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Lightning flashed through the darkness over Donald Lubeck’s bedroom skylight.The 80-year-old retired worker was shaken by a blast of thunder.It was 11 p.m.The storm had moved directly over his two-story wood home in the rural town of Belchertown, Massachusetts.Then he heard the smoke alarm beeping.Lubeck padded down the stairs barefoot and opened the door to the basement, and flames exploded out.
Lubeck fled back upstairs to call 119 from his bedroom ,but the phone didn’t work.Lubeck realized he was trapped.“I started panicking,” he says.
His daughter and young granddaughters ,who lived with him ,were away for the night.No one will even know I’m home, he thought.His house was three miles off the main road and so well hidden by pines that Lubeck knew calling for help would be fruitless.
Up a hill about a third of a mile away lived Lubeck’s closest neighbors, Jeremie Wentworth and his wife.Wentworth had been lying down, listening to the radio when it occurred to him that the sound was more like a smoke detector.He jumped out of bed ,grabbed a cordless phone and a flashlight, and headed down the hillside toward the noise.
He dialed 119“Is anyone there?” he called out as he approached the house.Wentworth knew that Lubeck lived in the house.
Then he heard ,“Help me! I’m  trapped!” coming from the balcony off Lubeck’s bedroom.
“I ran in and yelled, ‘Don, where are you ?’Then I had to run outside to catch my breath.”
After one more attempt inside the house, he gave up and circled around back.But there was no way to get to him.“I shined the flashlight into the woods next to an old shed and noticed a adder,” says Wentworth.He dragged it over to the balcony and pulled Lubeck down just as the second floor of the house collapsed.
Wentworth and Lubeck don’t run into each other regularly, but Lubeck now knows that if he ever needs help ,Wentworth will be there.
Lubeck still chokes up when he tells the story.“I was alone,”he says.“Then I heard the most beautiful sound in my life.It was Jeremie.”
小题1:According to the text ,Lubeck       
A.stayed calm in the fireB.couldn’t find a safe way out
C.lived on the first floorD.called for help in the fire
小题2:How did Wentworth help Lubeck escape?
A.He called 911.
B.He went upstairs and took Lubeck out.
C.He put out the fire
D.He used a ladder and pulled lubeck down.
小题3:Which of the following factors was not mentioned in the text that almost caused Lubeck’s life?
A.He was living in his wood home alone that night.
B.The storm was too heavy and the fire was too fierce.
C.He lived far from the main road and was surrounded by pines.
D.He was too frightened to escape from the danger.
小题4:What does the text mainly talk about?
A.A near neighbour is better than a distant cousin.
B.A good way to get a narrow escape.
C.God helps those who help themselves.
D.Blood is thicker than water.


小题1:细节题:从第二段的句子:Lubeck realized he was trapped. 可知Lubeck没找到出路。选B
小题2:细节题:从倒数第三段的句子:“I shined the flashlight into the woods next to an old shed and noticed a ladder,” says Wentworth. He dragged it over to the balcony and pulled Lubeck down just as the second floor of the house collapsed.可知Wentworth是用梯子把Lubeck救出来的。选D。
小题3:排除题:第一段的句子:The storm had moved directly over his two-story wood home in the rural town of Belchertown, 可知A正确,从这句话Then he heard the smoke alarm beeping. Lubeck padded down the stairs barefoot and opened the door to the basement, and flames exploded out.可知B正确,第三段的句子:His house was three miles off the main road and so well hidden by pines that Lubeck knew calling for help would be fruitless.说明C正确。选D
小题4:主旨题:从倒数第二段的内容Wentworth and Lubeck don’t run into each other regularly, but Lubeck now knows that if he ever needs help, Wentworth will be there.可知作者想要表达的是远亲不如近邻。选A。

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Working Christmas Day
It was unusually quiet in the emergency room on December 25.I was a nurse      that day, sighing about having to work on Christmas.Just then five bodies showed up at my      ,a pale woman and four small children.
“Are you all     ? ” I asked doubtfully.
“Yes.”the woman said     and lowered her head.
But when it came to the     of their problems,things got a little strange.Two of the chlidren had headaches,      weren’t accompanied by the normal symptoms of being ill.Two children had earaches,but only one could tell me which ear was     .The mother complained of a      but seemed to work to produce it.
“It may be a little while      a doctor sees you.” I explained.
“Take your time;it’s warm here.”She      
Whne they were waiting,I checked the chart.They had no      —they were homeless.The waiting room was warm.I looked out at the      by the Christmas tree.The youngest one was saying      to her mother.The oldest one was looking at the Christmas tree.
I went back to the nurses’ station and      the homeless family in the waiting room.The nurses,complaining about the working Christmas,began to feel pity for a family just trying to get      on Christmas.The team went into action,as we do when there’s a      emergency, but this was a Christmas emergency.
We      a simple dinner for our Christmas guests in the hospital cafeteria.They needed     ,so we collected from different departments candies and other things     that could be presents.
As the family walked to the door to leave,the four-year-old came running     , gave me a hug and whispered,” Thanks for being our angel today.”
A.on businessB.on holidayC.on dutyD.on purpose


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

The first day our professor challenged us to get to know someone we didn’t know. I looked around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to find a wrinkled, little old lady smiling at me.
She said, “Hi, handsome. My name is Rose. I’m 87. Can I give you a hug?” I laughed, “Of course you may!” and she gave me a giant squeeze. “Why are you in college at such a young, innocent age?” I asked. She jokingly replied, “I’m here to meet a rich husband, get married, and have a couple of children.” “No seriously,” I said. “I want to realize my dream!” she told me. Over the course of the year, Rose became a campus icon and everyone liked to listen to this “time machine”.
At the end of the semester we invited Rose to speak at our football banquet and I’ll never forget what she taught us. “There is a huge difference between growing older and growing up. If you are 19 and lie in bed for one full year and don’t do one productive thing, you will turn 20. If I am 87 and stay in bed for a year and never do anything I will turn 88. We have less time to live on. Anybody can grow older. That doesn’t take any talent or ability. The idea is to grow up by always finding opportunity in change. The elderly usually don’t have regrets for what we did, but rather for things we did not do.”
At the year’s end, Rose finished the college degree she had dreamed about all those years. One week after graduation Rose died peacefully in her sleep. Over 2,000 students attended her funeral honoring the wonderful woman who taught us such an important message.
小题1:Rose made herself known to the author in a _____ manner.
小题2:Rose was considered a “time machine” because she _____.
A.always followed a strict time schedule
B.was never late for any of her classes
C.had lived a long and rich life
D.always appeared in time whenever she was needed
小题3:According to Rose, growing up is different from growing older because _____.
A.growing up doesn’t need as much effort or talent as growing older
B.growing up means young people have enough time to waste
C.there is no need for one to worry about death
D.growing up means one has more chances or time to choose what one likes
小题4:Rose came to study in college at such an old age for the purpose of _____.
A.challenging her old age
B.realizing her long dream about college education
C.meeting someone rich and attractive
D.not having any regrets in her life


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

One Friday, a businessman decided to ask his boss for a salary raise. Before going to       , he told his wife about it. All day long he felt        and uneasy. Finally, in the late afternoon, he gathered the courage to approach his employer. To his       , the boss agreed to give him a raise.
   That evening, the        husband arrived home and was surprised to see a beautiful table set with their best china and      candles. Smelling the aroma (香味) of the wonderful meal, he        that someone from the office had called his wife and tipped her off (透露消息).
  Finding her in the kitchen, he eagerly        the details of his good news. When they sat down to the meal, next to his plate he found a note that read: ''Congratulations, darling. I knew you'd get the       . This dinner is to show you how much I love you. ''
  After dinner, on his way to the        to help his wife serve dessert, he noticed a second card had slipped out of his wife's pocket. Picking it up, he read: ''Don't worry about not getting the raise. You         it anyway. This dinner is to show how much I love you." 


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Wallet Back
This is a story about a learning experience that had a big effect on the way I live my life.The ______in the story did not give me tests or even grade me on my work.I was taught by one of the most effective______ of teaching,one that only people with lots of love can do.
“My wallet! Where is it?” were my first words______I found my wallet was missing.I ______ my memory for a few good seconds, then realized that I had left my precious wallet in the library’s public ______ ! Because the library was now ______, I had to wait until the next morning to look for it.When I got there the next day, all I found was a clean restroom.This was the first time I could remember ever______to see a clean restroom.As I walked out,I looked at myself in the mirror and shook my head at the ______  fool in front of me.
I politely ______ the librarian at the front desk and asked her if a wallet had been found in the restroom yesterday.“No.”That was that.I walked off with a sense of ______.
I ______ what I would do if I had found a wallet with sixty dollars,a phone card and other irreplaceable ______things.Finally,I ______ accepted the fact that my wallet was gone.
A week later,I received a ______  in the mail.It was my wallet! And most  ______ ,nothing was missing! But there was a letter folded up in one of the wallet pocket that had not been there before.I slowly unfolded the letter,which ______something like this:
When we continue to help people around,we will live in a larger and more rewarding world.
This person didn’t even leave a return address.So I couldn’t  ______ whoever it was.But from that day on,I ______ myself that l will follow this ______ and help others and make them as  ______as I was when I opened that parcel!


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Barefoot and dirty,the girl just sat and watched the people go by.She never tried to speak.Many people passed,but never did one person stop.
The next day I decided to go back to the park,curious to see if the little girl would still be there.Right in the very spot as she was yesterday,she sat with the saddest look in her eyes.
Today I was to make my own move and walk over to the little girl.As we all know,a park full of strange people is not a place for young children to play alone.
As I began walking towards her,I could see the back of the little girl’s dress indicated a deformity(畸形).I smiled to let her know it was okay,I was there to help,to talk.I sat down beside her and opened with a simple “Hello”.I smiled and she shyly smiled back.We talked until darkness fell and the park was completely empty.I asked the girl why she was so sad.The little girl looked at me and with a sad face said,“Because I’m different.”
I immediately said “That you are!” and smiled.The little girl acted even sadder.She said,“I know.” She looked at me and smiled.Slowly she stood to her feet,and said,“Really?”
“Yes,dear,you’re like a little guardian angel sent to watch over all those people walking by.” She nodded her head “yes” and smiled,and with that she spread her wings and said with a twinkle in her eye,“I am.I’m your guardian angel.”
I was speechless,sure I was seeing things.She said,“For once you thought of someone other than yourself,my job here is done.”
Immediately I stood to my feet and said,“Wait,so why did no one stop to help an angel!?” She looked at me and smiled,“You’re the only one who could see me,and you believe it in your heart.”…and she was gone.
And with that my life changed dramatically.So,when you think you’re all you have,remember,your angel is always watching over you.Mine is!
小题1:People just passed by the girl because _______.
A.they pretended not to see her
B.she pretended to be poor
C.they never thought of helping her
D.they knew the author would help her
小题2:Which word can’t be used to describe the author?
小题3:Why was the author speechless?
A.He was shocked.B.He didn’t manage to help the girl.
C.He thought he was cheated.D.He was in despair.
小题4:Which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.The author smiled because he saw the girl was shy.
B.The author had known that the girl was a real angel.
C.The author believed that an angel was always watching him.
D.The author decided to go back to the park because he was sure that the little girl would be there.
小题5:What does “You’re all you have” mean?
A.You are ugly.B.You are alone.
C.You are strong.D.You are rich.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Carlos had been in New York for five months now, and he detested it. He would never forget the day when the plane landed. His parents had big smiles on their faces as they discussed the wonderful new life they would have in this great city. His older sister and brother looked in wonder and excitement at the buildings. Uncle Miguel and Aunt Esperanza thought of the good jobs they would get. Grandmother and Grandfather told him what a lucky boy he was to come to this wonderful city. But Carlos was lonely. The city looked big, cold and dirty to him.
They lived in an apartment in Manhattan. There were stores and cinemas close to their home. But Carlos didn’t want these things. He loved his home in the country in Puerto Rico; he loved the green fields, the hot sun, and the lovely beaches.
He didn’t want to go to school because it made him think of his friends at home. And he didn’t want to learn a new language that he could never describe the world as beautifully as his own.
He began to go the dock(码头), because this made him feel closer to Puerto Rico. He sat down and watched the ships. He would often find a man also sitting there looking at the sea. The man was Eric—a taxi driver who came there to escape from the noisy traffic.
Eric noticed the young boy and felt his sadness. One day he said, “Yes, it’s hard to leave your homeland. I remember when I left Norway 15 years ago. I know it’s hard to start a new life in a new country, but let’s face it. I did it, and you can do it, too.”
From then on the taxi driver and the young boy began to develop a deep friendship.
小题1:The underlined word “detested” in Paragraph 1 probably means “________”.
小题2:According to the text, ________________.
A.Carlos’ grandparents were afraid of the traffic in New York
B.Carlos’ parents were looking forward to the life in New York
C.Carlos’ uncle and aunt found it hard to get jobs in New York
D.Carlos’ brother and sister got excited at the schools in New York
小题3:Why did Carlos feel lonely?
A.He knew nobody around his apartment.
B.No one went to the movies with him.
C.His parents left him alone at home.
D.He missed the life in Puerto Rico.
小题4:Eric and Carlos became friends because they ________.
A.came from the same countryB.faced the same problems
C.were the same ageD.both hated noise


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

I firmly believe in the power of forgiveness and I have got a lot of pleasure from it.
Last year, I was       at the traffic lights on my way to work when my car was hit from behind. After     , a flustered (惊慌失措的) young man admitted it was his       and apologized  to me again and again. After that, he       why he had not been “in the moment” while driving. He told me that his       had just run out and promised to pay for the damage to my car later. I could       his real stress, and as he gave me his details and promised to find a way to pay, I tried to      him and told him not to worry too much.
When I got to work, my      urged me to contact my insurance(保险) company and chase the young man for compensatory(赔款) payment immediately,as I wasn’t        with him and knew nothing about his work or family. The same thing happened when I told my sister what had happened and she firmly told me not to let him get away        it. She knew that I only had a small amount of money in the bank and was      that I would not chase the young man for payment.
With everyone pressuring me to ask for payment, I was unsure about what to do. I finally decided to      a small second-hand car. After about four months, it was coming up to Christmas and I started to think about how        this young man might be feeling, waiting for me to “sting ” him, so I finally made a        and sent him this note:
“ Hi Joe,
A few months ago you        the back of my car. I have managed to pick        another car, so I have been able to get around. I want to let you know that I am not going to     _  any payment from you. If in future you could help       else out, that would be great.”
After sending it, I felt that a great weight had finally been lifted from my shoulders. It wasn’t until then that I _   _the act of      _ could make one feel happier.
A.playing B.waitingC.hearingD.watching
A.coming overB.pulling overC.going overD.taking over
A.faultB.mistake C.shortcomingD.error
A.determinedB.repeated C.admittedD.explained
A.strengthB.resource C.oil D.money
A.withB.from C.ofD.off
A.contractB.promiseC.document D.decision
A.destroyedB.touchedC.beat D.hit


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

My mind went blank when I saw the gun pointing against the car window as we pulled out of the garage. This can't be happening to me. Then I felt the gun, cold, against my head, and I heard my friend Jeremy saying,“What do you want? Take my wallet,” but at the time I thought of nothing.
I remember being a little annoyed when the gunman pulled me from the car by the hair. I remember the walk to the house—Jeremy, me, the two men with two guns. I remember the fear and anger in the gunmen's voices because Jeremy was being slow, and I remember wondering why he was being slow. I did not realize that Jeremy had thrown the keys into the bush. But I remember that sound of the gun hitting Jeremy's head and the feeling as the man who had hold of my hair released me. And I remember the split second when I realized he was looking at Jeremy,and I remember wondering how far I could run before he pulled the trigger. But I was already running, and upon reaching the car across the street, I didn't crouch (蹲伏) behind it but screamed instead.
I remember thinking there was something ridiculous and illogical about screaming “Help, help!” at eight o'clock on a Tuesday evening in December and changing my plea(恳求) to the  more specific “Help, let me in, please let me in!” But the houses were cold, closed, unfriendly, and I ran on until I heard Jeremy's screams behind me announcing that our attackers had fled.
The neighbors who had not opened their doors to us came out with baseball bats and helped Jeremy find his glasses and keys. In a group they were very brave. We waited for the police to  come until someone said to someone else that the noodles were getting cold, and I said politely,“Please go and eat. We're OK.”
I was happy to see them go. They had been talking of stricter sentences for criminals, of  bringing back the death penalty(处罚) and how the President is going to clean up the country. I  was thinking, they could be saying all of this over my dead body, and I still feel that stiffer  sentences wouldn't change a thing. In a rush all the anger I should have felt for my attackers was  directed against these contented people standing in front of their warm, comfortable homes  talking about all the guns they were going to buy. What good would guns have been to Jeremy  and me?
People all over the neighborhood had called to report our screams, and the police turned out  in force twenty minutes later. They were ill­tempered about what was, to them, much trouble  about nothing.  After all, Jeremy was hardly hurt, and we were hopeless when it came to  describing the gunmen. “Typical,” said one policeman when we couldn't even agree on how tall  the men were.  Both of us were able to describe the guns in horrifying detail, but the two  policemen who stayed to make the report didn't think that would be much help.
The policemen were matter­of­fact about the whole thing. The thin one said,“That was a  stupid thing to do, throwing away the keys. When a man has a gun against your head you do  what you're told.” Jeremy looked properly embarrassed.
Then the fat policeman came up and the thin one went to look around the outside of the  house. “That was the best thing you could have done, throwing away the keys,” he said. “If you  had gone into the house with them...” His voice became weaker. “They would have hurt her” ——he twisted his head toward me——“and killed you both.” Jeremy looked happier. “Look,” said the fat policeman kindly, “ there's no right or wrong in the situation. There's just luck.”
All that sleepless night I replayed the moment those black gloves came up to the car  window. How long did the whole thing last? Three minutes, five, eight? No matter how many  hours of my life I may spend reliving it, I know there is no way to prepare for the next time—no  intelligent response to a gun. The fat cop was right. There's only luck. The next time I might end up dead.
And I’m sure there will be a next time.  It can happen anywhere, anytime, to anyone.Security is an illusion(幻觉); there is no safety in locks or in guns. Guns make some people feel safe and some people feel strong, but they're fooling themselves.
小题1:When the writer saw the gun pointing against the car window,________.
A.she felt very annoyed
B.she lost consciousness
C.she felt very much nervous
D.she lost the power of thinking
小题2:What most possibly drove the two gunmen away?
A.Jeremy's fighting.
B.The author's screaming.
C.Their neighbour's brave action.
D.The police's arrival.
小题3:When the author called for help, the neighbors didn't come out immediately because________.
A.they were much too frightened
B.they were busy preparing dinners
C.they needed time to find baseball bats
D.they thought someone was playing a trick
小题4:What the author wants to tell us is that________.
A.neighbors are not helpful in moments of difficulty
B.the police are not reliable when one is in trouble
C.security is impossible as long as people can have guns
D.preventing robbers entering your house is the best choice

