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1.What Daniel said just now      (表明,预示) that he knows what has happened to Jane.

2.A man who      (目睹) the accident said that the car was going at nearly 100km per hour when it crashed.

3.The physician was not experienced, so he did not know how to      with (处理) the illness.

4.How many Chinese      (代表) will attend the international conference?

5.She      (概括) the aims of the national basketball team for the next year at yesterday’s meeting.

6.She was deeply a     by the deeds of the hero who fought in the war.

7.She shouted at me, but I tried to keep c     and ignore her.

8.A l     of vitamin E is a frequent cause of muscle weakness.

9.Not enough money is a     to help the students in poor areas.

10.The teacher has a great i     on her students.

1.indicates                2.witnessed        3.deal            4.representatives

5.summarised           6.affected             7.calm     8.lack

9.available        10.influence


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届河北省辛集市高二上学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Some people consider the reason of most crimes as being g______ for money

2.I am _________(不确定) what to do.

3.The children's _________(不断的) chatter was annoying.

4.I can not put up with the noisy s________.

5.He is very s________ with his students.

6.Warm weather has _________(吸引)the flat fish close to shore.

7.My car got stuck in the m________ and couldn’t get out.

8.The c__________ of these stamps took ten years.

9.England is the largest of the four countries and it is d________ into three zones.

10.The scientist often _________(做贡献)to an academic journal.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届福建省八县(市高一下学期期末联考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.Early American settlers were great c______----they could build almost anything from wood.

2.The famous doctor has d_______ hundreds of babies during her life.

3.Each classroom in our school is e________ with a computer, which is helpful to our study.

4.He is l__________ to come, but I’m not sure.

5.It seems that he is quite c_________ with what he has got.

6.When ________(走近)the house, they found something unusual, so they stopped to have a look.

7.Speak clearly, or you’ll make yourself _______(误解).

8.This is the most _____ (令人信服的) evidence that I can prove my point.

9.I saw some people enter the new building looking around _____(好奇地).

10.She ________(启发) those who want to enter a key university.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届甘肃省高一下学期第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单词拼写


1.They saw a penniless young man         (徘徊)on the pavement outside their house.

2.I’d just about given myself up when I was       (发现)by a ship.

3.The earth became so_____ (激烈动荡)that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not.

4.Why they suddenly appeared still remains a ______(谜).

5.They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the _____(大气层).

6.What ____(使迷惑) me is why he looks so old.

7.We should try our best to apply ____(理论) to practice.

8.The rise of the sea water is due to the ____(全球) warming.

9.The birds were flying in all______(方向) at the gun.

10.He ____(测量)the length of the room and went out.



科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省09-10学年度高一下学期模快练习(二) 题型:单词拼写


1. H___________ the Olympic Games is a great honour to us Chinese people.

2. An a_____________ is a person who does a sport.

3. Bank of China has b____________ all over the country.

4. I’m d_____________ at your success in the final exam.

5. What’s the s______________ of the symbol “♀”?

6. The burning coals started to f___________ yellow and orange.

7. Some p_____________ gathered around the victim to try to help him while others directed the traffic.

8. We drove two hours to attend the opening c______________ of the final festival.

9. We shouldn’t look down on those who do p_____________ labour.

10. We should take measures to meet the increasing r______________ of the people.

11. He is always watching CCTV news broadcast on c________________ affairs.

12. Nowadays, many places have been developed into tourist a________________.

13. This story just happened on the p______________ evening .

14. Mr Johnson, a member of the I________________ Olympic Committee will visit a

high school in Beijing.

15. What’s your f________________ sport of the five?

16. There are 12 _______________ (选手) in the two-hundred-metre dash.

17. The main _______________ (体育馆) for 2008 Olympic Games will be completed by 2006.

18. He was given a _________________(奖章)for his bravery in the accident.

19. E____________ a new sport into the Olympics can be a long process.

20. U____________ women were allowed to compete in honour of the wife of Zeus.


