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The Opening of The Book Nook

Saturday, October 4 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.

You will not want to miss the opening of your new neighborhood bookstore! Located at 2289 Main Street, the Book Nook is within walking distance of schools and many homes and businesses. Come and check out the Book Nook on Saturday!

Activities will include:

• Live music by local musicians

• One Book-of-the-Month Club membership giveaway

Wide Selection

The Book Nook has three floors with books of all kinds — any kind you could want. If we do not have the book you are looking for, we can specially order it for you. You will have it in your hands within two days!

Reading Nooks

We are proud of our children’s reading area on the first floor, as well as our teenagers’ nook on the second floor. Come for the activities and stay a while! Settle in one of these inviting reading areas; take a seat with a good book and a free cup of hot chocolate. You will discover the perfect way to spend a few hours.

Book Events

The Book Nook will be featuring (以…为特色) monthly book signings by different authors, giving you a chance to meet and speak with well-known writers. Do not miss the experience of hearing these authors read aloud from their own books!

The Book-of-the-Month Club

Our Book-of-the-Month Club will feature 12 books each year. As a member, you will be able to select one new book each month. The membership fee is only $10.00 per month. That is a great price for 12 books each year!

So please join us on Saturday and learn about all that the Book Nook has to offer. You can come anytime between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. — our activities last all day long!

1.According to “Reading Nooks”, a nook is _____.

A. a club that children may join B. a space for a certain purpose

C. a program for teenage readers D. a prize in a national competition

2.What can we learn about the Book Nook?

A. It is a well-located bookstore.

B. Any books can be found right there.

C. It is open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. every day.

D. The third floor is specially designed for children.

3.As a member of the Book-of-the-Month Club, you _____.

A. can buy any books in the Book Nook at a low price

B. may borrow as many as 12 books every week

C. need to pay 120 dollars every year

D. should be over the age of 12

4.The purpose of the text is to get more people to _____.

A. give away books

B. visit the bookstore

C. learn from famous writers

D. read different kinds of books


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届黑龙江省高三上9月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

At 26, Jane Goodall had no college education or science training. But since childhood, she had been dreaming of working closely with animals in Africa. “All through my childhood people said you can’t go to Africa. You’re a girl.” Goodall said. “But my mother used to say, if you really want to, there’s nothing you can’t do.”

In 1957, the 26-year-old Goodall went to Kenya to work as a secretary. She also arranged to meet the famous scientist Louis Leakey, who was so impressed by her enthusiasm that he hired her as his assistant. She went with him on many trips to the African jungle and in 1960 Leakey sent Goodall to live among chimpanzees in a remote animal preserve, recording the animals’ behavior and interactions.

For three months Goodall made little progress. But she said, “I never came close to giving up.” Her breakthrough came one day when she saw a male chimpanzee stick a piece of grass into a termite (白蚁) hill, then put the grass in his mouth. Afterward she came to the hill and did the same. Pulling the grass out, she discovered dozens of termites on it. The discovery — that some animals use tools — was unknown to most scientists at the time.

Goodall saw chimpanzees exhibit human-like emotions, such as jealousy and love. But she also discovered they were capable of violent attacks against each other.

Goodall received her Ph.D. in the study of animal behavior at England’s Cambridge University. Now she travels around the globe raising money to preserve wildlife. “I love being in the forest with the chimpanzees,” she said. “I’d much rather be there than traveling around from city to city.”

1.What was Goodall’s childhood dream?

A. She dreamed of going to college.

B. She dreamed of studying animals in Africa.

C. She dreamed of becoming a famous scientist.

D. She dreamed of traveling all around the world.

2.What did Goodall’s mother think of her dream?

A. As a girl she should not go to the African jungle.

B. Her dream would remain a dream unless she got the right training.

C. As a girl she should stay away from violent animals.

D. She could make her dream come true if she was determined.

3.Goodall’s most important discovery is that ________.

A. some animals use tools

B. like humans animals have emotions

C. chimpanzees could attack each other violently

D. termites are chimpanzees’ favorite food

4.What is Goodall doing now?

A. Studying animal behavior at Cambridge University.

B. Raising funds for the preservation of wildlife.

C. Observing chimpanzees in African jungles.

D. Working hard for a PhD degree.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届吉林省高三上期第一次阶段性测试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

My mom takes pride in the fact that I was talking in three and four word sentences before I was ten months old. Some say it’s a gift while others simply think I talk too much.

As my thirties came to a close, I found myself reflecting on my life. I’m very happy and have no significant regrets. However, when I looked back on those times of difficulty, I saw a clear common denominator(特征); I didn’t seem to know when to stop talking. Whether it was hurting someone’s feelings, or having carelessly told a secret, the incident could have been avoided had I closed my mouth sooner. So I decided to practice the power of quiet.

To take this step, I needed to understand how people could sit comfortably in a group and not talk. Why does my husband feel completely content to say nothing in a conversation? He’s highly intelligent and has wonderful opinions but he’ll sit quietly and just listen. Even when he’s asked a pointed question, he’ll answer with few words while still communicating effectively. What a talent!

Can you imagine being happy just listening? In surveying those I know who talk less than I do, I got two answers—they either didn’t feel confident enough to speak up, or they just didn’t feel the need to participate in the conversation. Of course there were other reasons for not talking, but these were the two most popular answers.

The first one didn’t work for me. I’m just fine letting people know what I think about them, and hopefully it will make the conversation much more interesting. The second one didn’t work either. I do feel the need to participate. I feel it physically like an electrical pulse through my body; sometimes it’s so strong that it causes me to behave badly in the form of interrupting or speaking in an unusually loud voice. I had to look further.

An interesting thing happened on this journey to the power of quiet. During my weekly yoga class, it came to me like an answer so clear that the words rang in my head like soft, heavenly bells.

I talked too much so people would know I cared about them. It was my way of taking care of those I love. I decided before my fortieth birthday, that from that day forward, those around me would know I loved them, and cared what they thought and felt, but I was going to practice the power of quiet.

As my forty-second birthday approaches, I can say that deciding to talk less has been more about focusing on quality rather than quantity. I’ve found that listening more shows those who I care about that I really do care how they feel. Now when I break in, it means more to them. Oh, sure, I still have my short periods of talking too much, but for the most part this has been one resolution that I can call a success.

1.In Paragraph 3 the writer mentions her husband mainly ________.

A. to show how one communicates effectively

B. to explain the reason for his silence in a conversation

C. to give an example of those who have the power of quiet

D. to give her high opinion of his communication skills

2.By “I had to look further”, the writer means she had to ________.

A. look into the future in order to succeed in practicing the power of quiet

B. try harder to prevent herself from talking too much

C. survey people in other areas who talk little

D. find out other reasons why she should talk less

3.Which of the following best describe the writer’s character?

A. Kind but pessimistic.

B. Loving and active.

C. Selfless but proud.

D. Stubborn and sensitive.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届江西师范大学附中高三10月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Music is magic! Music speaks louder than words and it is a “language” that the whole world can understand. A piece of music can produce a response in the heart and mind. Like feeling an electrical current or receiving a personal radio signal, music has a spiritual effect on a person. Different kinds of music influence people in different ways.

I have listened to music all my life. When I was twelve years old, the Beatles came to America and my whole world opened up. Maybe young people today cannot understand the influence of the Beatles when they exploded across America. Their influence changed the way we dressed, looked, acted and spoke... even our culture. The Beatles arrived in America from the UK just three months after the assassination(暗杀) of President John Kennedy, which had put America into a great depression. And the freshness and lively spirit of the Beatles was exactly what the country needed to refresh itself.

Music links the heart of the hearer with that of the composer. This means that it mixes the spirit of the composer with your spirit when you listen to it. And the music can take your spirit out of your body and transport you into another world. Music has a great way of touching people. Music can make you laugh, cry or shout. It's also a great source of inspiration.

Try this one day and notice what happens: make yourself a cup of tea, sit on your sofa and play one of your favorite songs. Close your eyes, and soon you'll find yourself creating vivid mental images—matching the music that you are listening to.

1.Music has magical power because it ________.

A. is a kind of language

B. can be played much louder than words

C. receives a personal radio signal

D. can influence a person's spirit

2.What can we learn about the Beatles from the passage?

A. They were the biggest band in American history.

B. They are not accepted by modern American people.

C. They appeared at a special time in American politics.

D. They represented the roots of American culture.

3.Music influences people in the following ways except ________.

A. connecting the listener and the composer mentally

B. transporting people from one place to another

C. allowing people to express their emotions

D. touching and inspiring people

4.What does the writer suggest people do in the last paragraph?

A. Relax and listen to their favorite music.

B. Enjoy drinking in spare time.

C. Create vivid pictures.

D. Notice everything happening around.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年河南郸城县一中高二上学期英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

History has some very special qualities about it. It is a ________ of what has happened in the past, and the really interesting thing is that much of history has been ________ time and again. It allows us to learn from the past, both the ________ made and the successes achieved.

One of the ________ of history is that it allows us to know how famous people ________ when they were faced with challenges in their life. ________ these challenges happened at a certain time in the past or in a ________ country or culture, all of them can always teach us something ________.

Take for example the ________ of Thomas Edison and how many times he ________ while on the road to finally inventing the light bulb (电灯泡). He could be held out as an example of a person who ________ stopped trying. I am sure he was ________ by those difficulties but he did not let them stop him. He had a ________ and he just kept trying until he reached success.

Or, think about the story of Abraham Lincoln who ________ to become President of the United States even though he suffered ________ losses. Most of us only know about his success. ________, his life was not an easy one. His story makes us keep moving forward no matter what ________ we have in life.

These true history stories will make you stop to reconsider ________ or food for thought about going after your dreams even though you may not think you have the courage or the ________ for now to get what you have always wanted. They could help you make decisions and ________ when you have no idea what to do. They could inspire you to be all that you can be.

1.A. noteB. beliefC. chanceD. record

2.A. reportedB. expectedC. repeatedD. corrected

3.A. mistakesB. jokesC. agreementsD. challenges

4.A. eventsB. periodsC. problemsD. advantages

5.A. studiedB. reactedC. competedD. explored

6.A. AlthoughB. BecauseC. UnlessD. Whether

7.A. developedB. poorC. differentD. popular

8.A. clearB. simpleC. specialD. useful

9.A. nameB. storyC. positionD. character

10.A. failedB. watchedC. escapedD. traveled

11.A. alsoB. oftenC. stillD. never

12.A. shockedB. beatenC. discouragedD. controlled

13.A. jobB. dreamC. dutyD. power

14.A. happenedB. preparedC. pretendedD. managed

15.A. hearingB. weightC. personalD. slight

16.A. In factB. As usualC. In allD. After all

17.A. directionsB. improvementsC. permissionsD. difficulties

18.A. passing byB. giving upC. setting offD. calming down

19.A. abilityB. habitC. goalD. choice

20.A. introductionsB. conversationsC. judgmentsD. Impressions


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年贵州遵义四中高二上第一次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:七选五

Everyone knows that fish is good for health. 1. But it seems that many people don’t cook fish at home. Americans eat only about fifteen pounds of fish per person per year, but we eat twice as much fish in restaurants as at home. Buying, storing, and cooking fish isn’t difficult. 2.This text is about how to buy and cook fish in an easy way.

3. Fresh fish should smell sweet: you should feel that you’re standing at the ocean’s edge. Any fishy or strong smell means the fish isn’t fresh. 4.When you have bought a fish and arrive home, you’d better store the fish in the refrigerator if you don’t cook it immediately, but fresh fish should be stored in your fridge for only a day or two. Frozen fish isn’t as tasty as the fresh one.

There are many common methods used to cook fish.5. First, clean it and season it with your choice of spices(调料).

Put the whole fish on a plate and steam it in a steam pot for 8 to 10 minutes if it weighs about one pound. (A larger one will take more time.) Then, it’s ready to serve.

A. Do not buy it.
B. The easiest is to steam it.
C. This is how you can do it.
D. It just requires a little knowledge.
E. The fish will go bad within hours.
F. When buying fish, you should first smell it.
G. The fats in fish are thought to help prevent heart disease.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年黑龙江双鸭山市高一9月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题


1.她讲解的语法如此清楚以至于我们很容易理解她。(用so…that 句型)

2.有陈老师教我,我在考试中会取得好成绩的。(用with +宾语+宾补的复合结构)

3.你知道他对这个问题的看法吗?(attitude to/towards)

4.如果你愿意教我如何使用电脑我将不胜感激。(I would appreciate it if...)

5.你介意我看一下你的票吗?(Would you mind if ...)


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年黑龙江双鸭山一中高二9月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

At one time, computers were expected largely to remove the need for paper copies of documents(文件) because they could be stored electronically. But for all the texts that are written, stored and sent electronically, a lot of them are still ending up on paper.

It is difficult to measure the quantity of paper used as a result of use of Internet-connected computers, although just about anyone who works in an office can tell you that when e-mail is introduced, the printers start working overtime. “I feel in my bones this revolution is causing more trees to be cut down ,” says Ted Smith of the Earth Village Organization.

Perhaps the best sign of how computer and Internet use pushes up demand for paper comes from the high-tech industry itself, which sees printing as one of its most promising new markets. Several Internet companies have been set up to help small businesses print quality documents from a computer. Earlier this week Hewlett-Packard Co. announced a plan to develop new technologies that will enable people to print even more so they can get a hard copy of a business document, a medical record or just a one-line e-mail, even if they are nowhere near a computer. As the company sees it, the more use of the Internet the greater demand for printers.

Does all this mean environmental concerns have been forgotten? Some activists suggest people have been led to believe that a lot of dangers to the environment have gone away.

“I guess people believe that the problem is taken care of, because of recycling,” said Kelly Quirke, director of the Rainforest Action Network in San Francisco. Yet Quirke is hopeful that high-tech may also prove helpful. He says printers that print on both sides are growing in popularity.

The action group has also found acceptable paper made from materials other than wood, such as agricultural waste.

1.What does the underlined phases mean ________.

A.having a pain in my bone B. foreseeing something

C.feeling something terrible D.overhearing something

2.Hewlett-Packard Co. has decided to develop new technologies because ________.

A.people are concerned about the environment

B.printers in many offices are working overtime

C.small companies need more hard copies

D.they see a growing market for printers

3.Environmentalists believe one possible way of dealing with the paper situation is ________.

A.to encourage printing more quality documents

B.to develop new printers using recycled paper

C.to find new materials for making paper

D.to plant more fast-growing trees

4.What would be the best title for the text ?

A.Computers and Printers

B.E-mail and the Business World

C. Internet Revolution and Environment

D. Modern Technology and New Markets


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届黑龙江双鸭山市高三9月考英语英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完成句子

1.The man is a ___________(crime). How can people elect him as a government official?

2.All the labs are furnished with modern ____________(equip).

3.In __________(conclude), shopping is a very different experience to what it used to be.

4.I was going to be _________(depend) and needed to learn this vital skill.

5.__________(addict) to the internet, as many adolescents do, will have a negative effect on their mental health.

6.The project _________(design) to help landless people didn’t work out as planned.

7.___________(anxious), she took the dress out of the package and tried it on, only to find it didn’t fit.

8.It is ___________ (legal) to read people’s private letters without permission.

9.The __________(normal) bleeding is your body's own red flag of danger.

10.He has been an active ____________(participate) in the discussion.

