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This happened in a thirdgrade classroom. Jim sat 1       his desk and all of a sudden,there was a puddle (水洼) between his feet and the front of his trousers was wet. He felt his heart was going to stop. He knew 2        would happen when his classmates found out. He looked up and there came the teacher with a look in her eyes that said he3      (discover) .

As the teacher was walking towards4      ,a classmate named Susie was carrying 5        goldfish bowl full of water to her desk. Suddenly,Susie tripped (摔倒) and,6       (strange) , dumped the whole bowl of water in Jim's lap. He pretended to be angry,but all the while he was saying deep in his heart,"Thank you!"Jim became the object of sympathy instead of ridicule (嘲笑) .The teacher brought him gym shorts to put on. All the others crawled (爬) on their hands and knees,7       (clean) up around his desk. But8       life would have it,the ridicule that should have been his had been transferred (转移) to Susie. She tried to help,9       they told her to leave the room. 10       school was over,Jim walked over to Susie and whispered," You did that on purpose,didn't you?"

Susie whispered back, "I wet my trousers once,too!"

1.                  2.         3.       4.          5.         

6.       7.         8.                  9.       10.       

1. at   2. what   3. had been discovered   4. him   5. a 6. strangely   7. cleaning   8. as   9. but   10. When

题目来源:高考英语组合训练(阅读七选五+短文填词+短文改错) >


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Email has brought the art of letter writing back to life,but some experts think the resulting spread of bad English does more harm than good.

Email is a form of communication that is changing,for the worse,the way we write and use language,say some communication researchers. 1       These are a few of the recently recognized features of email,say experts,which should cause individual and organizations to rethink the way they use email.

Naomi Baron,a professor of linguistics at American University says , " 2       " She also says the poor spelling,grammar,punctuation and sentence structure of emails reflect a growing unconcern to the way we write.

Baron argues that we shouldn't forgive and forget the poor writing often shown in emails. The professor says , "   3      

Others say that despite its poor prose (文字) ,email has finished what several generations of English teachers couldn't: It has made writing fashionable again.

"4       " says Lancashire,a University of Toronto professor of English. "It fills the gap between spoken language and the formal methods of writing that existed before email. It is the purest form of written speech."

Lancashire says email has the mysterious ability to get people who are usually scared by writing to get their thoughts flowing easily onto a blank screen. He says this is because of email's close similarity to speech. "It's like a circle of four or five people around a campfire, " he says.

Still,he accepts that this newfound freedom to express themselves often gets people into trouble. "Almost every day I get emails that are apologies of previous emails,”he reports. In the US,the number of emails sent in a day exceeds the number of letters mailed in a year. 5      

   A. Email has increased the spread of careless writing habits.

   B. But more people are recognizing the content of a typical email message is not often exact.

   C. Email is often used to send messages,pictures to their beloved ones.

   D. It is also changing the way we interact and build relationship.

   E. The more we use email and its tasteless writing,the more it becomes the normal way of writing.

   F. Email will replace letters in the near future.

   G. Email is a critical new communication technology.

1.       2.                  3.                  4.          5.       


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

This morning I got up early and went to school as usually,only find there was nobody in the classroom because it was Sunday. "How a bad memory I have !" I couldn't help laughing. Stand in front of the school gate,I began to wonder what to do next. Suddenly a good idea occurs to me. " Why not get together with some good friends for a picnic in such a fine weather?" I immediately telephoned some of my best friends,but they all agreed to come to join me. About two hours late,we finally arrived a pleasant park with trees and flowers here and there. We really enjoyed us hugely


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Do you like travelling? Staying 1       (health) while 2       (travel) can help to ensure your trip is a happy and enjoyable one. 3       you are travelling abroad,here are the tips you need to make your trip much 4        (easy) .

Make sure you have got signed passport (护照) and visas. Also,before you go,fill in the emergency information page of your passport!Make two copies of your passport identification page. This will help a lot if your passport 5       (steal) . Leave one copy at home with friends or relatives. Carry the other 6        you in a separate place from your passport.

Read the Public Announcements or Travel Warnings for the countries you plan to visit. Get yourself familiar with local laws and customs of the countries to 7        you are travelling.

Leave a copy of your itinerary (;^行计划) with your family or friends at home so that you can be contacted in case of an emergency.

Do not accept packages from strangers.  Do not carry too much money or 8       (necessary) credit cards. If we make enough 9          ( prepare) ,we will succeed. Have 10 good time!

1.                  2.                  3.       4.          5.         

6. 7.         8.                  9.          10.       


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Li Hua and I were neighbours and we went to same school. We always went to school together. We were good friend and had a great deal to share with every day. However,one day,Li Hua copied my homework,which made me such angry that I did not want to be friends with him any long. Then on Monday morning I ran downstairs without realize it was raining,but there was no time to return home to fetch an umbrella. It happens that Li Hua was just around the corner and he offered to share her umbrella with me. He made an apology to me in a gently voice. I forgave him but gave him a hug.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Visiting London can be an expensive trip. 1       The following steps can help you find cheap alternatives for transport for your London trip.

Familiarize yourself with the city. Do some homework about different parts of London ahead of time and determines specifically the area where you will be staying. How to establish where in the city you will be staying and the distance you are from the major tourist attractions you want to visit? 2       Find a local provider of transport for London tickets or travel cards,since your first bargain purchase will be an Oyster Card. Traveling around London with an Oyster Card will give you access to the cheapest option of transportation methods. The Oyster Card is accepted city wide on buses,boats and the London Underground,known by the locals as "the tube"-

3       The tube is the cheapest and most reliable form of transportation and runs from around6 a. m. until around1 a. m. depending on the line or the station.

Make the most of the Oyster Card.4      ,with a high concentration in central London. If you are staying anywhere in central London'there will be a tube station less than 10 minutes away.

The Transport for London website offers a tube station search facility to find the nearest subway station to any location in the city. When you find a tube station,you can easily locate the closest bus stop by using the comparison bustube maps at the station's entrance.

Follow the Transport for London Tube Guide to your destinations and always plan ahead. 5      ,and it will avoid wasted trips on the tube.

   A. You can use a street map,or an online map search engine.

   B. By visiting the Transport for London website,people can avoid getting lost.

   C. So establishing a budget and finding bargains will help you get around London on the cheap.

   D. The bus is the cheapest means of transport in London.

   E. Seek out your nearest tube station.

   F. Making a plan for transport will save your unnecessary expenses

   G. There are287 tube stations in London that accept the Oyster Card

1.       2.                  3.                 4.          5.         


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Robert:Oh,look at the sky,Betty!It looks like rain. Betty:I hope it won't rain.

Robert:That's not 1        the department was hoping for when they chose today as the date for the annual picnic.

Betty:We cannot have a picnic 2        good weather. We need sunshine for all the games and entertainment.

Robert:Yeah,sunshine―   3       not too much!Do you remember last year? Betty:Surely I do. It was so hot that all we did was to look for shade and look for ways to 4        from the sun.

Robert:And no one wanted to participate in any of the games. All we wanted was cold drinks.

Betty:If there5         (be) a little wind to cool us off...

Robert:But there was not. Just the burning sun and we nearly got6         (burn) . Betty:     7          ( obvious) we don't have that problem this year. Did you hear the weather forecast?

Robert:No. I was watching a football match and forgot8       ( stop) it for the weather forecast. Maybe it will only be a short shower,which cools things off a little. That 9       not be bad. Betty:Wish10       were true.

1.                  2.                  3.         4.          5.         

6.         7.         8.                  9.          10.       


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



增加: 在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧) ,并在其下面写出该加的词。



注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

    2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起) 不计分。

     There is a park in the center of our town,where is a wonderful place for people to meet and did exercise. Kids often go there feed birds,play games or fly kites after school. My friends and me often read there. To my surprised,yesterday I read a article in the local newspaper about a plan to turn the park into a parking lot. After reads the article,I was decided to write a letter to the editor of the newspaper. I wanted to express why I was on the plan. After all,people in the town need a place to have funs.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

    When people hear about my past and know what I have gone through,I’m usually told I’m strong,I’ve 21 had a hard time believing this. Today that 22 and I now believe it.

    My first bom son,nearly four years old,was a 如(发脾气) .I was 23 and wanted to just walk away. But I decided to deal with the situation 24 this time. I hugged him and asked what was wrong. He told me he just wanted to be 25 I was a bit thrown off by his 26 .

    In my mind,I 27,what made him say such a thing. Did he think he was 28 ? I also wondered if my kid had the same 29 as I did. Anyway,30 these kinds of questions couldn’t be answered,I just brushed them off and said to mv 31 , “But you are strong." He then replied, “No,Mom,I just want to be strong like you." I couldn’t 32 my tears. I felt in that moment,time stood still. My heart melted 33 that from my own baby. All my stress,doubts and 34 melted away. I held his 35 in my hands,wiping away his tears with my fingers,looked into his blue eyes 36 told him I am only strong because I 37 him. Without him and his sisters,I wouldn’t be strong at all. By then,my girls had heard what we said and were 38 on each side of US. I 39 them all. Holding them all in my arms,I felt 40 for having my beautiful babies and my life.

21. A. always   B. still   C. never   D. seldom

22. A. followed   B. changed  C. returned   D. fixed \

23. A. concerned   B. surprised  C. curious   D. angry

24. A. proudly   B. busily   C. differently   D. crazily

25. A. honest   B. active   C. patient   D. strong

26. A. reply   B. advice  C. secret   D. rule

27. A. believed   B. questioned   C. designed   D. proved

28. A. weak   B. brave   C. clever   D. tired

29. A. records   B. thoughts  C. dream   D. ability

30. A. regretting   B. hoping  C. remembering   D. knowing

31. A. mother   B. father   C. boy   D. girl

32. A. feel   B. explain  C. wipe away   D. hold back

33. A. collecting   B. hearing    C. receiving   D. expecting

34. A. happiness,   B. love   C. worries   D. beliefs

35. A. cheeks   B. hands   C. toys   D. presents.

36. A. or   B. but   C. and   D. so

37. A. visit   B. have   C. miss   D. trust

38. A. standing   B. relaxing   C. drinking   D. reading

39. A. raised   B. found   C. caught   D. hugged

40. A. nervous   B. eager   C. grateful   D. light

