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10.We have seen that pesticides(杀虫剂) now pollute soil,water and food,and that they have the power to make our rivers fishless and our gardens and woodlands silent and birdless.Man,however much he may like to pretend the opposite,is part of nature.Can he escape a pollution that is now so thoroughly spread throughout our world?
We know that even single exposure to these chemicals,if the amount is large enough,can cause extremely severe poisoning.But this is not the major problem.The sudden illness or death of farmers,farm workers and others exposed to enough quantities of pesticides is very sad and should not happen.For the population as a whole,we must pay more attention to the delayed effects of taking in small amounts of the pesticides that unseeably pollute our world.
Responsible public health officials have pointed out that the biological effects of chemicals are increasing in amount over long periods of time,and that the danger to the man may depend on the amount of the exposures received throughout his lifetime.For these very reasons people easily take no notice of the danger.It is human nature to shake off what may seem to us a future disaster."Men are naturally most impressed by diseases which have obvious signs,"says a wise physician,Dr.Rene Dubos,"yet some of their worst enemies slowly come near them unnoticed."

62.Which of the following can best summarize the first paragraph of this passage?_C
A.Man has a responsibility to bear for what has happened to nature.
B.Possibly man will escape the effects of environmental pollution.
C.Pesticide-caused pollution may also kill people.
D.Man acts as if he did not belong to nature.
63.People do not give enough attention to the delayed effects of exposure to chemicals becauseD.
A.imited exposure to them does little harm to people's health
B.the present is more important to them than the future
C.humans are able to bear small amounts of poisoning
D.the danger does not become seen clearly and immediately
64.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?_A
A.A person exposed to pesticides even once may get seriously poisoned.
B.Birds are less sensitive to pesticides than humans.
C.The effects of pesticides on humans do not last as long as on fish.
D.Taking in small amounts of pesticides will not cause serious results.
65.We can conclude from what Dr Dubos says thatB.
A.people usually find hidden diseases difficult to deal with
B.people fail to notice hidden dangers caused by pesticides
C.diseases with obvious signs are mostly easy to cure
D.attacks by hidden enemies are likely to be deadly.

分析 文章讲述了杀虫剂污染土壤,水和食物.化学物品在悄悄地危害人类健康.

解答 62-65 CDAB
62题答案是C.细节理解题.根据Can he escape a pollution that is now so thoroughly spread throughout our world?人类能逃脱遍布世界的污染吗?暗指污染也会杀害人类.
63题答案是D.细节理解题.根据we must pay more attention to the delayed effects of taking in small amounts of the pesticides that unseeably pollute our world.我们必须重视后续影响,小剂量的杀虫剂在不可见地污染着我们的世界.故选D.
64题答案是A.细节理解题.根据We know that even single exposure to these chemicals,if the amount is large enough,can cause extremely severe poisoning可知如果人类接触大量的杀虫剂,会严重地中毒.故选A.
65题答案是B.推理判断题.根据."Men are naturally most impressed by diseases which have obvious signs,"says a wise physician,Dr.Rene Dubos,"yet some of their worst enemies slowly come near them unnoticed."人类最坏的敌人(疾病)在无意识中慢慢靠近,即人类疏于认识到杀虫剂引起的危险.故选B.

点评 这是一篇健康环保类阅读.题目涉及多道细节理解题,做题时结合原文和题目有针对 性找出相关语句进行仔细分析,结合选项选出正确答案.推理判断也是要在抓住关键句子的基础上合理的分析才能得出正确的答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Mark Twain was a great writer.He was from the USA.He was born in 1835.He was also a famous speaker.He was famous for his sense of humour.Many people liked to listen to him talk because he liked to tell some interesting stories to make people laugh all the time.
One day Mark Twain was going to a small town because of his writing.Before he was going to leave,one of his friends said to him that there were always a lot of mosquitoes(蚊子) in the town and told him that he'd better not go there.Mark Twain waved (摇动) his hand and said,"It doesn't matter.The mosquitoes are no relatives of mine.I don't think they will come to visit me."
After he arrived at the town,Mark Twain stayed in a small hotel near the station.He went into his room,but when he was just about to have a rest,quite a few mosquitoes flew about him.The waiters felt very sorry about that."I'm very sorry,Mr Mark Twain.There are too many mosquitoes in our town."One of them said to him.
Mark Twain,however,made a joke,saying to the waiter,"The mosquitoes are very clever.They know my room number.They didn't come into the wrong room."What he said made all the people present laugh heartily.
But that night Mark Twain slept well.Do you know why?That was because all the waiters in the hotel were driving the mosquitoes away for him during the whole night.
26.That day Mark Twain went to the townB.
A.to see one of his friends
B.because he wanted to do something there for his writing
C.because he was told there were a lot of mosquitoes there
D.to see one of his relatives
27.The waiters felt sorry becauseD.
A.they did something wrong to Mark Twain
B.their hotel was too small
C.the room was not very clean
D.there were quite a few mosquitoes in Mark Twain's room
28.From the story we knowA.
A.no mosquitoes troubled Mark Twain in the night
B.the owner of the hotel told the waiters to look after Mark Twain well at night
C.Mark Twain didn't have a good rest that night
D.there were not mosquitoes in the hotel any longer.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.The most famous war movies reflect the American public's continuous fascination with World War II and the Vietnam War.Many movies of this kind have been well-received when they were first shown,but few of them have enjoyed lasting fame and popularity.The films on the list of the five most famous war movies still remain fresh and are popular among many people.
The Longest Day
An all-star cast recreates D-Day and the Normandy attack,the greatest landing and aerial(空中的) invasion in history.This is probably the most famous war movie because of the large number of big stars who have roles in the film.
Apocalypse Now
This is a famous war movie because of its description of the Vietnam War and excellent performance from Marlon Brando,Martin Sheen and Robert Duvall.The film,full of memorable scenes and quotes,is widely viewed as a masterpiece of movie making.
The Dirty Dozen
Lee Marvin,playing an officer who thinks and acts independently,is appointed to train twelve prisoners,most of whom have been sentenced to death,to go on a suicide mission to kill several Nazi generals.If any of the men makes it back,they may get a pardon.This is one of the most popular war movies ever made.
This famous war movie is the fictional account of a platoon(排) in Vietnam that is divided into two competing groups.The plot is partly based on the director Oliver Stone's real life experience.
This is probably the most famous war movie ever made about navy.It's based on the battle between Japanese and American aircraft carrier groups near Hawaii in World War II that resulted in a decisive American victory.

21.What are the most important themes of the movies mentioned aboveA?
A.World War II and the Vietnam War.
B.Competitions in the Vietnam War.
C.Fights between Nazi generals and soldiers.
D.D-Day landing and the Normandy attack.
22.The text is meant toC.
A.describe five most famous movie posters
B.choose the best war movie among the five
C.introduce five masterpieces of American films
D.celebrate the success of the five American films
23.What can we infer from the underlined sentence?
A.The prisoners will be punished if they fail.
B.The prisoners might be willing to have a try.
C.The prisoners might be scared and run away.
D.The prisoners have to take Nazi generals back.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

18.I am 58 years old,but I began training to swim across the English Channel a little over a year ago.The question I(36)C over and over again was this::"Why?"
When a student reporter of Indiana University recently asked me this(37)A,I said,"First let me ask you a question.What are your(38)Cfor this summer?"He(39)D that he was going to receive much more training in tennis.I didn't have to say more; he understood my(40)B.
A(41)Aand an element of adventure are welcome(42)C  42 you are 20 or 58 especially when you have a choice.But (43)Ddid I decide to swim across the Channel at 58?It is the challenge that(44)B about 100 swimmers every year who are willing to spend time,effort and money trying(45)A.
I don't think that I am superman.I(46)D think I have three things going for me:
First,I am training hard-(47)Cswimming 7.5 miles a day.Before that time I also kept physically(48)Bby training moderately(适度地)hard.
Second,I am a determined person for whom this swim has long been a(49)A.I have a feeling I will be(50)D ready and won't do as a Channel swimmer did a few years ago.Though he trained hard for a couple of years,yet he gave up at last because he was not confident enough.
(51)C,a young girl touched me,who was attempting to finish her swim when the ocean go(52)A.She was having a hard time with the turbulent(汹涌的)and cold water,when her trainer shouted to her from the boat that he thought she should(53)Dand get out of the water.She shouted(54)B,"I'm doing the swimming and I will decide when to get out."She(55)Cit.

36.A.consideredB.foundC.was askedD.was answered
51.A.For exampleB.Without doubtC.In additionD.As usual
53.A.go onB.look aroundC.call outD.give up


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.It's often said that the eye is the window to the soul.But in this case,the eye is the window to Windows.At least,that was the goal when EyeTech Digital Systems got the help of some BYU engineering students in creating an all-in-one eye-tracking system.
The idea behind the project was to create an inexpensive computer system that could be controlled completely with a person's eyes.The hope was that this system could be used by people  with disabilities in parts of the world where they can't afford expensive eye-tracking systems.The students created the tablet(书写板)for their yearlong engineering project for their customer,EyeTech Digital Systems,an Arizona-based company that designs and develops eye-tracking software.
A separate BYU engineering team also worked with EyeTech last year to develop and improve the initial eye-tracking tephnology,but this year's focus was to put the eye tracking into a housing similar to a thick PC.The finished product runs Windows 7 and has the eye-tracking system built in.After a quick adjustment,the system can move the mouse to wherever the user is currently looking.All it takes is a blink(眨眼)to click.
Systems with similar abilities can cost upwards of 14,000.Butthestudentswereabletofindcheaper,readilyavailableparts,pushingthecostdowntounder1,500.Jedediah Nieveen,the captain for this year's team,said the project was a challenge,but one that was rewarding on many levels."A lot of times in school you just work problems out of books,"he said."But this allowed us to take what we learned and apply it to something in real life,something that can help a lot of people,and that's really helped me."
Although the primary purpose of the product is to help people with disabilities,the technology could also have broader applications in the fields of research,advertising and even gaming.
71.According to the text,the eye-tracking system isB   
A.a high-tech computer                                    
B.a computer system operated by eyes
C.a way of protecting eyes                                
D.a software against information theft
72.How long will the research of the eye-tracking project last in all?A
A.About two years.                   
B.Just one year.
C.Over three years.                  
D.Less than one year.
73.The eye-tracking system was created toC   
A.help the poor students                                  
B.improve the computer system
C.support the disabled people                             
D.help to cure people's disabilities
74.What did the BYU engineering students value most during the project?B
A.Earning money for their education.
B.Putting their theory into practice.
C.Showing their talents in technology.
D.Increasing their job opportunities.
75.What can be inferred about the future of the eye-tracking system?A
A.It may face a promising market.
B.It is welcome only to the disabled people.
C.It'll change the disabled people's social position.
D.It can improve the disabled people's main way of life.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.The common cold is the world's most widespread illness,which is plagues(病疫) that flesh receives.The most widespread fallacy(谬误) of all is that colds caused by cold.They are not.They are caused by viruses passing on from person to person.You catch a cold by coming into contact,directly or indirectly,with someone who already has one.If cold causes colds,it would be reasonable to expect the Eskimos to suffer from them forever.But they do not.And in isolated arctic regions explorers have reported being free from colds until coming into contact again with infected people from the outside world by way of packages and mail dropped from airplanes.During the First World War soldiers who spent long periods in the trenches(战壕),cold and wet,showed no increased tendency to catch colds.In the Second World War prisoners at the notorious Auschwitz concentration camp(奥斯维辛集中营),naked and starving,were astonished to find that they seldom had colds.At the Common Cold Research Unit in England,volunteers took part in Experiments in which they gave themselves to the discomforts of being cold and wet for long stretches of time.After taking hot baths,they put on bathing suits,allowed themselves to be with cold water,and then stood about dripping wet in drafty(通风良好的)room.Some wore wet socks all day while others exercised in the rain until close to exhaustion.Not one of the volunteers came down with a cold unless a cold virus was actually dropped in his nose.If,then,cold and wet have nothing to do with catching colds,why are they more frequent in the winter?Despite the most pains-taking research,no one has yet found the answer.One explanation offered by scientists is that people tend to stay together indoors more in cold weather than at other times,and this makes it easier for cold viruses to be passed on.No one has yet found a cure for the cold.There are drugs and pain suppressors(止痛片) such as aspirin,but all they do is relieve the symptoms.

64.Which of the following does not agree with the chosen passage?C
A.The Eskimos do not suffer from colds all the time.
B.Colds are not caused by cold.
C.People suffer from colds just because they like to stay indoors.
D.A person may catch a cold by touching someone who already has one.
65.Arctic explorers may catch colds whenD.
A.they are working in the isolated arctic regions
B.they are writing reports in terribly cold weather
C.they are free from work in the isolated arctic regions
D.they are coming into touch again with the outside world
66.Volunteers taking part in the experiments in the Common Cold Research UnitA.
A.suffered a lot       B.never caught colds
C.often caught colds   D.became very strong
67.The passage mainly discussesC.
A.the experiments on the common cold
B.the fallacy about the common cold
C.the reason and the way people catch colds
D.the continued spread of common colds.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Who"discovered"America?And who led the first successful attempt to sail around the world in history?
Well,our textbooks have the answers:they are Italian sailor Christopher Columbus and Portuguese navigator Ferdinand Magellan.
However,China's great explorer,Zheng He (1371-1435),may well have beaten his European counterparts (同行) and sailed around the world first.The life and achievements of the legendary sailor are featured in a TV drama,which is being screened on CCTV 8.
Zheng was an officer of the Ming Dynasty's Yongle Emperor.In 1405,the emperor asked Zheng to visit the"Western Seas",which referred to the seas and lands west of the South China Sea.Zheng traveled with 62ships filled with silk and china and 27,800men.The biggest ship was 126meters long and could take the weight of 7000tons.In the following 28years,Zheng made another six successful journeys.He visited over 30countries.Since most of the records of Zheng'voyages have been lost,many historians believe Zheng's achievements have been underestimated. British writer Gavin Menzies,who spent 14years researching the movements of the Chinese fleet,explained it was Zheng who first sailed around the world,in his book,1421,The Year china Discovered America.
While doing research,Menzies said he was shown a map,dated 1459,which included southern Africa and the Cape of Good Hope.Yet the Cape was not"discovered"by Vasco da Gama until 1497.On the map was a note about a voyage round the Cape in 1420-and a picture of a Chinese ship.
"What nobody has explained is why the European explorers had maps.Who drew the maps?"he asks in his book."There are millions of square miles of ocean.It required huge fleets to chart them.If you say it wasn't the Chinese,then who was it?"

63.The underlined word"featured"in the 3rd paragraph can be replaced byB.
A.advertised                    B.shown
C.involved                      D.affected
64.Which of the following is the evidence to prove that America was discovered by the Chinese according to Gavin Menzies?C
A.Textbooks.                   B.History books.
C.An ancient map.              D.Zheng's logbooks.
65.With most of Zheng's logbooks lost,people today are not sure ofA.
A.the exact places Zheng He reached on his voyages
B.the scale of the fleet on Zheng He's voyages
C.the times of Zheng He's successful voyages
D.the purpose of Zheng He's voyages
66.Which of the following is a definite fact about the Cape of Good Hope?A
A.It was discovered by Vasco da Gama.
B.It was discovered by the Chinese.
C.It was discovered by Christopher Columbus.
D.It was discovered by Ferdinand Magellan.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19._____ is no doubt _____ Jennifer will come to see me this weekend as usual.(  )
A.It; thatB.It; whetherC.There; thatD.There; whether


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.The system has been designed to giver the user quick and easyaccess (使用) to the required information.

