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用语简练, 使评委印象深刻





1. 说明回信的意图;

2. 向小明提出建议;

3. 预祝小明比赛成功。











科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省高中英语选修六牛津译林版练习题:Unit 2 What is happiness to you? 题型:单项填空

—Could you meet me at the airport?

—I'd like to,but I ________Shanghai when you return.

A. will have left B. was leaving

C. will leave D. have left


科目:高中英语 来源:河北省2017届高三上学期第16周周测英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Like many new graduates, I left university full of hope for the future but with no real idea of what I wanted to do. My degree, with honors, in English literature had not really prepared me for anything practical. I knew I wanted to make a difference in the world somehow, but I had no idea how to do that. That’s when I learned about the Lighthouse Project.

I started my journey as a Lighthouse Project volunteer by reading as much as I could about the experiences of previous volunteers. I knew it would be a lot of hard work, and that I would be away from my family and friends for a very long time. In short, I did not take my decision to apply for the Lighthouse Project lightly. Neither did my family.

Eventually, however, I won the support of my family, and I sent in all the paperwork needed for the application. After countless interviews and presentations, I managed to stand out among the candidates and survive the test alone. Several months later, I finally received a call asking me to report for the duty. I would be going to a small village near Abuja, Nigeria. Where? What? Nigeria? I had no idea. But I was about to find out.

After completing my training, I was sent to the village that was small and desperately in need of proper accommodation. Though the local villagers were poor, they offered their homes, hearts, and food as if I were their own family. I was asked to lead a small team of local people in building a new schoolhouse. For the next year or so, I taught in that same schoolhouse. But I sometimes think I learned more from my students than they did from me.

Sometime during that period, I realized that all those things that had seemed so strange or unusual to me no longer did, though I did not get anywhere with the local language, and returned to the United States a different man. The Lighthouse Project had changed my life forever.

1.What do we know about the author?

A. His university education focused on the theoretical knowledge.

B. His dream at university was to become a volunteer.

C. He took pride in having contributed to the world.

D. He felt honored to study English literature.

2.According to the Project Lighthouse, it is likely that the author______________

A. discussed his decision with his family.

B. asked previous volunteers about voluntary work

C. attended special training to perform difficult tasks

D. felt sad about having to leave his family and friends

3.In his application for the volunteer job, the author _______________

A. Participated in many discussions

B. Went through challenging survival tests

C. Wrote quite a few paper on voluntary work

D. Faced strong competition from other candidates

4.On arrival at the village, the author was ___________

A. asked to lead a farming team

B. sent to teach in schoolhouse

C. received warmly by local villagers

D. arranged to live in a separate house.

5.What can we infer from the author’s experiences in Nigeria?

A. He found some difficulty adapting to the local culture

B. He had learned to communicate in the local language.

C. He had overcome all his weakness before he left for home.

D. He was chosen as the most respectable teacher by his students.


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省2016-2017学年高二下学期期末模拟考试英语试卷 题型:七选五

Things You Should Quit Doing to be Successful

Would you like to be successful? But what are you willing to do in order to reach your goal? 1. If you want it bad enough, you will get it. When you are productive, you efficiently finish various tasks and achieve better results. However, there are many bad habits that successful people will try to avoid to reach their desired success.

They don’t do without first learning. The greatest thing about learning is the benefit that we receive in all aspects of our lives. If we stop learning, then the only thing we can do is settle with what we already know; if we settle for that, then there is no way to expand our minds. 2. Since our minds require learning for expansion, we must never stop seeking new knowledge.

They don’t work in their comfort zone. What is your comfort zone? Your comfort zone is defined as “A psychological state in which a person feels familiar, at ease, in control, and experiences low anxiety.” When you get outside of your comfort zone, it doesn’t mean that you should strive for a constant state of anxiety and stress. 3.

4. Social networks are great for staying in touch with family and friends. However, when chatting, posting, sharing, and looking at various funny photos, we waste hours just scrolling through pages. Usually, before we fall asleep, we decide to check if there is something new in the news feed and end up falling asleep very late at night. You then feel tired in the morning and incapable of doing anything that demands focus and hard work.

They don’t hang around negative people. Negative people are very harmful to be around when it comes to achieving success. 5. When you are around negative people enough, you start to see things negatively and you begin to lose sight of your dream. If that happens, life will reward you with negative outcomes to deal with.

A. They don’t fear asking for advice.

B. Expansion is essential on the path to success!

C. They don’t spend a lot of time on social networks.

D. Success is not something that happens by accident.

E. Getting lost in small things causes us to miss out on the overall views.

F. Success is more about a person’s way of thinking than anything else.

G. It simply means that, in order to grow, you should try new things and expand your horizons.


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省2016-2017学年高二下学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:完形填空

Last Friday when Jose Rodriguez , a 5-year-old white boy, asked his mother Lydia Rodriguez if he could get his blonde hair cut like his black friend Reddy’s, and of course his mother agreed. For a very ____ reason the two pre-school friends decided to ____ their teacher with matching haircuts.

Jose ____ that if he and Reddy had the same haircut, no one would be able to ____ them. Reddy apparently thought this trick was ____ as well.

“It is just two ____ boys. Obviously, they see they are different colors, they just don’t care. It is not ____ , Rodriguez said. She sees Jose’s inability to see a ____ between himself and his friend as a parenting win. “I just taught him to ____ everyone the same,” she said.

The teacher played along and ____ she was talking to Jose when Reddy arrived before Jose, he told the teacher and his _____he was Jose.

On Monday, Rodriguez ____ the story on the Facebook.78,000 people ____ it and the story has gone viral(疯传). On the post she wrote: “If this isn’t proof that ____ and prejudice is something that is ____ , I don’t know what is. Their ____ is the only difference Jose sees in the two of them. Though Jose loves ____ himself on TV and the Internet, he remains unsure why his haircut became such a big ____ .

“He still has no idea why people ____ so much”, Rodriguez said. “He wanted to ____ Reddy and now he thinks they look the same.”

1.A. wrong B. obvious C. sweet D. funny

2.A. trick B. entertain C. surprise D. frighten

3.A. feared B. decided C. promised D. admitted

4.A. tease B. substitute C. persuade D. distinguish

5.A. simple B. amusing C. perfect D. stupid

6.A. innocent B. naughty C. happy D. clever

7.A. ridiculous B. important C. reasonable D. convincing

8.A. friendship B. cooperation C. respect D. difference

9.A. praise B. blame C. love D. attend

10.A. confirmed B. pretended C. reminded D. explained

11.A. classmates B. parents C. relatives D. guests

12.A. downloaded B. commented C. read D. shared

13.A. contributed to B. submitted to C. reacted to. D. turned to

14.A. hate B. identity C. justice D. happiness

15.A. forbidden B. taught C. permitted D. expected

16.A. colors B. characters C. hair D. status

17.A. watching B. introducing C. reflecting D. amusing

18.A. reward B. gift C. debate D. deal

19.A. care B. envy C. talk D. admire

20.A. believe in B. look like C. appreciate D. inspire


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省莆田市2016-2017学年高一下学期第二次月考英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

The Spotlight(公众注意的中心) Rio Phelps puts spotlight on cupping(拔火罐) Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps fed American swimmers to 8 gold medals in the 4x100-meter relay, but what grabbed media attention and led to stories and photos around the globe were the purple and red circles on his back. Michael Phelps of the USA is seen with red cupping marks on his shoulder as he competes during the 2016 Rio Olympics men's 200m butterfly in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil , Aug 8,2016.

Chinese swimmer Fu Yuanhui goes viral Chain's women's swimmer Fu Yuanhui has created a hit online not just by winning the bronze medal in the 100m backstroke competition, but also by her facial expressions during the post semi-final interview with China Central Television (CCTV) on Monday. When asked whether she held back for the final, Fu replied, "No, I used my 'prehistorical power'." What she meant was that she had spared no efforts in the semi-final. Since then. The so-called "prehistorical power" has gone viral and become a new Internet meme.

Britain wins first Olympic diving gold in men's synchronized 3m springboard(男子双人3米跳板)Britain's Jack Laugher and Chris Mears ended China's gold medal monopoly(垄断)over diving events at the Rio Olympics by winning the men's synchronized 3m springboard final On Wednesday, the country's first-ever Olympic gold medal in diving. Laugher and Mears finished with a six-round total of 454.32 points, just 4.11 points ahead of silver medallists Mike Hixon and Sam Dorman of the USA at the Maria Lenk Aquatics Center. China's Cao Yuan and Qin Kai took the bronze with 443.70 points.

1.What attracted media attention with Phelps' winning the gold medal?

A. His great leadership.

B. His scars on his back.

C. The cupping marks on his back.

D. His achievements he made in the men's 200rn butterfly.

2.Which of the following is NOT the reason why Fu Yuanhui became the spotlight?

A. Her achievement in the 100m backstroke competition.

B. Her devotion and determination to swimming.

C. Her facial expression during the post-semifinal interview.

D. Her humourous reply to the reporter - so called "prehistorical power".

3.What can we learn from the third news?

A. China didn't win any gold medals in diving events at the Rio Olympics.

B. Mike Hixon and Sam Dorman of the USA took silver with 447.81 points.

C. Britain had never won the Olympic diving gold medal before the Rio Olympics.

D. Britain became the gold medal monopolist of diving events at the Rio Olympics.


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省兰溪市2016-2017学年高一上学期第一次阶段性考试英语试卷 题型:短文填空

Wang kun and Wang Wei are brother and sister. They have 1. about taking a bike trip for a long time. After they graduated from college, they had the chance to cycle along the Mekong River. Wang Wei is very 2.. Once she is 3. (determine) to do something, she will never change her mind. Although it is difficult to travel along the Mekong River by bike, she insisted that they 4. (find) the source of the river and begin their journey there. In order to make the trip 5.(proper), they made a careful study of the maps in a large atlas. Finally they made up their 6.(mind) to begin their journey from 7. altitude of 5, 000 meters.

The part of the river in China is called Lancang River. After it leaves China and the high altitudes, the Mekong River becomes wide, brown and warm. It flows through Laos, Thailand and Cambodia. At last, the river's delta 8.the South China Sea.

During their journey, they experienced different seasons and enjoyed the beautiful scenery of glacier, deep valleys, waterfalls and plains. When they reached Dali, their cousins Dao Wei and Yu Hang joined them. Though 9.(cycle) down so long a river was hard for them, they felt 10. interesting and unforgettable.


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省高中英语选修六牛津译林版练习题:Unit 4 Helping people around the world 题型:单项填空

I've tried hard to improve my English.But by no means ________with my progress.

A. the teacher is not satisfied B. is the teacher not satisfied

C. the teacher is satisfied D. is the teacher satisfied


科目:高中英语 来源:辽宁省辽源市2016-2017学年高二上学期期末考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

The new mayor of Hillsdale, Michigan, is a man of the people, ready to listen to their problems, but only until 6 p.m. Then he has to do his homework. Michael Sessions, 18, beat former mayor Douglas Ingles, 51, by just two votes and became the new mayor of Hillsdale. He is America's youngest mayor.

As Sessions was too young to enter the election in the spring of 2005, he registered to vote on Sept, 22, one day after his 18-year-old birthday. The day after that he started his write-in campaign, which means he should persuade voters to remember his name and write it by hand on the voting ballots(选票).

To help get his name known, Sessions earned$700 by selling apples over the summer. He spent the money on posters and put them on the Hillsdale's lawns.

Sessions' month-long campaign included going door to door, explaining his ideas of the town's future in the kitchens of his neighbors. "They'd look at me, and say‘How old are you again? How much experience do you have?' And I say ‘I'm still in high school', " he said. Sessions promised Hillsdale's voters he would renew local economy. “I was hopeful the whole time, ” he explained. One day he spent so long out on the streets knocking on the doors that he ended up in a hospital emergency room.

Sessions said that his schoolwork will not get in the way of his job as a mayor. “From 7:50 a.m. to 2:30p.m., I'11 be a student. From 3 to 6, I'11 be the mayor of Hillsdale," he said.

“He did a very brave thing that couldn't have been easy for him to do, "said Jack Vettel, a councilman in Hillsdale, a city of 8,200 about 75 miles southwest of Detroit. "He does care about this town. He's been here all his life.”

Sessions will receive$3, 600 a year during this four-year term, and will work out of his bedroom since the town does not provide the mayor with an office.

1.What is TRUE of Sessions' election campaign according to the text?

A. Sessions launched his election campaign on Sept, 22.

B. Sessions worked so hard that he once tried to persuade people in a hospital.

C. Sessions won the election campaign by a very close outcome (结果).

D. Sessions felt disappointed when asked about his age and experience.

2.In order to gain more support from the voters Sessions had to do all these things EXCEPT________.

A. put up posters B. renew the economy

C. sell apples D. talk to neighbors in kitchens

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A. American mayors usually work from 3 p. m. to 6 p. m.

B. In America, young people are encouraged to get involved in politics.

C. All teenagers are allowed to enter political elections.

D. American mayors receive a salary of 3, 600 a year during their 4-year term.

4.Which of the following would best summarize the text?

A. Schoolboy becomes American's youngest mayor.

B. How to become a teenage mayor.

C. Hard work is the ticket to success.

D. Never too young to shake the world.

