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Farmers, as we all know, have been having a hard time of it lately, and have turned to new ways of earning income from their land. This involves not only planting new kinds of crops, but some 1 ways of making money, the most unusual of which has got to be sheep racing. Yes, you heard me 2 ! A farmer now holds sheep races on a regular basis, and during the past year over 100,000 people have 3 to watch the race. “I was passing the farm on my way to the sea for a holiday.” one punter (赛马经纪人) told me, “and I thought I'd have a look. I didn't believe it was serious, to tell you the truth.” According to a regular visitor, betting on sheep is more interesting than betting on horses. “At proper horse races everyone has already studied the form of the horse 4 , and there are clear favourites. 5 nobody has heard anything about these 6 ! Most people find it difficult to tell one from another in any case.” I stayed to watch the races, and I must admit that I found it quite 7 . In a usual sheep race, half a dozen sheep race down hill over a course of about half a mile. Food is waiting for them ar the other end of the 8 just to give them some encouragement, I ought to add! The sheep run surprisingly fast. 9 they have probably not eaten for a while. Anyway, the crowd around me were obviously enjoying their day out at the races. 10 by their happy faces and the sense of excitement.


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A.showed off
B.brought up
C.turned up
D.looked forward


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A.behind time
B.in progress
C.in advance
D.in time


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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Hilton English Language Center

Information for New Students

CLASS TIME: 9:00a.m.---10:30a.m., 11:00a.m.---12:30p.m., 1:30p.m.---3:00p.m.. The Language Center is open Monday to Friday. Each class has one afternoon free per week. On the first day, go to the lecture hall to check your timetable.

SELF-ACCESS: The language laboratory (Room 1110) is open Monday to Friday from 3:15p.m. to 5:00p.m. for all full-time students.

You can learn how to use computers for language games or word-processing(文字处理). There are tapes for students to borrow to practice their English. Go in and ask the teacher to show you. If you plan to take public examinations, there are dictation(听写)and listening comprehension tapes for you to practice with. There are cloze exercises on the computers. Ask your class teacher for a list of past exam essays. Students can borrow tapes to take home but they must be returned after two days.

ATTENDANCE(出勤):All students are expected to attend classes regularly. Students who do not attend classes will be reported to OSS. Eighty percent attendance is required for students to receive their certificates(证书)when they finish their courses. It is also required by OSS for an extension to your visa.

BOOKS: If students are given course books, the books are their responsibility. If a book is lost, the student will be expected to pay for it.

If students wish to buy books, there is a bookshop in the college specializing in English books (Room 3520).

When do classes begin and end on a full day?

A. 9:00a.m. ---1:30p.m.     B. 9:00a.m. ---3:00p.m.

C. 9:00a.m. ---3:15p.m.     D. 3:15p.m. ---5:00p.m.

How many afternoons does a class meet each week?

A. Two.    B.  Three.   C. Four.   D. Five.

Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A. No teachers are in the language lab.

B. 90% attendance is required for the students.

C. Books can’t be taken out of the center.

D. Students can prepare for exams by listening to tapes.

Timetable can be seen in _____.

A. the lecture hall    B. Room 3520     C. the classroom  D. Room 1110


科目:高中英语 来源:上海市向明中学2010届高三上学期摸底考试 题型:完型填空

Ⅲ. Reading Comprehension: 35%
Part A: Cloze Test 15%
Competition for admission to the country’s top private schools has always been tough. This is spreading from Manhattan to the rest of the country. Precise 50 data on private schools are unavailable, but interviews with representatives of independent and religious schools all told the same 51: too many applicants, higher rejection rates. Surveys indicate that Americans’ No. 1 52 is education. 53 the long economic boom(繁荣) has given parents more income, many are turning to private schools, even at price tags of well over $10,000 a year. “We’re getting applicants from a broader area, 54, than we ever have in the past,” said Besty Haugh of the Latin School of Chicago, which experienced a 20 percent increase in 55 this year.
The problem is that while demand has increased, supply has not. “Every year, there are a few children who do not find places, but this year, for the first time that I know of, there are a(n) 56 number of children who don’t have places,” said Krents, who also heads a private-school admissions group in New York.
So what can parents do to give their 4-year-old a(n) 57? Schools know there is no simple way to pick a class when children are so young. Many schools give preference to boys or girls or alumni(校友) children. Some use lotteries. But most rely on a 58 of subjective and objective measures: tests that at best 59 developmental maturity and learning potential, interviews with parents and observation of applicants in classroom settings. They also want a diverse mix. Children may end up on a waiting list simply because their birthdays 60 at the wrong time year, or because too many applicants were boys.
The worst thing a parent can do is to pressure preschoolers to perform --- 61, by pushing them to read or do math exercises 62 they’re ready. Instead, the experts say, parents should take a breath and look for 63. Another year in preschool may be all that’s needed. Parents, meanwhile, may need a more 64 mind about relatively unknown private schools --- or about magnet(具有吸引力的)schools in the public system. There’s no sign of the private-school boom letting up.
50. A. traditional                B. current                                   C. processed                 D. average
51. A. story                       B. advice                             C. context                     D. promise
52. A. venture                    B. concern                           C. occupation                D. interest
53. A. For that                   B. So that                                   C. Now that                  D. After that
54. A. intellectually            B. psychologically                C. commercially            D. geographically
55.   A. applications             B. locations                         C. schools                     D. admissions
56.   A. considerate               B. inadequate                       C. significant                D. moderate
57.   A. advantage                 B. skill                                C. place                        D. school
58.   A. choice                      B. mix                                C. preference                D. base
59.   A. identify                    B. exploit                                  C. employ                    D. confirm
60. A. set                           B. fix                                  C. date                         D. fall
61. A. in a word                 B. to a great extent               C. in any case               D. for example
62. A. when                       B. since                               C. before                      D. until
63.   A. occasions                 B. competitions                    C. alternatives               D. pressures
64.   A. open                        B. closed                             C. active                       D. secret 


科目:高中英语 来源:2010年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)高一年级试题 题型:完型填空

III. 完形填空(Cloze)(共15小题;每小题1分,计15分)
A) 阅读下面的短文,结合文意用右边所给单词的适当形式填空。(For questions 66—70, read the passage below. Use the word given in bold at the end of the line to form a word that fits in the space in the same line.)
Sharon Sexton
She throws Sean Penn over her shoulder and she asked Andrew Ridgeley to be quiet. She's slim, (66) ________ 【attract】and 1.75 meters tall. Sharon Sexton is not what most of us (67) ________ 【image】a bouncer (保镖) to look like but that's just what she is at the London club, Xenon.
Sharon says: “The aim is not to be noticed. I have to move around and mix in with the crowds. I'm here to make sure no trouble starts. If anyone looks (68) ________ 【anger】I just go and ask them to keep calm. Most men are so surprised at being spoken to by a woman bouncer that they don't argue. I only very (69) ________ 【occasion】have to use force.”
Sharon has also worked as a (70) “________”【mind】 for  Madonna and for Al Pacino. She spends a lot time practicing Wing Chun, a method of self-defense designed for women.


科目:高中英语 来源:默写重点单词与词组 题型:完形填空


五、Cloze test(完形填空)20分

In the last century there were not  1  big towns in the U.S. 2  there are today.Most towns in the country were small.And in these small towns,the general store was  3  people  4   the things they couldn't made or grow at home.

  5   the store sold   6   a good deal about life in the United States at that time.People bought tools that they needed on their farms.They bought salt,sugar,coffee and   7   that their farms didn't produce.They bought articles of   8   that they could not make themselves,and cloth or other materials that the  9   would make into dresses for themselves,shirts for the men and clothes for their children.

Life in the   10   century America was   11  .One proves that most people were satisfied with what they had   12   still they looked forward   13   courage to whatever the future would   14   them.It would be interesting to know   15   they would feel about life in the world today.  16   to them that life is too complex,or would they be glad to see that life is   17   in the past?

Nobody will   18   know the   19   people at that time would enjoy life today or not.Perhaps man is always the same of his kind.They did take things for granted,and also they did try to make life more comfortable.We have to admit that it is the same   20   people at present.

1.A.many            B.so many           C.so much           D.a lot of

2.A.where           B.like              C.what              D.as

3.A.where           B.for               C.in which          D.that

4.A.made                B.bought            C.sold          D.paid for

5.A.That                B.No matter         C.Which         D.What

6.A.says                B.talks             C.refers        D.tells

7.A.other things        B.another food C.other foods        D.foods and drinks

8.A.clothes         B.clothing          C.dresses               D.suits

9.A.farmers         B.men               C.women             D.children

10.A.eighteenth     B.nineteenth            C.twentieth         D.next

11.A.easy           B.simple                C.interesting       D.tiresome

12.A.and which      B.and yet               C.and that          D.but what

13.A.in             B.to                    C.of                D.with

14.A.bring          B.take              C.happen to         D.serve

15.A.what           B.whether           C.that              D.how

16.A.Did it appear  B.Would it seem     C.What did it seem  D.What appeared

17.A.still what it used to be           B.better than what it was

C.much more easier than                 D.no more than it was

18.A.never              B.always        C.once              D.ever

19.A.truth that         B.fact whether C.idea how           D.information of

20.A.as                 B.for               C.with                  D.like



科目:高中英语 来源:0910学年广东省高一上学期期末考试 题型:完型填空

II.Fill in the blanks(10)

The first and smallest unit that can be discussed in relation to language is the word. In speaking, the choice of words is   16   great importance. Proper _17__(choose) will get rid of one source of likely breakdown in the communication cycle. Too often, careless use of words___18___ (prevent) a meeting of the mind of the speaker and listener. The words used by the speaker may cause __19___(favor) reactions in the listener_20__interfere with his comprehension; hence, the transmission-reception system breaks down. Moreover , inaccurate or indefinite words may make _21__ difficult for the listener to understand the message which __22__(transmit) to him. The speaker_23__does not have specific words in working vocabulary may be unabe to explain or describe in _24_ way ___25_ can be understood by listeners.


Nobody wants to appear fat. Many girls who care too much about their self-image(个人形象) choose to eat less food to  26   themselves from gaining weight. Some even take medicine to achieve their goals. Those unhealthy ways may lead to being   27  to a certain drug and the addiction is usually very   28  . There is little difference to committing suicide (自杀). I used to eat   29    a lot, which is said to be high in protein but low in calories. But the moment bird flu   30   out, I stopped eating this kind of meat. To me, health always comes first, because no matter how wealthy you are, your   31   will deprive(剥夺) you of the right to   32   your life, so why should we put ourselves in danger and suffer? However, you’d better keep it in mind that whether you go on a calorie-restricted (限制热量的) diet or not, exercising and   33   eating are excellent ways to keep your body in good   34. Their emphasis is that the healthy way to lose weight is   35   to make permanent changes to your lifestyle.

26. A. protect                     B. make                      C. promise                  D. keep

27. A. used               B. addicted             C. exposed             D. devoted

28. A. painful        B. useful             C. cheerful              D. sorrowful

29. A. fruit           B. vegetable           C. chicken              D. pork

30. A. let             B. set                C. gave                 D. broke

31. A. medicine             B. weight             C. diet                 D. disease

32. A. enjoy          B. make             C. change                D. take

33. A. regular        B. healthy            C. good                 D. normal

34. A. size            B. shape              C. situation             D. style

35. A. usually                B. generally          C. quickly                D. gradually


