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    The penguins from the movie Happy Feet (《快乐的大脚》) are tap dancing back to the screen for Happy Feet Two, which landed in China on February 21.

    Mumble, the dance master of the first film, has a problem. His son, Erik, is afraid of dancing. Erik runs away to escape all the dancing. He meets The Mighty Sven – a penguin who can fly. Sven soon becomes Erik’s new idol (偶像) and Mumble has no hope of competing with him.

    But losing the role model battle turns out to be the least of Mumble’s worries. Suddenly the community is faced with an ecological (生态的) disaster. However, this proves to be Mumble’s chance to shine. Erik learns of his father’s determination and courage as Mumble brings together all of penguin-dom, along with hundreds of other creatures, from the tiny krill (磷虾) to the giant elephant seals, to put things right.

    Two Hollywood stars, Matt Damon and Brad Pitt, play what are probably the smallest parts in their careers. They lend their voices to a pair of krill, small creatures at the bottom of the Antarctic food chain.

    Penguins, seals and whales depend on krill to survive. Reuters reports that krill fishing has gone beyond sustainable (可持续的) levels. Animals such as penguins and seals are now competing for survival against industrial fishing ships. These two stars could help make people notice the tiny animals’ cause.

    Happy Feet Two is directed by George Miller, who won an Oscar for the first Happy Feet. According to the Wall Street Journal, environmental concerns were not a large part of the original story. However, Miller “(felt) forced to emphasize the green theme” as his native Australia has been so strongly affected by global warming and overfishing.

68. What is the problem with Erik according to the article?

   A. He just shows no respect for his father.

   B. He wants to fly like a mighty penguin.

   C. He doesn’t want to be a dancer like his father.

   D. He’s no longer the dancer master of the community.

69. The appearance of Matt Damon and Brad Pitt in the movie is expected to ___________.

   A. draw attention to the overfishing of krill

   B. prevent people from polluting the ocean

   C. encourage sustainable fishing in Australia

   D. make the movie a huge box office hit

70. From the article we can learn the following statements EXCEPT that ___________.

   A. the movie attaches great importance to protecting Antarctic

   B. the krill are dying out because too many penguins and seals eat them

   C. Mumble with other creatures tries to take action against the disaster

   D. Matt Damon and Brad Pitt give background voices for a pair of krill

71. Which of the following can be the theme of the movie Happy Feet Two?

   A. The magnificent scenery and species in Antarctic.

   B. How love and respect can bring the family together.

   C. Concerns about ecology and sustainable development.

   D. Human beings’ increasing desires for natural recourses.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

I am so worried about global warming. We need stop cutting down all of the trees so that they can absorb the carbon dioxide. I think the Kyoto Protocol (京都议定书) to stop pollution is a great idea ,and I hope our country will decide to follow it, too.

                                                             — Eli S.,10,Texa

People should do all they can to help stop pollution, even if it is something as little as recycling your soda can. Every little thing helps. Maybe schools can put recycling bins in classrooms. Students can bring in all of their cans and bottles and see how many the school can collect.

                                                  — Lindsey A.,11, Massachusett

The United States should take action to help stop pollution. Since we are one of the richest countries, we should at least spend a little money to help.

                                                  — Aaron z,11,Massachusett

It is not good that the United States is not following the Kyoto Protocol. The U.S. is one of the most pollution emitting (污染物排放)countries in the world. Even if the rest of the world agrees to follow those rules, without the U. S. and its big businesses agreeing, global warming will still be a big problem.

                                                         —Augustine S.,11,Ohio

The world needs to learn more about global warming problems. If we do not do something soon then some of Earth’s coolest animals will become extinct. People should use solar power instead of things that pollute the atmosphere!

                                                    — Jillian J.,10,Pennsylvania

Global warming is very dangerous, and it must be prevented. Even if people think that it cannot be stopped ,we should  at least try. Stopping global warming is more important than keeping our businesses going. What about the penguins(企鹅)and the polar bears? We can’t just let them become extinct.

                                                        —Samantha R.,11,Illinois

Why does Lindsey suggest schools put recycling bins in classrooms?

  A. To keep the classroom clean          B. To help protect wild animals.

  C. To help protect our earth.     D. To collect waste in classroom.

Augustine worries that global warming problems will be difficult to solve because       .

  A. many people think that global warming cannot be stopped

  B. more and more trees are being cut down

  C. American government spends little money stopping pollution

  D. the U.S. refuses to follow the Kyoto Protocol

Jillian and Samantha believe that      .

  A. solar power is earth-friendly energy   

B. global warming threatens animals’ survival

C. America is the richest country in the world

D. the penguins and the polar bears are dying out

  What do the six children mainly talk about?

     A. Environmental problems.         B. The Kyoto Protocol.

     C. Animal protection.              D. The climate change.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

    The total continent of Antarctica, from its mountains to the seas full of blue whales, emperor penguins and leopard seals, is, by means of international agreement, classified as a nature preserve. The Antarctic Treaty took effect in 1998, and doesn’t allow mining and oil drilling for at least fifty years anywhere within the boundaries of Antarctica. The treaty places a strong emphasis on the protection of the natural environment but not development. All wildlife threats including dogs and chemicals used for killing pests are also banned.

    The agreement has been set by some countries to keep Antarctica free of commercialism and industrial development. This agreement was signed in 1991 by the 26 leading nations with scientific interest in the land. Some of the nations in the agreement are the United States, Russia, China, India, Japan, Argentina, Brazil, and most of the primary European nations.

    The rules made by this treaty ended over 15 years of lobbying(游说)by environmental groups and put a stop to diplomatic(外交的)talks. In addition to preventing all oil drilling and mining, the 35 scientific outposts(前哨站) on Antarctica are required to remove all rubbish and clean up all places where unwanted waste is left. It keeps scientific stations from discharging untreated waste water into the surrounding waters.

     Sled dogs were what explorers like Norway’s Roald Amundsen used to reach the South Pole in 1911. Dogs, however, were banned because they are a recent danger to the penguins and other native birds.

    With laws enforced(实施)in 26 nations, each nation will be responsible for enforcing the rules individually. If the country’s government refuses to become involved when its citizens disobey the rules, the other nations would apply pressure to solve the issue. There are many people who see this treaty as an environmental success story.

55. The Antarctic Treaty was signed to ________.

A. attract more tourists to Antarctica

B. protect the environment of Antarctica

C. forbid diplomatic talks between countries

D. promote scientific research on Antarctica

56. Dogs are forbidden on Antarctica because they________ .

A. may pollute the surrounding environment

B. are a threat to the birds there

C. are of little use there

D. may face a great threat

57. We can infer from the text that________.

A. environmental groups are satisfied with the Antarctic Treaty

B. it is difficult to enforce the treaty

C. there are no natural resources on Antarctica

D. tourism is not allowed on Antarctica

58. Which of the following is TRUE about the Antarctic Treaty?

A. Some countries have broken the rules of it.

B. It was signed in 1998.

C. It’s effective in protecting the environment of Antarctica.

D. It fails to achieve its original purpose.


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年河北省高三下学期一调考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

A woman was walking her dog along a beach in New Zealand in late June when she saw something that looked like a white ball in the sand. It turned out to be a young Emperor penguin that was lost. At his age, he should have been close to Antarctic, swimming for fish and playing on the ice floes(冰川). But this penguin started swimming north and just kept going.

The penguin attracted a lot of attention in New Zealand. It has been 40 years since an Emperor penguin was last seen there. Researchers at the Department of Conservation were called in. They decided to watch the penguin closely, but not to disturb it in any way. Many New Zealanders came to Peka Peka Beach to look at the elegant penguin. They were careful to keep their dogs away from it so it wouldn’t be frightened.

The public nicknamed the animal Happy Feet. Researchers started to notice that Happy Feet didn’t seem well. It turns out that he had been eating the sand from the beach, likely thinking it was snow.

The public raised more than 11,000 pounds for an operation to get the sand out of his stomach. The operation was a success, and Happy Feet was taken to a zoo in Wellington, NZ. A group of experts met to decide how to help Happy Feet return to the wild.

Last Sunday, they put him on a boat called the Tangaroa, in a specially built ice-filled box and took him out into the Southern Ocean, southeast of New Zealand. There, they released him into the ocean, which is his natural habitat. He took one last look at his human helpers and then dived into the ocean.

“Emperor penguins spend their first five years at sea,” said Peter Simpson of New Zealand’s Department of Conservation. “ What happens now is up to the penguin.”

Happy Feet was fitted with a satellite transmitter(发射机)so they can monitor his progress using the Internet. So far, the trackers shows that he swam northeast for a little while before getting his bearings and heading south.

1.Where is the young penguin supposed to appear?

A. On the sunny beach.????????? ????????????? B. Near the Antarctic.

C. Inside the hole in the ice.????? ????????????? D. In the depths of the ocean.

2.The public collected some money to______.

A. build a home for the penguin????????

B. get the sand out of the penguin’s belly

C. do some research on the penguin?????

D. return the penguin to his habitat

3.What does Peter Simpson mean by saying “ What happens now is up to the penguin.”?

A. The penguin needs no protection from human.

B. Human beings can do noting to help penguins.

C. No one knows what will happen to the penguins.

D. Whether the penguin can survive depends on himself.?



科目:高中英语 来源:2010届湖北省高考英语总复习练习系列(二) 题型:阅读理解


All penguins (企鹅) swim in cold waters and so need a good layer of insulation (隔离), some species come ashore in hot places.Humboldt penguins,for example,nest in arid hot - 40°C, deserts on the west coast of South America, while others survive the lowest temperatures of any animals.Male Emperor penguins,as we know, spend the Antarctic winters incubating eggs in temperatures that can fall below -70°C. The insulation is provided in layers, under the skin is a thick layer of fat, then there is a layer of downy feathers that trap air, and finally another layer of waterproof feathers that keep the cold water away from the skin. With all this insulation penguins have no problem keeping warm at temperatures down to about -10°C - although they have special adaptations of the circulatory system to keep their feet from freezing and to prevent much heat loss through the feet that are on the ice. At lower temperatures penguins have to huddle (蜷缩) together to keep warm. In such huddles the penguins gradually move from the hot interior to the cold outside so that every penguin has his turn in the middle and on the outside.

In hot climates, penguins suffer greatly from overheating. They use several strategies to lose heat. They puff up their feathers so that air can circulate to their skin; they hold their flippers(脚蹼)out from their bodies and pump hot blood to them so that they can act as radiators; they open their mouths and breathe to lose heat from their hot breath; and those species that live in hot climates also have several bare patches of skin around the eyes and feet, they send blood to these bare patches when they are hot - you can recognize a hot penguin since it will have pink eye patches and pink patches on its feet.


77. Which of the following are the ways for penguins to keep warm?

a. staying together in good social order 

b. several layers as radiators

c. a special circulatory system                    d. waterproof feathers

e. sending blood to bare patches

f. always staying in the middle

A. a, b, c                            B. a, c, d                           C. b, c, e                            D. c, d, f

78. The insulation consists of _______ layers.                                                      

    A. two                                B. three                            C. four                                D. five

79. The underlined "puff up" in the second paragraph can be replaced by ______.

    A. breathe deeply           B. blow up                        C. hold tight                     D. spread out

80. The passage mainly tells us ______.

    A. how penguins stay warm in cold places          B. that penguins are a clever animal

    C. how penguins keep their temperature            D. why penguins can live a safe life



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011山西晋中高三第三次全真模拟试题 题型:阅读理解

One Sunday a few of us decided to take advantage of the first sunny day we’d have for ages to take a trip down to the coast to visit the penguins again. Last time I went down there was a couple of months ago and it was a dull cold day. Sunday couldn’t have been more different — clear skies and sunshine made it feel like summer, although it was still -25°C.

Six of us drove to the coast. It was the first time we’d been off the base on our own without our field assistant, so it had a slightly different feeling — more like a few friends going to the seaside than an Antarctic field trip! When we reached Windy Creek, we luckily caught sight of quite a few small flying seabirds, which are seldom seen there.

Once on the sea ice we found that some of the more curious penguins had wandered over from the main group to come and check us out. We’d been told that then they were nursing their chicks (刚孵出的幼雏) and they would be more careful and nervous than last time, but that didn’t seem to be the case. We walked across to the main group which were stretched for a couple of miles along the coast. We sat down for some sandwiches and soon found ourselves surrounded by many curious observers. Without any attackers on land, they were very brave and came within a meter of us to pose (摆姿势) for photos.

Before heading back, we spent a few hours on the sea ice watching the penguins and their chicks, which had grown dramatically (明显地) since our last visit. It was such a nice day.


When did the trip most probably happen?

A. On a dull Sunday.             B. On a warm Sunday.

C. On a summer Sunday.         D. On a winter Sunday.


 It can be inferred from the second paragraph that the six people _____.

A. felt a little nervous        

B. felt a little excited

C. were left all by themselves on their Antarctic base

D. got bored with staying with their field assistant


What does the writer mean by saying “but that didn’t seem to be the case”?

A. They were told a lie.

B. A wrong decision was made.

C. The truth was the opposite.

D. They didn’t believe what they were told.


 The six people did the following during the trip EXCEPT _____.

A. feed the penguins

B. take pictures of the penguins

C. enjoy watching flying seabirds

D. watch the young penguins


