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Directions: Read the following passage, Answer the questions according to the
information given in the passage.
March 22nd every year has been the World Water Day since 1993. Everyone knows that over 70% of our planet is covered with water, but do you know that only 3% of the water is fresh and less than 1% of this fresh water is available for human use?
Water shortage
The World Bank reports that 80 countries now have water shortages, while 40% of the more than 2 billion people, have no access to clean water. Fresh water is such a life-or-death issue(问题) in many parts of the world that every eight seconds a child dies from drinking dirty water.
How to save water
Turn off the tap while you brush you teeth in the morning and before bedtime, and you can save up to 8 gallons of water! That adds up to more than 200 gallons a month, enough to fill a huge fish tank that holds 6 small sharks!
Keep your shower under 5 minutes long. In fact, a 5-minute shower uses more water than a person living in poverty in a developing country uses in an entire day.
Fix the leak. If your toilet has a leak, you could be wasting about 200 gallons of water every day. That would be like flushing your toilet more than 50 times for no reason!
We each share responsibility for the sustainable management of our water resources, which means using less water at home, in the workplace, at school, on holidays, on the farm,… everyone, everywhere, every time.
小题1:  When did the first World Water Day take place? (no more than 5 words) 
小题2:  How many suggestions does the writer give us to save water? (1 word)
小题3:  What example does the writer give us to show fresh water is a life-or-death issue? (no more than 10 words)
小题4:  What’s the purpose of writing this passage? (no more than 12 words)

小题1: On March 22nd, 1993.
小题1: 3 / Three
小题1: Every eight seconds a child dies from drinking dirty water.
小题1: To tell readers the importance and the ways of saving water. / To call on readers to save water./ To arouse our responsibility for the sustainable management of our water resources.

科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

[1] The key word is practice! Practice, practice, practice!! There is no other way. There is no magic. The way to get better at listening to English is to listen to English. That’s the not-so-good news.
[2] The good news is there are many ways to listen and many things to listen to.
[3] Listening to English songs can be fun. But be careful! Most ____________ use the language in a special way that you don’t hear every day. You don’t want to start speaking English like a poet or songwriter. If you do listen to English songs, listen to different ones. This will help you train your ears to different voices, pronunciations and rhythms.
[4] If you can, get a copy of the lyrics(歌词) so you can read them and listen to them at the same time. It is sometimes better to listen with your eyes as well as your ears—more information to help the brain.
[5] Watch English DVDs. But, this time, do not use your eyes to read the subtitles (字幕). Turn off the subtitles, because movies have so many other clues about what is happening that it is better not to use the subtitles. This forces your ears to do the work.
[6] Choose one character (人物) that interests you and pay attention to what they say and how they say it. If you can, repeat a line out loud after they have said it. Teach yourself one or more sayings, phrases or ways of talking that you will use after watching the movie.
[7] A new and growing resource of English language for listening can be found in blogs. Blogs are in MP3 format and can be loaded first onto your computer and then onto you MP3 player for very convenient take-with-you listening.
[8] You can find many English listening practices are fun, new, educational and in unending supply.
小题1:What is the main idea of the passage? (within 10 words.)
小题2:Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?
At times, we can use not only our ears but our eyes to listen to get more information..
小题3:Please fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (within 2 words.)
小题4:List three ways of practising your English listening.(within 15words.)
①__________________ ②__________________ ③__________________
小题5:Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 6 into Chinese.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Chinese White Collars(白领) Go Down on the Farm
The latest craze among China’s white collar workers, reported in the British newspaper the Daily Telegraph, is an online virtual agricultural game called “Happy Farm.” Virtual farmers can visit each other’s farm, trade livestock and can use real cash to buy virtual (虚拟的) items such as special tools, quality seeds, and animals. The free game is played through social networking sites like kaixin001.com, Face book or xiaonei.com.
Urban office workers can escape the pressures and stresses of everyday life and enter a peaceful virtual existence where players can grow vegetables, practice animal farming and receive satisfaction that comes with a hard-won harvest. Because most Chinese white collars have little amusement after work, Happy Farm gives them a virtual world to make their dreams come true.
Global Times, an English language daily based in Beijing, recently reported that there are more than 15 million Chinese urbanites spending more than five hours a day on their virtual “farms.”
According to the English language website of the People’s Daily newspaper, the increased interest in farming among some urban office workers has resulted in some of them becoming real hobby farmers, tending small plots of land in their free time. Mr. Liu, a white collar worker, has rented a piece of farmland for RMB 3000. Mr. Liu and his family like to drive down to their farm on the weekend and do different farming tasks such as watering, weeding, fertilizing and worming. Later on, cabins will be built on agricultural land making it possible for part-time farmers like Mr. Liu to stay on their land for two weeks enabling them to get a little taste of a farmer’s life.
It is a rather interesting social development that some of urban office workers are becoming interested in farming and agriculture, while large numbers of farmers and agricultural workers continue to move to the cities.
小题1:What is “Happy Farm”? (No more than 7 words)
小题2:Why do more and more Chinese white collars go down on Happy Farm?
(No more than 14 words)
小题3:List 4 farming tasks Mr. Liu and his family do on their farms. (No more than 5 words)
小题4:How long do Chinese urbanites spend on their virtual farms every day? (No more than 4 words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:阅读理解

Today there are policemen everywhere, but in 1700, London had no policemen at all. A few old
men used to protect the city streets at night and they were not paid.
In 1750, Henry Fielding started to pay a group of people to stop thieves. They were like
policemen and were called "Bow Street Runners" because they worked near Bow Street.
Fifty years later, there were 120 "Bow Street Runners", but London had become very big and
needed more policemen. So in 1829, London Police Force was started with 3,000 officers. Until
1920 all the police in London were men.
小题1:Who protected London in 1700?  (回答词数不超过4个)
小题2:When was London Police Force started?  ( 回答词数不超过2个)
小题3:Are all the London police men now?  (回答词数不超过1个)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

(1)The British summer is extremely beautiful.Trees,flowers,birds and butterflies make the whole country like a big garden.However,many British people have noticed that butterflies have been gradually disappearing from this picturesque scenery during the past several years.What has happened to them?
(2)Butterfly Conservation,a charity in the UK,is running a survey to help answer this question.The result is more serious than people expected.According to the survey,among 59 butterfly species found in Britain,more than three quarters of them are suffering a declining population, including the most popular ones.What’s more,half of all butterfly species are in the danger of dying out.Some common species such as the small Tortoiseshell butterfly and the Wall butterfly are dropping dramatically.The latter cannot even be seen in many parts of central and southern England.The Blue butterfly was commonly seen in the south.However,it has started colonizing (迁徙至)Edinburgh in the past few years.
(3)The numbers of butterflies have dropped to a record low in the past three years largely because the summer in the UK is getting cooler and their habitat is also worsening.Fortunately Britain is experiencing a long hot summer this year compared to the last few summers.Conservationists believe the warm weather will bring some benefit to the butterflies.
(4)Sir David Attenborough,president of Butterfly Conservation,said:“Large quantities of butterflies tell us that all is well with nature.When they decline it’s a warning that other wildlife will be soon           .”
(5)The survey is still going on.The public are also encouraged to keep track of the UK’s    butterfly population.The organizers hope the survey will help raise public awareness of the value of butterflies in the UK.Butterflies give an indication of the well-being of nature and the environment.
小题1:What is the best title of the passage?(no more than 10 words)
小题2:List two reasons for butterflies’ reduction in number.(no more than 10 words)
小题3:Complete the following statement with proper words.(no more than 4 words)
But a large number of British people have realized that butterflies         from the beautiful scenery since a few years ago.
小题4:Fill in the blank in Paragraph 4 with proper words.(no more than 5 words)
小题5:What does the underlined word “them”(paragraph 2)probably refer to?(no more than 4 words)


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Health experts have warned for many years that cigarette-smoking can lead to heart disease, cancer and other medical problems. And officials say disease caused directly by smoking kill at least three hundred and twenty thousand Americans each year. But smokers still find it rather difficult to stop .The tobacco industry says 40 million Americans continue to smoke cigarette . The American Cancer Society wants to change this. Every year the group organizes a national Non-smoking Day in order to get people to give up cigarette.
On the Non-smoking Day the organization is asking all smokers to stop smoking at least for 24 hours .The Cancer Society hopes this will lead many people to give up smoking completely .On that day the Cancer society officers will give telephone call advice on how to stop smoking. Some others also can call a special telephone to hear recorder messages by doctors. Some factories will offer their workers candy or chewing gum to help them to keep from smoking. Some companies are offering special presents and low prizes to people who sign an agreement to stop smoking. And Americans who don’t smoke are being asked to help just one person who is smoking during the 24-hour campaign.
小题1:How many Americans die from smoking each year ? ﹙不超过4个单词﹚
小题2:Who set the Non-smoking Day ? ﹙不超过4个单词﹚
小题3:What is the purpose of the Non-smoking Day ?﹙不超过7个单词﹚


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Caring for animals, tutoring kids, helping seniors: Volunteer hours are more than a graduation must, they are life lessons.
Vilma Sooknanan cleans cat cages, Max Carroll teaches children how to cook and Michael Rosenthal rolls wheelchairs at a hospital.
What does this have to do with high school education?
The three – and almost all other South Florida high school students – have to go outside of the classroom to earn their diplomas, doing what schools call “community service”.
Broward public schools require 40 hours to graduate. Palm Beach County public schools require 20, and most private schools require at least that much.
The purpose: To give students the chance to explore a career and create a habit of volunteering.
“We hope that when they finish high school they’ll continue service,” says Mike Roland, student activities officer for the Broward School District.
About half of U.S. public schools require community service, according to a national study. Broward School Board member Bob Parks says encouraging community service has launched all kinds of new projects, including tutoring and food collections.
Sooknanan, a student at South Broward High School, is part of the Humane Society of Broward County’s volunteer program, which is so popular that even the waiting list is closed. Students work one four-hour shift a week for four months, and leave with 64 volunteer hours.
Sooknanan changes litter boxes and puts down fresh newspaper for about 100 cats.
Combined with her volunteer hours at beach cleanups and helping teachers at school, she’s well on her way toward 250 hours, which she hopes will catch the eye of Nova Southeastern University, where she wants to study marine biology.
Carroll, a junior student at South Plantation High, has connected with FLIPANY, a nonprofit organization that offers cheap physical activity and food to low-income families. He helps teach children about cooking and healthy eating.
“It has been a life-changing experience,” says Carroll, who is now leaning toward a career as a sports trainer. "I want to find a career encouraging people to lead a healthier lifestyle.”
(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN 15 WORDS.)
1. How many hours of community service are students required to do to graduate from most U.S. private schools?
2. Why do some U.S. schools require students to do community service to graduate?
3. The reason Sooknanan take up so many kinds of volunteer work is that ___________.
4. Volunteer work is popular in many high schools in the U.S., not only because it is a graduation must, but also because ___________ .


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

[1] If you are applying for an American higher education, you probably dream of getting into an Ivy League (常青藤联盟) university.The eight schools with the best reputations attract top students from the United States and many other countries. However, on average, the Ivy League schools accept less than 15 percent of applicants.And with the applicants growing in size year on year, it is becoming more and more difficult _________.
[2] So how can you give yourself the best chance of admission?
[3]Having a high school grade point average (GPA) in the top 10 percent of your class and being ranked among the top few students dramatically betters your chances.But although GPA and SAT scores are important, they only tell admission deans(主任)part of the story.
[4] The whole admissions process will single out (挑选出) from a large pool of academically strong applicants the unique individuals.They stand out because they have shown in their interviews a range of virtues (优点) expected of these universities.Take Harvard for example.Although there is no guarantee of admission, the school judges applicants based on 15 additional criteria.
[5] Intellectual curiosity (求知欲) comes first tor almost all admission deans.Schools look to such students because they believe their peers find them stimulating(激励人的)inside and outside the classroom.
[6] Leadership also weighs heavily.The school would rather see an applicant who takes on additional responsibility in one or two areas where he or she is good at, rather than one who is merely "very good" academically.This can mean the class presidency(主席职务), leading the cheerleading team or being the officer of a student union.
[7] Whether a person has personal warmth and cares about others counts a lot with the admission deans.Writing an essay on a personal experience, like a summer spent raising funds for the earthquake victims or teaching in a local school, can show that a person has qualities in addition to academic experience.
小题1:What is the purpose of the passage? (no more than 15 words)
小题2:Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?
The universities pay attention to the students with this virtue in that they can inspire their fellow students at school.
小题3:Fill in the blank in the first paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence. (no more than 5 words)
小题4:Based on the passage, list three additional criteria for admission besides academic performance.(no more than 10 words)
①_________________ ?②_______________ ?③____________________
小题5:Translate the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph into Chinese.


科目:高中英语 来源:不详 题型:完形填空

Do you have a friend who is upset about his or her parent’s drinking? You want to do something to help, but what? Your friend may not talk about this with you, but you can still be a good friend. One out of four children lives with at least one adult who has alcoholism, so your friend is not alone.
●Be a good listener. Your friend may need someone to talk to. Listen to your friend and suggest that she or he talk to a trusted adult in addition to talking to you .You can offer a good listening ear, but sometimes an adult is needed for more serious things. Maybe you can suggest a caring adult for your friend to talk to, such as a teacher, a neighbor, or a grandparent. He will listen and support your friend, and he will not hurt your friend or put your friend down.
●Don’t spread gossip(闲话) about your friend’s family. Its okay to tell your parents or another trusted adult what is going on, but respect your friends right by not telling other kids in your class.
●Ask your parents if your friend ___________your house, and then invite your friend over for enjoyable activities or to do homework together. Sometimes your friend might just need to get away and have fun being a kid.
●Don’t ride in a car when a friend’s parent has been drinking if you can avoid it. It is not safe. Call your parents, walk, or try to get a ride with an adult you know who has not been drinking. If you must get in the car with a drinking driver, sit in the middle of the back seat with your seat belt fastened. Lock your doors and try to stay calm.
1. What is the best title of the passage? (Please answer within 10 words)
2. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?
To help a friend in trouble, you can advise him or her to talk to someone who can be depended on for help.
3. Please fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words of phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 10 words)
4. Which of the suggestions do you think is best for you if you find your friend in trouble? Why? (Please answer within 30 words)
5. Translate the underlined sentence in the third paragraph into Chinese.

