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A [2015 .河南开封高三二模] Reading is the key to success. Apparently every success?ful person develops a passion for reading. This is because reading is a key element to obtain the information required to understand something. For instance, lawyers have to study and learn every established law on their specific branches. Sometimes the law changes according to people's needs. A good lawyer has to be informed about the latest news in the court. A doctor has to be informed of the latest advances in medicine.

Reading is very important for all mankind. Everything is relative in this world, especially reading. Reading can open many doors and it can lead you into a path of success. Studies have confirmed that reading to your unborn child is very good. This way your child will develop a passion for reading.

How do you develop a passion for reading? There is only one way you can boost your passion for reading. Let me ex?plain this to you. If you want to learn how to ride a bike, you have to get on the bike as many times as possible until you have learned. It works the same way with reading. If you want to boost your reading, take a book and read it all the way through. When you finish reading your first book, take anoth?er book and do the same. Try to read as much as you can. If you are going out, grab a magazine? a book, an article or something to read.

There is a very important factor behind reading―reading comprehension. It's what makes you understand the meaning behind the text. Let's assume that you read a document and you are supposed to explain the meaning of the document. How would you explain the document if you couldn't capture the message of the author?

1. The first two paragraphs mainly talk about___________ .

A.     the key to success

B.     the importance of reading

C.     what reading comprehension is

D.     how to develop a passion for reading


2. We can define reading comprehension as_____________ .


A.     a strong passion for reading

B.     the latest information in reading

C.     a very important factor behind reading

D.     something that makes people understand what they read

3.The author develops the passage mainly by .


A.     following the natural time order

B.     presenting opinions and giving examples

C.     comparing the opinions of different people

D.     presenting a cause and analysing its effects

4. What do you suppose the following paragraph will talk about?


A.     Popular reading websites.

B.     Famous people who love reading.

C.     The importance of reading at school.

D.     Ways to improve reading comprehension.


A [文章大意]本文是一篇说明文,主要讲述了阅读是成功的关键。


2.D 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段的"It's what makes you un?derstand the meaning behind the text."可知,阅读理解帮助你理解文意。故选D项。

3. B推理判断题。作者在文中所举的律师、医生、骑自行车等生活中的例子是为了说明读书的重要性。故选B项。


题目来源:全品高考短平快体型组合集训英语新课标 > 精练9 阅读理解(文化教育类)+阅读理解(广告应用类)+语法填空+短文改错


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


A [2015 •河南八市重点高中教学质量监测] Around four years ago, I received a call from the princi?pal of our school as to the "Parents' View" talk the next morning. He asked me to speak to the group. After the call, my whole body became feverish and panicky. The time from his call to the next morning seemed like years. The whole night ? I could not sleep with many ominous apprehensions in mind. One of them was to call the principal with regret and tell him that I could not come. Finally, I gathered some cour?age. 1 thought, if I missed this opportunity, surely the school would never invite me again to any of their programmes.

   I reached the school in time. Before my turn came, my whole body was trembling. When my turn came, I started speaking, my heartbeat increased and my mouth went dry. I wasn't even able to read the written speech properly. I was not aware of where I was standing and what I was reading. That was the day when I realized my biggest weakness―pub?lic speaking.

    After my speech, I met with the principal and explained what had happened to me. He told me that this happened to everyone. Even great speakers faced the same thing when they started. He suggested that I come again next time.

 Around one month later, I was invited to refer to a topic on motivation. This time I was feeling comfortable. My speech was appreciated not only by the principal as well as by the teachers, because I was able to get my idea across to them. They encouraged and praised my efforts.

 After the speech was successfully delivered, I became more confident. I said to myself, "If I can speak in front of such a learned audience, like the principal who educates oth?ers, I can now speak in front of others, too."

I started delivering lectures in my plant, on various top?ics like self-motivation, personality development, personal excellence, spoken English and presentation skills. This has become a passion for me. I learned that everything is possible if we have the courage to take the first step.

  1. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?

A.Practice makes a man a better speech maker

B.Public speaking makes a man embarrassed

C.Principal provides the best chances

D.Spoken English develops in making speeches

 2.The author had bad feelings before the speech because

A. he disliked the idea of giving a lecture

B.he had got a high fever before that

C.he regretted accepting the invitation

D.he feared he couldn't perform it properly


3.What does the underlined part "ominous apprehensions" in the first paragraph mean?


A.Unlucky opportunities.

B.Negative ideas.

C.Curious views.

D.Happy comments.

 4. What can we conclude from the passage?


A.Nothing is to be got without pains but poverty.

B.Knowledge makes humble, while ignorance makes proud.

C.A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

D.Necessity is the mother of invention.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

IV.短文改错[2015 •辽宁锦州二检]


增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(A ),并在其下面写出该加的词。




On Friday, our teacher told us that there would an Eng?lish corner in front of our teaching building. I set about soon after the last class in the afternoon.

To my joy, the English corner had just been on for a few minute. I joined them on their talk. At first, I was afraid that my English was so poor and limit that I couldn't follow them or make myself understand. I was also afraid that anyone might laugh at me. But a smiling face here or an encouraging nod there soon put me at ease. Though I speak to them only in simple English that day, I believe in future I will make a great progress.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Ⅱ.阅读七选五[2015 .山东潍坊高三一模]


Do you have a spare room in your house? Do you like to share your driveway in front of your garage with others?

_9  Many people are benefiting from this new business of renting.

Perhaps the best-known example of a company in this field is Airbnb―an American Web business which allows you to rent out your spare room to holidaymakers. It says it oper?ates in 34 ,000 cities and it has 800,000 listings of rooms and apartments. 10_

   A British company is doing something with parking spaces. JustPark's founder, Anthony Eskinazi, says, "When I had the original idea, I spotted a driveway close to a sports stadium. It would have been so convenient if I could have just parked in that driveway rather than in a commercial car park. " 11 Around 20, 000 people have advertised their spaces on the website? and he says around half a million driv?ers use it.

    12   They are people who run things like traditional hotels and commercial car parks. They are afraid of ending up losing money.

    13    Regulations for the new business are unclear. How will renting out your driveway affect your neighbours? Because this is a new business world, those rules aren't there yet.


A.     They seem to have occupied the majority of the market.

B.     Both of these can help you make money.

C.     And there is another problem.

D.     And his great idea has proved a success.

E.     But the new business of renting has its competitors.

F.      There are many ways to earn money.

G.     A commercial car park is inconvenient.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

II.阅读七选五[2015 •东北三省三校二联]


   After the popularity of the Ice Bucket Challenge, another challenge now is hot in India. Indians give rice to their poor neighbours for a charity(慈善)activity which is called "Rice Bucket Challenge". 5 It is about giving a bucket of rice to someone who is in need and taking a picture named "Rice Bucket Challenge" to share online. The aim of the activity is to help the poor and hungry people in India, and the movement's Facebook page has so far clocked up more than 50 ,000 likes. 6 The activity was started by Manju Latha Kalanidhi, a 38-year-old journalist, who thought the Ice Bucket Challenge was a little strange. She said, "Hunger is a disease anybody would connect. " The challenge has gained a lot of support with students signing up in Indian Institute of Management, and more and more people join in it. 7

India is the world's second-biggest rice consumer, with a storage of 21. 2 million tons of the grains. 8 It has suf?fered from mass hunger, and last year was ranked 63rd of 78 countries on the International Food Policy Research Institute's Global Hunger Index.

How to participate in this activity? First, pick up a buck?et of rice from your home and give it to the neighbouring peo?ple who are in need. 9 At last, invite online all your friends and ask them to take up the challenge. It is important to post it on Facebook because it will inspire all your friends to come forward.  All the people get together and make a difference !

A.Besides, hand the rice bucket over to other people who are in need.

B.It is not an activity involving dumping a bucket of rice on someone's head.

C.The activity raises the public awareness and charitable do?nations to agriculture.

D.The AirAsia India airline says its staff including senior management will join.

E.Then, take a picture and post it on Facebook with "Rice Bucket Challenge".

F.But it is far from enough for this country.

G.The initial inspiration came from the Ice Bucket Chal?lenge.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


A [2015*四川宜宾高三一诊] There were smiling children all the way. Clearly they knew at what time the train passed their homes and they made it their business to stand along the railway, wave to complete strangers and cheer them up as they rushed towards Penang. Often whole families stood outside their homes and waved and smiled as if those on the trains were their favourite relatives. This is the simple village people of Malaysia. I was moved.

    I had always travelled to Malaysia by plane or car, so that was the first time I was on a train. I did not particularly relish the long train journey and had brought along a dozen magazines to read and reread. I looked about the train. There was not one familiar face. I sighed and sat down to read The Economist,

   It was not long before the train was across the Causeway and in Malaysia. Johor Bahru was just another city like Sin?gapore City, so I was tired of looking at the crowds of people as they hurried past. As we went beyond the city, I watched the straight rows of rubber trees and miles of green. Then the first village came into sight, immediately I came alive; I decided to wave back.

   From then on my journey became interesting. I threw my magazines into the wastebasket and decided to join in Mal?aysian life. Then everything came alive. The mountains seemed to speak to me. Even the trees were smiling. I stared at everything as if I was looking at it for the first time.

 The day passed fast and I even forgot to have my lunch until I felt hungry. I looked at my watch and was surprised that it was 3:00 pm. Soon the train pulled in at Butterworth. I looked at the people all around me. They all looked beauti?ful. When my uncle waved with a smile, I threw my arms around him to give him a warm hug. I had never done this be?fore. He seemed surprised and then his weather-beaten face lighted up with a huge smile. We walked arm in arm to his car.

  I looked forward to the return journey. 

  1. The author had expected the train trip to be .

 A.      adventurous

B.     pleasant

C.     boring

D.     exciting


2.     What touched the author during the train trip?


A.     The mountains along the way.

B.     The friendly country people.

C.     The crowds of people in the streets.

D.     The simple lunch served on the train.

3.     Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word "relish" in Paragraph 2?

A. Dislike.                               B. Enjoy.

C.  Release.                            D. Choose.

4.     What can we learn from the story?


A.     Smiles brighten people up.

B.     Living in the country is pleasant.

C.     Reading gives people delight.

D.     Travelling by train is comfortable.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

B  [2015 山东潍坊一模]

The poaching, or illegal killing, of rhinos (犀牛)in South Africa is growing worse each year. The government re?cently reported that a record number of rhinos were poached in 2014, a year which had more rhino killings in South Africa than ever before.

The World Wild Fund for Nature ( WWF) says about 20,000 rhinos live in South Africa. 丁hat is more than 80 per cent of the rhinos in the world. Edna Molewa, South Africa's environmental issues minister, says, "During 2014, we are sad to say this, 1 ,215 rhinos were killed. This is a rise in the number of poached rhinos from 1 ,004 in 2013. This is indeed very worrying.,,

The animals are hunted for their horns(角).Many peo?ple in Asia believe the horn has healing power, which drives poachers, at all costs, mad for more horns. But there is no scientific evidence for this belief. The horn is made of kera?tin. That is the same substance as human hair, fingernails and toenails.

Ms Molewa said 386 suspected poachers were arrested last year, an increase from the year before. But rhino protec?tion workers say poachers often go unpunished after arrest. South Africa's legal system is ineffective.

Ms Molewa said more needs to be done and South Africa is taking strong measures to protect rhinos. The efforts in?clude moving some of the animals to secret places in neigh?bouring countries. "Now approximately 100 rhinos have been moved to neighbouring states in the SADC region during 2014 and 200 more rhinos will be moved this year," Molewa said.

Jo Shaw, rhino programme manager at the WWF, said, "We're talking about a loss of a hundred rhinos a month, or more than three a day. We really need to see effective action not just on a national level but internationally. " She said offi?cials should find the criminal groups responsible for the poac?hing and punish them.

 Conservationists(自然环境保护主义者)and government officials are to meet in Botswana in March at the Intergovern?mental Conference on Illegal Wildlife Trade. They will talk about ways to stop the trade in rhino horns. That may be the only way to stop the killing of rhinos.

4.What do we know about rhinos?


A.     Half of the rhinos live in South Africa.

B.     Less than 1,000 rhinos were killed in 2013.

C.     The killing reached the highest point in 2014.

D.     There are only 20,000 rhinos left in the world.

5.What is the main reason for people to hunt rhinos?


A.     To get more keratin.

B.     To protect the farmland.

C.     To use them for decoration.

D.     To make money from horns.

6.Jo Shaw thinks that____________ .


A.     many criminal groups are well organized

B.     new laws are needed to punish the killers

C.     rhino protection needs international cooperation

D.     conferences about protecting rhinos are to be held every year

7.What can we infer from the passage?


A.     Rhino protection has a long way to go.

B.     No one would like to buy horns in the future.

C.     The illegal killing of rhinos will soon disappear.

D.     Rhinos living in South Africa will be moved to other countries.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


A [2015'山东临沂高三二模〗I often teach about happiness and what has become clear is this : there are some qualities unhappy people always have. Here are some of them.

Happy people know life can be hard and tend to live through hard times. They take responsibility for how they got themselves into a mess, and focus on getting themselves out of it as soon as possible. Unhappy people see themselves as victims of life and stay stuck in the " look what happened to me" attitude instead of finding a way through and out to the other side.

Most happy people believe in the good in people instead of thinking everyone is out to get them. Generally open and friendly towards people they meet,happy people foster(培养) a sense of community around themselves and meet new people with an open heart. Unhappy people are distrustful of most people they meet and think strangers can't be trusted. Unfor?tunately, this behaviour slowly closes all the chances of meet?ing new friends.

Unhappy people believe someone else's good fortune is stolen from them. They believe there's not enough goodness to go around and always compare others' against theirs. This leads to jealousy(忌妒).Happy people know that others' good luck and circumstances are just signs of what they also can a-chieve if they try hard enough. They believe in unlimited pos?sibilities and don't get stuck in thinking one person's good fortune limits their possible outcomes in life.

There's only so much space between the two ears. Un?happy people fill that space with constant worry or fear. Hap?py people experience fear or worry too,but they make an im?portant difference between feeling it and living with it. When fear or worry crosses happy people's mind, they'll ask them?selves if there's action they can take to prevent their fear or worry from happening and they take it. If not , they realize they're spinning in fear and they lay it down.

  1. Paragraph 2 mainly shows that unhappy people tend to

A.    focus on what they really want

B.     get worried about what will happen

C.     stay focused on the past misfortunes

D.    find a way to live through hard times

2. According  to  Paragraphs   3   and  4 , unhappy  people [

A. like making some new friends

B.      hate seeing others with good fortune

C.      are more likely to be cheated by strangers

D.     believe they can get good luck by working hard

 3.What is implied about happy people?

 A.     They don't think life is hard.

B.     They hardly ever fear anything.

C.     They try to get out of their fear or worry.

D.     They don't believe in every people they meet.

4. How is the text mainly developed?

 A.     By making comparisons.

B.     By giving examples.

C.     By showing detailed data.

D.     By proving some theories.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年四川省高三3月月考英语试试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

My friend has returned from the UK. She at Oxford for four years, during which we communicated with each other on the Internet.

A. studied B. has studied

C. had studied D. has been

