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Good health is the most valuable thing in the world. When you’ve got it, you never think about it. When you haven’t got it, you think about it all the time. Our biggest enemies are not terrible diseases and so on. We are our own biggest enemies because we sometimes destroy our own good health. Some of us eat too much, drink too much and smoke too much. And though our reason tells us we should control ourselves, we find it difficult. The fact is that most human beings need stimulation (刺激). Who doesn’t enjoy a drink after a busy day? Only a smoker knows the pleasure of a cigarette with a cup of coffee.

The danger is when these innocent pleasures run our lives and so destroy our health. When you find yourself eating between meals or eating too much rich food, when you can only keep yourself going by taking frequent (频繁的) drinks or by smoking one cigarette after another, then it’s time to stop and think what you might be doing to yourself. The funny thing is that when we don’t control ourselves, simple pleasures are no longer simple pleasures.

All right, I know what you’re thinking. You’re probably saying, “It’s easy to say, but I can’t help myself. I need that extra bit of food, that extra drink, that extra cigarette. Life has so many pleasures that I can’t do without them.” But I’m saying you can help yourself. Not only that, you must help yourself. Because if you don’t help yourself, no one else can. So be your own best friend.

1.The underlined word “innocent”(in Paragraph 2) means ________.

A. not having done something wrong

B. exciting or cheering

C. not having much experience

D. not expected to cause harm

2.This passage is mainly about _______.

A. terrible diseases and so on

B. enjoying pleasures after a busy day

C. the difficulty of controlling ourselves

D. the danger of too much drinking, smoking and eating

3.“I can’t help myself” means ____________.

A. I can’t do it myself

B. I must ask someone to help

C. I can’t control myself

D. Do help me, please


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年北京第八十中学高三下学期开学零模检测考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

A broad smile spread_____ Jack’s face when he eventually gained a scholarship.




科目:高中英语 来源:2016届山西省校高三上学期10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


Some students prefer to learn by themselves. They think they can learn better in this way because they have more freedom, pressure and independence. There is some truth in their way.

1. It is better to have a teacher, especially when they learn something more difficult.

First, a teacher can act as a guide to lead you to success. When you learn, you need help and advice. A teacher will give you a hand when you face difficulties. 2.

What is more, a teacher puts real pressure on you. If you study by yourself, you must be strong-minded enough to keep on. 3. But under the guidance of a teacher, you will feel there is always someone to watch you. The teacher may give you homework to do. You must complete the homework, or you will not pass the course.

Last but not least, studying with a teacher will help you receive the benefit of the teacher’s knowledge. 4. They teach students how to learn and how to obtain information. They guide all of you in class to discuss the material and provide extra material to broaden the scope of the topic.

5. I choose to learn in a big family---my school. Without a teacher, I would feel there would be no fun and no pressure. I could not learn well in such dull and depressing circumstances.

A. Besides, teachers are connected with our life.

B. Teachers can help you solve all of your problems.

C. In short, I prefer to go to class studying with a teacher.

D. Without a guide, you would be searching in darkness.

E. And you may become inactive for lack of a strong will.

F. But they fail to see the advantages of learning with a teacher.

G. In class, teachers do more than just going over the material in the text.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届湖南衡阳县第一中学高三3月月考(一模)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、 B、C和D)中,选出可以填入的空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该选项涂黑。

We have a small back garden with several trees,so bird nest in abundance. Therefore, it is year after year to find many young birds don’t .

One morning two years ago, I found a young blackbird sitting still, very cold, in a corner. I it up and moved it to a raised warmer spot, it with tissue and made silly bird noises in the hope that it would . It was breathing, though very weak and wouldn’t open its beak (喙). I knew it had and was dying but it did start to feel warmer so there was .

I kept coming to check on it, keeping our three inside the house, as I didn’t want them to it, as Toby, my cleverest dog had already spotted it. One time, I went to see the bird, it had down, legs outstretched (伸直), so I placed it back onto the tissue. Its eyes opened and it seemed to look in my direction, at times its head also moved round, which was not a good sign. I kept making bird noises and it, saying “Come on, be strong.” I just felt so , but I wanted it to know that there was someone who . Unfortunately, it died. I did feel so regretful because I tried my best but I .

To my , last year I spotted two young blackbirds keeping each other company in one of our trees, and I’m one of them had at least survived as one has been visiting since and helping itself to seed from our feeders.

1.A. obvious B. strange C. usual D. special

2.A. leave B. survive C. fly D. adjust

3.A. picked B. put C. hung D. held

4.A. provided B. connected C. hid D. covered

5.A. play B. reply C. breathe D. wake

6.A. kept up B. made up C. given up D. turned up

7.A. hope B. life C. luck D. fun

8.A. birds B. dogs C. cats D. boys

9.A. visit B. annoy C. bother D. attack

10.A. fallen B. pulled C. lain D. showed

11.A. quickly B. happily C. gently D. carelessly

12.A. in vain B. in return C. in time D. in response

13.A. since B. although C. while D. unless

14.A. encouraging B. saving C. amusing D. calming

15.A. excited B. curious C. moved D. desperate

16.A. counted B. preferred C. cared D. differed

17.A. stopped B. failed C. declined D. missed

18.A. delight B. disappointment C. sorrow D. amazement

19.A. proud B. afraid C. sure D. grateful

20.A. casually B. unexpectedly C. suddenly D. regularly


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年甘肃永昌县第一中学高二上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错


My dream school starts at 8:30 a. m. and ends at 3:30 p. m. They are three lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon. We didn’t need to do so many homework. Therefore , we have more time with after-school activities. For example, we can do reading for one and a half hour and play sport for one hour every day.

My dream school look like a big garden. There are all kinds of the flowers and trees around the classroom buildings. We can lie on the grass for a rest, sat by the lake listening music. The teachers here are kind and helpfully. They are not only our teachers but also our friends.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河南洛阳孟津第一高级中学高一上学期期末英语卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错








Travelled abroad, you should follow the customs of the country where you are visiting. When you invited, it is good manners to refuse or accept an invitation, either by writing or by telephoning. If you go to the party, it is polite to reach on time. It is good manners to shake hand with your host. You can take a present if you like, possibly a bottle of wine, a box of chocolates and some flowers. However, it was not bad manners to take nothing. It is not polite to stay too late before the other guests have gone. Also, it is suggested to write or telephone a day or two late to thank your host.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年河南洛阳孟津第一高级中学高一上学期期末英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

What do you want to be when you grow up? A teacher? A doctor? How about an ice-cream taster?

Yes, there really is a job where you can get paid to taste ice cream. Just ask John Harrison, an “Official Taste Tester” for the past 21 years. Testing helps manufacturers to be sure of a product’s quality. During his career Harrison has been responsible for approving large quantities of the sweet ice cream—as well as for developing over 75 flavors(味道).

Some people think that it would be easy to do this job; after all, you just have to like ice cream, right? No—there’s more to the job than that, says Harrison, who has a degree in chemistry. He points out that a dairy or food-science degree would be very useful to someone wanting a career in this “cool” field.

In a typical morning on the job, Harrison tastes and assesses 60 ice-cream samples. He lets the ice cream warm up to about 12°F. Harrison explains, “You get more flavor from warmer ice cream, which is why some kids like to stir(搅拌)it, creating ice-cream soup.”

While the ice cream warms up, Harrison looks over the samples and grades each one on its appearance. “Tasting begins with the eyes,” he explains. He checks to see if the ice cream is attractive and asks himself,“Does the product have the color expected from that flavor?” Next it’s time to taste!

Continuing to think up new ideas, try out new flavors, and test samples from so many kinds of ice cream each day keeps Harrison busy but happy – working at one cool job.

1.What is John Harrison’s job?

A. An official. B. An ice-cream manufacturer.

C. A chemist. D. An ice-cream taster.

2.According to John Harrison, to be qualified in the “cool field”, it is helpful to .

A. think up new ideas every day

B. keep a diary of daily work

C. have a degree in related subjects

D. find out new flavors each day

3.What does Harrison do first when testing ice cream?

A. He stirs the ice cream.

B. He lets the ice cream warm up.

C. He tastes the flavor of the ice cream.

D. He examines the color of the ice cream.

4.Which of the following is probably the best title for the passage?

A. One Cool Job B. Flavors of Ice Cream

C. Tasting with Eyes D. John Harrison’s Life


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届安徽省桐城市高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Back in the old days, when I was a child, we sat around the family roundtable at dinnertime and exchanged our daily experiences. It wasn't very organized, but everyone was recognized and all the news that had to be told was told by each family member.

We listened to each other and the interest was not put-on; it was real. Our family was a unit and we supported each other, and nurtured each other, and liked each other, and—we were even willing to admit—we loved each other.

Today, the family roundtable has moved to the local fast-food restaurant and talk is not easy, much less encouraged.

Grandma, who used to live upstairs, is now. the voice on long distance, and the working parent is far too beaten down each day to spend evening relaxation time listening to the sandbox experience of an eager four-year-old.

So family conversation is as extinct as my old toys and parental questions such as “What have you been doing, Bobby?” have been replaced by “I'm busy, go watch television. ”

And watch TV they do; count them by the millions.

But it's usually not children's television that children watch. Saturday morning, the children's hour, amounts to only about 8 percent of their weekly viewing.

Where are they to be found? Watching adult television, of course, from the Match Game in the morning, to the afternoon at General Hospital, from the muggings and battles on the evening news right through the family hour and past into Starsky and Hutch. That's where you find our kids, over five million of them, at 10 p. m. , not fewer than a million until after midnight! All of this is done with parental permission.

Television, used well, can provide enriching experiences for our young people, but we must use it with some sense. When the carpet is clean, we turn off the vacuum cleaner. When the dishes are clean, the dishwasher turns itself off.

Not so the television, which is on from the sun in the morning to the moon at night and beyond!

Parents must exercise some control and show some concern about the cultural influence on the child when a program not intended for that child is viewed. Parents need to intervene (干涉). Nonintervention may be a wise policy in international affairs, but the results of parental nonintervention will not be wise at all.

1. From the first two paragraphs one may infer that the writer's a attitude towards “the old days” is______.

A. being tired of B. hating

C. preferring D. disappointing

2.The working parent is not willing to listen to her (his) four-year-old child talking about his sandbox games because ______.

A. she (he) is boring B. she (he) is busy

C. she (he) is very tired D. she (he) is angry

3.If we use television with some ______ television can provide our young people with much knowledge.

A. instruction of experts

B. indication of teachers

C. direction of engineers

D. judgment of our own

4. What is the main idea of the last paragraph?

A. Parents must exercise some control and show some concern about the cultural influence on the children.

B. Nonintervention may be a good policy in international affairs.

C. Parental nonintervention will not be praised.

D. Parents need to intervene.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年天津静海一中芦台一中等六校高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


假如你是李华,你所在的班级最近举办了一次主题为 “Learn to Be Thankful(学会感恩)”的演讲比赛。请你用英语写一封email向你的美国朋友John介绍这次活动的内容并谈谈你的感受。主要内容如下:

1. 班会在1月11日举行;

2. 班主任发表主题演讲,号召同学们心怀感恩;

3. 同学们讲述自己的经历,对父母、师长等关爱自己的人表达感激之情;

4. 你的感受......

注意:1. 词数不少于100词;2. 可以适当增加细节以使行文连贯。

Dear John,








Li Hua

