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  A panic attack is a sudden feeling of terror. Usually it does not last long,but it may feel like forever.

  The cause can be something as normally uneventful as driving over a bridge or flying in an airplane. And it can happen even if the person has driven over many bridges or flown many times before.

  A fast heartbeat. Sweaty hands. Difficulty breathing. A lightheaded feeling. At first a person may have no idea what is wrong. But these can all be signs of what is known as panic disorder.

  In the United States,the National Institute of Mental Health says more than two million people are affected in any oneyear period.

  The American Psychological Association says panic disorder is two times more likely in women than men. And it can last anywhere from a few months to a lifetime.

Panic attacks can be dangerous―for example,if a person is driving at the time. Some people who suffer a panic attack develop a phobia,a deep fear of ever repeating the activity that brought on the attack.

  But experts say panic disorder can be treated. Doctors might suggest antianxiety or anti depressant medicines. Talking to a counselor could help a person learn to deal with or avoid a panic attack. There are breathing methods,for example,that might help a person calm down. 

  Panic disorder is included among what mental health professionals call anxiety disorders. A study published last week reported a link between anxiety disorders and several physical diseases.

  The report in the Archives of Internal Medicine came from a German health study of more than four thousand adults.

(   ) 1. When a panic happens,you can have the feeling that         .

   A. your heart beats slowly   B. your hands become sweaty

   C. you breath faster   D. your reaction is quicker

(   ) 2. What is the best title for the passage?

   A. A Panic Is a Kind of Disease

   B. How to Prevent Panic Attacks

   C. A Research Report about Panic Attacks

   D. The Cause of Panic Attacks

(   ) 3. In which section can you find the passage in the newspaper?

   A. Entertainment. B. Sports.

   C. Health. D. High technology.

(   ) 4. What does the underlined word "phobia" in the passage mean?

   A. A kind of deep fear after a panic attack.

   B. A disease resulting in death.

   C. A special treatment to cure panic attacks.

   D. A sort of medicine for heart disease.

1. B从第3段可知B正确。

2. C此篇文章是关于panic attack的研究报告,所以C正确。其他选项为某段的段意,不能概括全文。

3. C此篇文章涉及人的健康问题,所以C正确。

4. A从画线词的后面一句可知。

题目来源:高考英语组合训练(完形填空 +阅读理解) > 组合训练21-30


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Papa was a rancher (牧场主) .He worked with 1        He was proud of the way he 2       ,He always wore clean clothes even when he worked. That is very 3        for a rancher who works outside on a horse farm. He often said to me , " Son,you may not be able to buy the best clothes,but you must always keep those you have 4       . That is the important thing."Papa did what he said. His clothes were 5        dirty like those of most of the other ranchers I knew.

Papa never worked outside 6       a hat. He always wore the same kind of hat. It was a 7       hat. He never pushed the hat to one side of his head,he wore it straight and he did not push the top of his hat 8        like most cowboys do. Papa had 9        hats. One was his Sundayhat,the other was his everydayhat. When his Sundayhat got old,he wore it 10        and then bought a new Sundayhat. He wore his Sundayhat only to church or on holidays. Most of the time he 11        his Sundayhat in a special box. He hid it so we could not find it. Papa loves his hats and he 12        for them in a special way. He never threw them down on the 13       ,someone might sit on them. He even had a special place for his everydayhat. As soon as he came into the house from 14       ,he put his hat on the nail behind the kitchen door.

  Mama was very careful of Papa's hat. She was proud of the way he looked when he worked. She was not 15        to touch his Sundayhat. Then something happened. Maybe it was the 16        of the long summer,maybe Mama read about the hats in a magazine or book,she got the idea that Papa should not wear a 17       wool cowboy hat in the hot weather. She began to believe that Papa would 18        his hair if he did. Mama began to care more about Papa's hair than his hats. Perhaps it was Uncle George who made Mama 19        about Papa's hair. Uncle George had no hair. His head was as smooth as an egg. Papa had fake black hair that shone like 20       . It was terrible if Papa lost his hair because he wore a heavy wool cowboy hat. So Mama began to worry.

(   ) 1. A. horse   B. cow   C. sheep   D. chicken

(   ) 2. A. fed   B. acted   C. dressed   D. lived

(   ) 3. A. easy   B. common   C. difficult   D. necessary

(   ) 4. A. smart   B. folded   C. clean   D. smooth

(   ) 5. A. seldom   B. never   C. always   D. occasionally

(   ) 6. A. wearing   B. without   C. having   D. with

(   ) 7. A. strange   B. straw   C. nice   D. cowboy

(   ) 8. A. aside   B. down   C. up   D. over

(   ) 9. A. two   B. many   C. clean   D. special

(   ) 10. A. sometimes   B. occasionally   C. often   D. every day

(   ) 11. A. stored   B. protected   C. got   D. kept

(   ) 12. A. cares   B. looks   C. keeps   D. asks

(   ) 13. A. chair   B. table   C. floor   D. bed

(   ) 14. A. school   B. work   C. downtown   D. church

(   ) 15. A. banned   B. permitted   C. encouraged   D. advised

(   ) 16. A. rain   B. coolness   C. heat   D. wind

(   ) 17. A. heavy   B. light   C. strange   D. special

(   ) 18. A. spoil   B. lose   C. hurt   D. damage

(   ) 19. A. care   B. think   C. talk   D. worry

(   ) 20. A. silk   B. gold   C. sunshine   D. moon


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Narrator: (scene shows an old woman,washing her supper dishes) For several years,a widow has lived in her own pleasant tworoom and kitchenette apartment in a rebuilt brownstone near East River. Her late husband,Mr. H. T. Miller,had left a fair amount of insurance money before he passed away. Mrs. Miller is,in fact,not an average sixty-one-year-old woman;she has little interest outside her apartment,has no friends to speak of,and she only ventures out as far as a nearby grocery store. No one who lives near her has taken note of her existence,with her oldfashioned dress and oldfashioned hairstyle,and she never uses any cosmetics (化妆品) .Her daily activities are monotonous,smoking an occasional cigarette,preparing her own meals,feeding her canary (a kind of bird) named " Tommy", and keeping her tworoom apartment as clean as possible. (Mrs. Miller sits down on her couch,reading through the afternoon newspaper.) Narrator: (camera changes scene to Rod Serling,a glowing cigarette held in his hand) One would think that her life would be as normal as anyone else's. She doesn't mind the wall of isolation she has created around herself all these years. But all of this is going to change. Mrs. Miller is going to meet a person,a small child,who,like her,has no friends,goes through life unnoticed,and ventures only as far as Mrs,Miller. Would it be a dream of happiness come true? Or perhaps the worst nightmare Mrs. Miller has ever experienced ...In the Twilight Zone!Title shows: " Miriam" Act I:At the Theater (Scene 1,at Mrs. Miller's apartment)

(   ) 1. Where is the passage from?

   A. It is from a science book. B. It is from a TV show script.

   C. It is from a news report. D. It is from a textbook of history.

(   ) 2. The underlined word "monotonous" in the passage means         .

   A. various   B. not changing   C. special   D. interesting

(   ) 3. Which of the following statements about Mrs Miller is true?

   A. She lives a happy and calm life although she is short of money.

    B. She is not a sixty-one-year-old woman.

   C. She spends most of her time doing her own things at home.

   D. She is not fashionable but likes to decorate her own house.

(   ) 4. Which of the following things is what Mrs. Miller would not do?

   A. She doesn't want to disturb her neighbors.

   B. She cares more about her neighbor's opinions.

   C. She is not interested in fashion show.

   D. She always tries to keep her house clean.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Most,if not all,Chinese are financially better off thanks to over 30 years of reform and opening up. But are we any happier?

  Various surveys and rankings attempt to answer this question.

  Though sociologists have presented varying percentages based on different criteria,their answers tend to find we are generally happier,and the number of optimists rises each year.

  But each survey reveals a worrisome fact that a sizable portion,10 percent at the lowest,of respondents were not content with their lives or not hopeful about the future.

  We cannot be content with the fact that at least 130 million of our countrymen are not happy.

  Although a sense of happiness remains a luxury for many of our compatriots because of poverty,we agree financial wellbeing is not the sole determinant of happiness.

  For most of us,except the extremely rich and naturally born optimists,there simply are too many variables that may kill the feeling of happiness.

  These include,but are not limited to,rising housing prices,tight and instable job market,backbreaking schooling expenses and medical bills. 

  The most common one,however,is a low sense of security.

  An eyecatching characteristic of our economy is its high savings rate,at 46 percent now.

  Explaining the rise in savings and drop in spending in their city,Beijing municipal statisticians pointed that in the low-and-middle-income group there was too much uncertainty regarding employment,income,housing,medical situations,and education.

  How can you feel happy when you always have to brace ( = prepare) yourself for the unexpected?

  It may be beyond the government's reach,to guarantee higher income for every citizen. But it does have a burden to create an environment where all citizens can feel a reasonable level of security.

  There was an inclusive '* safety network" when the government encouraged officials to leave public offices in 1980s in attempts to downsize public service. The idea was to offer officials secure pay and benefits so they would not have to worry about guarantees after their departure from positions of power.

  It is time the government displayed similar creativity and resolve to address a much larger sense of uncertainty.

(   ) 1. The underlined word "burden" in the passage means         .

   A. a heavy load

   B. a duty or responsibility

   C. the main theme of an article

   D. capacity

(   ) 2. According to the passage,the reason that most people involved in the surveys feel unhappy is that         .

   A. they are faced with financial problems

   B. they are not naturally born optimists

   C. they are lack of sense of security

   D. they are bothered by the rising prices

(   ) 3. From the passage,we know that the high savings rate shows that        .

   A. life for most Chinese is no longer a daily struggle for basic necessities

   B. the country's social security system is incomplete

   C. the public are too busy to spend

   D. it is not easy to change this traditional custom

(   ) 4. The writer offers the example of "safety network" is to show        .

   A. the officials in China can enjoy better social welfare

   B. the advantages of a policy

   C. a way to solve the problem mentioned above

   D. it is not necessary for most people to worry about their future


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  Imagine a place where you can buy a wedding dress and ring,get married,and have a wedding party all in a day? The Mall of America offers all those goods and services.

  The huge shopping and entertainment center is the largest mall in the United States. It covers thirtyone hectares. It cost six hundred fifty million dollars to build. The Mall of America has more than five hundred stores including four large department stores. It has sixty eating places.

  But,there is a lot more to do at Mall of America than shop and eat. Why not visit the mall's aquarium? The ninetyone meters long,glass tunnel holds thousands of sea animals. They swim,crawl and float in about four million liters of water. You can walk alongside the aquarium and watch sharks eat or see a Caribbean reef up close.

Young visitors to the Mall of America can also enjoy roller coasters,ferris wheels and other rides. It has the largest indoor amusement park in the United States. The mall also has a dinosaur museum,flight simulation (模拟) center and fourteen movie theaters.

  More than eleven thousand employees keep the operation running smoothly. During the summer and holidays,the mall employs thousands more people for temporary work. Mall spokesman Daniel Jasper says more than fortyfive million people visit every year from all over the world. He says on any given day there are enough people at the Mall to make it the third largest city in Minnesota.

  The Mall of America will be fifteen years old next year. The owners are planning a year of celebrations. They are also planning a major expansion. It will include hotels,a business center,water park and performing arts center.

(   ) 6. What is the passage mainly about?

   A. An introduction to a shopping center.

   B. An advertisement of a mall.

   C. The size of a mall in America.

   D. The people running the mall in America.

(   ) 7. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

   A. The mall has the largest amusement park in the USA.

   B. In the mall,you can not only shop but also attend lectures.

   C. There are more employees in summer than in winter.

   D. The mall is ninety one meters long and has fourteen movie theatres.

(   ) 8. What does the underlined sentence mean in the passage?

   A. The Mall of America has become the third largest city in Minnesota.

   B. The mall is usually visited by many people.

   C. The mall is regarded as the best place by many Americans.

   D. People try to make it become a large city.

(   ) 9. What can you infer from the last paragraph?

   A. The mall is the earliest mall in America.

   B. The celebration will be planned for a year.

   C. The mall will offer more kinds of service.

   D. The mall will be taken place by a business center.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

  In high school I knew a guy who wanted to become a doctor. From the seventh grade on,that was all he wanted to be. After 1       he went straight into a medical school,and 2       doctor by age 25.        I 3        such people. They know 4        where they want to go in life.

  I don't think most people have such a 5       picture of where they are going. I,for one,feel I've been 6        all my life. The only thing Fve ever had a strong 7        to do is to dance,and I've spent 8        of my life trying to do that.

  Anyway,when I was 22       ,I 9       a crisis that forced me to stop dancing. I had to take a new 10       ,and I was at a loss to what it should be. Then one morning,I started to paint. My first piece,to my 11,sold for $4,000. And over the next few years I 12       16 more paintings,most of which also sold.

  13      ,though,as I approached the 60th year of my life,that 14       of being lost in life returned. I could 15        make myself paint,and once again,I was plagued (被.... 烦忧) with 16        about whether this was really what I was 17        to be doing with my life. Perhaps my life had become dull and I was to reach into the 18        and look for a fresh direction?

  I 19       everything I owned in storage,bought a tent and a bicycle and 20        out of town. I started a journey that day―a journey around the whole country.

(   ) 1. A. school   B. graduation   C. work   D. church

(   ) 2. A. became   B. turned   C. made   D. grew

(   ) 3. A. challenge   B. like   C. love   D. envy

(   ) 4. A. really   B. exactly   C. luckily   D. specially

(   ) 5. A. clear   B. beautiful   C. complete   D. colorful

(   ) 6. A. missing   B. left   C. lost   D. remaining

(   ) 7. A. devotion   B. urge   C. sense   D. pressure

(   ) 8. A. part   B. some   C. most   D. little

(   ) 9. A. went over   B. went against   C. went up   D. went through

(   ) 10. A. way   B. road   C. direction   D. route

(   ) 11. A. surprise   B. happiness   C. excitement   D. joy

(   ) 12. A. finished   B. completed   C. collected   D. created

(   ) 13. A. Unfortunately   B. Naturally   

       C. Strangely   D. Disappointedly

(   ) 14. A. picture   B. view   C. sense   D. idea

(   ) 15. A. nearly   B. never   C. almost   D. barely

(   ) 16. A. doubts   B. questions   C. worry   D. trouble

(   ) 17. A. suggested   B. supposed   C. required   D. advised

(   ) 18. A. darkness   B. brightness   C. heaven   D. unknown

(   ) 19. A. lifted   B. put   C. took   D. carried

(   ) 20. A. rode   B. drove   C. ran   D. walked


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 Personal finance is an increasingly complex world. There are more ways to invest money,more ways to save it,and more ways to lose it. Yet many people are more strangers to this world than they might like to admit.

  Starting young to teach financial literacy.

  In the United States,there are growing calls to do more to help young people learn skills in financial literacy. Some efforts begin in high school. But more and more information is available on the Internet,not only for young people but also for adults. The goal is to teach about budgeting,saving,investing and using money.

  The United States Financial Literacy and Education Commission was established in two thousand three. This government group supervises financial education efforts through nineteen federal agencies.

  Information on financial literacy and education can be found at its Web site. The address is My Money,gov. It includes links to agencies that deal with banking,buying a home,investing and other areas.

  The National Council on Economic Education has found that seventeen states now require high school students to take a class in economics. This number has grown from thirteen in nineteen ninetyeight.

  As of three years ago,half of all states required students to take a class in personal finance. Yet that number has fallen from twentyfive to twentytwo.

The National Council on Economic Education sells textbooks for grades four through twelve. It also offers free materials for teachers. The information is available at ncee.net.

  Teachers say parents also need to play a larger part in educating their children about money. A recent study found that seventy percent of college students said they received financial advice mainly from their parents.

Investment companies also offer information. Charles Schwab,for example,has a Web site to help parents teach their kids about money and investing.   The address is SchwabMoneyWise. com.

  One of the first tastes of financial independence that many young people get is through summer jobs. Junior Achievement is an organization that teaches young people about finance and business. It says almost threefourths of young people questioned said they planned to have a summer job.

(   ) 1. What's the goal of teaching young people financial literacy?

   A. To teach them budgeting.

   B. To teach them saving.

   C. To teach them investing and using money.

   D. All of the above.

(   ) 2. Which web site or organization can help parents teach their kids about money and investing?

   A. My Money.gov   B. ncee.net

   C. SchwabMoneyWise.com   D. Junior Achievement

(   ) 3. Which of the following is NOT true?

   A. The US Financial Literacy and Education Commission was set up in 2003.

   B. 13 states in the US required high school students to take a class in economics in 1998.

   C. 3 years ago,half of all states in the US required students to take a class in personal finance.

   D. Through summer jobs,young people can try to become independent in finance.

(   ) 4. What's the best title of the passage?

   A. Information on Financial Literacy and Education

   B. How to Get Financial Independence

   C. Starting Young to Teach Financial Literacy

   D. The Way of Earning and Saving Money


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. Because the shop is closing down,all the T-shirts         . (price)



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

7. No sooner had they settled themselves in their seats in the theatre         . (curtain)


