenyi Road, Xi’an, 029-5670054).

Day 7-8 Shanghai

Our guide will pick you up at Pudong Airport and take you to the hotel for 2-night stay (Address: No. 24, Nanjing Road, 021-62458585). Our visit begins at the Shanghai Museum and the beautiful Yuyuan Garden. Afterwards, you will have some free time to walk along the Bund and buy souvenirs on Nanjing Road.

Day 9 Leave for Beijing

After breakfast at the hotel, you will take a taxi to the airport for Beijing flight. Our trip comes to an end at this time.

1.Which of the following is the correct route for the 3-day tour in Beijing?

A. Tian’anmen Square - the Forbidden City – the Temple of Heaven – the Great Wall

B. the Forbidden City – the Bird’s Nest - Tian’anmen Square – the Great Wall

C. Tian’anmen Square – the Temple of Heaven - the Forbidden City – the Great Wall

D. the Bird’s Nest - Tian’anmen Square – the Temple of Heaven – the Great Wall

2.If Mr. Wang plans to take the trip with his wife and son, they will have to pay _______

A. $839 B. $2097.5

C. $1258.5 D. $2517

3.When you take the trip to Xi’an, you will _______.

A. learn many things about the local life and local people

B. visit many surprising royal tombs, such as the Ming Tombs

C. watch lively acrobatic show after a delicious meal

D. have some free time to enjoy the beautiful Bund

4.The passage is useful in _______ .

A. encouraging Americans to apply for a visa

B. offering a free ticket booking service to tourists

C. helping foreigners to really understand China

D. attracting foreigners to go travelling in China


科目:高中英语 来源:云南省2017届高三下学期第二次统测英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Got big plans for Friday night? That’s OK, we don’t either.

Guess we’ll all have to make do by watching the celestial (天空的)show that will take place that night.

First, there will be a full moon. That’s always fun, but this one will be a little more special. It’s known as a “snow moon.” The name comes from the fact that the heaviest snows usually fall during February, according to the Old Farmer’s Almanac.

But if that’s not special enough, there’s also an eclipse (月食)that night. It’ll be a penumbral lunar eclipse, meaning ifs a partial eclipse that leaves sections of the moon darkened by the earth’s shadow. No, it won’t be as spectacular as those “blood moon” eclipses. It’ll be subtler. The level of darkness it reached during the eclipse may or may not be apparent; it just depends on where you are when you view it.

In North America, the eclipse begins at 5:34 p.m. ET and ends at 9:53 p.m. ET, according to astronomy website EarthSky. The eclipse will be at its height around 7:44 p.m. ET.

If that’s still not enough, let’s throw in a comet (彗星)to the night’s festivities.

Comet 45P (it has a much longer name, but we won’t burden you with it here) is visible as it flies by Earth. The comet will get within 7.4 million miles of the planet as it makes its closest approach this weekend, according to Universe Today.

Comet 45P will be the most visible a couple of hours after the eclipse, so look to the skies again around 3 a.m. ET Saturday and find the greenish-blue light with a tail.

And don’t forget, a total big-time solar eclipse will streak across the United States on August 21st.

1.According to the text, what can be viewed on Friday night?

A. A blood moon.

B. A total solar eclipse.

C. A partial lunar eclipse.

D. A comet without a tail.

2.If you want to see Comet 45P, you will need to .

A. wait around 7:44 p.m. ET

B. stay up until 9:53 p.m. ET

C. wake up before 3:00 a.m. ET

D. start watching at 5:34 p.m. ET

3.The author writes the text with the purpose of .

A. introducing basic astronomy to the media

B. sharing new discoveries with astronomy researchers

C. promoting astronomical events among science scents

D. informing average readers of recent celestial phenomena

4.Which can be a suitable title for the text?

A. Comet 45P will be visible as it approaches the earth

B. Penumbral lunar eclipse will happen on Friday night

C. Suggestions of fun scientific exhibitions for the coming weekend

D. Eclipse, full moon, comet team up to put on a show on Friday night


科目:高中英语 来源:贵州省遵义市2016-2017学年高二下学期期中考试英语试卷 题型:信息匹配

The Benefits of Keeping a Journal

If you want to grow, one important thing you should do is keeping a journal. It may seem simple, but it can make a big difference in your life. I have been keeping journals for years. Writing all the lessons I learn and all the ideas I get has become a habit for me. And to be honest, I can’t imagine what my life would be like without it.1.

It prevents you from losing an idea. Have you ever got an idea only to lose it later because you didn’t write it down? 2..But then I developed the habit of writing down every idea that came into my mind as soon as possible. If I’m away from my computer, I usually write it down on a piece of paper that I bring wherever I go. I will then transfer the idea to the journal in my computer.

It helps you review all the lessons you’ve learned. By reviewing your journal, you can quickly see the lessons you’ve learned and the ideas you’ve got. 3. You can use the ideas to push yourself forward.

4.After keeping a journal for years, you can look back at it and see how far you’ve gone. Things that were big problems in the past might seem small today. The raw ideas you had in the past might have been realized today.

It helps you expand your idea. When you try to come up with a sentence to express an idea, you are thinking actively about it. 5. In the end, you will expand your ideas.

A. I often experienced that myself.

B. It trains you to express your thoughts.

C. It allows you to see your progress over time.

D. Just use whatever tool you feel comfortable with.

E. Here are some benefits you will get by keep a journal.

F. Thinking actively helps you connect your idea to another idea.

G. Then you can do whatever necessary to avoid repeating the same mistakes.


科目:高中英语 来源:山西省孝义市2017届高三下学期考前热身训练英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Every human being, no matter what he is doing, gives off body heat. The usual problem is how to get rid of it. But the designers of the Johnstown campus (校园) of the University of Pittsburgh set themselves the opposite problem — how to collect body heat. They have designed a collection system which uses not only body heat, but the heat given off by such objects as light bulbs and refrigerators as well. The system works so well that no fuel is needed to make the campus’s six buildings comfortable.

Some parts of most modem buildings — theaters and offices as well as classrooms, are more sufficiently heated by people and lights and sometimes must be air-conditioned (使用空调的) even in winter. The technique of saving heat and redistributing (再分配) it is called “heat recovery”. A few modern buildings recover heat, but the University’s system is the first to recover heat from buildings and reuse it in others.

Along the way, Pittsburgh has learned a great deal about some of its producers. The harder a student studies, the more heat his body gives off. Male students send out more heat than female students, and the larger a student is, the more heat he produces. We may conclude that the hottest prospect for the Johnstown campus would be a hard working overweight mate genius.

1.The heat in the heating system of the Johnstown campus is supplied ________.

A. by human bodies

B. by both human bodies and other heat-giving objects

C. by both human bodies and commonly used fuel

D. by human bodies, commonly used fuel and other heat-giving objects

2.According to the passage, the technique of heat recovery is used ________.

A. to find the producers of heat

B. to provide heat for the hot water system

C. to make the campus more beautiful

D. to collect heat and reuse it

3.The underlined phrase “the hottest prospect” in this passage refers to ________.

A. the person who suffers most from heat

B. the person who needs more heat than others

C. the person who gives off most heat

D. the person who makes better use of heat

4.Which of the following may be the best title for this passage?

A. A New Heat Recovery System in Pitt

B. Modern Building’s Heat System

C. Body Heat and Its Producers

D. Ways of Heating Building


科目:高中英语 来源:云南省昆明市2016-2017学年高一下学期第二次月考英语试卷 题型:书面表达

假设你是李华,计划和同学去敬老院(nursing house)陪老人们过重阳节(the Double Ninth Festival),请给外教露西写封邮件,邀她一同前往,内容包括:



注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 结束语已为你写好。











Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省2017届高三5月质检(最后一模)英语试卷 题型:书面表达







3.参考词汇:host family(接待家庭)

Dear Sir or Madam,








Sincerely yours,

Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:湖南省长沙市2017届高三下学期临考冲刺训练英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

There has been a technological revolution where kindles, e-books, and various online reading apps have taken over the world. Is reading a print book out of date? Well, not exactly.

There are so many wonderful factors involved with reading a print copy of the book. I remember the excitement of going to the bookstore with my mom when I was in elementary school. The feel of sitting down in the book store and selecting the books I wanted to read was just so much fun! I think that reading paperback books has its own charm and excitement that cannot be replaced by an electronic book. Holding the physical copy of the book in my hands, and turning over each page makes the reading experience so much more real and memorable.

Admittedly, e-books seem to be more convenient than print books. Purchasing an e-book can take place in seconds and these books are often priced less expensively than print copy books. With e-books, there likely isn’t going to be a storage problem, unless the device has a limit on how many books can be purchased. Then again, in order to read e-books one must have a particular device-tablet, iPad, kindle or laptop to read it on. Thus, an additional payment has to be made in order to read e-books, whereas reading print copies does not involve any extra device.

Print books never actually stopped leading the charge, considering that e-book sales have never made up more than a third of all book sales. And although they rose to that number extremely quickly—Amazon, only introduced the kindle in 2007-the majority of all books sold has always been print. The reality is that there is absolutely no reason print and e-books can’t coexist in the book market, but print books may carry the day.

1.What advantage do e-books have according to the passage?

A. The reading experience is more real.

B. There is no storage problem at all.

C. Purchasing them takes less time.

D. They are very priceless.

2.What can we infer about the book market?

A. E-book sales make up more than 1/3 of all book sales.

B. E-book sales have never surpassed print book sales.

C. Amazon occupies most of the market.

D. Print books and e-books can’t coexist.

3.What’s the author’s attitude towards the future of print books?

A. Worried. B. Optimistic.

C. Indifferent. D. Doubtful.

